Legacy:Diseaster Bunny

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Nintendo 3DS version
3DS-Only Content: This information applies only to the 3DS version of Terraria.
Easter-Only Content
Easter-Only Content
The content described on this page will only appear during the Easter event.
Diseaster Bunny
Diseaster Bunny.png
AI TypeFighter AI
Max Life70

Diseaster Bunnies come from the small eggs laid by Lepus, and therefore look like a miniature version of it. They also appear instead of Bunnies during Easter, at any time of the day. It acts exactly like a Corrupt Bunny. They can be quite annoying for new players, due to their high attack, health, speed and jumping ability, and the fact that they can spawn anywhere on the surface at any time.


  • Only naturally spawned Diseaster Bunnies will drop Suspicious Looking Eggs. Ones spawned by Lepus never drop them.
  • There is a rare chance that a Diseaster Bunny will drop 2 Suspicious Looking Eggs.
  • Unlike Corrupt Bunnies during a Blood Moon, Bunnies will not become Diseaster Bunnies when Lepus is summoned.
  • Although they come from Lepus, they do nothing intentionally to help Lepus when it is under attack.
  • Diseaster Bunnies emit a faint blue glow that can only be seen when they are slightly underground.


  • The first part of its name is a play on the words "disaster" and "Easter" (or perhaps "disease" and "Easter", or both).
  • If the player is playing on an outdated version during Easter, then they will be Corrupt Bunnies instead.

See also
