Alien Larva

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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Alien LarvaHardmode exclusive
Alien Larva.gif
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeFighter AI
Max Life200/400/600
KB Resist0%/10%/20%
BannerAlien Larva BannerAlien Larva Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Immune toConfusedShimmering

The Alien Larva is a Hardmode, post-Lunatic Cultist enemy that spawns in the area of the Vortex Pillar during the Lunar Events. They move fairly slowly along the ground, and will only naturally spawn in groups of two or three upon the death of an Alien Queen. If unattended, they will grow into Alien Hornets, which in turn become Alien Queens later on.


  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Alien Larva: "The larval stage of the alien hornets. They may seem weak and harmless, but if ignored they will evolve into powerful beings."


  • Desktop 1.4.4: Now included in the Alien Queen family "cap"; Alien Queens will no longer release Alien Larvae upon death if enough Alien Hornets already exist.