Ice Queen

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Ice QueenHardmode exclusive
Ice Queen.png
Map Icon Ice Queen.png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeIce Queen AI
Damage120/180/270 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) (contact)
110 (Old-gen console version) (contact)
84 (Frost Wave)
70–74 (Frost Shard)
168 (Frost Wave)
140–148 (Frost Shard)
252 (Frost Wave)
210–222 (Frost Shard)
Max Life34000/44200/56355
KB Resist100%
Immune toFrostburnConfusedPoisonedFrostbite
Inflicts debuffs
Inflicts debuffs
Inflicts debuffs
Debuff tooltipYour movement speed has been reduced
Chance100% (Frost Wave)
66.67% (Frost Shard)
Duration5–10 seconds10–20 seconds12.5–25 seconds (see Notes)
Debuff tooltipYou can't move!
Chance16.54% (Frost Wave)
Duration≤ 1 second≤ 2 seconds≤ 2.5 seconds (see Notes)
Coins5 GC12 GC50 SC
Projectiles created
Projectiles created
Projectiles created
  • Frost Wave
    Frost Wave
  • Frost Shard
    Frost Shard

The Ice Queen is a Hardmode, post-Plantera mini-boss that spawns during the Frost Moon event. She is the event's final enemy and can move freely through blocks. Defeating an Ice Queen will add 150 / 300 / 375 points during the Frost Moon, giving the most number of points for any enemy in the event.[3] She is the equivalent to the Pumpking from the Pumpkin Moon, being the Frost Moon's most powerful enemy, coming in at the last waves of the event, and being the event's only flying boss.


The Ice Queen's behavior is characterized by astonishingly fast movement and evasive maneuvers while constantly firing off ranged attacks aimed toward the player. She will hover and attempt to position herself above the player while randomly cycling through the following attacks:[1]

  • The Ice Queen flies across the screen from left to right while shooting Frost Waves at the player.
  • The Ice Queen hovers above the player while raining Frost Shards from below her. The Frost Shards from this attack deal slightly more damage (74 / 148 / 222).
  • The Ice Queen remains stationary before spinning in the air and shooting Frost Shards in randomized directions. The Frost Shards from this attack fly in long horizontal arcs before being affected by gravity and deal slightly less damage (70 / 140 / 210).

As the Ice Queen's health is depleted, her acceleration and maximum horizontal speed increase. Additionally, the firing rates of her attacks increase, as detailed in the following table. Note that these changes happen as the Ice Queen's health passes the listed thresholds, and are not continuous; thus, for example, her frost wave firing rate will be 2.07 waves/second at 100% health and also at 75% health, but as soon as her health drops below 75%, the rate of fire will increase to 2.22/sec.

Health Frost Wave
rate of fire
Frost Shard rain
rate of fire
Twirl attack
rate of fire
≥ 75%[a] 2.07
(1 every 29 ticks[4])
(1 every 18 ticks)
(1 every 8 ticks)
≥ 50%[b] 2.22
(1 every 27 ticks)
(1 every 17 ticks)
(1 every 7 ticks)
≥ 25%[c] 2.4
(1 every 25 ticks)
(1 every 15 ticks)
(1 every 5 ticks)
≥ 10%[d] 2.61
(1 every 23 ticks)
(1 every 13 ticks)
(1 every 2 ticks)
< 10% 5.46
(1 every 11 ticks)
(1 every tick)


  • During the final waves of the Frost Moon there may be several Ice Queens on the screen at once.
  • The Ice Queen has a higher chance of dropping loot in later waves. See Frost Moon § Loot for more details.
  • The Ice Queen's projectiles inflict the following debuffs:[5]
Debuff From
Duration Chance
Classic Expert(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Master(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
ChilledChilled Frost Wave
Frost Wave
5 seconds 10 seconds 12.5 seconds 1/2 (50%)
10 seconds 20 seconds 25 seconds 1/2 (50%)
Frost Shard
Frost Shard
5 seconds 10 seconds 12.5 seconds 1/3 (33.33%)
10 seconds 20 seconds 25 seconds 1/3 (33.33%)
FrozenFrozen Frost Wave
Frost Wave
0.33 seconds 0.67 seconds 0.83 seconds 55/768 (7.16%)
0.67 seconds 1.33 seconds 1.67 seconds 5/96 (5.21%)
1 second 2 seconds 2.5 seconds 1/24 (4.17%)


For more elaborate strategies on defeating Ice Queen, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:Frost Moon strategies.
  • Both of the Ice Queen's attacks will inflict the Chilled debuff, which slows the player's movement speed, and Frost Waves will sometimes inflict the Frozen debuff which completely immobilizes the player. Equipping a Hand Warmer(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) or Ankh Shield in the Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile versions will negate these effects and potentially make the fight much less frustrating.
  • Drinking a Warmth Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) is recommended as it will significantly lower the damage the Ice Queen can inflict on the player, and it will last for the entire duration of the event.
  • The Frozen debuff causes players to exit their mounts. This may kill a player without immunity to fall damage if inflicted at a high enough point in the sky.
  • The Ice Queen is most vulnerable while executing her twirl attack, when she spins in place rapidly and shoots Frost Shards in all directions. This is the only time she stays in one spot.
  • The distribution of the Ice Queen's Frost Shards during her twirl attack is weighted such that the projectiles have a significantly higher chance of shooting near-diagonally than near-vertically or near-horizontally. Thus, players standing roughly along one cardinal direction from the Ice Queen (up, down, left, or right from her) have a lesser chance of being hit than players standing diagonally from her.[6]
  • To mitigate her damage, using wings and possibly movement-enhancing accessories for chasing and dodging, in addition to equipping a Cross Necklace/Star Veil combined with lifesteal (Spectre armor or Vampire Knives), proves very effective.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Ice Queen: "If this icy towering monstrosity wishes for someone's soul, they'll surely let it go... right from their cold, dead hands."
  • This entry may be a reference to Elsa from the Disney media franchise Frozen, since Elsa's most famous song is "Let It Go" and the Bestiary entry for the Ice Queen references the title of that song. Furthermore, Elsa is loosely based on the title character of The Snow Queen, a Danish fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen.
  • The comment about stealing souls is almost certainly derived from Andersen's fairy tale.



  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Increased the Frost Moon wave point progression per kill in Master Mode from 300 to 375.
    • Reindeer Bells drop rate has been doubled.
  • Desktop
    • Damage decreased from 160 to 130.
    • Increased the Frost Moon wave point progression per kill from 120 to 150.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI() in Terraria.NPC.cs. The relevant part is the aiStyle == 60 block. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. See Frost Moon § Loot for more details on the loot drop rates.
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method CheckProgressFrostMoon() in Terraria.NPC.cs.
  4. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria's updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
  5. In total, the chance to inflict the Chilled debuff is 100% for the Frost Wave and 2/3 (66.67%) for the Frost Shard. The Frozen debuff is inflicted with an overall chance of 127/768 (16.54%). Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods StatusPlayer() in Terraria.Projectile.cs, AddBuff() in Terraria.Player.cs, and AddBuff_DetermineBuffTimeToAdd() in Terraria.Player.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  6. For this attack, the Frost Shards are assigned an angle by being given a random, uniformly-distributed X-velocity and a random, uniformly-distributed Y-velocity, and their velocity vectors are then normalized to have a length of 15.0 (which does not change the angle). Thus, the distribution of the polar angles of their velocity vectors is nonuniform, being proportional to [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{1}{8 \cos^2 \theta},\quad -\pi \leq \theta \lt \pi }[/math]. One external source which illustrates and explains this can be found here.[1]
  1. 25,500 / 33,150 / 42,266
  2. 17,000 / 22,100 / 28,177
  3. 8,500 / 11,050 / 14,088
  4. 3,400 / 4,420 / 5,635