Guide:Wall of Flesh strategies

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Status: Revised (This Guide got revised and is up to date!)
Wall of Flesh Trophy.png“The master and core of the world.”Wall of Flesh Trophy.png

The Wall of Flesh is the final pre-Hardmode boss. It is composed of two eyes which blast the player with lasers, and a mouth in between. Defeating it permanently initiates Hardmode in the world it was defeated in, displaying the message: "The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released."

Wall of Flesh
Wall of Flesh.gif
Map Icon Wall of Flesh.png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeWall of Flesh AI
Max Life8000/11200/14280
KB Resist100%
Immune toOn Fire!ConfusedHellfire
Inflicts debuffs
Inflicts debuffs
Inflicts debuffs
Debuff tooltipYou have seen something nasty, there is no escape.
DurationWhile the player is within 120 tiles from the boss.
DebuffThe TongueThe Tongue
Debuff tooltipYou are being sucked into the mouth
DurationWhen the player has Horrified debuff, and leaves the Underworld, or is more than 2.5 tiles behind the boss.
Coins8 GC20 GC


To summon the Wall of Flesh, the Guide Voodoo DollGuide Voodoo Doll must be thrown into lava in The Underworld while the Guide is alive, or in the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, have the Guide die in lava in the Underworld.

The Wall of Flesh's sweep direction is determined by its spawn location. Summoning it anywhere left of the center of the world will cause it to move from left to right, while spawning it right of center will cause it to move from right to left, regardless of the direction the doll was thrown into lava from. Maximum fight space can be achieved by spawning it at the extreme right or left of the world, though these areas have fewer natural structures, and may require additional lava survival acessories or construction.

The Fight

The Wall will steadily move toward the player, so a safe distance should always be maintained. If the player moves behind the Wall, they will be pulled back right in front of it, ignoring collisions with blocks. This places the player in a very vulnerable position and is likely to cause significant damage. As such, staying in front of the Wall should be a top priority. On the other hand, leaving the Underworld will also result in being pulled back in. This can sometimes fling the player into hazards such as Lava, which can easily result in death if without items that give immunity to lava, e.g. a Lava CharmLava Charm or an Obsidian Skin PotionObsidian Skin Potion.

At the start of the fight The HungryThe Hungry should be focused on, preferably using piercing weapons or explosives. When they get killed however, they detach from the Wall and move toward the player. The Hungry will always / have a 1/5 (20%) chance to drop hearts, providing a valuable source of health during the fight. Heartreach PotionHeartreach Potion are also helpful to the amount of hearts you will be able to heal with during the fight.

When the Hungry have mostly been eradicated, the Eyes and Mouth can be focused on. Prioritize damaging the Eyes over the Mouth, as they have no defense (6 defense) compared to the Mouth's 12 defense (18 defense).

Close-ranged players may take hits from newly spawned Hungry in Expert/Master Mode and the occasional direct hit from the Wall. The lasers can be easily avoided by jumping up and down when the Eyes are shooting, although this may be insufficient for Expert and Master Mode. The laser damage can be halved by building a bridge out of blocks instead of platforms, blocking the lower eye. You can also build your bridge out of ash blocks as the Wall of Flesh will automatically stay above them.

LeechLeeches will be spawned during the fight. They are worm enemies, meaning they need solid blocks in order to move around. Be mindful of the terrain (and bridge), and use piercing, splash, or melee weapons against them. They and the Hungry drop helpful heart pickups, providing health.

The movement speed and laser firing rate of the Wall both increase as it gets damaged. When almost destroyed it reaches a top speed of 17 (41) mph, and as such needs to be killed quickly before it overtakes the player.

The Horrified debuff has the effect of instantly killing the player when they use a TeleporterTeleporter, Magic MirrorMagic Mirror/Ice MirrorIce Mirror(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or any of its upgrades, or a Recall PotionRecall Potion. It does so only after the player returns to spawn, allowing for the instant recovery of money (and items on Mediumcore). This can be used as a last resort to save items or money if death seems inevitable.

At low health it'll reach a top speed of 17 (41) mph, and so it is recommended to have fast movement accessories or mounts such as Hermes BootsHermes Boots or its upgrades.

Expert and Master Mode

The Hungry will respawn quickly over time, making non-penetrating ammo less effective against the Wall.

Lasers can reach extremely fast firing rates, to the point where the lasers have no usable gap between them. You can minimize the chance of getting caught by making the last stretch more open beforehand.

General Strategies

General Tips

This content is transcluded from Guide:Practical tips § Combat.

  • Boss battles can be won or lost before the battle ever starts. Choose your equipment and have it ready; find and/or make potions and placed buffs; use the highest-tier food you have available; set up an arena appropriate to the boss; learn the strategies for the boss you're facing.
  • Prepare your Boss-fighting arena with adequate lighting, CampfireCampfires and Heart LanternHeart Lanterns for health regeneration, and Star in a BottleStars in Bottles for mana regeneration if you use magic. Bast StatueBast Statues(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) will provide a significant defensive boost. Garden GnomeGarden Gnomes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) (if underground) proper torch placement will reduce damage taken and increase damage dealt due to the luck. The Torch God's Favor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) helps with this. HoneyHoney pools can also be used for extra health regeneration.
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) SunflowerSunflowers provide the Happy!Happy!(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) buff to nearby players, which grants a +10% movement speed bonus and 17% reduction in enemy spawn rate.
  • Always carry around a stack of the highest-tier healing potion available, as relying only on natural Health Regeneration is not a good idea. Depending on the game stage, this can include items such as Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potions or HoneyfinHoneyfins. On the Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile versions, Restoration PotionRestoration Potions are healing potions with a shorter cooldown.
  • It is suggested to build houses for the DryadDryad and the NurseNurse NPCs in your arena. The former casts the Dryad's BlessingDryad's Blessing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) buff, which increases your defense and provides you with a thorns-like effect, while the latter can heal and remove debuffs instantly, at the cost of some Silver Coincoins.
  • Bosses are displayed on the Minimap: Follow the boss's icon to track it when you're struggling to find it. You can identify the boss icons by checking their respective wiki pages.
  • Once you have freed the MechanicMechanic in the Dungeon, you can use WireWire to enhance your arena with Dart TrapTraps and helpful Heart StatueHeart and Star StatueStar Statues. The former helps to damage the enemies, though be careful to set them up correctly in order not to hurt yourself during the battle. The latter will spawn heart and star pickups, respectively. Connect these devices to 1 Second Timertimers to activate them infinitely.
  • It may be useful to summon and kill the Eye of Cthulhu or King Slime before summoning any harder boss in order to spawn an extra one-use pool of Hearts. Note that this will take up a big chunk of the spawnable healing Hearts, which will cause Heart Statues to not spawn as many/any Hearts.
  • Remember to use the Sharpening StationSharpening Station(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Ammo BoxAmmo Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions), Crystal BallCrystal Ball, Bewitching TableBewitching Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), War TableWar Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and Slice of CakeSlice of Cake(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) before you go to explore or battle bosses/invasions. These will give boosts that are useful to have, with the first five being class-specific. They give SharpenedSharpened(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Ammo Box (buff)Ammo Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions), ClairvoyanceClairvoyance, BewitchedBewitched(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), StrategistStrategist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and Sugar RushSugar Rush(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), respectively.

Terrain preparation

The Wall of Flesh benefits from having an arena prepared more than other bosses.

The simplest arena is a long bridge of about 750-1000 blocks with some space above it for the player to maneuver. This places the player out of danger from falling into lava and ensuring that they can keep a steady attacking pace allows the fight to be faster and easier. Note that Underworld map generation tends to place Ruined Houses towards the middle third of the map, leaving the eastern and western wings mostly clean for placing blocks.

However, one can skip the whole terrain preparation process by consuming Water Walking PotionWater Walking Potions or wearing Lava WadersLava Waders instead. In 1.4, the Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) may be preferable. Do note that it is possible to get stuck behind ash mounds and houses, so it is recommended to mine or bomb problematic areas out while exploring the Underworld beforehand.

Alternatively, you can build the arena with Minecart TrackMinecart Tracks, since you can keep a safe distance with a MinecartMinecart with decent speed. Jump mobility is more limited when using Minecarts, but lasers can be avoided by speeding up or slowing down.

Killing the Wall of Flesh will generate a bricked-in treasure box above your bridge. The bricks can serve as kill-markers, but they may interfere with movement if your next fight runs close to that spot.

In Expert Mode, players may want to make holes on the bridge to drain Lava from killing Lava SlimeLava Slimes; alternatively, Obsidian Platforms, Stone Brick Platforms, or Planter Boxes can be used, as they do not break when contacting lava, and the materials to make the former two can be obtained in bulk by demolishing the Ruined Houses, or by collecting stone that you've mined throughout the game. One could also equip Royal GelRoyal Gel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) to prevent Lava Slimes from attacking, though this method will still generate lava if the lava slime dies.

Gearing up

  • Having 400 health is essentially required at this point, especially since Hardmode will start immediately upon the Wall's defeat. To find more Life CrystalLife Crystals, use a Spelunker PotionSpelunker Potion, with an optional Mining PotionMining Potion(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) to get to them faster.


  • Molten HelmetMolten Armor has the highest defense and melee damage bonuses.
  • The Necro HelmetNecro Armor is the best pure set for a Ranger.
    • Old-gen console version Old-gen console If a GiGi(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) is available, it can replace the Necro Breastplate to get increased damage and movespeed in exchange for the Necro set bonus, which has no significant effect in combat as it only affects ammo consumption.
  • A summoner can choose Bee HeadgearBee Armor(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) if they prefer the extra minion slot, or the Obsidian Outlaw HatObsidian Armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) if they prefer the whip buffs.
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) For extra acceleration and movement speed, Shadow HelmetShadow Armor can be used to better outrun the Wall of Flesh.


For Melee users:

  • On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, the Night's EdgeNight's Edge has extra range and a large area attack that make it ideal for this fight. If the eyes and mouth are close enough together, it can damage all three, as well.
    • On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, the Falcon BladeFalcon Blade has autoswing and doesn't turn the player around in the direction they are facing, making it the most efficient sword for the fight. Since it attacks in an arc, it can hurt the Wall of Flesh and keep the Hungries away in the same swing, unless they come from below.
  • The StarfuryStarfury has the longest range among pre-Hardmode melee weapons and is a safe choice for this fight, especially in Master mode. It can damage both the boss' Mouth and Eyes as well as the Hungries with its piercing effect, and attack even from off-screen. (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Its projectiles may get stuck in the ceiling if an area is not cleaned out.
  • The SunfurySunfury pierces with medium range, making it effective at both the Hungry and the boss, and on Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, it can prevent the Hungry from touching you at all. However, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the Hungry on higher difficulties, preventing you from escaping the boss.
  • The Bee KeeperBee Keeper can be used to maximize bee damage against the Hungry and the Wall of Flesh, as the bees can also damage the boss itself.
  • The Dark LanceDark Lance has high DPS when compared to other melee weapons of a similar progression point, however it's incredibly inefficient against the Hungry due to their small hitboxes, making it more efficient near the end of the fight.
  • The Hive-FiveHive-Five(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is the best yoyo for the fight, as the bees that it releases can help deal with the Hungries.

For Ranged users:

  • The Hellwing BowHellwing Bow(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is the strongest bow available due to its rapid fire and piercing projectiles. Since it only requires Wooden Arrows to shoot its bats, ammunition for it will be pretty easy to obtain. The Bee's KneesThe Bee's Knees(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) has similar properties but is overall weaker.
  • The Molten FuryMolten Fury does a decent job when used with Unholy ArrowUnholy Arrows.
  • The Phoenix BlasterPhoenix Blaster is the best gun available. Use Meteor ShotMeteor Shots for maximum effectiveness. The Quad-Barrel ShotgunQuad-Barrel Shotgun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is another strong gun.
  • While it is hard to get ammo for it, the Star CannonStar Cannon is an extremely efficient weapon to use due to its great stats and piercing. It can kill the Wall of Flesh in mere seconds. Journey mode users are able to take full advantage of this weapon by duplicating Fallen Stars.
  • The Molotov CocktailMolotov Cocktail(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) can be used to kill some of the Hungries. The fire left behind by it will do some extra damage to the boss. These are recommended if you are not very accurate with your explosive throwing skills (100-150 to kill the boss).
  • On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, the BeenadeBeenade is arguably the most effective weapon against the Wall of Flesh. They deal consistent and rapid damage to all of the boss parts, including the Hungries, and can do so from a great distance.
  • Explosives, such as the GrenadeGrenade, may work as well, quickly clearing the Hungry. Even the DynamiteDynamite can be used to great effect, although the timing may require some practice. The drawback is that using most explosives this way will cause major environmental damage.
  • Although expensive, the Holy Hand GrenadeHoly Hand Grenade(3DS version) is a great option. They deal extreme area of effect damage, capable of quickly killing the Hungries and hitting multiple parts of the Wall itself.

For Magic users:

  • The Demon ScytheDemon Scythe is without a doubt the strongest magic weapon against the boss, as its projectiles can hit the boss and the Hungries multiple times per hit.
  • The Water BoltWater Bolt is also extremely efficient, being able to hit all three body parts in one cast if shot into the ceiling to make it ricochet.
  • The Aqua ScepterAqua Scepter is one of the strongest mage weapons for this fight, due to its high damage, quick use time and piercing.
  • The FlamelashFlamelash is a very good option on Classic mode. The Hungries not respawning make reaching the boss much easier. On Expert mode or higher, it is still a solid option, but you may have a hard time trying to focus on the boss and not the Hungries.
  • The Gray ZapinatorGray Zapinator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is a great choice because of its ×10 damage attack. Even more so, it is also affected by Meteor armor's set bonus.

For Summoners:

  • The best combination of minions involves two uses of the Vampire Frog StaffVampire Frog Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), two uses of the Flinx StaffFlinx Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and one use of the Imp StaffImp Staff.
  • The SnapthornSnapthorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Spinal TapSpinal Tap(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) are the best whips for the fight. They can be used to attack the Hungry as well, but this changes the target of summons, so retargeting the boss' Eyes or Mouth is important.


  • Variants of the Lightning BootsLightning Boots and Cloud in a BottleCloud in a Bottle will help you maneuver around the lasers shot by the Wall.
    • Using both the Lightning BootsLightning Boots and MagiluminescenceMagiluminescence(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) increases the player's max speed to 39mph. This is the same as the top speed of the Wall of Flesh in expert mode, greatly reducing the risk of being overtaken.
  • Lava WadersLava Waders or Terraspark BootsTerraspark Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) allow you to walk on the surface of the underworld's many lava lakes unharmed, which is necessary without a hell bridge.
  • The Stinger NecklaceStinger Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can be helpful if you're not confident in your ability to hit the eyes instead of the mouth.
  • Feral ClawsFeral Claws are quite helpful for any player using a sword or whip.
  • The Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is very helpful for mages, it can collect mana stars dropped by the hungry and leeches.
  • If Queen Bee has been defeated, the Pygmy NecklacePygmy Necklace is an exceptionally good accessory for summoners.
  • The Squire's ShieldSquire's Shield(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)/Apprentice's ScarfApprentice's Scarf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) aren't as great as they usually are on this boss, since sentries are unable to follow the Wall. Although the 10% summon damage boost is still helpful.
  • The Expert exclusive Shield of CthulhuShield of Cthulhu(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Worm ScarfWorm Scarf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) help greatly with mobility and survivability respectively. On Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, the Brain of ConfusionBrain of Confusion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)'s dodge ability and increased critical strike chance are a must for worlds that generate with Crimson.
  • An Obsidian ShieldObsidian Shield is mandatory if doing the fight with a close ranged melee weapon, as knockback is a great issue when standing close to the Wall.

As always, make sure to have your accessories reforged to Warding, Menacing or Lucky to get the most out of each slot.


Specific Strategies

Boulders Head-start

If you can jump BoulderBoulders, then you should set up a few at the beginning of the run and Wire them to a Pressure plate in the course, so you can step on the pressure plate, and the Wall of Flesh gets hit by a few boulders. However, mistiming your jump can be deadly, as Boulders deal high damage. Explosives (or just thrown Dynamite) can be used in a similar manner for even greater damage.

Mouth-only Tunnel Strategy

One strategy which has worked for some players is to build a 3-7 block high tunnel so that the WoF can not use the laser eye attack since it cannot shoot through blocks. For regeneration purposes, use full Crimson armor and Campfires every 20 blocks to help. A good weapon to use is the Diamond Staff, but if you have multiple people, the Ruby Staff will work as well. If you intend to solo the Wall, use Molten armor or Shadow/Crimson armor.

Autofarm Strategy with Boulder Statues (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

An example of a Guide's house for a WoF farm
An example of a Guide's house for a farm
An example of WoF farm in Singleplayer Classic
An example of WoF farm in Singleplayer Classic

One more strategy could be to set up a farm that can kill the Wall of Flesh without the player even being in the Underworld. This strategy involves killing the Guide in Lava so that Wall of Flesh spawns, and then killing it with Boulder Statues.

To do this, you must make a house for the Guide in the Underworld at the edge of the world and set up Timers that actuate blocks to make him fall in the lava at least every 20 seconds. Put Lava beneath the blocks that are actuated and make sure that there is always a floor so that the Guide will never spawn somewhere else. Place a Pressure Plate in Lava to detect when the Guide falls in it. You should also put some other kind of trap to be sure that the Guide dies quickly in Lava, as it could take a while if he has a lot of Defense.

After setting up the Guide's house, you just have to set up the Boulder Statues. The Wall of Flesh speeds up when it's damaged, so place Boulder Statues with space between them varying: 10 with a space of 2, 5 with a space of 4 and 10 with a space of 6. This should beat it every time in Classic Mode. The Wall of Flesh will be killed endlessly, and you can let this farm run while continuing to play, gathering the drops as you see fit.

Potions Instead of Bridge

One of the most tedious parts of this fight is building the bridge. However, this can be bypassed entirely by using Water Walking Potion, Obsidian Skin Potion, and Featherfall Potion, allowing the player to simply walk away from the Wall of Flesh on top of the lava, jumping over obstacles using Featherfall potion. Terraspark Boots can be used to similar effect.

When using this method, it's recommended to start at the very edge of the world, and to do a 'trial run' first, without the Wall of Flesh, to see if there are any obstacles in the way that need to be cleared out.