Demonite Ore

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Demonite Ore
  • Demonite Ore item spriteold Demonite Ore item sprite
  • Demonite Ore placed
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
  • Pickaxe icon.png 55%
Placeable✔️ (1 wide × 1 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
Tooltip'Pulsing with dark energy'
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell10 SC
Research100 required
Obtained from Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Eater of WorldsEater of WorldsEater of Worlds20–395100%
Eater of Worlds
(Eater of Worlds Body)
Eater of Worlds Body.pngEater of Worlds
(Eater of Worlds Body)
Eater of Worlds
(Eater of Worlds Head)
Eater of Worlds Head.pngEater of Worlds
(Eater of Worlds Head)
Eater of Worlds
(Eater of Worlds Tail)
Eater of Worlds Tail.pngEater of Worlds
(Eater of Worlds Tail)
Eye of CthulhuEye of Cthulhu (Phase 1).gifEye of Cthulhu30-90100%
Treasure Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Eater of Worlds)
Treasure Bag (Eater of Worlds)Treasure Bag
(Eater of Worlds)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Treasure Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Eye of Cthulhu)
Treasure Bag (Eye of Cthulhu)Treasure Bag
(Eye of Cthulhu)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Demonite Ore is a pre-Hardmode ore. It is the Corruption counterpart to the Crimson's Crimtane Ore and will not appear naturally in Crimson worlds. It can be found very rarely in small veins underground in worlds that contain Corruption, however the only usable quantities come from bosses, namely Eater of Worlds, and from the Eye of Cthulhu in worlds naturally containing Corruption. Demonite Ore emits a faint blue glow when placed, similar to Crimtane Ore's faint red glow.

The pickaxe power required to mine Demonite Ore changes with location. When below 0ft in elevation, a Gold Pickaxe or better is needed, otherwise any pickaxe can be used.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Demonite OreDemonite OreChlorophyte ExtractinatorChlorophyte Extractinator Conversion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Crimtane OreCrimtane OreChlorophyte ExtractinatorChlorophyte Extractinator Conversion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Deer ThingDeer Thing(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Demon AltarDemon Altar
Crimson AltarCrimson Altar
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Demonite BarDemonite Bar
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Demonite BarDemonite Bar
Demonite BrickDemonite Brick5


  • Demonite Ore does not spread the Corruption in any way.
  • Unlike its Crimson counterpart, Demonite Ore can be found in increased amounts within Corruption cave systems.
  • Demonite Ore and its counterpart Crimtane Ore can be mined extremely early game with Bombs, with this being highly effective with the vein increases of 1.4, easily netting one a powerful sword, bow, axe, yoyo, and fishing rod early game.
  • Very rarely, Demonite Ore can spawn extremely close to the surface.


Achievement Ooo! Shiny!.png
Ooo! Shiny! • “Mine your first nugget of ore with a pickaxe.”
Mine your first ore. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Explorer Explorer


  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) As of 1.4, Demonite Ores have increased value and Demonite Bars have decreased value, such that one makes the same amount of money selling via the ores or the bars. Hence, it is faster and just as efficient to sell the ores.


  • The placed block texture of Demonite Ore seems to represent scales.


  • Desktop
    • Changed item texture from Demonite Ore (old).png to Demonite Ore.png.
    • Changed block texture from Demonite Ore (placed) (old).png to Demonite Ore (placed).png.
    • Now requires 3 Demonite instead of 4 Demonite to craft a bar.
  • Desktop 1.1: Now gives off purple light on top of the sparkle effect.
  • Desktop 1.0.5:
    • Now has a sparkle effect.
    • Can now be found underground, in small veins.
    • Tooltip is now contained in single quotation marks.