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Soils are a basic type of blocks in Terraria. They can be freed and picked up using a pickaxe or drill, like any other block.


Soil Convertable Description
Dirt BlockDirt
Corrupt grassCorrupt grass
Crimson grassCrimson grass
Hallowed grassHallowed grass
✔️ Dirt is the most accessible soil on any map, making up most of the surface and being the primary soil of the Underground layer (see Layers). Grass spreads across bare dirt when exposed, and the bulk of the dirt found on the surface appears as Grass. A number of useful plants grow on dirt, these being Blinkroot, Orange Bloodroot (bare dirt), Daybloom, Mushroom, Pumpkin, Strange Plant, Yellow Marigold, Blue Berries (normal Grass and Hallowed grass), Vile Mushroom (Corrupt grass), Vicious Mushroom (Crimson grass) and Deathweed (Corrupt and Crimson grass). All dirt-grass types also feature tree variants. Grass is vulnerable to Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow.
Stone BlockStone
Ebonstone BlockEbonstone
Crimstone BlockCrimstone
Pearlstone BlockPearlstone
Red MossRed Moss
Brown MossBrown Moss
Green MossGreen Moss
Blue MossBlue Moss
Purple MossPurple Moss
Lava MossLava Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Krypton MossKrypton Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Xenon MossXenon Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Argon MossArgon Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Neon MossNeon Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Helium MossHelium Moss(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
✔️ Stone is the most abundant soil, found in surface deposits and being the primary soil of the Cavern layer (see Layers). It is a bit more durable than dirt. Not being immune to Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow, it will become Ebonstone, Crimstone, or Pearlstone when exposed, but only in Hardmode. Unlike basic stone, Ebonstone, Crimstone, and Pearlstone can only be mined with a Nightmare or Deathbringer Pickaxe or higher. Normal stone can grow Moss and Ebonstone and Crimstone will also grow Deathweed. Stone in the lava layers of the Cavern can grow Lava Moss, which glows in the dark as lava does. Pearlstone will also grow Crystal Shards in the Underground Hallow. Stone is a crafting material for several crafted blocks, mainly bricks.
Granite BlockGranite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Granite is found in large deposits in Granite Caves. It is used to craft Smooth Granite Blocks, which then can be crafted into their own furniture set.
Marble BlockMarble(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Marble is found in large deposits in Marble Caves. It is used to craft Smooth Marble Blocks, which then can be crafted into their own furniture set.
Sand BlockSand
Ebonsand BlockEbonsand
Crimsand BlockCrimsand
Pearlsand BlockPearlsand
✔️ Sand is the yellow terrain making up Deserts and Oceans. It is one of the soils affected by gravity – it will fall when the block underneath it is mined, and will damage any players or NPCs standing below. Waterleaf and Cactus will grow naturally on Sand, and Sand is also used as ammunition in the Sandgun. Sand is not immune to Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow, and will be turned into Ebonsand, Crimsand, or Pearlsand, respectively, if those biomes are allowed to spread to Sand.
Sandstone BlockSandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ebonsandstone BlockEbonsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Crimsandstone BlockCrimsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pearlsandstone BlockPearlsandstone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
✔️ Sandstone is a yellow rock variant of Stone. It is primarily found in the Underground Desert and forms the sand caves. Unlike Sand, Sandstone is not affected by gravity. Sandstone is not immune to Corruption, Crimson or Hallow, and will be turned into Ebonsandstone, Crimsandstone, or Pearlsandstone, respectively, if these biomes spread into Sandstone.
Hardened Sand BlockHardened Sand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hardened Ebonsand BlockHardened Ebonsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hardened Crimsand BlockHardened Crimsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hardened Pearlsand BlockHardened Pearlsand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
✔️ Hardened Sand is used as an alternate to Sandstone in the Underground Desert. It may also be used elsewhere in the world as a support for Sand, wherever Sand may generate. Like Sand, Hardened Sand can be used to create Glass. Unlike Sand, Hardened Sand is not affected by gravity. Hardened Sand is not immune to Corruption, Crimson or Hallow and will be turned into Hardened Ebonsand, Hardened Crimsand, or Hardened Pearlsand, respectively, if these biomes spread into Hardened Sand.
Desert FossilDesert Fossil(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Desert Fossils are a special type of rock that generate exclusively in the Underground Desert. They generate in a similar manner to ore, albeit in large frequent clumps. Desert Fossils can be placed in the Extractinator to produce Sturdy Fossils (the only input source that does this) or other Extractinator outputs as normal. Desert Fossils are not affected by gravity.
Clay BlockClay Clay deposits can be found underground, most commonly just below the surface in the Underground. Clay is currently used in crafting only. It will not grow vegetation.
Mud BlockMud
Jungle grassJungle grass
Mushroom grassMushroom grass
Corrupt Jungle grassCorrupt Jungle grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Crimson Jungle grassCrimson Jungle grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
✔️ / Mud is a replacement for Dirt in the Jungle and Underground Jungle biomes. It also makes up occasional Glowing Mushroom biomes in the Cavern layer. Bare mud will grow Blinkroot, mud covered in Jungle Grass will grow Jungle trees, Moonglow, Sky Blue Flowers and Blue Berries, and mud covered in Mushroom Grass will grow Glowing Mushrooms and Giant Glowing Mushrooms.

(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)If mud is converted in Hardmode, it will turn into dirt; however, dirt can be crafted back into mud at water pools. The vulnerability of mud appears to differ between spread and growth (as of; bare mud and Jungle grass mud can be overtaken by the Corruption and Crimson, but not by the Hallow (unless the Clentaminator is used). Mud with Mushroom grass is not converted by any of them, even when using the Clentaminator. A converted Dirt Block does additionally not have any converting power itself, hence a Mud Block will only convert if it can grow grass or is touching a corrupted block.

(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)If mud is converted in Hardmode, it will turn into Corrupt/Crimson Jungle grass, so damage done by the worlds evil biome is easily reversible. Hallow will still not spread unless the Clentaminator is used.

Ash BlockAsh
Ash GrassAsh Grass(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ash is found in The Underworld alongside Hellstone. Fireblossom grows naturally on ash, and its seeds can be planted on it as well.
Silt BlockSilt / ✔️ Silt, like Sand, is affected by gravity and will fall when mined, dealing damage to the player if it is underneath. Silt can be placed in an Extractinator to produce various gems and ores, also including coins. While normally immune to Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow, Silt within the initial "V" spread that forms when Hardmode begins will be converted into Ebonsand, Crimsand, and Pearlsand.
Snow BlockSnow Snow is the soil that makes up most of the surface of a Snow biome. It is immune to Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow spread, and trees planted in Snow will become Boreal trees. Placed Snow Blocks will cause snow to fall.
Ice BlockIce
Purple Ice BlockPurple Ice
Red Ice BlockRed Ice
Pink Ice BlockPink Ice
✔️ Ice makes up the bulk of the Ice biome and, unlike Snow, is not immune to Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow. Ice will be turned into Purple Ice, Red Ice, or Pink Ice when exposed to those biomes. Pink Ice will also grow Crystal Shards. While wearing the Ice Skates, the player will move faster on Ice. All placed Ice Block types will cause snow to fall.
Slush BlockSlush Slush is fundamentally the same as Silt, but is found only in Snow biomes and the Ice biome. Like Silt, it can be converted into gems, ores, and money with the Extractinator. Unlike Silt, Slush can not be converted at the onset of Hardmode (as of


  • Most of the soil that the player will get will be from digging into the ground. Digging long tunnels will greatly increase the character's supply of soils.
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) All soils can be stacked up to 999, which makes them some of the easiest items to store.
