Goblin Peon

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Goblin Peon
Goblin Peon.gifOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeFighter AI
Max Life60/120264396/180396594
KB Resist20%/28%/36%
BannerGoblin Peon BannerGoblin Peon Banner
Coins1 SCPre-Hardmode: 2 SC50 CCHardmode: 4 SCPost-Plantera: 6 SC

The Goblin Peon is a pre-Hardmode enemy that spawns during the Goblin Army event. It is the event's most basic enemy and follows the Fighter AI. Approximately one out of every five goblins will be a Peon (17.8% chance to spawn). It has the unique ability to destroy doors that are in its way (destroyed doors drop as collectible items).

The Goblin Peon is only two tiles tall (instead of the 3-tile player height) and can fit through smaller gaps in the player's walls.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Goblin Peon: "Common footsoldiers of the Goblin Army, these foul creatures are good for little more than cannon fodder... and breaking down doors."
