Bestiary (Bestiary/vi)

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Để hướng dẫn để hoàn thành Bestiary, xem Guide:Completing the Bestiary.
The Guide as depicted in the Bestiary's first entry.

Bestiary là một danh mục trong trò chơi gồm các thực thể khác nhau của Terraria, bao gồm kẻ thù, NPC, sinh vậttrùm. Nó có thể được xem bởi Phiên bản Desktop mở kho và nhấn Dùng / Đánh trên biểu tượng cuốn sách Bestiary icon.png nằm ở bên phải của thùng rác mục, ở dưới cùng bên phải của khoảng không quảng cáo, hoặc Phiên bản Mobile mở settings và chạm vào biểu tượng Bestiary. Bestiary hiển thị mô tả và số liệu thống kê cơ bản cho từng thực thể, bao gồm sức khỏe, sát thương, khả năng phòng thủ và khả năng chống lại đòn tấn công, cũng như thông tin nâng cao như tỷ lệ rơi vật phẩm. Các mục nhập có thể được sắp xếp và lọc theo nhiều tiêu chí khác nhau, như số liệu thống kê, vị trí, thời gian, sự kiện, v.v..

Lần đầu tiên, không có thông tin về bất kỳ thực thể cụ thể nào. Có bốn giai đoạn phát triển cho mỗi thực thể, mỗi giai đoạn được mở khóa dựa trên cấp độ kinh nghiệm hiện tại của người chơi với thực thể đó trên thế giới:

  • 1 giết: Tên và hiển thị dọc
  • 10 giết: Thống kê và hiển thị mô tả
  • 25 giết: Danh sách thả vật phẩm hiển thị
  • 50 giết: Hiển thị tỷ lệ rơi vật phẩm

Tiến trình được theo dõi bằng nhiều phương pháp khác nhau, tùy thuộc vào loại thực thể:

  • Đối với kẻ thù, số mạng của kẻ thù đó được tính (số mạng được thực hiện trước bản cập nhật sẽ không được tính). Kẻ thù có nhiều biến thể (chẳng hạn như Zombies) có một trình theo dõi riêng cho mỗi biến thể (50 tiêu diệt Pincushion Zombie, 50 tiêu diệt Slimed Zombie, v.v.).
  • Đối với trùm, chỉ cần một lần giết để hiển thị tất cả thông tin.
  • Đối với sinh vật, bộ đếm tiến lên dựa trên số lượng loại sinh vật đó mà người chơi đã đến gần.
  • Đối với thị trấn NPC, số lần người chơi mở cửa sổ đối thoại của NPC đó được tính.

Ở dưới cùng của Bestiary là một thanh sẽ lấp đầy khi Bestiary được hoàn thành, cho phép người chơi theo dõi quá trình của họ. Bestiary tiến bộ gắn liền với một thế giới, không phải một nhân vật. Việc mở khóa 10% thực thể trong Bestiary (53 Entry) làm cho NPC Nhà Động vật học có sẵn, người này sẽ bán nhiều vật phẩm hơn (ví dụ: Giấy phép Mèo) khi người chơi hoàn thành nhiều Bestiary hơn. Việc mở khóa tất cả thông tin cho các mục nhập không phải là một yêu cầu đối với việc này, miễn là bản thân các mục đã được mở khóa.

Tổng cộng có 523 mục nhập Bestiary.

Bộ lọc

Từ trên cùng bên trái đến dưới cùng bên phải trong màn hình Bestiary. Cột "Số lượng sinh vật" có thể hiển thị các sinh vật được đếm kép xuất hiện trong nhiều quần xã sinh vật.

  • # Icon Filter Number of creatures
    1 Bestiary If Unlocked.png If Unlocked 0–540[1]
    2 Bestiary Boss Enemy.png Boss Enemy 23
    3 Bestiary Rank Light.png Rare Creature 44
    4 Bestiary Surface.png Surface 47
    5 Bestiary Daytime.png Daytime 35
    6 Bestiary Party.png Party 1
    7 Bestiary Windy Day.png Windy Day 4
    8 Bestiary Rain.png Rain 7
    9 Bestiary Nighttime.png Nighttime 48
    10 Bestiary Blood Moon.png Blood Moon 18
    11 Bestiary Graveyard.png Graveyard 5
    12 Bestiary Underground.png Underground 13
    13 Bestiary Caverns.png Caverns 43
    14 Bestiary Granite.png Granite 2
    15 Bestiary Marble.png Marble 2
    16 Bestiary Underground Mushroom.png Underground Mushroom 9
    17 Bestiary Spider Nest.png Spider Nest 2
    18 Bestiary Snow.png Snow 11
    19 Bestiary Underground Snow.png Underground Snow 10
    20 Bestiary Desert.png Desert 16
    21 Bestiary Underground Desert.png Underground Desert 14
    22 Bestiary Sandstorm.png Sandstorm 9
    23 Bestiary Ocean.png Ocean 15
    24 Bestiary The Jungle.png The Jungle 20
    25 Bestiary Underground Jungle.png Underground Jungle 23
    26 Bestiary Meteor.png Meteor 1
    27 Bestiary The Dungeon.png The Dungeon 40
    28 Bestiary The Underworld.png The Underworld 16
    29 Bestiary Sky.png Sky 3
    30 Bestiary The Corruption.png The Corruption 8
    31 Bestiary Underground Corruption.png Underground Corruption 10
    32 Bestiary Corrupt Ice.png Corrupt Ice 1
    33 Bestiary Corrupt Desert.png Corrupt Desert 2
    34 Bestiary Corrupt Cave Desert.png Corrupt Cave Desert 4
    35 Bestiary The Crimson.png The Crimson 9
    36 Bestiary Underground Crimson.png Underground Crimson 11
    37 Bestiary Crimson Ice.png Crimson Ice 1
    38 Bestiary Crimson Desert.png Crimson Desert 2
    39 Bestiary Crimson Cave Desert.png Crimson Cave Desert 4
    40 Bestiary The Hallow.png The Hallow 15
    41 Bestiary Underground Hallow.png Underground Hallow 5
    42 Bestiary Hallow Ice.png Hallow Ice 1
    43 Bestiary Hallow Desert.png Hallow Desert 2
    44 Bestiary Hallow Cave Desert.png Hallow Cave Desert 2
    45 Bestiary Surface Mushroom.png Surface Mushroom 8
    46 Bestiary The Temple.png The Temple 3
    47 Bestiary Goblin Invasion.png Goblin Invasion 7
    48 Bestiary Old One's Army.png Old One's Army 13
    49 Bestiary Pirate Invasion.png Pirate Invasion 7
    50 Bestiary Martian Madness.png Martian Madness 12
    51 Bestiary Eclipse.png Eclipse 15
    52 Bestiary Pumpkin Moon.png Pumpkin Moon 16
    53 Bestiary Frost Moon.png Frost Moon 14
    54 Bestiary Halloween.png Halloween 11
    55 Bestiary Christmas.png Christmas 8
    56 Bestiary Frost Legion.png Frost Legion 3
    57 Bestiary Nebula Pillar.png Nebula Pillar 5
    58 Bestiary Solar Pillar.png Solar Pillar 8
    59 Bestiary Vortex Pillar.png Vortex Pillar 6
    60 Bestiary Stardust Pillar.png Stardust Pillar 7
  • Mục

  • # Entity Stars Filters Description
    1 Guide 1 Surface The Guide always offers useful advice and crafting recipes. His origins and unusual connections to this world remain a mystery.
    2 Merchant 1 Surface The Merchant acts as a simple general store of sorts, providing useful starter tools and supplies needed for exploration.
    3 Nurse 1 The Hallow The Nurse's snarky attitude and poor bedside manner may be scary, but for a price, she will cure all that ails a wounded Terrarian.
    4 Demolitionist 1 Underground Tread carefully around this dwarf. The Demolitionist is an explosive fanatic and sells dangerous things that go 'Boom!'
    5 Angler 2 Ocean The Angler, a rude fishing genius, sends others to find weird, rare fish. He rewards random items, entertained by any misfortunes.
    6 Dryad 3 The Jungle The Dryad is the last of her kind. She is connected with nature and can analyze its purity worldwide. She sells seeds, too!
    7 Arms Dealer 1 Desert The Arms Dealer has everything anyone could need to shoot things dead, from little round bullets to guns made from sharks.
    8 Dye Trader 2 Desert Eccentric and rather snobby to a fault, the Dye Trader has expensive tastes. He is passionate about the materials used in the dyes he sells.
    9 Painter 2 The Jungle The Painter can talk about all the different shades of colors with which one can paint the walls. He'll sell but a handful of them!
    10 Stylist 2 Ocean The Stylist loves style, gossip, and hair. Aside from performing a miracle makeover, she sells some hair product as well.
    11 Zoologist 5 Surface The Zoologist, resident lycanthrope, adores animals. Her fox-like biology resulted from a cursed animal bite.
    12 Tavernkeep 2 The Hallow The Tavern Keep once managed a bar in another universe. He's here to help stop the Old One's Army from conquering this world.
    13 Golfer 2 Surface The Golfer is a wise, middle-aged man who sells all sorts of golfing equipment. He's got game and knows how to score.
    14 Goblin Tinkerer 3 Underground Exiled from the rest of goblinkind for being an intelligent pacifist, the Tinkerer sells tools for combining accessories into stronger versions.
    15 Witch Doctor 2 The Jungle It's unusual for a Lihzahrd to be outside the Temple. Even more unusual are the voodoo things he sells. He prefers his jungle digs.
    16 Mechanic 2 Snow The Mechanic was imprisoned for her aptitude in engineering. She sells wiring and tools for putting together anything imaginable.
    17 Clothier 2 Underground Once trapped under a curse, the Clothier is the master of thread. If it's fashion that's desired, he's the man! He talks in a familiar way.
    18 Wizard 3 The Hallow The Wizard is an absent-minded, demented old man who dabbles in the arcane arts. He sells magical trinkets to train new apprentices.
    19 Steampunker 3 Desert The Steampunker has a particular taste for steam-fueled machinery and gadgets. She sells her gizmos with an endearing accent.
    20 Pirate 2 Ocean Ahoy! The only good Pirate Captain is... one that sells cannons and weapons to take out all competing Pirate Captains!
    21 Truffle 5 Surface Mushroom Harnessing the hidden power of the glowing mushroom, the Truffle forges weapons and tools exclusively in his mushroom home.
    22 Tax Collector 5 Snow This grumpy Tax Collector has literally been to hell and back. Greedy to a fault, he's truly only concerned with money.
    23 Cyborg 3 Snow The Cyborg was built with the combined efforts of the Mechanic and the Steampunker to aid in rocket science and world defense.
    24 Party Girl 4 The Hallow Positive beyond comprehension, the Party Girl will use any excuse to celebrate. She sells party favors and flashy things.
    25 Princess 5 The Hallow Shy and innocent, this happy young lady sees the positive in everything, and everybody. She appreciates all of her subjects, from all walks of life.
    26 Santa Claus 5 Snow, Christmas Only present during a specific time of year, Santa Claus makes a big entrance and an even bigger, rather explosive exit. Ho! Ho! Ho!
    27 Town Cat 3 Surface Lazy, devious, might bring presents. Presents might have once been breathing.
    28 Town Dog 3 Surface A loyal companion to many. Excitable and always ready for action.
    29 Town Bunny 3 Surface Guaranteed to keep the vegetable supplies in check. Might possibly become a hat.
    30 Nerdy Slime 3 Surface Just a smidge cleverer than other slimes, this slime discovered how to coexist with humans. The secret: accessorizing!
    31 Cool Slime 3 Surface Easily the coolest slime around, no question. You can tell from the backwards hat and indecipherable slang.
    32 Elder Slime 3 Surface Older, though not necessarily wiser, the other slimes look up to the Elder Slime. If it survived this long, it must know something!
    33 Clumsy Slime 3 Surface This slime was a little confused when the other slimes started putting on hats and accessories. But it did its best.
    34 Diva Slime 3 Surface Born of the combined energies of Shimmer and the Queen Slime, this slime is full of boundless energy and enthusiasm! And so fancy!
    35 Surly Slime 3 Surface Irascible and insufferable, this grumpy slime is probably up to no good. Probably. It's the thought that counts, really.
    36 Mystic Slime 3 Surface This slime knows that great witches wear impressive hats, but it only found a droopy one. Might explain the backfired polymorph!
    37 Squire Slime 3 Surface A hero amongst slimes, it wields the greatest arms and armor known to its kind. It doesn't actually know how to use them, but it's a start.
    38 Traveling Merchant 3 Surface The flamboyantly-dressed Traveling Merchant travels far and wide to bring unique, cultural wares from time to time.
    39 Skeleton Merchant 4 Underground Most skeletons are out for blood, but not the Skeleton Merchant. He just wants to sell supplies, such as rare torches and yo-yo gear.
    40 Old Man 2 The Dungeon This hapless Old Man carries the burden of a heavy curse. It's said at night he transforms into a horrific demon which guards the Dungeon.
    41 Mystic Frog 4 The Jungle A curious frog with a funny hat, surrounded by potent magic! Perhaps something can break its curse... you probably shouldn't kiss it!
    42 Bunny 1 Surface, Daytime Fuzzy wuzzy creatures that prefer safe, friendly locations.
    43 Bunny (With a Hat) 2 Surface, Party, Daytime Someone put a party hat on a bunny. It must be a real party animal.
    44 Explosive Bunny 4 Underground Not the typical garden-variety bunny. This one has been tampered with, and has an explosive temper as a result.
    45 Bunny (Slime) 4 Surface, Halloween, Daytime Is it a bunny in a slime costume? Or is it a slime in a bunny costume? Halloween can be very confusing sometimes.
    46 Bunny (Xmas) 4 Surface, Christmas, Daytime Judging by the outfit, Santa appears to have recruited some bunnies to be his little helpers this year.
    47 Gold Bunny 5 Surface, Daytime Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages!
    48 Bird 1 Surface, Daytime A simple white bird which enjoys a calm sunny day.
    49 Blue Jay 1 Surface, Daytime This little blue bird came looking for worms.
    50 Cardinal 2 Surface, Daytime A rare, red-crested friend of the forest.
    51 Scarlet Macaw 3 The Jungle, Daytime A lovely tropical bird with plumage that reminds one of a beautiful sunset over the jungle canopy.
    52 Blue Macaw 3 The Jungle, Daytime Evoking visions of a bright summer sky over crystal blue waters, this tropical bird can be found foraging for seeds in the trees of the jungle.
    53 Toucan 3 The Jungle, Daytime You can often find this brightly-plumed and large-beaked bird looping around high in the trees in search of delicious fruit.
    54 Yellow Cockatiel 3 The Jungle, Daytime The distinct plumage of this bird's crest is a tell-tale sign of its emotional state, often raised when it is excited.
    55 Gray Cockatiel 3 The Jungle, Daytime A very social animal by nature, these close cousins of parrots can often be taught to say simple phrases.
    56 Gold Bird 5 Surface, Daytime Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages!
    57 Goldfish 1 Surface A seemingly ordinary goldfish, until it decides to rain.
    58 Gold Goldfish 5 Surface Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages!
    59 Squirrel 1 Surface, Daytime Fast moving and erratic woodland creatures with grayish-brown fur. Got nuts?
    60 Red Squirrel 1 Surface, Daytime Rare, red-furred hyperactive rodents which scurry about the woods.
    61 Gold Squirrel 5 Surface, Daytime Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages!
    62 Mouse 1 Underground Mice squeak around harmlessly, looking for small insects in damp underground locations.
    63 Gold Mouse 5 Underground Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages!
    64 Frog 1 The Jungle Prefers bodies of water filled with thick growth. Perfectly content both on land and underwater.
    65 Gold Frog 5 The Jungle Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages!
    66 Grasshopper 1 Surface It leaps tall blades of grass in a single bound. Fish are fairly attracted to these.
    67 Gold Grasshopper 5 Surface Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait!
    68 Butterfly 1 Surface, Daytime Beautiful fluttering insects that love sunrises. Fish are attracted to these based on their color variety.
    69 Gold Butterfly 5 Surface, Daytime Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait!
    70 Worm 1 Surface, Rain A slick, tubular invertebrate found hiding in rocks, dirt, and grass. Loves the rain. Fish are especially attracted to these.
    71 Gold Worm 5 Surface, Rain Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait!
    72 Dragonfly 3 Surface, Daytime A swift-flying insect which hunts mosquitoes. Comes in a variety of colors. Fish are somewhat attracted to these.
    73 Gold Dragonfly 5 Surface, Daytime Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait!
    74 Seahorse 2 Ocean A gentle critter which swims harmlessly in the ocean depths.
    75 Gold Seahorse 5 Ocean Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! Shopkeepers will pay handsomely for these, or you can show them off in cages!
    76 Water Strider 2 Surface, Daytime Glides elegantly along the surface of calm bodies of water searching for smaller bugs. Fish are occasionally attracted to these.
    77 Gold Water Strider 5 Surface, Daytime Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait!
    78 Ladybug 3 Windy Day A brilliant red insect often associated with luck. Fishing with these as bait may result in unwanted karma.
    79 Gold Ladybug 5 Windy Day Rarely, critters are found coated entirely in gold! They are worth great coin to shopkeepers and fish absolutely love golden bait!
    80 Stinkbug 3 Surface, Daytime These sneaky pests have a knack for invading even the most airtight of homes, projecting their cilantro-like stench everywhere if disturbed.
    81 Faeling 5 Caverns These scintillating fairy-like creatures are born when animals wander into the glowing depths of a Shimmer pond.
    82 Mallard Duck 2 Surface, Daytime A water fowl with beautiful plumage. Swims in the purest of water, quacking happily.
    83 Duck 2 Surface, Daytime A white feathered waterfowl that swims in pure water and basks in the warm sun.
    84 Turtle 2 Surface, Daytime These slow, stoic creatures travel between lakes and dry land, carrying a hard shell on their backs for protection.
    85 Owl 3 Nighttime A large, wise predatory bird which hunts nocturnally from the tree tops.
    86 Firefly 2 Nighttime Appears at night in calm locations, illuminating the sky with strobing green light. Fish are fairly attracted to these.
    87 Enchanted Nightcrawler 5 Nighttime Worms infused with fallen star magic glow with a glittering light. Fish are extremely attracted to these.
    88 Pink Fairy 4 Nighttime Glowing winged humanoid creatures the size of a butterfly. Attuned to the world around them, they excel at finding shiny things.
    89 Green Fairy 4 Nighttime Glowing winged humanoid creatures the size of a butterfly. Attuned to the world around them, they excel at finding shiny things.
    90 Blue Fairy 4 Nighttime Glowing winged humanoid creatures the size of a butterfly. Attuned to the world around them, they excel at finding shiny things.
    91 Rat 1 Graveyard These fuzzy rodents sniff about in putrid locations scavenging for food. They are avoided in fear of diseases they may carry.
    92 Maggot 1 Graveyard An unsavory larval bug which feasts on dead, rotting matter. Fish are somewhat attracted to these.
    93 Amethyst Squirrel 1 Caverns Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones.
    94 Topaz Squirrel 1 Caverns Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones.
    95 Sapphire Squirrel 1 Caverns Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones.
    96 Emerald Squirrel 1 Caverns Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones.
    97 Ruby Squirrel 1 Caverns Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones.
    98 Diamond Squirrel 1 Caverns Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones.
    99 Amber Squirrel 1 Caverns Glistening squirrels who strayed too deep become ensorcelled with residual cursed energy retained in gemstones.
    100 Amethyst Bunny 1 Caverns These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance.
    101 Topaz Bunny 1 Caverns These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance.
    102 Sapphire Bunny 1 Caverns These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance.
    103 Emerald Bunny 1 Caverns These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance.
    104 Ruby Bunny 1 Caverns These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance.
    105 Diamond Bunny 1 Caverns These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance.
    106 Amber Bunny 1 Caverns These colorful rabbits made their way so deep, their reaction to magicked gems resulted in a coveted sparkling appearance.
    107 Snail 1 Caverns A slimy mollusk that thrives in damp, dark places. Fish are barely attracted to these.
    108 Truffle Worm 3 Underground Mushroom An extremely rare, difficult to catch glowworm. A specific, powerful sea creature is insatiably attracted to these.
    109 Penguin 1 Snow Penguins make their home in the coldest regions of the world, waddling around looking for tasty fish.
    110 Penguin (Black) 2 Snow Penguins make their home in the coldest regions of the world, waddling around looking for tasty fish.
    111 Scorpion 1 Desert, Daytime Harmlessly scuttles around the desert looking for food. Fish are barely attracted to these.
    112 Black Scorpion 2 Desert, Daytime Despite its menacing appearance, it is quite docile unless threatened or facing smaller prey. Fish are occasionally attracted to these.
    113 Grebe 2 Desert An exotic waterfowl that thrives in the desert oasis.
    114 Pupfish 2 Desert These fish prefer isolated, extreme climates where competition is scarce, such as the lakebeds of a desert oasis.
    115 Seagull 1 Ocean A larger bird that inhabits coastal areas. Watch out for droppings!
    116 Sea Turtle 1 Ocean A soft-shelled reptile that prefers saltwater and marine prey.
    117 Dolphin 3 Ocean A playful sea mammal whose intelligence rivals that of humanity.
    118 Jungle Turtle 1 The Jungle, Daytime Their hard shells camouflage them from vicious predators by blending in with the thick, jungly environment in which they reside.
    119 Grubby 1 The Jungle Slimy, yet satisfying! Fish are somewhat attracted to these.
    120 Sluggy 2 The Jungle Slow and covered in a slick mucus. Fish are especially attracted to these.
    121 Buggy 3 The Jungle A vibrant beetle-like bug. Fish are extremely attracted to these.
    122 Lavafly 3 The Underworld A variation of firefly which adapted to the intense conditions of the world's infernal core. It mimics sparking embers.
    123 Hell Butterfly 2 The Underworld A solemn butterfly seeking blooms rooted in hell. Its wings glimmer with fiery veins.
    124 Magma Snail 2 The Underworld A unique species of snail which withstands extreme heat. Its boiling slime trail melts down most weaker surfaces.
    125 Lightning Bug 3 Nighttime, The Hallow Appears at night in blessed locations, filling the sky with flashing cyan light. Fish are especially attracted to these.
    126 Prismatic Lacewing 3 Nighttime, The Hallow Should one of these luminescent beings perish in the chaos of night, a sleeping tyrant is rumored to violently awaken.
    127 Glowing Snail 3 Surface Mushroom, Underground Mushroom A snail that has mutated to adapt to the glowing mushroom environment. Fish are significantly attracted to these.
    128 Gnome 3 Rare Creature, Surface A tiny long-bearded sneak who resides in oversized trees. Becomes a lawn ornament when exposed to sunlight.
    129 Goblin Scout 3 Rare Creature, Surface The Goblin Army sends lone soldiers out from the beaches to seek out colonies to conquer. They give warning with a tattered sigil.
    130 Green Slime 1 Surface, Daytime A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything.
    131 Blue Slime 1 Surface, Daytime A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything.
    132 Purple Slime 1 Surface, Daytime A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything.
    133 Pinky 4 Rare Creature, Surface, Daytime The smallest slime ever recorded, their extreme cellular density makes them incredibly durable for their small size. They eat money.
    134 Windy Balloon 2 Windy Day Some enterprising slimes ride wind currents with balloons in an effort to find food. Pop their balloons to bring them back down to earth.
    135 Angry Dandelion 2 Windy Day All this wind can make just about anyone angry. Evidently, this includes otherwise harmless dandelions and their deadly seeds.
    136 Umbrella Slime 2 Rain, Surface The previous owner of this umbrella learned the hard way: umbrellas are good protection against rain, but not against slime.
    137 Flying Fish 2 Rain, Surface Certain species of fish gain the most peculiar abilities when it rains. They only like one thing about land-dwellers: their flesh.
    138 Angry Nimbus 3 Rain, Surface When severe storms roll through, it is said that the skies are angry. This cloud in particular is especially livid!
    139 Demon Eye (Dilated) 1 Nighttime That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies.
    140 Demon Eye (Sleepy) 1 Nighttime That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies.
    141 Demon Eye (Purple) 1 Nighttime That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies.
    142 Demon Eye 1 Nighttime That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies.
    143 Demon Eye (Green) 1 Nighttime That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies.
    144 Demon Eye (Cataract) 1 Nighttime That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies.
    145 Wandering Eye 2 Nighttime That suspicious feeling of being watched may very well come true in the dark of night, when Cthulhu's minions roam the skies.
    146 Zombie (Female) 1 Nighttime Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that.
    147 Zombie (Slimed) 1 Nighttime Sometimes, a slime's victim will turn into a zombie mid-digestion. Walking around like that is quite awkward for both parties.
    148 Zombie (Bald) 1 Nighttime Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that.
    149 Zombie 1 Nighttime Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that.
    150 Zombie (Twiggy) 1 Nighttime Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that.
    151 Zombie (Torch) 1 Nighttime In life, this torch-wielding zombie joined an angry mob to hunt the undead. In death, it joined an undead mob to hunt the living.
    152 Zombie (Swamp) 1 Nighttime Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that.
    153 Zombie (Pincushion) 1 Nighttime Leaving doors open may be an invitation for shambling brain-eaters to enter the home, and nobody likes that.
    154 Raincoat Zombie 2 Rain, Nighttime Some zombies never leave home without their trusty raincoat. Comfy and dry, they pursue human flesh no matter the weather.
    155 Possessed Armor 2 Nighttime Whatever possessed this suit of armor to suddenly walk about and start killing everyone? It lacks a corporeal body.
    156 Werewolf 2 Nighttime Cursed by the moonlight, these menacing lupines were once human. Now, they feast on their loved ones instinctively.
    157 Wraith 2 Nighttime Souls belonging to the darkest of hearts were once sealed in the world's core. Now, they roam the night to add to their kind.
    158 Corrupt Bunny 3 Blood Moon Bunnies are pure beings that normally resist all forms of Corruption, but will succumb under the effects of a Blood Moon.
    159 Corrupt Penguin 3 Blood Moon During a Blood Moon, the normally docile penguins fall under the hostile influence of the Corruption.
    160 Vicious Bunny 3 Blood Moon Bunnies are pure beings that normally cannot be afflicted by Crimson, but will succumb under the effects of a Blood Moon.
    161 Vicious Penguin 3 Blood Moon During a Blood Moon, the normally docile penguins become infested with the contagious growth of the Crimson.
    162 Blood Zombie 1 Blood Moon With enough exposure to a Blood Moon, zombies become twisted and cursed with everflowing blood pouring out from their rotten flesh.
    163 The Groom 5 Rare Creature, Blood Moon Tall, handsome, and dead. This unlucky fellow did not survive his wedding and is ready to take it out on everyone.
    164 The Bride 5 Rare Creature, Blood Moon It's uncertain if the bride was wed before or after her death, but the story ends tragically for anyone who crosses her path.
    165 Zombie Merman 4 Rare Creature, Blood Moon Mermen may be rare and exotic demi-humans, but they can still die... and still come back from that a changed merman.
    166 Clown 4 Rare Creature, Blood Moon His origins unknown, this creepy fiend balances himself on a ball while hurling explosive destruction at everything around him.
    167 Blood Squid 2 Blood Moon Summoned in small groups by the Nautilus to aid their master in battle. Thick are the streams of blood squirted from their bodies.
    168 Blood Eel 5 Rare Creature, Blood Moon A large, worm-like demon, dripping with blood - both its own, and its victim's. It's a bloody nightmare of a fiend!
    169 Corrupt Goldfish 3 Blood Moon Goldfish mutate and become violent when exposed to a Blood Moon, allowing the Corruption to take hold of them.
    170 Vicious Goldfish 3 Blood Moon Goldfish become grotesque, blood-sucking fiends of the Crimson when exposed to a Blood Moon.
    171 Drippler 2 Blood Moon Demon eyes become erratic under a Blood Moon, sometimes twisting together into a dripping cluster of cursed blood and eyeballs.
    172 Chattering Teeth Bomb 2 Blood Moon A playful prank gone wrong, clowns will unleash these explosive chompers on their enemies. Also great for parties!
    173 Wandering Eye Fish 4 Rare Creature, Blood Moon For mysterious reasons, fish are known to mutate with other living things or even man-made objects. This one is especially violent.
    174 Hemogoblin Shark 5 Rare Creature, Blood Moon Half-shark, half-goblin, completely murderous! One of the numerous reasons to just stay home during a Blood Moon.
    175 Dreadnautilus 5 Rare Creature, Blood Moon An enormous shelled water demon which feeds off the negative energy of a Blood Moon. Brutally responds to being pestered.
    176 Hoppin' Jack 2 Graveyard This particular pumpkin seeks revenge for being carved. His hearty leaps become quicker the more he is carved into.
    177 Maggot Zombie 1 Graveyard Wanders aimlessly to infest the living with undeath, unaware of its own maggoty infestation.
    178 Raven 2 Graveyard Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore. Nevermore.
    179 Ghost 3 Graveyard During the most harrowing times, these apparitions float aimlessly through the depths to steal the life from those they envy.
    180 Red Slime 1 Underground A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything.
    181 Yellow Slime 3 Underground A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything.
    182 Toxic Sludge 2 Underground Distantly related to the common slime, the Toxic Sludge takes down its prey with potent toxins and a disarmingly toothy smile.
    183 Giant Worm 1 Underground These itty bitty diggy dawgs dig through the earth and take focused spelunkers by surprise, causing unwanted distress.
    184 Digger 2 Underground Exposure to the effects of ancient magicks flowing throughout the cracks of the world causes unusual rapid growths in giant worms.
    185 Baby Slime 1 Caverns Clinging tightly to their parents and rarely seen, these miniature slimes will swarm anyone who harms their mother.
    186 Black Slime 1 Caverns A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything.
    187 Shimmer Slime 5 Caverns After a quick swim in the Shimmer, this prismatic slime has been infused with the powers of the mysterious fluid.
    188 Mother Slime 2 Caverns Critical to the lifecycle of the slime species, these oversized jiggling masses are often found carrying their young deep underground.
    189 Cochineal Beetle 3 Rare Creature, Caverns Found in deep, dark caverns, these large beetles are sought out for the deep, blood-red secretions stored in their scaly exoskeleton.
    190 Skeleton (Misassembled) 1 Caverns Who needs muscles, skin, or even eyeballs? Skeletons get by with just the bones on their back, just as deadly as more fleshy foes.
    191 Skeleton 1 Caverns Who needs muscles, skin, or even eyeballs? Skeletons get by with just the bones on their back, just as deadly as more fleshy foes.
    192 Salamander 2 Caverns An unusual amphibious bipedal lizard which inhabits the dark caverns. When threatened, it spews a highly corrosive acid everywhere.
    193 Skeleton (Headache) 1 Caverns Who needs muscles, skin, or even eyeballs? Skeletons get by with just the bones on their back, just as deadly as more fleshy foes.
    194 Skeleton (Pantless) 1 Caverns Who needs muscles, skin, or even eyeballs? Skeletons get by with just the bones on their back, just as deadly as more fleshy foes.
    195 Crawdad 2 Caverns A subterranean form of crayfish which scuttles along the cavern floors, searching for prey to clip apart with its powerful pincers.
    196 Undead Miner 3 Rare Creature, Caverns There's evidence of spelunkers having explored the caverns in the past... as well as evidence of them having died doing so.
    197 Skeleton Archer 2 Caverns Skeleton Archers have a keen eye, despite the general lack of eyes. Distance offers little protection from their blazing arrows.
    198 Nymph 5 Rare Creature, Caverns Masterfully deceives explorers by posing as a lost girl, then attacks with ferocious might, blood-lust in her eyes.
    199 Armored Skeleton 2 Caverns Remnants of a long lost expeditionary force, these stout warriors mindlessly patrol the caves in which they died.
    200 Rock Golem 2 Caverns Dense-minded living stone formation. Awaits weary cavern dwellers to pound them into juicy rubble.
    201 Tim 5 Rare Creature, Caverns An enchanter in life, this funny fellow won't give up his robe or wizard hat without a fight. He prefers warmer caverns.
    202 Rune Wizard 5 Rare Creature, Caverns Tim's more powerful and much better-looking older brother. He, too, prefers the heat, but not excessively.
    203 Cave Bat 1 Caverns They are small, hard to see, and swiftly flap about in unpredictable ways. They often carry diseases, such as rabies.
    204 Giant Bat 2 Caverns The oversized cousins of Cave Bats, these bats are more dangerous and can confuse their enemies with their bite.
    205 Blue Jellyfish 1 Caverns That strange tingling sensation in the water may be the unwelcome surging of electrical death from a brainless jellyfish. Swim with care.
    206 Green Jellyfish 2 Caverns That strange tingling sensation in the water may be the unwelcome surging of electrical death from a brainless jellyfish. Swim with care.
    207 Mimic 5 Rare Creature, Caverns Talking to a chest doesn't cause craziness, but if the chest answers back, it may cause death! It still contains rare treasure, regardless!
    208 Giant Shelly 2 Caverns To overcome their slow speed, shellies have developed the ability to hide inside their spiked shell and hurl themselves at their foes.
    209 Lost Girl 5 Rare Creature, Caverns Naked and afraid, this girl stands still, deep in the world, as if waiting for someone to rescue her and lead her to the surface.
    210 Granite Golem 2 Granite Strong are the magicked spirits which inhabit the granite masses deep below, this type in particular taking on a humanoid shape.
    211 Granite Elemental 2 Granite Earth elementals manifest through many forms by taking on the properties of different materials, such as this hardy granite.
    212 Hoplite 2 Marble In the ruins of an ancient civilization now deeply buried, some of its spear-hurling soldiers still walk its marble-adorned paths.
    213 Medusa 4 Rare Creature, Marble An ancient monster with a petrifying gaze. The snakes which grow from her scalp like hair grant her these powers.
    214 Spore Skeleton 1 Underground Mushroom Skeletons meandering through more moist caverns become hosts for glowing fungal growth, greatly empowering them.
    215 Spore Bat 1 Underground Mushroom The tables have turned on a variety of rabid bats, themselves enwrought with a deadly fungal infection.
    216 Wall Creeper 2 Spider Nest They have eight legs, eight eyes, and eight ways to cocoon and feast upon an unsuspecting victim.
    217 Black Recluse 2 Spider Nest They have eight legs, eight eyes, and eight ways to cocoon and feast upon an unsuspecting victim.
    218 Ice Slime 1 Snow, Daytime Slimes that spent too long in arctic temperatures may begin to partially freeze, developing a shifting layer of ice on their surface.
    219 Frozen Zombie 2 Nighttime, Snow Zombies found in snow biomes are often found bundled up in winter clothing. It doesn't help them any, they are still dead cold!
    220 Ice Golem 5 Rare Creature, Rain, Snow Sub-zero temperatures, blinding snow flurries, and being blasted apart by an icy construct are some of the dangers of blizzards.
    221 Wolf 2 Nighttime, Snow Living in the harshest of climates, these savage lupines hunt in the dark of night desperately for sustenance.
    222 Spiked Ice Slime 2 Underground Snow This Ice Slime has large ice shards in its mass from excessive exposure to the cold. Somehow, it is able to launch these at its prey.
    223 Cyan Beetle 3 Rare Creature, Underground Snow Hardy to extremely cold temperatures, these beetles contain a desired bluish fluid which can be used to dye textiles.
    224 Undead Viking 2 Underground Snow Long before there were pirates, stories tell of powerful vikings who raged the seas. Their remains roam the icy caverns below.
    225 Snow Flinx 3 Underground Snow A strange, round furry mammal with an unusually large, protruding nose. They are extremely lightweight.
    226 Armored Viking 2 Underground Snow The most elite vikings were worthy of the strongest armor. It seems that it wasn't terribly effective, given their state now.
    227 Icy Merman 3 Underground Snow Mermen rarely stray far from the ocean. Those that do can become lost, wander into cold caverns, and become icy undead fish men.
    228 Ice Bat 1 Underground Snow As if bats weren't enough of a nuisance already, Ice Bats can freeze flesh solid with a touch, leaving their prey defenseless.
    229 Ice Elemental 2 Snow, Underground Snow Water elementals become icy when dense strong magicks accumulate in the coldest places. Their frosty shards freeze all.
    230 Ice Mimic 5 Rare Creature, Underground Snow Talking to a chest doesn't cause craziness, but if the chest answers back, it may cause death! It still contains rare treasure, regardless!
    231 Ice Tortoise 2 Underground Snow Like their jungle cousins, ice tortoises are an unexpectedly serious threat, possessing surprising speed and mobility.
    232 Vulture 1 Desert Built to survive the desert heat, avian scavengers such as these will peck apart those who come near their carrion.
    233 Sand Slime 2 Underground Desert Deserts are very dry, but the Sand Slime seems to have successfully adapted to the harsh conditions by becoming a pile of living sand.
    234 Antlion Larva 1 Underground Desert Freshly hatched from their eggs, larval antlions should not be underestimated. Though young, they are still very aggressive.
    235 Giant Antlion Charger 2 Underground Desert The soldiers of the antlion species, Antlion Chargers ferociously chase after intruders with a surprising speed.
    236 Mummy 2 Desert, Underground Desert With the sands transmogrified by outside forces, those put to rest in the desert, whether good or evil, now rise to maim and kill.
    237 Ghoul 2 Underground Desert Wandering the dark caverns below the desert dunes, ghouls are the dessicated husks of zombies preserved by the arid environment.
    238 Basilisk 2 Underground Desert Sturdy as a rock, these lizard-like beasts roam the desert in search of food. Their hardened bodies make them formidable threats.
    239 Tomb Crawler 1 Underground Desert The desert is home to one of the largest varieties of worms across the land. It has a voracious appetite for careless explorers.
    240 Antlion 1 Desert, Underground Desert When antlions are nesting, they hide in the surface. To defend their eggs, they projectile vomit hard globs of sand at trespassers.
    241 Sand Poacher 2 Underground Desert These unnaturally large scorpions have adapted to swiftly pursuing their prey along the walls with their sharp, venomous tails.
    242 Giant Antlion Swarmer 2 Underground Desert Antlion Swarmers patrol their nests with a watchful eye. Should anyone threaten their eggs, they will defend them fiercely.
    243 Antlion Charger 2 Desert, Underground Desert The soldiers of the antlion species, Antlion Chargers ferociously chase after intruders with a surprising speed.
    244 Dune Splicer 2 Desert, Underground Desert The world's largest, most deadly worm. Strengthened by ancient magicks, it can devour a spicy Terrarian quicker than they realize.
    245 Angry Tumbler 2 Desert Powerful winds have blown this tumbleweed around the desert, and it is none too pleased. They roll faster with the wind than against it.
    246 Antlion Swarmer 2 Desert, Underground Desert Antlion Swarmers patrol their nests with a watchful eye. Should anyone threaten their eggs, they will defend them fiercely.
    247 Sand Elemental 4 Rare Creature, Desert The most intense sandstorms draw forth powerful earth elementals. With this feminine form, her tornadoes tear all asunder.
    248 Sand Shark 2 Desert In ancient times, a saltwater river once ran through the desert. These powerful creatures evolved to survive in the now dry sand.
    249 Crab 1 Ocean This hard shelled coastal creature could snip the toes right off a man, among other things. They are not to be trifled with.
    250 Sea Snail 4 Rare Creature, Ocean This unusually large snail makes its home deep in the ocean. Its mucus can be manufactured into a purple dye.
    251 Shark 2 Ocean Once these ocean predators catch a whiff of blood, they become relentless and unstoppable in their ravenous pursuit.
    252 Squid 3 Rare Creature, Ocean A betentacled marine creature which discharges a thick, black ink when threatened. The ink is collected for aesthetic purposes.
    253 Pink Jellyfish 2 Ocean That strange tingling sensation in the water may be the unwelcome surging of electrical death from a brainless jellyfish. Swim with care.
    254 Jungle Slime 1 The Jungle, Daytime A simple, gelatinous creature that swallows anything and everything whole! It takes a long time to digest anything.
    255 Snatcher 1 The Jungle A sharp-toothed plant with a taste for human flesh. It has the ability to hide inside the mud and reach over great distances.
    256 Giant Flying Fox 2 Nighttime, The Jungle An oversized cousin of the bat found only in the Jungle, giant flying foxes hunt the night skies looking for prey.
    257 Derpling 2 The Jungle These large, sapphire-shelled fleas leap around incessantly. They can drain the blood content of one man within seconds.
    258 Spiked Jungle Slime 2 Underground Jungle Frequent consumption of the Jungle's toxins and thorns has resulted in a slime covered in venomous spikes.
    259 Lac Beetle 3 Rare Creature, Underground Jungle These scaly insects thrive in thick subterranean foliage. Their secretions stain many materials in a beautiful violet color.
    260 Doctor Bones 5 Rare Creature, The Jungle, Underground Jungle, Nighttime This particular zombie has a knack for finding historical artifacts, but has a terrible disdain towards snakes.
    261 Bee 1 Underground Jungle Found in hives and nests all throughout the jungle, these tiny pests will swarm an adventurer at every turn.
    262 Bee (Larger) 1 Underground Jungle Found in hives and nests all throughout the jungle, these tiny pests will swarm an adventurer at every turn.
    263 Hornet (Stingy) 1 Underground Jungle Aggressive flying insects which swarm the jungle depths. Their venomous barbs discharge over great distances at high velocity.
    264 Hornet (Spikey) 1 Underground Jungle Aggressive flying insects which swarm the jungle depths. Their venomous barbs discharge over great distances at high velocity.
    265 Hornet 1 Underground Jungle Aggressive flying insects which swarm the jungle depths. Their venomous barbs discharge over great distances at high velocity.
    266 Hornet (Fatty) 1 Underground Jungle Aggressive flying insects which swarm the jungle depths. Their venomous barbs discharge over great distances at high velocity.
    267 Hornet (Honey) 1 Underground Jungle Aggressive flying insects which swarm the jungle depths. Their venomous barbs discharge over great distances at high velocity.
    268 Hornet (Leafy) 2 Underground Jungle Aggressive flying insects which swarm the jungle depths. Their venomous barbs discharge over great distances at high velocity.
    269 Moss Hornet 2 Underground Jungle The empowered flora of the Jungle has merged with these species of Hornet, strengthening their exoskeletons and stingers.
    270 Moth 4 Rare Creature, Underground Jungle Rarely, exposure to jungle toxins causes certain moths to mutate to enormous size. They release a valuable dust on death.
    271 Man Eater 2 Underground Jungle A sharp-toothed plant with a taste for human flesh. It has the ability to hide inside the mud and reach over great distances.
    272 Angry Trapper 2 The Jungle, Underground Jungle When a Man Eater consumes enough human flesh, it undergoes a cocoon-like metamorphosis into a far deadlier form.
    273 Jungle Bat 1 The Jungle, Underground Jungle These small, annoying creatures aren't to be underestimated. A deadly end awaits for those swarmed by these fangy rodents.
    274 Piranha 1 Underground, The Jungle, Underground Jungle Just one of these sharp-toothed fish can easily end a life. Luckily, they tend to swarm their victims in large groups! Life is grand.
    275 Angler Fish 2 Caverns, The Jungle, Underground Jungle Some angler fish are content to lie in wait for their prey, but these are perfectly happy to aggressively chase down an underwater meal.
    276 Arapaima 2 The Jungle, Underground Jungle These enormous fish thrive in the jungle waters near veins of unstable magicks, which make them unusually strong and hostile.
    277 Giant Tortoise 2 The Jungle, Underground Jungle No one takes the giant tortoises seriously. Not until they come hurtling through the air, a spinning, spiky ball of death.
    278 Jungle Creeper 2 Underground Jungle The itsy bitsy spider climbed up a jungle vine, down came a hapless explorer and the spider got to dine. The End.
    279 Meteor Head 2 Meteor When meteorites strike the surface, their fragments lay scattered for the taking. Some pieces are alive, and will attack.
    280 Dungeon Slime 4 Rare Creature, The Dungeon Slimes in the Dungeon became powerful by feeding off the cursed energy throughout the place. They seem particularly attracted to keys.
    281 Angry Bones 2 The Dungeon Cursed with undeath, the former inhabitants of the Dungeon roam endlessly through its halls, seeking a victim for their unending fury.
    282 Angry Bones (Big) 2 The Dungeon Cursed with undeath, the former inhabitants of the Dungeon roam endlessly through its halls, seeking a victim for their unending fury.
    283 Angry Bones (Big Muscle) 2 The Dungeon Cursed with undeath, the former inhabitants of the Dungeon roam endlessly through its halls, seeking a victim for their unending fury.
    284 Angry Bones (Big Helmet) 2 The Dungeon Cursed with undeath, the former inhabitants of the Dungeon roam endlessly through its halls, seeking a victim for their unending fury.
    285 Blue Armored Bones (Mace) 2 The Dungeon Disciplined and relentless, the Marching Bones unceasingly pursue their goals, sundering anything, or anyone, in their way.
    286 Skeleton Sniper 4 Rare Creature, The Dungeon These eagle-eyed sharpshooters let nothing escape their crosshairs. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives.
    287 Tactical Skeleton 4 Rare Creature, The Dungeon With thick armor and mighty boomsticks, it's clear these bones are prepared for a siege. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives.
    288 Skeleton Commando 4 Rare Creature, The Dungeon Rocket-powered and fueled with rage, these cursed skeletons prefer the nuclear option. Part of an elite military unit in their past lives.
    289 Hell Armored Bones 2 The Dungeon The fiery glow of the Molten Legion is unmistakable. With their red-hot armaments in hand, they blaze a trail through all those in their way.
    290 Rusty Armored Bones (Sword No Armor) 2 The Dungeon Through use and neglect, the Rusted Company's weapons are jagged and rough, inflicting terrible bleeding wounds upon their foes.
    291 Rusty Armored Bones (Flail) 2 The Dungeon Through use and neglect, the Rusted Company's weapons are jagged and rough, inflicting terrible bleeding wounds upon their foes.
    292 Hell Armored Bones (Mace) 2 The Dungeon The fiery glow of the Molten Legion is unmistakable. With their red-hot armaments in hand, they blaze a trail through all those in their way.
    293 Blue Armored Bones 2 The Dungeon Disciplined and relentless, the Marching Bones unceasingly pursue their goals, sundering anything, or anyone, in their way.
    294 Rusty Armored Bones (Sword) 2 The Dungeon Through use and neglect, the Rusted Company's weapons are jagged and rough, inflicting terrible bleeding wounds upon their foes.
    295 Hell Armored Bones (Spike Shield) 2 The Dungeon The fiery glow of the Molten Legion is unmistakable. With their red-hot armaments in hand, they blaze a trail through all those in their way.
    296 Blue Armored Bones (No Pants) 2 The Dungeon Disciplined and relentless, the Marching Bones unceasingly pursue their goals, sundering anything, or anyone, in their way.
    297 Hell Armored Bones (Sword) 2 The Dungeon The fiery glow of the Molten Legion is unmistakable. With their red-hot armaments in hand, they blaze a trail through all those in their way.
    298 Rusty Armored Bones (Axe) 2 The Dungeon Through use and neglect, the Rusted Company's weapons are jagged and rough, inflicting terrible bleeding wounds upon their foes.
    299 Blue Armored Bones (Sword) 2 The Dungeon Disciplined and relentless, the Marching Bones unceasingly pursue their goals, sundering anything, or anyone, in their way.
    300 Bone Lee 4 Rare Creature, The Dungeon It's said that centuries ago, there was once a clan of ninjas that hid in the shadows of the world. It seems they are long dead now.
    301 Paladin 5 Rare Creature, The Dungeon In distant history, these mighty undead knights once guarded a prosperous city before a massive curse befell them.
    302 Dark Caster 1 The Dungeon Doomed to watch over the Dungeon, these mages teleport to confuse their prey, before striking them down with a blast of water.
    303 Diabolist (Red) 2 The Dungeon The undead who bear the Diabolic Sigil wield flames as intense as any in the underworld, consuming all in a scorching inferno.
    304 Diabolist (White) 2 The Dungeon The undead who bear the Diabolic Sigil wield flames as intense as any in the underworld, consuming all in a scorching inferno.
    305 Necromancer 2 The Dungeon In life, these sorcerers bore the Necromantic Sign of their order, and they shall continue to do so forever . . . even in death.
    306 Ragged Caster 2 The Dungeon With their cursed magic, the members of the Ragged Brotherhood leave their victims helplessly lost in utter darkness.
    307 Necromancer (Armored) 2 The Dungeon In life, these sorcerers bore the Necromantic Sign of their order, and they shall continue to do so forever . . . even in death.
    308 Ragged Caster (Open Coat) 2 The Dungeon With their cursed magic, the members of the Ragged Brotherhood leave their victims helplessly lost in utter darkness.
    309 Cursed Skull 2 The Dungeon Exposed to dark rituals, this skull has begun floating around on its own, chasing the living. Its touch leaves its victims defenseless.
    310 Giant Cursed Skull 2 The Dungeon No one knows where these giant skulls came from, but like their smaller cousins, they seek out and curse the living with their magic.
    311 Dungeon Guardian 4 The Dungeon A lethal sentry that stands watch over the Dungeon's gates. Those who are deemed unworthy to enter shall not pass!
    312 Dungeon Spirit 2 The Dungeon Sometimes, highly concentrated ectoplasm gathers inside the more powerful of the cursed inhabitants of the Dungeon.
    313 Lava Slime 1 The Underworld Due to the heat of the underworld, these slimes have taken on the properties of lava. Slaying them is difficult and dangerous.
    314 Tortured Soul 5 Rare Creature, The Underworld Sentenced to an eternity of punishment for his lifelong greedy ambitions, this man has long been corrupted into a demonic state.
    315 Bone Serpent 2 The Underworld Mighty serpentine dragons once ruled hell, but long ago shed their obsidian scales. A skeletal husk is all that remains.
    316 Fire Imp 2 The Underworld A lesser demon imbued with hell magic. Capable of teleporting and hurling phantom fireballs towards their foes.
    317 Hellbat 2 The Underworld What's worse than a rabid, fast-flying, and annoying flying rodent? One that is on fire, of course!
    318 Demon 2 The Underworld Demons are the infantry of the underworld. Unlike their lesser brothers, they cast shadow magic rather than hell magic.
    319 Voodoo Demon 3 Rare Creature, The Underworld Higher ranking demons can possess a voodoo doll of the chosen one, whose soul is linked with the world's guardian himself.
    320 Lava Bat 2 The Underworld What's worse than a rabid, fast-flying, and annoying flying rodent? One that is on fire, of course!
    321 Red Devil 2 The Underworld Conjuring potent spears of dark magic, these elite demons are a serious threat to any who dare enter their abode.
    322 Wyvern 3 Sky A colossal dragon-like creature unleashed along with the ancient spirits. It rules the skies with its unrivaled might.
    323 Harpy 2 Sky Winged, demi-human women defend their territory against invaders by impaling them with their razor-sharp feathers.
    324 Martian Probe 4 Rare Creature, Sky Sensing growing power on the planet, otherworldly beings send space-age technology to scan for advanced lifeforms.
    325 Slimeling 2 The Corruption, Underground Corruption The still-animate severed pieces of an injured Corrupt Slime, Slimelings can still put up a fight, and have strength in numbers.
    326 Corrupt Slime 2 The Corruption, Underground Corruption Steeped in the power of Corruption, these slimes can survive being cut apart into smaller pieces, unlike their untainted brethren.
    327 Eater of Souls 1 The Corruption, Underground Corruption Birthed from the Corruption as a being of pure malice, its sole instincts are to pursue, punish, and kill.
    328 Corruptor 2 The Corruption, Underground Corruption Like a cancer, the putrid creatures born from the Corruption mutate and grow into bigger, more deadly forms which discharge acids.
    329 Devourer 2 The Corruption, Underground Corruption Worm-like monstrosities are the Corruption's most favored creatures, tunneling underneath unsuspecting victims.
    330 World Feeder 2 The Corruption, Underground Corruption Ancient magicks have unleashed the dark influences that gave birth to the Eater of Worlds, producing smaller, but just as deadly worms.
    331 Clinger 2 Underground Corruption In the depths of the darkest corruption lies cursed-fire belching, betentacled nightmares stretching from the very walls themselves.
    332 Slimer 2 The Corruption, Underground Corruption The Slimer has become airborne with wings of unknown origin. The wings are easily knocked off with force, depriving it of its flight.
    333 Cursed Hammer 2 Underground Corruption Magicked through the pure hatred of the Corruption, this weapon flails about attempting to smash anything that breathes.
    334 Corrupt Mimic 5 Rare Creature, Underground Corruption Mimics which fall to Corruption grow larger and more powerful as a result. They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force.
    335 Pigron (Corrupt) 3 Corrupt Ice This elusive dragon-pig hybrid has excellent stealth capabilities despite its rotund figure. It is uncertain how they came to exist.
    336 Bone Biter 2 Corrupt Desert In ancient times, a saltwater river once ran through the desert. These powerful creatures evolved to survive in the now dry sand.
    337 Dark Mummy 2 Corrupt Desert, Corrupt Cave Desert With the sands transmogrified by outside forces, those put to rest in the desert, whether good or evil, now rise to maim and kill.
    338 Vile Ghoul 2 Corrupt Cave Desert Ghouls twisted by the Corruption ooze a nasty green bile that ignites on contact with skin, scorching their prey with cursed flames.
    339 Crimslime 2 The Crimson, Underground Crimson Taking on the consistency of congealed blood and flesh, Crimslimes seek out and digest more raw material for the Crimson.
    340 Face Monster 2 The Crimson, Underground Crimson It would be unwise to face off with one of these unfeeling, hungry mutations. Their mouths are large enough to devour all things.
    341 Crimera 1 The Crimson, Underground Crimson The most common horror to be born from the Crimson, it seeks to consume pure things with unrelenting hunger.
    342 Blood Feeder 2 The Crimson, Underground Crimson Like the piranha, these swarming fish thirst for blood. Birthed from tainted blood themselves, their hunger is truly intense.
    343 Blood Jelly 2 The Crimson, Underground Crimson Jellyfish swimming in the bloody waters of the Crimson become infected, converting them to its all-consuming cause.
    344 Floaty Gross 2 Underground Crimson These buoyant terrors of the darkest crimson depths most definitely, without question, are both floaty and gross.
    345 Ichor Sticker 2 Underground Crimson Filled to the brim with powerful ichor, these squid-like abominations spew their corrosive bio-fluid at their prey.
    346 Crimson Axe 2 Underground Crimson Ensorcelled by the Crimson collective, this weapon moves about and chops its enemies by its own will.
    347 Blood Crawler 2 The Crimson, Underground Crimson Most spiders operate independently, but ones touched by the Crimson hive coordinate together to consume life.
    348 Herpling 2 The Crimson, Underground Crimson These hyper, demented, slug-like fiends serve the crimson horde with an unstoppable appetite for blood and flesh.
    349 Crimson Mimic 5 Rare Creature, Underground Crimson Mimics which are enthralled by the Crimson are empowered dramatically. They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force.
    350 Pigron (Crimson) 3 Crimson Ice This elusive dragon-pig hybrid has excellent stealth capabilities despite its rotund figure. It is uncertain how they came to exist.
    351 Flesh Reaver 2 Crimson Desert In ancient times, a saltwater river once ran through the desert. These powerful creatures evolved to survive in the now dry sand.
    352 Blood Mummy 2 Crimson Desert, Crimson Cave Desert The blood-dripping organic matter in these mummies display far better preservation than the rest of their ilk.
    353 Tainted Ghoul 2 Crimson Cave Desert Ghouls infested by the Crimson leak vile ichor from their mouths, weakening the defenses of their foes with every bite.
    354 Lamia 2 Corrupt Cave Desert, Crimson Cave Desert By the time glowing red eyes appear in the darkness of the desert caves, it is already too late. The lamias have found their prey.
    355 Desert Spirit 2 Corrupt Cave Desert, Crimson Cave Desert Ancient magicks corrupted the minds of the once friendly desert djinns, releasing them full of hostility from their lamps.
    356 Rainbow Slime 4 Rare Creature, Rain, The Hallow These blessing-infused gelatin menaces glow vibrantly in a rainbow of hues. As a result, they require a constant liquid intake.
    357 Pixie 2 The Hallow A larger, more luminous form of fairy. Pixies provide the Hallow with more blessed light and aid in the cleansing of the land.
    358 Gastropod 2 Nighttime, The Hallow Touched by the blessing, these nocturnal slimes evolved into a levitating snail-like creature which spits powerful beams of light.
    359 Unicorn 2 The Hallow These majestic single-horned equines storm angrily through the hallowed land in search of lowly intrusions needing to be cleansed away.
    360 Illuminant Slime 2 Underground Hallow Slimes exposed to the light of the Hallow's crystals begin to emit that very same light, glowing brightly in the darkness.
    361 Chaos Elemental 2 Underground Hallow Once living beings infused by the blessing, they erratically make chase with an uncontrollable surge of luminous power.
    362 Illuminant Bat 2 Underground Hallow Blessed with the prismatic light of the Hallow, the Illuminant Bats are a vibrant pink blur arcing across the darkness of the Underground.
    363 Enchanted Sword 2 Underground Hallow Animated by the blessed light of the crystals, it will slice through anything to cleanse the world's evils.
    364 Hallowed Mimic 5 Rare Creature, Underground Hallow Mimics struck with the blessing surge with energy and become powerful. They can be birthed from ordinary chests by force.
    365 Pigron 3 Hallow Ice This elusive dragon-pig hybrid has excellent stealth capabilities despite its rotund figure. It is uncertain how they came to exist.
    366 Crystal Thresher 2 Hallow Desert In ancient times, a saltwater river once ran through the desert. These powerful creatures evolved to survive in the now dry sand.
    367 Light Mummy 2 Hallow Desert, Hallow Cave Desert With the sands transmogrified by outside forces, those put to rest in the desert, whether good or evil, now rise to maim and kill.
    368 Dreamer Ghoul 2 Hallow Cave Desert Ghouls cleansed by the Hallow possess a psychedelic saliva that renders their victims confused and distracted by visions and mirages.
    369 Lamia 2 Underground Desert, Hallow Cave Desert By the time glowing red eyes appear in the darkness of the desert caves, it is already too late. The lamias have found their prey.
    370 Spore Zombie (Mushroom) 2 Surface Mushroom The fungus controlling the minds of these zombies wants only one thing: brains! This is very convenient for the zombie.
    371 Spore Zombie (Hat Mushroom) 2 Surface Mushroom The fungus controlling the minds of these zombies wants only one thing: brains! This is very convenient for the zombie.
    372 Anomura Fungus 2 Surface Mushroom, Underground Mushroom These crab-like creatures scuttle about in glowing mushroom fields, heavily infested by the fungal spores.
    373 Mushi Ladybug 2 Surface Mushroom, Underground Mushroom This aggressive species of ladybug is quite at home near glowing mushrooms, living symbiotically with the fungus.
    374 Fungi Bulb 1 Surface Mushroom, Underground Mushroom When the glowing fungus is ready to spread, these bulbs will sprout to spread its spores to other locations and hosts.
    375 Giant Fungi Bulb 2 Surface Mushroom, Underground Mushroom When the glowing fungus is ready to spread, these bulbs will sprout to spread its spores to other locations and hosts.
    376 Fungo Fish 2 Surface Mushroom, Underground Mushroom Some fish exposed to glowing mushroom spores become a curious mushroom-jellyfish hybrid, glowing softly in the watery depths.
    377 Lihzahrd 2 The Temple A reclusive race of reptilian folk found exclusively in the mysterious jungle Temple. They look primitive, but are quite advanced.
    378 Flying Snake 2 The Temple Kept as pets and guardians by the Lihzahrd race, the flying snakes will attack any who trespass on the Temple's protected grounds.
    379 Goblin Peon 1 Goblin Invasion Common footsoldiers of the Goblin Army, these foul creatures are good for little more than cannon fodder... and breaking down doors.
    380 Goblin Thief 1 Goblin Invasion Quick strike units of the Goblin Army, these pesky foes specialize in nimble movement and close-quarters combat.
    381 Goblin Archer 1 Goblin Invasion Lending ranged support to the Goblin Army, archers keep a distance and pick off distracted and overwhelmed foes.
    382 Goblin Warrior 2 Goblin Invasion The backbone of the Goblin Army infantry, these heavily-armored soldiers can take tremendous damage as they march undeterred.
    383 Goblin Warlock 4 Rare Creature, Goblin Invasion Gifted in the darkest of magics, she conjures unfathomable shadowflame ghasts through a powerful hex.
    384 Goblin Sorcerer 2 Goblin Invasion As primitive as they are, some goblins have the potential for manipulating magicked shadow energy through a form of hexing.
    385 Shadowflame Apparition 2 Goblin Invasion The shadowflame magicks are powerful spiritual remnants of twisted goblin ancestors, wrought from powerful summoning.
    386 Old One's Skeleton 2 Old One's Army Small armies of these skeletons are summoned from the ground by Dark Mages, loyally serving their master's will.
    387 Etherian Goblin 2 Old One's Army A unique goblin species from Etheria, they are not related Terrarian goblins. The ferocious footsoldiers of the Old One's Army.
    388 Etherian Goblin Bomber 2 Old One's Army Hurling bombs with reckless abandon, these sappers serve the Old One's Army with maniacal passion.
    389 Kobold 2 Old One's Army Rigged with an explosive payload, Kobolds have no regard for safety. They eagerly blow themselves up, hoping to take their foes with them.
    390 Etherian Javelin Thrower 2 Old One's Army These bulky brutes are awkward and ungainly, but their javelins are still razor sharp, and their aim is deadly.
    391 Wither Beast 2 Old One's Army Wither beasts emit a defense-sapping aura from the crystals on their back. While rooted in place, they heal rapidly.
    392 Drakin 3 Old One's Army Etherian reptiles in service of the Old One's Army. Powerful beasts, they are capable of spewing deadly purple flames.
    393 Ogre 3 Old One's Army A tall, hulking demi-human from the Old One's Army with unfathomable strength and vitality. He carries a big stick.
    394 Kobold Glider 2 Old One's Army Taking the explosive approach to a whole new level, Kobold Gliders soar the skies, seeking to bring death from above.
    395 Etherian Wyvern 2 Old One's Army Etherian Wyverns come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and behave more like bats than the majestic Wyverns of this world.
    396 Dark Mage 3 Old One's Army A small, levitating sorcerer from Etheria who wields dark magic and can even raise fresh minions for the Old One's Army.
    397 Betsy 4 Old One's Army A vicious Etherian dragon who leads the minions of the Old One's Army that found their way to this world.
    398 Etherian Lightning Bug 2 Old One's Army Lightning Bugs from Etheria aren't just named that for their pretty lights! These ones blast their foes with shocking bolts of electricity.
    399 Pirate Deadeye 2 Pirate Invasion Nobody knows if 'Dead Eye' refers to their precise aim, or the fact that one of their eyes is indeed 'dead'... like their targets.
    400 Pirate Deckhand 2 Pirate Invasion They are either washing the deck of their ship of seaweed and ale, or wiping the dirt with the faces of unsuspecting Terrarians.
    401 Pirate Crossbower 2 Pirate Invasion Some wee lasses aren't content staying at port waiting for their men to return from a raid, so they join in on the deadly fun!
    402 Pirate Corsair 2 Pirate Invasion Once mercenaries from a distant land, Corsairs brandish deadly scimitars with unyielding skill and a cut-throat agenda.
    403 Pirate Captain 3 Rare Creature, Pirate Invasion A pirate captain's love for riches is only rivaled by his obsession with heavy gunpowder and large, rampart-shattering cannons!
    404 Parrot 2 Pirate Invasion A pirate's best friend, the parrot, will tear the eyes out of any greasy landlubber with its sharp, pointy talons.
    405 Flying Dutchman 4 Pirate Invasion When the pirates face strong opposition in their pillaging raids, they bring their majestic floating galleon as backup. Cannons away!
    406 Brain Scrambler 2 Martian Madness These Martian soldiers brandish crude laser weaponry that releases dangerous short-range radiation, hence the protective helmets.
    407 Ray Gunner 2 Martian Madness The elite specialists in the Martian Invasion Force are equipped with more precise and deadly laser rifles; effectively snipers.
    408 Martian Engineer 2 Martian Madness Martian soldiers who lack combat ability may instead be deployed for their mechanical aptitude, constructing turrets on the field.
    409 Martian Officer 2 Martian Madness Lacking offensive weaponry, officers in the Martian forces favor defensive measures to focus on relaying tactics to the soldiers.
    410 Gigazapper 2 Martian Madness Martians who show great potential in close combat are equipped with powerful energy spears that can atomize anything.
    411 Scutlix 2 Martian Madness Native to the Martian homeworld, these creatures function similarly to horses. That is, if horses could fire lasers from their eyes.
    412 Gray Grunt 2 Martian Madness Martians are conscripted into military service, and those who do not make the cut are sent out unarmed to distract the enemy as fodder.
    413 Martian Walker 3 Martian Madness A wonder of Martian technology constructed from the strongest metals and infused with biological components.
    414 Tesla Turret 2 Martian Madness Named after a historic Terrarian, these turrets are built by Martian engineers and rain devastating energy upon anyone nearby.
    415 Martian Drone 2 Martian Madness The data collected from these drones are sent back to the motherships moments before they self-destruct onto their foes.
    416 Scutlix Gunner 2 Martian Madness Elite Ray Gunners often ride these powerful alien creatures into battle as cavalry. If their mount dies, they will pursue on foot.
    417 Fritz 2 Eclipse Rumors speak of a small-minded hunchback who assisted in mad science. This small fellow reacts unpredictably when approached.
    418 Frankenstein 2 Eclipse Built from parts of deceased Terrarians, this stout monster resulted from a crazy man's desire to create life with his own hands.
    419 Creature from the Deep 2 Eclipse Said to have emerged from the blackest lagoons, these fish-men lash at their victims with unmatched submerged mobility.
    420 Swamp Thing 2 Eclipse Creeping from the depths of the darkest swamps, this algae-dripped beast desires to drown away anyone in his path.
    421 Dr. Man Fly 2 Eclipse Part man, part fly, all doctor. He's brought his most volatile and dangerous chemicals, and he's buzzing to try them out.
    422 The Possessed 2 Eclipse A Terrarian girl possessed by the most evil of spirits, she gains superhuman abilities and behaves both arbitrarily and violently.
    423 Psycho 2 Eclipse This masked killer's quiet demeanor and cunning ability to hunt allows him to ambush his victims without being detected.
    424 Butcher 2 Eclipse Soulless and cruel, this pig-masked psychotic killer brandishes a powerful chainsaw in which to dismember every living thing.
    425 Vampire 2 Eclipse Whether he is a man who turns into a bat, or a bat who turns into a man, one thing is for sure: he's out for blood!
    426 Eyezor 5 Rare Creature, Eclipse A powerful zombie-like creature whose eye can see for miles, and blow away opponents with powerful lasers.
    427 Nailhead 3 Eclipse An intelligent being who seeks out souls to steal, utilizing nails from his own body both as a weapon and as defensive measures.
    428 Reaper 2 Eclipse The reaper's list stretches endlessly with the names of those who will soon depart this world. His sickle will make sure of that.
    429 Deadly Sphere 2 Eclipse By means unknown, this silvery metamorphic sphere levitates about on its own. It moves about quickly, often producing spikes.
    430 Mothron 5 Rare Creature, Eclipse A behemoth of an insect attracted to the eerie anti-glow of a solar eclipse. With a rapid gestation period, it multiplies quickly.
    431 Baby Mothron 2 Eclipse The creatures which burst from the eggs laid by mothron can be as deadly and as relentless as their daunting mothers.
    432 Scarecrow (Cloth Face Stick) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    433 Scarecrow (Cloth Face) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    434 Scarecrow (Guy Fawkes Stick) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    435 Scarecrow (Guy Fawkes) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    436 Scarecrow (Cloth Hat Stick) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    437 Scarecrow (Cloth Hat) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    438 Scarecrow (Pumpkin Hat Stick) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    439 Scarecrow (Pumpkin Hat) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    440 Scarecrow (Pumpkin Head Stick) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    441 Scarecrow (Pumpkin Head) 2 Pumpkin Moon Possessed by vengeful spirits of the harvest, these scarecrows are out to cause mischief and mayhem galore.
    442 Splinterling 2 Pumpkin Moon Mourning Woods reproduce by snapping cuttings from their bodies and thrusting them into the soil. Splinterlings are the result.
    443 Poltergeist 2 Pumpkin Moon The intense hateful energies emanating from these spirits grant them the ability to move objects, truly for the purpose of killing.
    444 Hellhound 3 Pumpkin Moon Most certainly not a good boy, this vicious demon dog is more than eager to guide living beings to the underworld with every bite.
    445 Headless Horseman 3 Pumpkin Moon This menacing nightmare rides out into the night to harvest living souls on his seeing-eye horse, for he has no head of his own.
    446 Mourning Wood 3 Pumpkin Moon These enormous murder trees nightmarishly stomp about, prepared to shower endless fiery destruction upon all life.
    447 Pumpking 4 Pumpkin Moon A pumpkin has many faces. A pumpkin will murder all with many sharp blades. A pumpkin is king of the harvest.
    448 Zombie Elf (Girl) 2 Frost Moon Elves that used to work for Santa, but have since been zombified. They don't complain much, so they are still pretty good helpers.
    449 Zombie Elf 2 Frost Moon Elves that used to work for Santa, but have since been zombified. They don't complain much, so they are still pretty good helpers.
    450 Zombie Elf (Beard) 2 Frost Moon Elves that used to work for Santa, but have since been zombified. They don't complain much, so they are still pretty good helpers.
    451 Gingerbread Man 2 Frost Moon A gingerbread man seeking vengeance for his long-eaten brethren. He may look yummy, but this is one tough cookie.
    452 Elf Archer 2 Frost Moon These aren't your typical elven archers. Tinkering all year long, they are excited to gift you with the hottest new arrows this season.
    453 Nutcracker 3 Frost Moon Bringing his massive chompers to bear, the Nutcracker frolics through the wintery night. Nuts aren't the only thing he can crack.
    454 Krampus 3 Frost Moon Every year, Krampus is tasked to punish all of the naughty children, but he's taken the day off to participate in this mayhem instead!
    455 Yeti 3 Frost Moon An ill-tempered ape from cold, snowy regions to the north. They do not appreciate festivity, so they've come to spoil all the fun.
    456 Present Mimic 2 Frost Moon Surprise! The most unexpected gift this holiday season, the Present Mimic is a nicely gift-wrapped box of teeth and death.
    457 Everscream 3 Frost Moon If trees could scream, this evil evergreen would do so constantly. Deadly are the ornaments hurled from its branches.
    458 Ice Queen 4 Frost Moon If this icy towering monstrosity wishes for someone's soul, they'll surely let it go... right from their cold, dead hands.
    459 Santa-NK1 3 Frost Moon This jolly bad boy wants to stuff everyone's stockings with the gift of their entrails. This cranky Kringle's gone postal.
    460 Elf Copter 2 Frost Moon The elves aren't just flying toy helicopters, these are fully combat ready. All that inventing finally paid off!
    461 Flocko 2 Frost Moon These ferocious flakes are the frozen minions of the Ice Queen. Where this sinister snow falls, so shall her icy judgment.
    462 Slime (Bunny Mask) 3 Halloween, Surface, Daytime Is it a slime in a bunny costume? Or is it a bunny in a slime costume? Halloween can be very confusing sometimes.
    463 Demon Eye (Spaceship) 3 Nighttime, Halloween No one knows who dressed these demon eyes up in cute costumes, but the whole process hasn't made them any friendlier.
    464 Demon Eye (Owl Mask) 3 Nighttime, Halloween No one knows who dressed these demon eyes up in cute costumes, but the whole process hasn't made them any friendlier.
    465 Zombie (Doctor) 3 Nighttime, Halloween Wearing costumes isn't fooling anyone; these zombies are clearly way too old to be trick or treating.
    466 Zombie (Superman) 3 Nighttime, Halloween Wearing costumes isn't fooling anyone; these zombies are clearly way too old to be trick or treating.
    467 Zombie (Pixie) 3 Nighttime, Halloween Wearing costumes isn't fooling anyone; these zombies are clearly way too old to be trick or treating.
    468 Skeleton (Astronaut) 3 Halloween, Caverns Skeletons need to wear very elaborate costumes during Halloween, or else people think they are dressing up as skeletons.
    469 Skeleton (Alien) 3 Halloween, Caverns Skeletons need to wear very elaborate costumes during Halloween, or else people think they are dressing up as skeletons.
    470 Skeleton (Top Hat) 3 Halloween, Caverns Skeletons need to wear very elaborate costumes during Halloween, or else people think they are dressing up as skeletons.
    471 Slime (Red Present Slime) 3 Surface, Christmas, Daytime A perfectly gift wrapped bundle of slime. A wonderfully deadly present for any festive occasion.
    472 Slime (Yellow Present Slime) 3 Surface, Christmas, Daytime A perfectly gift wrapped bundle of slime. A wonderfully deadly present for any festive occasion.
    473 Slime (White Present Slime) 3 Surface, Christmas, Daytime A perfectly gift wrapped bundle of slime. A wonderfully deadly present for any festive occasion.
    474 Slime (Green Present Slime) 3 Surface, Christmas, Daytime A perfectly gift wrapped bundle of slime. A wonderfully deadly present for any festive occasion.
    475 Zombie (Xmas) 3 Nighttime, Christmas Even zombies can celebrate the holidays. Their festive outfits are just right, but their holiday spirit could use some work.
    476 Zombie (Sweater) 3 Nighttime, Christmas Even zombies can celebrate the holidays. Their festive outfits are just right, but their holiday spirit could use some work.
    477 Snowman Gangsta 2 Frost Legion While the world's inhabitants celebrate festivities, gangster snowmen party by slaying everyone with their tommy guns.
    478 Snow Balla 2 Frost Legion Nobody underestimates the throwing arm on this disturbed member of the snowman mafioso. He's a real slugger!
    479 Mister Stabby 2 Frost Legion This stone-cold, yet maniacal gangster never snuffs the celebrating do-gooders without bringing along his 'Lil' Pokey'.
    480 Predictor 2 Nebula Pillar The cosmic power held by these humanoid warriors grant them psychic abilities, in which they use to accurately shoot down foes.
    481 Evolution Beast 2 Nebula Pillar Celestial power fuels the aggression of these violent beasts, allowing them to run down those who trespass the pillar's area.
    482 Brain Suckler 2 Nebula Pillar These psionic, squid-like beasts levitate with celestial energy and latch onto the head of their prey, disrupting brain functions.
    483 Nebula Floater 2 Nebula Pillar These brain-like celestial beings have psionic capabilities, phasing through space and summoning powerful optical minions.
    484 Drakomire 2 Solar Pillar These celestial beasts harness the power of the sun, releasing violent flares towards any intruders nearing the pillar.
    485 Selenian 2 Solar Pillar These acrobatic celestial warriors can deflect incoming threats whilst spinning with their solar-infused blades.
    486 Drakanian 2 Solar Pillar These highly aggressive celestial soldiers carry a large, fiery spear that can melt nearly anything it penetrates.
    487 Crawltipede 3 Solar Pillar Wrapped in celestial energy, this worm-like creature seems invincible. Having no eyes, it seeks vibrations throughout the air.
    488 Sroller 2 Solar Pillar These humanoid celestial monsters assault their foes by rolling up into a ball and charging them with their sharp, fiery spikes.
    489 Corite 2 Solar Pillar Resembling a large, sentient meteorite, Corites are infused with celestial energy and will charge at anything that moves.
    490 Drakomire Rider 2 Solar Pillar Many drakanians ride the beastly Drakomires as a form of battle steed. Should the Drakomire be slain, they will pursue on foot.
    491 Alien Larva 2 Vortex Pillar The larval stage of the alien hornets. They may seem weak and harmless, but if ignored they will evolve into powerful beings.
    492 Alien Hornet 2 Vortex Pillar These flying insectoids utilize wormholes to ambush intruders near the celestial pillars. They hunt in pairs and may swiftly evolve.
    493 Vortexian 2 Vortex Pillar The cosmic energy surging through these warriors builds up until their untimely demise, resulting in an explosion of lightning.
    494 Storm Diver 2 Vortex Pillar These alien soldiers carry a versatile arsenal of celestial rifles and cosmic accessories that allow them to defy gravity.
    495 Alien Queen 2 Vortex Pillar The final evolutionary stage of the alien hornet. They fire powerful disruptive energy at their prey, and give birth to many larvae.
    496 Stargazer 2 Stardust Pillar This slow-moving celestial soldier fires cosmic rays at unsuspecting invaders, defending the pillar without hesitation.
    497 Twinkle Popper 2 Stardust Pillar This beastly celestial arachnid rapidly spawns swift and relentless offspring to distract its prey as it prepares to devour them.
    498 Milkyway Weaver 2 Stardust Pillar The celestial energies of which this worm is born give its body and tail near unstoppable power as it twists through the skies.
    499 Star Cell 2 Stardust Pillar A biological single-celled organism that divides and multiplies rapidly with the limitless power of celestial energy.
    500 Mini Star Cell 2 Stardust Pillar A biological single-celled organism that divides and multiplies rapidly with the limitless power of celestial energy.
    501 Flow Invader 2 Stardust Pillar A cosmic jellyfish-type creature infused with abundant celestial energies which summons smaller minions to serve as its weaponry.
    502 Martian Saucer 4 Boss Enemy, Martian Madness An advanced flying saucer from somewhere well beyond this world. The destruction from its weaponry is unimaginable.
    503 The Torch God 5 Boss Enemy, Underground, Caverns An unseen deity responsible for a torch's eternal flicker, however easily angered by the unsightly, ungrateful abuse of torch placement.
    504 Eye of Cthulhu 2 Boss Enemy, Nighttime A piece of Cthulhu ripped from his body centuries ago in a bloody war. It wanders the night seeking its host body... and revenge!
    505 Servant of Cthulhu 1 Nighttime Young Demon Eyes newly birthed from the Eye of Cthulhu, brought forth to protect their master by any means necessary.
    506 King Slime 2 Boss Enemy, Surface Slimes normally aren't intelligent, but occasionally they merge together to become a powerful force to swallow all things.
    507 Eater of Worlds 3 Boss Enemy, The Corruption Conceived from the bottomless malice of the Corruption, this mighty abyssal worm tunnels wildly to devour all in its path.
    508 Brain of Cthulhu 3 Boss Enemy, The Crimson A piece of Cthulhu torn asunder, this vile mastermind pulses with agony and aids the Crimson in an attempt to avenge its master.
    509 Creeper 2 The Crimson Manipulated through the hive mind of the Crimson, Creepers serve as the brain's eyes and orbit around it for defense in numbers.
    510 Deerclops 3 Boss Enemy, Snow Hailing from a distant land, this cyclopic monstrosity lurks in cold places, wreaking havoc on those who disturb it.
    511 Skeletron 3 Boss Enemy, The Dungeon The disembodied bones of a former tyrant pulsed with a hatred so strong, it left behind a mighty curse which guards the Dungeon.
    512 Queen Bee 3 Boss Enemy, Underground Jungle This highly aggressive monstrosity responds violently when her larva is disturbed; the honey-laden hives are her home turf.
    513 Wall of Flesh 4 Boss Enemy, The Underworld Serving as the world's core and guardian, the towering demon lord exists to keep powerful ancient spirits sealed away.
    514 Leech 1 The Underworld A worm-like parasite spit forth from the Wall of Flesh, filled with the lifeblood of its host. This blood has healing properties.
    515 The Hungry (Attached) 2 The Underworld The Wall of Flesh's many mouths, attached by bloody veins. As a last resort, they can tear away and hungrily chase down threats.
    516 The Hungry (Flying) 2 The Underworld The Wall of Flesh's many mouths, attached by bloody veins. As a last resort, they can tear away and hungrily chase down threats.
    517 Queen Slime 4 Boss Enemy, The Hallow Hallowed slimes consolidated into a haughty, crushing force adorned in dazzling crystals. She is rumored to grow wings.
    518 Crystal Slime 2 The Hallow The blue-spectrumed crystal slimes specialize in growing and ejecting pointed crystal shards from their gelatinous bodies.
    519 Bouncy Slime 2 The Hallow On the pink side of the crystal spectrum, these crystal slimes pop off tumor-like gel growths to assault their enemies.
    520 Heavenly Slime 2 The Hallow Crystal slimes on the purple spectrum grow wings much like their royal creator, becoming aerial threats.
    521 Retinazer 4 Boss Enemy, Nighttime Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one focuses its energy into firing powerful lasers.
    522 Spazmatism 4 Boss Enemy, Nighttime Belonging to a pair of mechanically recreated Eyes of Cthulhu, this one chases at high speed, exhaling cursed flames.
    523 The Destroyer 4 Boss Enemy, Nighttime A mechanical simulacrum of Cthulhu's spine decorated in laser-armed probes, which detach from its body when damaged.
    524 Probe 2 Nighttime A singular probe detached from the Destroyer's body serves as a remote laser battery, often in a swarm of other probes.
    525 Skeletron Prime 4 Boss Enemy, Nighttime Mechanically reconstructed for reviving Cthulhu, this Skeletron has more arms than ever before, and a variety of fierce weapons.
    526 Plantera 4 Boss Enemy, Underground Jungle A dormant, yet powerful floral guardian awoken by the fallout of Cthulhu's destroyed machinations. Its reach spans the entire jungle.
    527 Empress of Light 5 Boss Enemy, Nighttime, The Hallow Beneath the Hallow's cleansing blanket lies a vengeful fae goddess bent on scrubbing the land of any and all impurity.
    528 Golem 4 Boss Enemy, The Temple A remarkable display of ingenuity constructed by the Lihzahrd clan. Powered by solar energy cells, it is ready to guard the Temple.
    529 Duke Fishron 5 Boss Enemy, Ocean An aquatic pigron mutation from the depths of the ocean who surfaces in search of a rare, savory type of worm.
    530 Sharkron 2 Ocean Duke Fishron's nature as a form of chimera causes his offspring to emerge more shark-like, which he uses as minions in battle.
    531 Lunatic Cultist 4 Boss Enemy, The Dungeon A fanatical leader hell-bent on bringing about the apocalypse by reviving the great Cthulhu through behind-the-scenes scheming.
    532 Lunatic Devotee 2 The Dungeon Utterly devoted, Lunatic Devotees unfailingly worship their deity, even when threatened with death. Fear only makes them worship harder.
    533 Blue Cultist Archer 2 The Dungeon Sworn to protect the cultist's ritual, these robed archers will fight to the death defending the lunatic devotees.
    534 Ancient Vision 3 The Dungeon A vision of a deadly omen wrought forth by a powerful cultist, often appears with reckless cosmic summoning of wyvern spirits.
    535 Phantasm Dragon 3 The Dungeon Wyvern souls are entwined in the atmosphere of the world. Powerful magicks can summon them through the veil with physical form.
    536 Nebula Pillar 4 Boss Enemy, Nebula Pillar Representing a stormy celestial body known as 'nebula', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant.
    537 Solar Pillar 4 Boss Enemy, Solar Pillar Representing a flaming celestial event known as 'solar flares', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant.
    538 Vortex Pillar 4 Boss Enemy, Vortex Pillar Representing a deep celestial void known as 'vortex', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant.
    539 Stardust Pillar 4 Boss Enemy, Stardust Pillar Representing a glittering celestial remnant known as 'stardust', this tower holds the seal locking away a terrifying tyrant.
    540 Moon Lord 5 Boss Enemy The mastermind behind all terrors which befall the world, freed from his lunar prison. Practically a god, his power knows no limits.
  • Các thực thể bị loại trừ và không thể đạt được

    Một số kẻ thù không có mục Bestiary nào cả:

    • Pirate's Curse
    • Spiked Slime, do không có cách nào để nó sinh sản thế giới cổ điển.
    • Golden Slime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), do không có cách nào để nó sinh ra trong bất kỳ Hạt giống Thế giới nào ngoại trừ Celebrationmk10
    • Jungle Mimic(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), do không có cách nào để nó sinh ra trong bất kỳ Hạt giống Thế giới nào ngoại trừ Celebrationmk10

    Một số kẻ thù nhất định trong trò chơi không có các mục Bestiary riêng biệt cho các biến thể của chúng:

    • Mimic
      • Chest
      • Gold Chest
      • Shadow Chest
    • Butterfly
      • Monarch Butterfly
      • Sulphur Butterfly
      • Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly
      • Ulysses Butterfly
      • Julia Butterfly
      • Red Admiral Butterfly
      • Purple Emperor Butterfly
      • Tree Nymph Butterfly
    • Zombie
      • Armed Zombie
      • Armed Pincushion Zombie
      • Armed Slimed Zombie
      • Armed Swamp Zombie
      • Armed Twiggy Zombie
      • Armed Female Zombie
      • Armed Torch Zombie
    • Skeleton
      • Bone Throwing Skeleton
      • Bone Throwing Headache Skeleton
      • Bone Throwing Misassembled Skeleton
      • Bone Throwing Pantless Skeleton
    • Các biến thể về kích thước cũng không được cung cấp các mục nhập duy nhất, có thể do mức độ phổ biến của chúng và khả năng làm phình đại tràng vượt xa bất kỳ lợi ích hợp lý nào về tính toàn diện.

    Cá (cụ thể là những vật nhận được dưới dạng vật phẩm thông qua câu cá, trái ngược với sinh vật cá và quái vật như cá vàng và Arapaima) không có mục Bestiary, mặc dù là sinh vật sống.

    Thú cưng, thú cưỡi và lính cái mà người ta có thể mong đợi để có các mục nhập dành riêng cũng không có chúng.

    Một số kẻ thù có mục nhập không thể đạt được ở tất cả các thế giới nhất định, ngăn chặn việc hoàn thành Bestiary:

    • Các thực thể liên quan đến Hang Nhện (Wall Creepers, Black Recluses, và Stylist) trong thế giới Not the bees
    • Ma quỷ thường và Thỏ trong thế giới For the worthy

    Ghi chú

    • Bestiary được liên kết với thế giới. Nếu một nhân vật được mở khóa hoàn toàn được đưa đến một thế giới mới, Bestiary sẽ trống rỗng đối với họ trong thế giới đó.
      • Một ngoại lệ là The Torch God, sẽ được mở khóa ngay lập tức nếu Torch God's Favor đã được sử dụng bởi nhân vật.
    • Bestiary sử dụng bộ đếm tiêu diệt riêng biệt với bộ đếm được sử dụng bởi Bộ đếm số; điều này là hiển nhiên do thực tế là các thế giới được tạo ra trước 1.4 yêu cầu giết từng sinh vật một lần nữa để điền vào các mục.
    • Ba kẻ thù có phần độc quyền: Crawdad, Giant Shelly, và Salamander. Trong một thế giới nhất định, chỉ có thể có hai trong số chúng, được chọn ngẫu nhiên; thứ ba sẽ không xuất hiện. Điều này được tính đến bởi logic tiến trình Bestiary và kẻ thù mất tích sẽ đăng ký là đã mở khóa khi hai sinh vật độc quyền khác được mở khóa.
    • Ở thế giới For the worthy, mọi Demon đều thay thế bởi Voodoo Demon, khiến không thể hoàn thành Bestiary trong những thế giới đó.
      • Vẫn có thể nhận được vật phẩm Bunny bình thường nếu người chơi bắt được Bunny đội mũ dự tiệc (sinh ra trong sự kiện Party), Bunny trong trang phục ông già Noel (sinh ra trong lễ Giáng sinh) hoặc Bunny mặc trang phục Slime (sinh ra trong Halloween) biến thể. Lưu ý rằng tất cả các biến thể này đều có mục nhập Bestiary riêng biệt và không được tính là Thỏ thông thường và việc lấy được vật phẩm sẽ không mở khóa mục nhập Bestiary.
    • Kẻ thù Old One's Army luôn hiển thị hình vẽ và chỉ số của biến thể Cấp 3 của chúng.
    • Gặp bất kỳ sinh vật vàng nào sẽ tự động mở khóa mọi mục nhập của sinh vật vàng khác, có nghĩa là chỉ cần đến gần với một loại sinh vật vàng.
    • Giết kẻ thù sinh ra từ tượng sẽ tăng cấp độ tiến triển tương ứng của chúng, điều tương tự khi chạm trán với sinh vật sinh ra từ tượng.


    • Tượng sinh sản của kẻ thù có thể được sử dụng để điền thông tin về những kẻ thù ít phổ biến hơn, như Medusa hoặc Mimics.
      • Nếu lấy được tượng Pigron, thì không cần tạo quần xã sinh vật Corrupt / Crimson / Hallowed Ice, vì tượng có thể sinh ra cả ba biến thể và Pigron là kẻ thù duy nhất được tìm thấy trong các quần xã phụ tương ứng đó.
    • Các mục nhập cho Người bảo vệ ngục tối và Linh hồn bị tra tấn có thể nhận được bằng cách nói chuyện với Người bán đồ và Người thu thuế, tương ứng.
    • Để hoàn thành 100% Bestiary, bạn phải tạo một quần xã Corrupt hoặc Crimson do người chơi tạo, tùy thuộc vào cái mà thế giới đã có. Điều này bao gồm một biến thể của quần xã sinh vật Bề mặt, Dưới lòng đất, Sa mạc, Sa mạc ngầm, Tuyết và Băng để thu thập tất cả các biến thể Crimson / Corrupt của kẻ thù và sinh vật.
      • Dryad, khi được nói chuyện trong Nghĩa địa trong Hardmode, bán hạt giống của quần xã ác quỷ đối lập.
      • Drunk worlds bao gồm cả quần xã sinh vật ác.
    Hơn nữa, cần phải kích hoạt các sự kiện theo mùa Halloween và Giáng sinh để mở khóa Santa Claus và tất cả các biến thể của kẻ thù và sinh vật.
    • Tiếp cận các đợt cuối cùng của Pumpkin và Frost Moons sẽ kích hoạt một ngày trong trò chơi duy nhất là Halloween / Giáng sinh.
    • Thay đổi ngày của thiết bị cho phép bỏ qua thời gian sẽ phải đợi nếu không. Xem các trang của sự kiện để biết chi tiết.
    • Những kẻ thù không có điểm rơi độc quyền hoặc thậm chí không thả tiền xu (chẳng hạn như Thần lùn) chỉ cần bị giết 10 lần để mở khóa tất cả thông tin có thể.
    • Chức năng tìm kiếm của Bestiary cho phép một số bí danh cho một số trùm nhất định:[2]
    Boss Search alias(es)
    King SlimeKing Slime slime king
    Eye of CthulhuEye of Cthulhu eoc
    Eater of WorldsEater of Worlds eow
    Brain of CthulhuBrain of Cthulhu boc
    Queen BeeQueen Bee qb
    bee queen
    Wall of FleshWall of Flesh wof
    Queen SlimeQueen Slime slime queen
    RetinazerRetinazer the twins
    mech boss
    SpazmatismSpazmatism the twins
    mech boss
    The DestroyerThe Destroyer mech boss
    Skeletron PrimeSkeletron Prime mech boss
    Empress of LightEmpress of Light eol
    Moon LordMoon Lord moonlord


    • Tỷ lệ hoàn thành Bestiary tối đa có thể nhận được trong thế giới tiền Hardmode (bao gồm cả việc mang các vật phẩm từ thế giới Hardmode sang) là 64,05% hoặc 335 mục nhập.
      • Nếu không mang các vật phẩm từ thế giới Hardmode sang, tỷ lệ hoàn thành tối đa là 51,43%, tương đương 269 mục nhập.
    • Biểu tượng còn tồn trong Tệp trò chơi Terraria để có thêm 5 bộ lọc, những bộ lọc này không được sử dụng:
    • Gnomes là kẻ thù đầu tiên được liệt kê trong Bestiary. Chúng là kẻ thù duy nhất trong trò chơi mà mục nhập Bestiary có thể được mở khóa mà không cần giết nó.
    • Có thể hoàn thành 15% Bestiary mà không giết bất kỳ kẻ thù nào.
    • Chúa tể Mặt trăng có mục nhập Bestiary duy nhất không có lai lịch hoặc quần xã sinh vật, có thể là do tính chất ngoài thế giới của nó. Nền trên bức chân dung của nó hoàn toàn đen và trống rỗng và không nhìn thấy bộ lọc khoảng trống.

    See also


    • Desktop 1.4.3: Added an entry for the Deerclops.
    • Desktop 1.4.2: Added button to the menu allowing the player to delete all text in the search bar.
    • Desktop 1.4.1:
      • Added entries for the Princess and The Torch God.
      • Boss minions which have their own Bestiary entries are now unlocked fully upon defeating their corresponding boss.
      • The Dark Mage and the Ogre's Bestiary entries are now fully unlocked after one kill.
    • Desktop
    • Desktop Fixed a crash on Linux involving Solar Pillar enemy badges.
    • Desktop
      • Betsy's Bestiary entry is now fully unlocked after one kill.
      • The Dungeon Guardian and Old Man Bestiary entries will now fill themselves out upon Skeletron's defeat if they have not been filled out already.
    • Desktop Introduced.
      Phiên bản Console Phiên bản Console
    • Console Introduced with changes up to Desktop
    • Mobile Introduced with changes up to Desktop


    1. Depending on if the player has unlocked them or not.
    2. Thông tin được lấy từ mã nguồn của bản Phiên bản Desktop Desktop, method ModifyEntriesThatNeedIt() in Terraria.GameContent.Bestiary.BestiaryDatabaseNPCsPopulator.cs. Có thể sẽ không chính xác, vì phiên bản hiện tại của $desktop$ là