Guide:Blood Moon strategies

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This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.
Status: Subject to revision (This Guide does not meet certain quality standards and may be heavily outdated.)
  • Issues:
     • Most likely outdated since 1.4. Remember not to delete pre-1.4 content; use {{eicons}} and {{eversions}}!
  • A Blood Moon is a common randomly occurring event that takes place over the course of an entire night; however, a Blood Moon can also be initiated when the player uses a Bloody Tear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). Blood Moons are signaled by the message "The Blood Moon is rising..." in the lower left corner of the screen (or the top middle of the screen on Mobile version Mobile).

    A Blood Moon will only occur if at least one player in the world has more than 120 life, and only on nights when a moon is present (any night except a new moon). Given those criteria, a Blood Moon has a 1/9 (11.11%) chance of occurring. It will also not spawn if another event is currently taking place, such as Lantern Night(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Slime Rain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). Weather-related occurrences (like Windy Days(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or Thunderstorms(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) do not count as events, so there can be crossovers.


    This content is transcluded from Blood Moon § Contents.

    On a Crimson world:
    From Fishing:
    During Hardmode:
    From Fishing during Hardmode:
    Unique Drops
    From The Groom:
    (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) From any enemy during Hardmode:
    From Dreadnautilus(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):
    From Hemogoblin Shark(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):
    From Blood Eel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):
    From The Bride(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):
    From any Blood Moon Enemy:
    From any Blood Moon Enemy caught during fishing:
    From Hemogoblin Shark(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) & Blood Eel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):
    From Wandering Eye Fish(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) & Zombie Merman(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):
    From Drippler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) & Blood Zombie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):
    From Clowns:
    From Fishing:
    For Sale
    From Clothier:
    From Zoologist:
    From Dryad:
    From Cyborg:
    From Skeleton Merchant(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):


    While a Blood Moon is active, multiple effects can happen:

    This content is transcluded from Blood Moon § Effects.

    Blood Moon (moon).png
    The moon's appearance during a Blood Moon.
    Red rain during a Blood Moon.


    • The spawn rate of enemies on the surface increases. Not only do they spawn faster, but more are spawned than can normally exist on-screen at once.
      • This works no matter the environment, so for example Corruption and Crimson enemies can swarm more than they normally would.
      • It only affects spawn rates above the surface. Spawn rates below the surface remain the same.[1]
    • Enemies can spawn near towns, even though those normally suppress enemy spawns.
    • Zombies and their counterparts become able to open Doors.
    • Goldfish, Bunnies, and Penguins turn into Corrupt Goldfish / Vicious Goldfish(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Corrupt Bunnies / Vicious Bunnies(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and Corrupt Penguins / Vicious Penguins(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) respectively.
      • Those spawned from Statues will also become Corrupt / (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Vicious, and do not revert to their regular forms after the Blood Moon is over. If it is raining during the event, transformed Goldfish will flop around on the ground, instead of walking.

    Other effects

    Visual effects

    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) A red filter will be applied to the screen, shifting the colors of all entities and light towards red and purple shades. Some of the unique effects of this filter are listed below:
      • The filter will also alter the projectile colors of many weapons.
      • Placed Living Cursed Fire Blocks turn yellow, creating a unique effect.
      • The Glowing Mushroom Biome, which is normally blue, will appear pink-purple because of the red shader.
    • Almost all water will turn red, including rain.
      • The Oceans will not turn red, though it will be affected by the screen filter, turning it a purple-ish color.


    While a Blood Moon can be dangerous to new players, it can also wield great rewards.

    • DripplerDripplers(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Blood ZombieBlood Zombies(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can drop the Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), a decent early-game accessory and the Money TroughMoney Trough(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), an item that lets you access your Piggy BankPiggy Bank anytime, anywhere.
    • In Hardmode, the ClownClown can drop the KO CannonKO Cannon and BananarangBananarang
    • Enemies caught during fishing can drop the Chum BucketChum Bucket(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) ,an item that increases fishing power. Other fishing drops include the Vampire Frog StaffVampire Frog Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), the Blood Rain BowBlood Rain Bow(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and the Advanced Combat TechniquesAdvanced Combat Techniques(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), an item that permanently increases NPC's Attack and Defense.
    • In Hardmode, more enemies can be fished and can give more Blood Moon exclusive items
      • The DreadnautilusDreadnautilus(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can drop the Sanguine StaffSanguine Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), a great summoning weapon.
      • The Hemogoblin SharkHemogoblin Shark(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can drop the Blood ThornBlood Thorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), a magic weapon.
      • Blood EelBlood Eels(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can drop the Drippler CripplerDrippler Crippler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), a great melee weapon.
    • Enemies exclusive to the Blood Moon can drop the Bloody TearBloody Tear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).


    General tips

    This content is transcluded from Guide:Practical tips § Combat.

    • For nocturnal bosses, starting the battle just after the sun sets (7:30 PM) will provide the maximum amount of time to defeat the boss. In Hardmode, the Moon CharmMoon Charm and/or Moon StoneMoon Stone and their upgrades are also useful at night.
    • Boss battles can be won or lost before the battle ever starts. Choose your equipment and have it ready; find and/or make potions and placed buffs; use the highest-tier food you have available; set up an arena appropriate to the boss; learn the strategies for the boss you're facing.
    • Prepare your Boss-fighting arena with adequate lighting, CampfireCampfires and Heart LanternHeart Lanterns for health regeneration, and Star in a BottleStars in Bottles for mana regeneration if you use magic. Bast StatueBast Statues(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) will provide a significant defensive boost. Garden GnomeGarden Gnomes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) (if underground) proper torch placement will reduce damage taken and increase damage dealt due to the luck. The Torch God's Favor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) helps with this. HoneyHoney pools can also be used for extra health regeneration.
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) SunflowerSunflowers provide the Happy!Happy!(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) buff to nearby players, which grants a +10% movement speed bonus and 17% reduction in enemy spawn rate.
    • Always carry around a stack of the highest-tier healing potion available, as relying only on natural Health Regeneration is not a good idea. Depending on the game stage, this can include items such as Lesser Healing PotionLesser Healing Potions or HoneyfinHoneyfins. On the Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile versions, Restoration PotionRestoration Potions are healing potions with a shorter cooldown.
    • It is suggested to build houses for the DryadDryad and the NurseNurse NPCs in your arena. The former casts the Dryad's BlessingDryad's Blessing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) buff, which increases your defense and provides you with a thorns-like effect, while the latter can heal and remove debuffs instantly, at the cost of some Silver Coincoins.
    • Bosses are displayed on the Minimap: Follow the boss's icon to track it when you're struggling to find it. You can identify the boss icons by checking their respective wiki pages.
    • Once you have freed the MechanicMechanic in the Dungeon, you can use WireWire to enhance your arena with Dart TrapTraps and helpful Heart StatueHeart and Star StatueStar Statues. The former helps to damage the enemies, though be careful to set them up correctly in order not to hurt yourself during the battle. The latter will spawn heart and star pickups, respectively. Connect these devices to 1 Second Timertimers to activate them infinitely.
    • In Hardmode, the Brand of the InfernoBrand of the Inferno(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Sergeant United ShieldSergeant United Shield(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can be used to parry incoming contact damage.
    • It may be useful to summon and kill the Eye of Cthulhu or King Slime before summoning any harder boss in order to spawn an extra one-use pool of Hearts. Note that this will take up a big chunk of the spawnable healing Hearts, which will cause Heart Statues to not spawn as many/any Hearts.
    • Remember to use the Sharpening StationSharpening Station(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Ammo BoxAmmo Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions), Crystal BallCrystal Ball, Bewitching TableBewitching Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), War TableWar Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and Slice of CakeSlice of Cake(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) before you go to explore or battle bosses/invasions. These will give boosts that are useful to have, with the first five being class-specific. They give SharpenedSharpened(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), Ammo Box (buff)Ammo Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions), ClairvoyanceClairvoyance, BewitchedBewitched(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), StrategistStrategist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), and Sugar RushSugar Rush(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), respectively.


    Due to the NPCs being vulnerable to enemies during this event, it is recommended that you make your base in the sky at the beginning. If you have already made a base, a simple barricade of a block behind a door will prevent most enemies from getting in. You will want to move your base above ground level before Hardmode, as the increased enemy spawn rate will result in more WraithWraiths spawning, which can be a nuisance; however, they can only move upward if they're inside a block. A simple ditch can take care of most ground level mobs, even ClownClowns in hardmode. Even better, line the bottom of the ditch with lava and it will kill them for you. You will want to place a thin layer of lava in the ditch, enough to burn Copper CoinCopper Coins, but not Silver Coinsilver ones. To make sure that the amount of lava is correct, throw a copper coin in. If it burns, you have met the minimum requirement. If not, add more until it does, but slowly until the coin disappears. Next, throw a silver coin in. It shouldn't burn. If it does, remove some and try again. Repeat until the copper coin burns, but not the silver. As said above, traps can make the arena even deadlier when used correctly. Keep in mind that Drippers can hover and fly above your defenses.

    Also, if you do not want to build an arena, you can use weapons that attack through blocks (for example, the Vilethorn pre-Hardmode, or a Crystal Vile Shard or Life Drain in hardmode) to attack mobs while being safe in your house. If you have defeated Plantera, you can use the Nettle Burst. You can do this by blocking your doors with blocks or having a base that is high off the ground, while using a weapon (like the ones suggested above) to attack the enemies that come. If you have a floating base, you can put a lava pit underneath your base as well.

    Gearing Up


    • Silver HelmetSilver or Tungsten HelmetTungsten Armor should be used at the bare minimum. Gold HelmetGold or Platinum HelmetPlatinum Armor provides more defense, but is harder to obtain.
    • If the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated, Shadow HelmetShadow Armor or Crimson HelmetCrimson Armor are both good options because they provide a mobility increase and increased regeneration, respectively.
    • Molten HelmetMolten Armor is a good option for melee users, but it requires one to have beat the Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu, and to have visited the Underworld.
    • A mage can use the Wizard HatWizard Set with the Meteor LeggingsMeteor Leggings or Jungle PantsJungle Pants for magic damage.
    • Meteor HelmetMeteor or Jungle HatJungle Armor is also useful for mages.
    • After the player has defeated Queen Bee, Summoners can use Bee HeadgearBee Armor(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions).
      • The Obsidian Outlaw HatObsidian Armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is an alternative, providing boosts to whip speed and range. It also does not require one to have defeated Queen Bee to obtain it. However, it requires one to have beaten the evil boss.
        • If neither the Queen Bee nor the evil boss has been defeated, the Flinx Fur CoatFlinx Fur Coat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) should be used.
    • Palladium BreastplatePalladium Armor can be used with the corresponding head piece for regeneration.
    • Orichalcum BreastplateOrichalcum Armor can be used with the corresponding head piece for crowd control.
    • Titanium BreastplateTitanium Armor gives the most defense and should be used with the corresponding head piece.
    • If one does not mind hybrid sets, warriors and rangers should use the Frost BreastplateFrost Breastplate, Spider GreavesSpider Greaves(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions), and their corresponding Adamantite HelmetAdamantite Head piece.
    • A mage can use a combination of the Adamantite HeadgearAdamantite Headgear, Mystic RobeMystic Robe(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions), and Forbidden TreadsForbidden Treads(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) to maximize magic DPS, however, this is very frail. Otherwise, a wizard should use Adamantite HeadgearAdamantite armor if the other sets are unavailable.
    • A summoner should use Spider MaskSpider Armor(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions). However, if one desires extra range and speed for whips, Obsidian Outlaw HatObsidian Armor(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can be used.


    For Melee Users
    For Ranged Users
    For Magic Users
    For Summoners

    Options are limited before Hardmode:

    • The Slime StaffSlime Staff is rare and weak, but will at least allow attacking from shelter.
    • After the player has defeated Queen Bee, the Hornet StaffHornet Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) is quite useful.
    • The Imp StaffImp Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) is even more powerful, but requires a dangerous trip down to the Underworld.
    For Melee Users
    For Ranged Users
    For Magic Users
    • The Flower of FrostFlower of Frost is useful for debuffs. The Flower of FireFlower of Fire is a weaker version. The Life DrainLife Drain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is great against crowds, while the Clinger StaffClinger Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is useful for barriers. The Nimbus RodNimbus Rod can be used for damage for passerby. The Frost StaffFrost Staff is also good.
    • The Golden ShowerGolden Shower, the Cursed FlamesCursed Flames, and the Crystal StormCrystal Storm are all good weapons for debuffs and rapid damage respectively. The Demon ScytheDemon Scythe can be used for close combat.
    • The Sky FractureSky Fracture(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is a very powerful weapon and can decimate the Blood Moon enemies. The Medusa HeadMedusa Head(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) can kill multiple enemies at once fully charged. However, it is a rare drop from MedusaMedusas(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). The Crystal SerpentCrystal Serpent(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is good against crowds. The Unholy TridentUnholy Trident is a good weapon, but it is dropped by deadly Red DevilRed Devils.
    • The Spirit FlameSpirit Flame(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is very strong against the Dreadnautilus.
    For Summoners
    • The Spider StaffSpider Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) is available early, and a solid improvement over the Pre-Hardmode options, especially with the spiders' ability to latch onto enemies (putting walls behind your arena can make the spiders more mobile). Later staffs such as the Pirate StaffPirate Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) are also good.
    • For sentries, one should use the Queen Spider StaffQueen Spider Staff(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) as it is the best one available.



    1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SpawnNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is