Eventos (Events/es)

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Un ejemplo de evento, en este caso es la Legión gélida.
Véase también: Eventos temporales

Los eventos son sucesos temporales en los que una oleada de enemigos atacan a los jugadores. Algunos ocurren aleatoriamente y otros bajo ciertas circunstancias. Ciertos eventos provocan cambios gráficos, por ejemplo la Luna sangrienta. El evento acaba al terminar el tiempo o acabar con todos los enemigos.

Actualmente hay 7 eventos distintos.

Luna de Sangre


La Luna de Sangre es un evento que tiene 1 entre 9 (11,11%) de probabilidades de que ocurra en cada noche (excepto lunas nuevas) con tal de que un jugador en un mundo tenga 120 puntos de vida o más. Un mensaje diciendo: "La Luna de Sangre se alza…" aparecerá cuando empiece el evento. Durante este evento, la velocidad de aparición de enemigos y la cantidad máxima de enemigos en pantalla aumentará. Los enemigos también aparecerán cerca de PNJs, incluso aunque de normal no puedan. Puede ser saltada usando un Reloj de sol encantando.

Durante una Luna de Sangre, los Zombies, Hombres Lobo y Armaduras Poseídas podrán abrir puertas tras unos golpes.

También aparecerán enemigos especiales junto a los enemigos normales del bioma de la superficie en el que se encuentre el jugador.

Los siguientes enemigos solo se aparecen durante una Luna de Sangre:

Si el mundo está en Modo Difícil:

  • El PayasoPayaso es un enemigo que puede llegar a ser muy peligroso. Ataca lanzándole bombas al jugador.

MalahierbaMalahierba también florecerá durante una Luna de Sangre. Puede ser encontrada en la Corrupción incluso aunque no haya una Luna de Sangre.

Todos los cuerpos de agua aparte del océano y cerca de una Fuente de Agua adquirirán un color rojo sangre, incluyendo la Lluvia. Hace esto como el bioma del Carmesí. Usa el mismo tema que las zonas de impacto de Meteoritos.

Goblin Army/es


The Goblin Army is an event that has a 1 in 15 chance of occurring every dawn if certain criteria are met, it can also be summoned using a Goblin Battle Standard. Before the event starts the message: "A Goblin Army is approaching from the [east/west]!" will be displayed a certain number of times. When the Goblin Army is about to spawn around the players spawn point the message: "A Goblin Army has arrived!" will be displayed.

During the event five different types of unique Goblin will spawn:

  • Duende peónDuende peón: A basic Goblin that can destroy doors.
  • Duende hechiceroDuende hechicero: A Caster-type enemy that fires a projectile which can travel through walls. It can teleport.
  • Duende ladrónDuende ladrón: A quicker Goblin that can also jump higher than the others.
  • Duende guerreroDuende guerrero: A Goblin with more health, defense, and damage than others, that takes the most time to kill. It cannot collide with wood platforms in any way.
  • Duende arqueroDuende arquero: A Goblin that shoots arrows at the player.

When the Goblin Army has arrived the "Boss 1" theme will play.

When the last wave of Goblins has spawned, the message: "The Goblin Army has been defeated!" will display, and the Goblin Tinkerer will spawn underground (only if defeated for the first time).

Legión gélida

The Frost Legion is an event which is very massive event similar to the Goblin Army and is only attainable legitimately in Hardmode. The seasonal update allows mobs to drop Presents, if on a Hardmode world these presents have a 1 in 13 chance of containing a Snow Globe, the item used to spawn the Frost Legion. Before the event starts, the message: "The Frost Legion is approaching from the [east/west]!" will display. When the Frost Legion is about to spawn around the players spawn point, the message: "The Frost Legion has arrived!" will be displayed.

During the event three different types of unique snowmen will spawn:

  • Señor StabbySeñor Stabby: A Snowman wielding a knife.
  • Muñeco de nieve maloteMuñeco de nieve malote: A Snowman that inflicts ranged damage with a gun.
  • Triunfador de nieveTriunfador de nieve: A Snowman that throws snowball projectiles.

When the Frost Legion have arrived, the "Boss 3" theme will play.

When the last wave of Snowmen has spawned, the message: "The Frost Legion has been defeated!" will display.

After the Frost Legion has been defeated, the Santa Claus NPC will be available and will move into an empty home.

Solar Eclipse/es

Bestiary Eclipse.png

The Solar Eclipse is a rare event that was included with the 1.2 update. A Solar Eclipse is a Hardmode event that can occur with approximately 1/25 chance after a Mechanical Boss has been defeated. A Solar Eclipse will be announced at dawn with the message "A Solar Eclipse is happening!". The sun will rise obscured by the moon, dramatically reducing natural light to a level closer to nighttime. Normal biome enemy spawns are replaced with special enemies that can spawn near NPCs, and spawn much more frequently and in greater numbers than usual.

The enemies that spawn are as follows:

  • Cosa del pantanoCosa del pantano: A swampy creature that can run quickly.
  • FrankensteinFrankenstein: A zombie-like creature that has much more health than a normal zombie.
  • OjozorOjozor: A slow-moving zombie variant with high health. It is capable of firing a laser.
  • MuerteMuerte: A dark creature that is similar to the wraith. Reapers are best dealt with by standing on a platform over an empty space
  • VampiroVampiro: Enemies that spawn as VERY fast bats that may target the player. They morph into their humanoid form upon coming close to a player.

The solar eclipse lasts an entire Terrarian day, so the only way to stop it is to wait it out. It is possible to skip this event by simply going underground and waiting it out.

Pirate Invasion/es

The Pirate Invasion is an event that is very similar to the Goblin Army. It can spawn randomly, or be summoned by the use of a Pirate Map, which can be obtained from killing any mob in the Ocean biome during Hardmode. When activated, a message will warn all players that "Pirates are approaching from the East/West!" When the Pirate Invasion has reached the spawn point, a message will send, saying "The Pirates have arrived!"

During the event, six different enemies themed around a pirate crew will spawn:

  • Pirata de cubiertaPirata de cubierta: A simple enemy. Very similar to the Goblin Peon.
  • Pirata pistoleroPirata pistolero: A pirate enemy who carries and shoots a gun.
  • Corsario pirataCorsario pirata: Similar to the deckhand, but a little faster with a little more damage. He carries the Cutlass.
  • Pirata con arcoPirata con arco: Similar to the Goblin Archer. She carries a crossbow that seems to resemble one of the repeaters obtainable during hardmode.
  • Capitán pirataCapitán pirata: The strongest pirate enemy you will encounter. He walks normally until the player enters his range, and then enters attack mode where he mounts a machine gun and starts to rapid fire at the player. Upon being attacked, he will cease to fire, and will not start firing again until the player stops attacking him. He can also fire cannonballs.
  • LoroLoro: A flying enemy that seems to spawn near the Captain.

During the event, the track titled "Boss 4" will play, and upon defeating the Pirate Invasion, a message will appear stating that "The Pirates have been defeated!"

Defeating the Pirate Invasion is the main requirement for obtaining the Pirate NPC. However, the Pirate may not spawn after defeating the Pirate Invasion.

Pumpkin Moon/es

Pumpkin Moon (moon).png

The Pumpkin Moon is a challenging Halloween-themed gauntlet that can only be summoned at night with the Pumpkin Moon Medallion. Unlike other events, the Pumpkin Moon takes place in distinct waves, each one preceded with the message "Wave [#]: [list of the monsters that will be spawning in the wave]". There are a total of 15 waves, which grow harder as the night wears on, culminating in the "Final Wave," which lasts for the remainder of the night. Later waves will contain multiple boss-caliber monsters, so it is not recommended for players to summon the Pumpkin Moon until they have end-game weapons and armor and well-reforged accessories.

The Pumpkin Moon has seven monsters, in increasing order of difficulty:

  • EspantapájarosEspantapájaros: The most basic monster, it slowly walks or hops about.
  • AstilleanteAstilleante: A slow but resilient monster that is highly resistant to knockback.
  • Perro infernalPerro infernal: An extremely fast Wolf-like creature.
  • PoltergeistPoltergeist: A floating monster that passes through walls like a Wraith.
  • Árbol de lutoÁrbol de luto: The first boss-type monster, it passes through and climbs blocks and shoots volleys of fireballs.
  • Caballero sin cabezaCaballero sin cabeza: Another boss-like monster, it is similar to the Unicorn, but is much more dangerous.
  • Rey calabazaRey calabaza: The strongest beast of the Pumpkin Moon, it is similar to Skeletron and has three modes of attack based on which face it is showing.

The Pumpkin Moon used the "Eclipse" music track, but got its own in Though there are no rewards for surviving the event, most (if not all) of the enemies can drop unique items, including Spooky Wood and equipment like the Spooky Hook and Raven Staff.

Frost Moon/es

Frost Moon (moon).png

The Frost Moon is a Christmas-themed event similar to the Pumpkin Moon that can only be summoned at night with the Naughty Present. It uses the same wave system as the Pumpkin Moon, with an additional five "bonus waves" after the "Final Wave". Enemies have similar behavior to Pumpkin Moon counterparts, but are tougher, making this event the hardest as of Terraria v. It has 11 types of enemies:

  • Hombre de jengibreHombre de jengibre: Basic enemy found in the early waves.
  • Elfo zombiElfo zombi: Another fighter-type enemy.
  • Arquero elfoArquero elfo: Dangerous ranged enemies that shoot flaming arrows.
  • CascanuecesCascanueces: Powerful enemies that come in two variants.
  • YetiYeti: Similar to Krampus and Nutcrackers, but stronger.
  • ElfocópteroElfocóptero: Flying, bullet-shooting enemies, with high damage.
  • KrampusKrampus: Stronger version of Nutcrackers.
  • CopitoCopito: Spawn rarely during the event, but fly at the player at high speed, making them dangerous enemies.
  • GritoeternoGritoeterno: The first boss found during the Frost Moon, which shoot pine needles and tree decorations at the player. Can get through walls to reach the player.
  • Papá-NK1Papá-NK1: The second boss of this event, that shoots bullets, rockets and presents.
  • Reina de HieloReina de Hielo: The final boss, the strongest of the event. It's very evasive, and has attacks which are hard to dodge.


  • Desktop 1.2.4: Se ha solucionado un error por el cual se aumentaba la aparición de enemigos subterráneos durante eventos de luna.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Ahora las invasiones pueden generar enemigos en cualquier lado.
  • Desktop 1.2: Se han añadido el eclipse solar y la invasión pirata.
  • Desktop 1.1.1: Se ha añadido la legión gélida.
  • Pre-Release: Se han introducido los eventos.