User talk:Jesthel/Getting started PC

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Welcome to Terraria!

Terraria is a game of many wonders and plenty of surprises. There are places to explore, pieces of powerful equipment to collect, and enemies of all types to slay. However, everyone has to start from somewhere, and there has never been shame is looking for guidance when starting something new.

This guide is intended to make a person with absolutely no knowledge of Terraria into a bona fide Terraria explorer!

As a special note, there are now three versions of Terraria: The PC version, the Xbox Live Arcade platform and the PlayStation Network platform. Each version has its own quirks, and as such there are guides for all three versions.

This is the PC version of the guide.

For the Xbox version, click here.

For the PS3 version, click here.

Starting for the First Time

Terraria, like most games, has a menu with various options to configure and play the game.

At the main screen, the player is presented with a few options:

  • Single Player – This is the offline mode that allows a player to simply play by themselves with their own characters and worlds.
  • Multiplayer – This is the online mode that allows a player to connect to other games of Terraria and play with other players.*
  • Settings – This is where a player can change the settings of their game.
  • Exit – Exits the game.

* Note that Multiplayer does not currently support cross-platform play. Those who are playing the PC version will not be able to connect to Xbox or PS3 servers.

For the purpose of this guide, it is recommended for the player to select Single Player, and this guide assumes it has been selected.

Character Creation

The character creation screen

After making a selection on which mode to play in, the player is presented with the option to create a character.


The first four character properties change the way the character appears: Hair, Eyes, Skin, and Clothes.

  • There are 36 hairstyles to choose from, as well as their color.
  • The Clothes menu has four more options to choose from.

In order to pick colors for any setting, the Red/Green/Blue (RGB) values must be set to numbers between 0 and 255. For example, in order to get a white color, the RGB must be Red: 255, Green: 255, Blue: 255. There must be a minimum of 150 in all slots total.

Some commonly used colors:

Color R G B Color R G B Color R G B Color R G B
Red 255 0 0 Yellow 255 255 0 Pink 255 0 255 Black 50 50 50
Blue 0 0 255 Orange 255 180 0 Brown 180 100 75 White 255 255 255
Green 0 255 0 Purple 128 0 255 Grey 128 128 128


You can switch the character between Male and Female. This option is also purely cosmetic, with the main differences being slightly different looks and a different sound made when the character gets hurt.


The final choice when creating a character is Difficulty. By default, Softcore is chosen.

The Difficulty setting determines what happens when a character dies. It does not affect any other aspects of gameplay, including how hard Terraria's enemies will be.

  • Softcore mode is the default mode presented to the player, and it's the easiest difficulty. When a character dies, they will drop half of their currently carried coins onto the ground, and the character will be sent back to their spawn point. Their items will all remain intact, and any coins dropped this way can be found and picked up again afterwards.
  • Mediumcore mode is the second mode presented to the player, and it adds a more difficult death experience. When the character dies, all items, coins, and ammo will drop, and the character will be sent back to the spawn point. Once revived, in order to get the dropped items back, the player must go back to the location of death and pick up all equipment and currency. Under certain circumstances, items dropped this way can wind up permanently destroyed.
  • Hardcore mode is the final mode presented to the player, and has the harshest penalty for death. When the character dies, the character will be left as a ghost, and the character will be deleted upon logging out. All items will be dropped to the ground, which allows other players in a multiplayer game to pick them up.

For the purpose of this guide, it is recommended for the player to keep the selection of Softcore, and this guide assumes it has been selected.

Character Name

At this point, the player must select Create.

From here, the player is now prompted to enter a name for the character. There are a few restrictions for naming:

  • The name can only be 20 characters long.
  • Spaces can be used, and count towards the character limit.
  • Non-English characters cannot be used.

After typing in a name, the player selects Create again, and then is returned to the Character screen.

From here, select the newly created character. Its now time to build the world itself.

World Creation

Click Create World.

The player is presented with three World Size options: Small, Medium, or Large.

  • Small Worlds are relatively compact. The oceans are much closer to the starting point, and the entire world is not as deep. The Corruption (a difficult area type with deadly hazards) is only in one or two places.
  • Medium Worlds are, well, medium-sized. Traveling to the edges will take a new player roughly one in-game day (15 minutes in the real world). The Corruption is in two or three places.
  • Large Worlds are massive. To reach the deepest sections of the map will take quite a while, and the oceans are easily several days apart. The Corruption is in three to four places.

Choosing a Small World is recommended for a first Terraria experience. This will make it easier to find and experience the various different area types that Terraria has to offer. Medium and Large Worlds have the benefit of providing more area to explore, but as a beginner it is much easier having to travel less distance to see the various game aspects. Don't worry, as Small worlds are still quite massive, and fully exploring a Small world can take many real world days!

Upon clicking a size option the player is asked to name the world. After naming the world, click Accept.

The world will now be available play in. Click it to enter.

Now it's time to finally enter Terraria!

Beginning Gameplay

A sample Terraria world

Upon entering the World for the first time, the character will be placed at the center of the world. This location is known as the Spawn Point (or simply, the "Spawn"), and will be where the character is placed each time this World is entered.

  • Note: The Spawn Point can be changed later using a Bed. This will be explained in more detail later.

There are also a couple of things the player can see immediately: A row of blue icons with items inside the first three slots, and five hearts with a Life total of 100. These will be explained in more detail later.

Movement and Tool use

The character is moved using the keyboard, while most interactions like fighting, mining, and building, are done with the mouse. These can be customized in the settings menu before entering a World, but for the purpose of the guide it is assumed that the default settings are used. For a more detailed explanation of the available keys, refer to the game controls page.

  • A makes the character go left.
  • D makes the character go right.
  • Space makes the character jump into the air.
  • Left Clicking uses the item in the currently selected in the Hotbar.
  • Right Clicking interacts with the world in various ways, such as opening Doors. The mouse cursor will change accordingly when an item it is pointing to can be interacted with.


In the upper-left corner of the screen are ten boxes numbered from 1 to 0 (zero). These are special inventory slots referred to as the "Hotbar", and each slot contains items that can be used. In order to see the rest of your inventory, press Esc. This is where the rest of the items a player obtains on their adventure go.

There are other areas of the Inventory screen. From here, the player can access many other features of the game.

  • Forty (40) item slots, with 10 of those slots being part of the Hotbar.
  • Coins and Ammo slots.
  • Two forms of equipment slots.
  • The Crafting interface.

For now, the only part that requires attention at the moment is the main item slots, and the Hotbar in particular.

Each character begins the game with the following tools in the hotbar slots: a Copper Shortsword in the first (1) slot, a Copper Pickaxe in the second (2) slot, and a Copper Axe in the third (3) slot. There is a chance these items may have additional names, however this does not have any effect on the usage of the items.

Each of these items are currently assigned to the first three buttons on the Hotbar. When an item is selected, the blue box that surrounds the item is enlarged, and the name of the item is shown above the bar. There are a few ways to change the current selection:

  • Pressing the number key indicated in the box's upper left hand corner
  • Using the mouse scroll wheel
  • Clicking on a slot with the mouse pointer.

For more information, see Inventory


The red numbers are the damage dealt to the character; the orange numbers are the damage done to monsters

Fighting in Terraria is extremely important.

When wielding a tool or weapon, left clicking will cause the item to be use in the direction of the mouse cursor. Depending on the item being used, it may do a few things:

  • Melee weapons (and all tools) will be swung.
  • Ranged weapons will be thrown/shot.

The player can move while attacking.

Other Interface Elements

The “hearts” beside the inventory indicate the character's health. The character's health will start at 100 health points (Or five hearts) and can currently go up to 400 health points (or 20 hearts) with the use of Life Crystals.

  • When a character takes damage, the hearts will slowly fade away to show the progression towards zero.
  • When a character reaches zero health points, they will die. Difficulty will affect the consequences of death.
  • Health is slowly regenerated over time. After a short period of not taking damage natural regeneration will kick into effect, slowly increasing in speed until the character is at full health. Standing still further increases the natural regeneration.
  • There are items that can recover health. See Health for more information.

Mana is also present in the game, and will show up as blue stars on the right side of the screen. Newly made characters have zero mana. To obtain mana, one must use Mana Crystals. For the purpose of this guide it will be glossed over.

The inventory screen (opened by pushing Esc) shows the rest of the game's interface.

  • Right below the hotbar is the player's inventory. In addition to the 10 hotbar slots; there are 30 more slots for items, up to 40 total items. Right below the inventory is the trash slot, and any items placed here will be deleted upon logout, or overwritten by another item. To the left, there are four coin slots (for storing currency) and four ammo slots (for storing ammunition).
  • The lower left section is the crafting interface, which allows players to create different items to be used in the world. This section is affected by the various crafting stations in the game. Further into the guide, details will be given on how to make the very first set of items.
  • The right hand section of the inventory screen is the equipment section, which has a total of 11 slots: Three for the actual armor (helmet, shirt, and pants), three for social armor (aesthetically replaces the graphics of the currently worn armor.), and five Accessory slots. At the bottom of the slots, there will be a listing for Defense, which decreases the damage taken, and can be increased by equipping armor and accessories.
  • Also in the right hand section of the inventory is the Housing section, which is used to change the locations of Non-player characters. This will be glossed over for the purpose of this guide.

The First Day and Night

A basic house for the first night in Terraria

The first day of any character's life is not an easy one. The day on the new world has already progressed a bit, and nighttime is on its way. Night is not a safe place for a new character (or player), and this guide will show the steps necessary to make it through the day and night.

The First Day

During the first day, it is best to cut down some trees immediately with the Copper Axe on the third Hotbar slot and start gathering Wood. Aim the mouse cursor towards the roots of the tree, and hold down the left mouse button until the tree is destroyed. Keep in mind that a tree requires many hits with the axe before being brought down.

  • Recommended Trees Felled: Five (5)
  • Trees also drop Acorn.png Acorns as well. These can grow new trees.

During this, if an enemy appears, simply select the Copper Shortsword and swing at it. If it is a Slime, it will take only a few hits to dispatch it. The slime will then attempt to attack the character by ramming into you. Keep slashing until it explodes, and drops a few items. Any items gained during this time will be invaluable later.

  • Slimes will drop Gel.png Gel and Copper Coin.png Coins when killed.
  • Bunnies do not drop anything, and will not damage the character.

When a world is created for the first time, there will only be one Non-player Character (NPC): The Guide. The Guide is there to help new players learn the game, and he is a valuable source of information. The Guide also can tell the player how to craft various items.

Building a Home

After cutting down trees, the player will have obtained around 85 pieces of Wood. With this, the player can build their first home. The Hotbar should now have two items on it: Wood and Acorns. Ignore the Acorns for now, and select the slot that has Wood in it.

By using the mouse cursor, the player can place Wood blocks down. Blocks can be stack on top of each other, however they cannot be placed in the air without support of some kind.

  • A house consists of: two walls, one celing, one floor, and a Door.
  • Recommended dimensions of a house: Six blocks high, Ten blocks long.
  • Misplaced Wood blocks can be removed by using the Copper Axe.

In the beginning it is a good idea to seal both sides of the wall, trapping the character inside the house. This will prevent enemies from attacking you, and allows you to work in peace.


Now it's time to do some crafting. Crafting is the basic way players obtain furniture, weapons, armor, and other amenities of life. Nearly all items of advancement through Terraria need to be crafted. To reach the crafting menu, press Esc and look at the bottom right corner.

In order to craft items, you need two things: Materials and Workstations.

Materials are the items that make up the basic components of crafted materials. These items can range from simple (such as Gel) to complex.

Workstations are pieces of furniture that allow the player to turn materials into other items. Once placed, the crafting menu will update with the new recipes that the player can create.

Currently, the player can create only two or three things:

  • Torch.png Torch – A light source that can be placed on the world.
  • Wood Platform.png Wood Platform – When placed into the word, they create a thin wooden bridge that can be walked on top of.
  • Work Bench.png Workbench – The first workstation a player will come across, and the easiest to craft.

Click on the Workbench icon to create one. After a moment, the mouse cursor will show that the player is holding the Workbench. Simple drag the Workbench to an empty spot on the Hotbar, and then press Esc. If done properly, the place on the Hotbar now has a Workbench on it.

Select the Workbench, and place it somewhere inside the house using the mouse cursor. Once placed, press Esc again.

The crafting interface has been updated to show the new items the player can create using the Workbench. Moving away from the bench will remove these new recipes.

The player will now want to create two more items: A Wooden Hammer and a Wooden Door.

  • Wooden Hammer.png Hammer – A hammer is the last tool needed to work in Terraria. Unlike a Pickaxe or Axe, a hammer is used to remove Walls and Furniture.
  • Wooden Door (placed).png Door – These allow a player to easily enter and exit a building. In most circumstances, monsters cannot open doors*, however NPCs can.

Place the Wooden Hammer on an easy to reach spot on the Hotbar. The player will use this at a later date to remove unwanted furniture and walls.

In order to place the Door on the house, an opening on one side is needed (this only applies if the player sealed yourself in completely). Select the Axe, and remove three blocks from the bottom of the floor upwards. Select the door from the Hotbar, and hover the cursor right below the top block, and click. The door will be placed. This new house can now be entered or exited at anytime.

  • Doors can be installed anywhere as long as there are two blocks placed vertically in relation to themselves, with three empty spaces between them.
  • To open a door, simply right click them.
  • Doors open in both directions.

* During a Blood Moon or a Goblin Army Invasion, monsters gain the ability to open doors. This can be prevented by applying a single block outside the door, preventing entry. The block can be removed later after it is safe.

Back Walls

A house is not complete without a Back Wall. Without back walls, monsters are free to spawn inside the home. These back walls do not take up the space of regular blocks and serve to "cover up" the background so that the structure looks like it is complete.

  • A Wood Wall.png Wood Wall requires 1 wood to craft 4 wall pieces.
    • Head to the Workbench, and create at a minimum of 70 of the Wood Wall back wall. If you made your structure larger you will require more.
    • Drag the newly made wall to the Hotbar, and begin to place it. Note that back walls must overlap each other and any small openings or cracks must be sealed.
    • Back walls do not have to extend outside the building, although you must ensure that the inside is completely covered.

Light Sources

If all of the directions have been followed so far, this house is now considered safe; monsters cannot spawn in it, nor can they enter it in most circumstances.

If the player has dispatched any slimes during construction, they should have some Gel on hand. Open the crafting interface and create one set of three torches.

  • To place torches, select either the wall or the ground, and place them inside.

The home is now lit with light. If the time of day is approaching Night, and the player has not yet killed a slime they may go out now and do so. A light source will make the first night easier to handle.

Last Second Preparations

Before nightfall, the player may have enough time to explore around their homes. Some recommended tasks:

  • Crafting a Wooden Sword: Wooden Swords are a more powerful version of the Copper Sword. They not only do more damage, but are swung overhead, protecting the character from attacks.
  • The Guide is able to open doors, and will seek shelter in the player's new home at nightfall. This presents a dangerous problem for players as he may not close the door. It is recommended that the player barricade their door in some fashion (for instance, placing a block on the outside of the door for the night).
  • Gathering Supplies: The player may cut down more trees, gather minerals, and hunt Slimes.

The First Night

The first night is the roughest. A newly made character has zero defenses against damage, and has little offensive power. Those who choose to spend the night inside their home are the safest, and waiting out the first night is a recommended strategy.

Two kinds of monsters will spawn:

  • Zombies are aggressive and will try to get to the character whenever they can.
    • They may drop Shackle.png Shackles, which are an Accessory that provide one defense.
  • Demon Eyes will float around and occasionally try to ram the character.
    • They will drop Lens.png Lenses, which are useful for later down the road. If the player manages to collect 2 lenses they can craft a pair of Goggles.png Goggles, which is likely to be the very first helmet crafted. It gives one defense.

As long as the player has taken steps to prepare a safe location it is possible to go out and slay the two monsters above. Each monster's hit will take a sizable portion of the character's health, and these hits can happen rapidly. The player must also keep in mind that nighttime removes ambient light sources, it is necessary for the player to bring their own.

Regardless of how the player chooses to spend their first night, they will eventually end up with the sun coming in from the west. The player will hopefully spend many more nights in their new world, and conquer everything in their path.

More Information

For more advanced information, please check out the guides listed below.

Crafting 101 - This is the introductory crafting guide. It contains a detailed explanation of how crafting works, and the ideal crafting station setup.

Bases - How to create an effective homebase.

Mining Techniques - This guide goes into detail on easy and efficient ways to mine ore, and what to expect when venturing deeper into Terraria.

Gardening - How to grow gardens of Trees, Mushrooms, and other less savory things. This is a wonderful guide for learning how to properly organize and maintain a garden.

PvP - A great place to start when looking for information on Player vs. Player combat. Not quite for beginners, however it's a great read for those who would like to study beforehand.

Eye of Cthulhu Boss Fight - Considered by many to be the first boss players will face and kill. Bosses are powerful monsters that have a ton of health and do devastating damage.

<metadesc>A Guide to getting started by Terraria Wiki</metadesc>