Camera Mode

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Desktop version
Desktop-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop version of Terraria.
The Camera Mode icon next to the housing icon.
The Camera Mode menu.

Camera Mode is a special interface which allows taking screenshots of a Terraria world, providing controls to capture images of selected areas of the minimap or screen. Camera Mode is activated by pressing F4 or left-clicking the camera icon above the armor dye slots in the inventory, which replaces the gameplay interface with a specialized image capture interface. While Camera Mode is active, mouse control is used to frame the picture, and the player can neither build nor use items. Selecting an item on the hotbar, using the number keys, or pressing Esc will cancel Camera Mode.

Unrevealed sections of the world will not be uncovered by Camera Mode, represented as black swaths similar to ordinary unexplored areas on the minimap.


Camera Mode Take Screenshot.png Screenshots

The most basic utility provided by Camera Mode, the screenshot, takes a full-size picture of the screen. The interface is hidden in screenshots taken using this function. The produced image is the same size as the viewable window, meaning that the size of produced images will change if the game window is resized.

Camera Mode Take Snapshot.png Snapshots

Frame mode.
Camera Mode Pin 1.pngCamera Mode Pin 2.png
Camera Mode frame pins.

The primary function of Camera Mode is its ability to capture selected areas of the screen by using the frame functions:

  • Camera Mode Pin Frame.png Using Pin Frame, left and right clicking will set the two opposing corners of the rectangular capture area highlighted in white.
  • Camera Mode Set Frame.png Set Frame allows the player to drag the edges to expand the frame.
  • Camera Mode Reset Frame.png Reset Frame removes the frame entirely.
  • Take Snapshot produces a complete image of the region inside the frame. Frames can also be set from the minimap, which can be accessed by pressing M or selecting the Open Map function.

Camera Mode Open Folder.png Open Folder

Both snapshots and screenshots are saved to the Captures folder and can be accessed by using the "Open Folder" function. This only functions in windowed mode.

  • On Windows Vista and later, %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Terraria\Captures
    • On Windows XP, %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\Captures
  • On Mac, open Finder and press "Go" on the top. Then press "Go to folder...". Type in ~/Library/Application Support/Terraria/Captures
  • On Linux, $XDG_DATA_HOME/Terraria/Captures
    • This is typically ~/.local/share/Terraria

Camera Mode Settings.png Settings

Camera Mode settings window.

Prior to taking a picture, several options can be selected to modify the camera's output.

  • Image Packing: When taking a snapshot larger than the screen, Image Packing causes it to be compressed into a single continuous image, during which the completed image is "zoomed out". Disabling this feature instead produces a folder containing several exact replicas which the player will need to stitch together in an external image editor. This process is also slower to complete, but produces a 1:1 replica of the captured area.
  • Capture Entities: If disabled, the final image will not include the player, any pets, projectiles, minions, NPCs, or enemies.
  • Capture Background: If disabled, the final image will be presented on a transparent background.
  • Biome Pick: The thirteen biome icons at the bottom of the Settings menu allow for the changing of the displayed biome background and water color; for example, a picture of the Crimson could include the Hallow's bright purple water and pastel tree backgrounds. This background will be applied to the entirety of the image, even if it spans multiple biomes.
Filter Description
Biome filter runner.png Automatic Displays background and water color of the biome the player currently is in.
Biome filter forest.png Purity Displays current Forest background and blue water.
Biome filter corruption.png The Corruption Displays current Corruption background and purple water.
Biome filter jungle.png The Jungle Displays current Jungle background and teal water.
Biome filter hallow.png The Hallow Displays current Hallow background and magenta water.
Biome filter snow.png Snow Displays current Snow biome background and light blue water.
Biome filter desert.png Oasis Displays current Desert background and turquoise water.
Biome filter underground.png Underground Always displays Forest background of the left part of a world (due to a bug) and dark blue water from the Underground layer.
Biome filter cavern.png Caverns Always displays Forest background of the left part of a world and murky purple water from the Cavern layer.
Biome filter crimson.png The Crimson Displays current Crimson background and pinkish water color.
Biome filter underground desert.png Desert Displays current Desert background and yellow water from the Underground Desert.
Biome filter ocean.png Ocean Displays current Ocean background and blue water.
Biome filter glowing mushroom.png Glowing Mushroom Fields Displays current surface Glowing Mushroom background and dark blue water. Screenshot is set in darkness, as in an actual surface Glowing Mushroom biome.


  • The game is likely to crash if a too large snapshot with windy environment on is taken, particularly if there are more than 9000 tiles of a given type of dynamic tile (like pylons, relics, or tiles that react to wind) displayed at the same time.


  • Camera Mode was previously present in the Mobile version Mobile version of Terraria, although it was not fully functional – images were not stored anywhere and the game sometimes froze completely.


  • Desktop Biome Style buttons on the biome setting interface now have mouseover text showing what biome they represent.
  • Desktop Added protections against crashes when taking large snapshots.