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Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionNintendo 3DS version
Desktop/Console/Mobile/3DS-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, Mobile, and 3DS versions of Terraria.

Settings are a set of gameplay options available from the game's main menu, the pause menu (Nintendo 3DS version), or the inventory screen (Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version).

Desktop version Desktop version

  • General

    Setting Default Description
    On or Off
    • On: Saves world and character data every 10 minutes in the background during gameplay.[1]
    • Off: Only saves when using the "save and quit" option.
    Note that the game will always autosave the character upon death regardless of whether this setting is enabled or not.
    Turning Autosave on (default) has the benefit of keeping the player's progress saved in case of a crash or power outage, without having to worry about saving manually. Some players may prefer to leave this option off, in case a potentially world-altering glitch occurs, or if they would like to experiment in a world without altering it, and be able to go back to its previous state later.
    On or Off

    For singleplayer only, this setting pauses the game whenever the player opens the inventory or activates a Sign or Announcement Box. This can be useful in instances when the player needs to use their inventory without worrying about being damaged, such as by being attacked by enemies or drowning. However, with autopause on, the player cannot place items from directly out of the inventory (the item must be in the hotbar and selected), nor can the player use items directly out of the inventory.

    Note that independently from this setting it is—also in singleplayer only—also possible to pause the game by any method which switches out of the Terraria program, such the Alt-Tab hotkey or the Windows key function. A more convenient method is to bring up the settings menu (open your inventory and click on settings).
    Enabled or Disabled
    Enabled The minimap can be enabled or disabled. Disabling the minimap can provide a performance boost on old hardware, but it is heavily unrecommended, because playing with it disabled means that the player cannot use Pylons or Wormhole Potions.
    Visible or Hidden
    Visible When set to hidden, password characters entered into the game window, such as those for logging into a multiplayer game, will appear as asterisks (*).
    Zoom sub-menu[3]
    100%-200% (Varies)
    100% Allows zooming the game world in to see more detail. The maximum amount the player can zoom out is determined by their screen resolution.
    UI Scale
    50%-200% (Varies)
    Varies Allows the player to increase the size of the interface for easier viewing on higher resolutions.
    Activate Set Bonuses[3]
    Up or Down
    Down The majority of set bonuses for armor are passive, meaning they are always active. Some armor sets include a bonus that must be activated by double-tapping either ▲ Up or ▼ Down, depending on the setting found here. Note: Double-tapping ▼ Down may also make the player drop through if they are standing on specific furniture items or platforms at the time.
    Smart Doors[3]
    Enabled, Gamepad Only, or Disabled
    Enabled The player will automatically open and close doors and Tall Gates when walking towards them when this setting is enabled, or only do this when the player is using a controller when set to Gamepad Only.
    Hover Controls[3]
    Hold or Click
    Hold When set to Hold, the player has to hold ▼ Down and Jump to use their wings' hover ability. When set to Click, hovering is enabled by pressing ▼ Down, and disabled by pressing ▲ Up while flying.
    On or Off
    Off When enabled, autoswing will be turned on for all weapons.


    Setting Default Description
    Pickup Text
    On or Off
    On Determines whether or not to show pop-up text describing the items the player picks up. This can be useful so that the player does not need to constantly check their inventory to see what was picked up, although the text annoys some players as it covers up parts of the graphics above their character during gameplay. The Sonar Potion is effectively useless when this setting is set to off.
    Event Progress Bar
    On, Off, or Timed
    • On: Shows a progress bar displaying the percentage of an event completed.
    • Off: Hides the progress bar.
    • Timed: Shows the progress bar, but hides itself if no event-affiliated enemies have been defeated in the past few seconds. Reappears when an event-affiliated enemy is defeated.
    Placement Preview
    On or Off
    On Determines whether or not to preview placement of furniture. This can help pinpoint exactly where furniture is placed as opposed to having to break and replace it if improperly placed.
    Highlight New Items
    On or Off
    On Determines whether newly picked-up items are highlighted in the inventory. The highlight disappears when the cursor is hovered over a highlighted item or the inventory is closed. This aids in quickly locating acquired items.
    Tile Grid
    On or Off
    Off Shows a five-tile-wide grid around the cursor if the player is not moving to place blocks more precisely.
    Gamepad Instructions
    On or Off
    On Shows on screen how to perform different actions using a gamepad.
    Minimap Border
    Default, Valkyrie, Retro, Leaf, TwigLeaf, StoneGold, Sticks, Remix, or Golden
    Default Cycles through nine minimap frames. This is for cosmetic purposes only, and will not affect the minimap's function.
    Map Scale[3]
    100% Adjust the minimap's size at the top-right corner.
    Health and Mana Style
    Classic, Fancy, or Bars
    Fancy Changes the style of the health and mana UI display in the top right corner.
    Boss Health Bar Numbers
    On or Off
    On Displays the current and total health of a boss on its boss health bar.
    Hover Text Boxes[3]
    On or Off
    On Adds a dark blue box behind in-game text such as item tooltips, hover text on Signs, etc.


    Setting Default Description
    Go Fullscreen/Go Windowed
    n/a Toggles between full-screen and windowed modes.
    Resolution sub-menu
    Fullscreen Resolution
    Varies Sets the resolution used for full-screen mode. It affects windowed mode when switched back, though the window's size will still alter its resolution. Higher resolution makes the game look smoother but can slow performance. Note that although resolution can affect the "zoom" from the character (that is, increase the game screen boundaries), it can only do so within the limit of their device's maximum screen resolution.[4] That is, screens with high max resolution can produce a much greater zoom than screens with a lower max resolution, even if it may require third-party software to make Terraria accept abnormally high resolution values.[5]
    Borderless Window[2]
    Enabled or Disabled
    Disabled Sets the window resolution to the native desktop as well as removing the title bar and window frame. This setting can be useful when using and switching between multiple monitors.
    60 Changes how much the biome background images scroll in relation to the player's movements. Higher numbers make the background move more, producing a more apparent 3D depth effect. Lower numbers make the background more stationary.
    Frame Skip
    On, Subtle, or Off

    Frame Skip skips unnecessary frames to improve performance and reduce desynchronization issues in multiplayer.[6]

    • On: Enables a default frameskip function provided by XNA, the programming environment that Terraria is developed in.
    • Subtle: Redigit's revised custom frameskip, developed between and 1.3.1 for monitors and devices capable of more than 60 frames per second (FPS).
    • Off: Redigit's first custom frameskip that has existed since Terraria's original beta version.
    Color, White, Retro, or Trippy
    Color Changes the lighting mode.
    Auto, High, Medium, or Low
    Auto Switches between low, medium, high, or auto lighting quality[7]. Higher qualities will look better but may slow performance on some devices. Auto continually adapts the quality setting based on the device's performance (FPS, or "frame rate") during gameplay.
    On or Off
    On Switches biome backgrounds on or off. Switching them off can improve performance on slower devices.
    Blood and Gore
    On or Off

    Toggles blood and gore effects. When disabled, killed entities emit puffs of smoke instead. This includes things that create blood particles as part of their animation, such as Demon Eyes and Skeletron. Skeletal and mechanical entities will still burst into body parts when killed. See Dust IDs and Gore IDs for the full lists of affected graphics. The suggestive Nurse quote "I don't give happy endings." will also be removed.

    Players may wish to turn Blood and Gore off to reduce visual clutter, so the game is not littered with enemy pieces. It may also be suitable to disable this setting when involving a younger audience.
    Miner's Wobble[2]
    Enabled or Disabled
    Enabled Toggles the block effect where when a block is not fully broken, where it grows and shrinks in size for a quarter of a second. See Notes.
    Heat Distortion[3]
    Enabled or Disabled
    Enabled Toggles heat distortion effects seen in the Underworld and Desert.
    Storm Effects[3]
    Enabled or Disabled
    Enabled Toggles the screen effects seen during Blizzards and Sandstorms.
    Waves Quality[3]
    Off, Low, Medium, or High

    Increases and decreases wave effects seen on the surface and under the water:

    • Low: Passive water distortion; nothing really interacts with it.
    • Medium: Players and most NPCs (along with other things like the drops of water from the ceiling) create ripples as they pass through water.
    • High: Projectiles also create ripples and ripples can bounce off walls.[8]
    This setting has no effect under Retro or Trippy lighting.
    Windy Environment
    Enabled or Disabled
    Enabled Toggles the "blown by wind" visual effects of items affected by wind.


    Setting Default Description
    100% Controls the volume of all music tracks.
    100% Controls the volume of sound effects like those from using items/weapons, splashing from liquids, using the interface, killing enemies/players, etc.
    100% Controls the volume of occasional ambient, background sounds like bubbling lava, wind, liquidfalls, ambient sounds made by passive and hostile entities such as Birds and Zombies, etc.


    Setting Default Description
    Cursor Color
    #ff325f The color of the player's cursor.
    Border Color
    #40404040 The border color of the player's cursor.
    Smart Cursor Mode
    Toggle or Hold

    Determines the way that the Smart Cursor is activated.

    • Toggle: Smart Cursor is activated when the mapped key (Left Ctrl by default) is pressed once, and deactivated by pressing again.
    • Hold: Smart Cursor is only active when the mapped key is held down.
    Smart Cursor Priority
    Pickaxe -> Axe or Axe -> Pickaxe
    Pickaxe -> Axe

    Determines the target priority when holding a pickaxe with the Smart Cursor mode.

    • Pickaxe -> Axe: The cursor will always target the nearest tree regardless of pointing direction. It will only target blocks if no tree is reachable.
    • Axe -> Pickaxe: The cursor will target the block in the pointed direction. If no block is reachable, it will target the nearest tree.
    Smart Block Placement
    To Cursor or Disabled
    • To Cursor: Blocks are placed from the Smart Cursor's target position towards the cursor's position when Smart Cursor is enabled.
    • Disabled: Blocks are placed at the position of the cursor, the same as the behavior when the Smart Cursor is disabled.
    Lock On Priority
    Clearest Line or Target Closest
    Clearest Line

    Determines how Lock On will choose its target:

    • Clearest Line: Enemies are chosen based on line of sight. Enemies obstructed from the player's reach by solid objects will have a lower priority. This setting is useful in the Dungeon and other areas with many obstructions. This setting sometimes results in the furthest enemy being targeted.
    • Target Closest: The enemy closest to the player will be targeted regardless of intervening tiles. This setting is useful in flat, open areas.


    Setting Default Description
    Activate Set Bonuses[2]
    Down or Up
    Down When set to up, activatable set bonus abilities from armor are triggered by double-tapping ▲ Up instead of ▼ Down.
    Quick Trash[2]
    Left Control, Left Shift, or Disabled
    Left Control If enabled, allows the player to quickly send items to the trash slot by holding either ⇧ Left Shift or Left Ctrl, and left-clicking the item from the inventory menu.
    n/a Opens a menu that allows the player to change the bindings for the different game controls, both for keyboard and mouse or controller. See game controls for a detailed explanation.


    Deutsch (German)
    Italiano (Italian)
    Français (French)
    Español (Spanish)
    Русский (Russian)
    简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
    Português brasileiro (Brazilian Portuguese)
    Polski (Polish)
  • Console version Console version and Mobile version Mobile version

  • Settings

    Setting Default Description
    All Settings
    n/a Resets all settings to their default states.
    On or Off
    • On: Saves world and character data every 10 minutes in the background during gameplay.[1]
    • Off: Only saves when using the "save and quit" option.
    Note that the game will always autosave the character upon death regardless of whether this setting is enabled or not.
    Turning Autosave on (default) has the benefit of keeping the player's progress saved in case of a crash or power outage, without having to worry about saving manually. Some players may prefer to leave this option off, in case a potentially world-altering glitch occurs, or if they would like to experiment in a world without altering it, and be able to go back to its previous state later.
    Never, Menus, or Inventory & Menus

    Only works in singleplayer.

    • Menus: Pauses the game while in a non-inventory menu (e.g. the settings).
    • Inventory & Menus: Pauses the game while in any menu.
    On or Off
    On Toggles the minimap. Can only be changed on the title screen. On the Mobile version Mobile version, the option may be permanently disabled for devices with low RAM.
    French, Spanish, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, English, German, or Italian
    Varies Sets the game language.


    Setting Default Description
    Interface Layout
    n/a Opens a menu that allows the player to adjust the position of most UI elements in Handheld, Fullscreen, and Splitscreen modes, plus the overall UI scale.
    Event Progress Bar
    Off, Timed, or On
    • On: Shows a progress bar displaying the percentage of an event completed.
    • Off: Hides the progress bar.
    • Timed: Shows the progress bar, but hides itself if no event-affiliated enemies have been defeated in the past few seconds. Reappears when an event-affiliated enemy is defeated.
    Minimap Border
    Stone Gold, Twig Leaf, Leaf, Retro, Valkyrie, Default, Golden, Remix, or Sticks
    Default Cycles through nine minimap frames. This is for cosmetic purposes only, and will not affect the minimap's function.
    Minimap Size
    Small or Large
    Console version Large / Mobile version Small Determines the size of the minimap.
    Health and Mana Style
    Classic, Fancy, or Bars
    Fancy Changes the style of the health and mana UI display in the top right corner.
    Hotbar Orientation
    Vertical or Horizontal
    Console version Horizontal / Mobile version Vertical The orientation of the player's hotbar. Horizontal uses a single row of 10 slots, while vertical uses 2 rows of 5 slots.
    Advanced sub-menu
    Safe Region
    n/a Opens a menu that allows the player to adjust the UI safe region.
    Page Mode
    Collapsed, Expanded & Closed, Expanded & Closed, Collapsed & Expanded, or Expanded Only
    Collapsed, Expanded & Closed The modes a UI page can cycle through.
    Pickup Text
    On or Off
    On Determines whether or not to show pop-up text describing the items the player picks up. This can be useful so that the player does not need to constantly check their inventory to see what was picked up, although the text annoys some players as it covers up parts of the graphics above their character during gameplay. The Sonar Potion is effectively useless when this setting is set to off.
    Highlight New Items
    On or Off
    On Determines whether newly picked-up items are highlighted in the inventory. The highlight disappears when the cursor is hovered over a highlighted item or the inventory is closed. This aids in quickly locating acquired items.
    Mobile version Passwords
    Hidden or Visible
    Visible When set to hidden, password characters entered into the game window, such as those for logging into a multiplayer game, will appear as asterisks (*).
    Tooltip Backings
    On or Off
    On Adds a dark blue box behind in-game text such as item tooltips, hover text on Signs, etc.
    Item Tooltip Fade
    3s Determines how long selected item tooltips in the inventory will appear before fading.
    Tooltip Fade
    1s Determines how long the selected item name in the hotbar will appear before fading.
    Console version Splitscreen Orientation
    Side by side or Top and bottom
    Top and bottom


    Setting Default Description
    Lighting Mode
    Color or Trippy
    Color Changes the lighting mode.
    On or Off
    On Switches biome backgrounds on or off. Switching them off can improve performance on slower devices.
    Blood and Gore
    On or Off

    Toggles blood and gore effects. When disabled, killed entities emit puffs of smoke instead. This includes things that create blood particles as part of their animation, such as Demon Eyes and Skeletron. Skeletal and mechanical entities will still burst into body parts when killed. See Dust IDs and Gore IDs for the full lists of affected graphics. The suggestive Nurse quote "I don't give happy endings." will also be removed.

    Players may wish to turn Blood and Gore off to reduce visual clutter, so the game is not littered with enemy pieces. It may also be suitable to disable this setting when involving a younger audience.
    Screen Effects
    On or Off
    On Toggles screen shader effects (e.g. the Blood Moon or Graveyard tint). Unlike the Desktop version Desktop version, this is not tied to the lighting mode.
    Miner's Wobble
    On or Off
    On Toggles the block effect where when a block is not fully broken, where it grows and shrinks in size for a quarter of a second. See Notes.
    Windy Environment
    On or Off
    On Toggles the "blown by wind" visual effects of items affected by wind.
    Advanced sub-menu
    60% Changes how much the biome background images scroll in relation to the player's movements. Higher numbers make the background move more, producing a more apparent 3D depth effect. Lower numbers make the background more stationary.
    Mobile version Frame Rate Display
    On or Off
    Off Displays the game's frame rate, the current amount of buffered liquid tiles, and the VFX quality (0-100%) in the bottom center of the screen.
    Mobile version Frame Rate Cap
    30 or 60
    60 Caps the game's frame rate at either 30 or 60 frames per second.
    VFX Quality
    Auto, High, Medium, or Low
    Auto Switches between low, medium, high, or auto lighting quality[7]. Higher qualities will look better but may slow performance on some devices. Auto continually adapts the quality setting based on the device's performance (FPS, or "frame rate") during gameplay.
    Waves Quality
    Off, Low, Medium, or High

    Increases and decreases wave effects seen on the surface and under the water:

    • Low: Passive water distortion; nothing really interacts with it.
    • Medium: Players and most NPCs (along with other things like the drops of water from the ceiling) create ripples as they pass through water.
    • High: Projectiles also create ripples and ripples can bounce off walls.[8]
    Texture Quality sub-menu
    Mobile version UI Quality
    Low or High
    High Controls the texture quality of UI elements.
    Mobile version Characters Quality
    Low or High
    High Controls the texture quality of NPCs.
    Mobile version Projectiles Quality
    Low or High
    High Controls the texture quality of projectiles.
    Mobile version Backgrounds Quality
    Low or High
    High Controls the texture quality of biome backgrounds.
    Mobile version Gore Quality
    Low or High
    High Controls the texture quality of gore.
    Mobile version Glows Quality
    Low or High
    High Controls the texture quality of glow masks.
    Mobile version Environment Quality
    Low or High
    High Controls the texture quality of blocks and background walls.


    Setting Default Description
    75% Controls the volume of all music tracks.
    100% Controls the volume of sound effects like those from using items/weapons, splashing from liquids, using the interface, killing enemies/players, etc.
    75% Controls the volume of occasional ambient, background sounds like bubbling lava, wind, liquidfalls, ambient sounds made by passive and hostile entities such as Birds and Zombies, etc.


    Setting Default Description
    Placement Preview
    On or Off
    On Determines whether or not to preview placement of furniture. This can help pinpoint exactly where furniture is placed as opposed to having to break and replace it if improperly placed.
    Tile Grid
    On or Off
    On Shows a five-tile-wide grid around the cursor if the player is not moving to place blocks more precisely.
    Smart Block Placement
    On or Off
    • On: Blocks are placed from the Smart Cursor's target position towards the cursor's position when the Smart Cursor is enabled.
    • Off: Blocks are placed at the position of the cursor, the same as the behavior when the Smart Cursor is disabled.
    Movement Stick Aim
    On or Off
    On Adjusts how the movement stick affects aim. When on, the cursor points in the direction the Movement Stick is facing unless the Aim Stick is being used.
    On or Off
    Off When enabled, autoswing will be turned on for all weapons.
    Up To Jump
    Disabled, Double Tap, Single Tap, or Swipe
    Console version Disabled / Mobile version Double Tap
    • Double Tap: Double tapping up starts a jump input, holding after activation continues the input for flight or auto-jumping with the Frog Leg.
    • Single Tap: Pressing up starts a jump input, and holding after activation continues the input for flight or auto-jumping with the Frog Leg.
    • Swipe: Swiping up starts a jump input, and holding after activation continues the input for flight or auto-jumping with the Frog Leg. Tapping up only acts as up being pressed while this is set.
    • Disabled: Pressing up will have no input on jumping.
    Advanced sub-menu
    Smart Cursor Mode
    Toggle or Hold

    Determines the way that the Smart Cursor is activated.

    • Toggle: Smart Cursor is activated when the mapped key (Left Ctrl by default) is pressed once, and deactivated by pressing again.
    • Hold: Smart Cursor is only active when the mapped key is held down.
    Smart Cursor Priority
    Axe or Pickaxe

    Determines the target priority when holding a pickaxe with the Smart Cursor mode.

    • Pickaxe -> Axe: The cursor will always target the nearest tree regardless of pointing direction. It will only target blocks if no tree is reachable.
    • Axe -> Pickaxe: The cursor will target the block in the pointed direction. If no block is reachable, it will target the nearest tree.
    Lock On Priority
    Target Closest or Clearest Line
    Clearest Line

    Determines how Lock On will choose its target:

    • Clearest Line: Enemies are chosen based on line of sight. Enemies obstructed from the player's reach by solid objects will have a lower priority. This setting is useful in the Dungeon and other areas with many obstructions. This setting sometimes results in the furthest enemy being targeted.
    • Target Closest: The enemy closest to the player will be targeted regardless of intervening tiles. This setting is useful in flat, open areas.


    This menu is only accessible while playing on Nintendo Switch version Switch or Mobile version Mobile.

    Setting Default Description
    Touch Controls
    n/a Opens a menu that allows players to adjust the position of UI elements while using touch input. Players can toggle between 4 re-nameable control profiles.
    Mobile version Touch Controls Profile
    Profile 1, Profile 2, Profile 3, or Profile 4
    Profile 1 All default profiles are the same and can be renamed. Default controls feature a left and right set of buttons.
    On or Off
    On Displays a zoomed-in portion of the world near the player's cursor while placing tiles.
    Pinch Zoom World
    On or Off
    On When enabled, the player can pinch the screen to zoom in or out.
    Pinch Zoom Map
    On or Off
    On When enabled, the player can pinch the screen to open the fullscreen minimap.
    Double Tap Gestures
    On or Off
    Nintendo Switch Off / Mobile version On Enables the ability to double tap on an item in the inventory to perform actions such as splitting stacks and equipping items.
    Touch Cursor Color
    n/a The primary and border color of the player's cursor while using touch.
    Advanced sub-menu
    Mobile version Auto Select Mode
    Hold or Toggle

    Toggles how the auto-select button functions.

    • Hold: Auto Select is inputted while the button is held down.
    • Toggle: Tap the Auto Select button to input it. It will stay active until pressed again.
    Mobile version Aim Sensitivity
    100% Adjusts the sensitivity of the aim stick.
    Mobile version Aim Mode Toggle
    Always Aim & Use, By Item Type, For All Items, or Always Aim Only
    By Item Type

    Toggles how the Aim Mode button functions.

    • Always Aim & Use: Items will always be used while using the aim stick.
    • By Item Type: Using the Aim Mode button toggles on or off by item type, based on the currently selected item. Categorizes item types the same way Smart Cursor does.
    • For All Items: Using the Aim Mode button toggles on or off aim mode for all items.
    • Always Aim Only: Items will never be used while using the aim stick.
    Mobile version Smart Cursor Toggle
    Always Off, Always On, By Item Type, or For All Items
    By Item Type

    Toggles how the Smart Cursor button functions.

    • Always Off: Items will never use smart placement.
    • Always On: Items will always use smart placement.
    • By Item Type: Using the Smart Cursor button toggles on or off by item type, based on currently selected item.
    • For All Items: Using the Smart Cursor button toggles on or off smart placement for all items.


    Setting Default Description
    Controller Bindings
    n/a Opens a menu that allows players to adjust the bindings for all controller actions.
    Simplified, Advanced, Redigit's Pick, or Custom
    Redigit's Pick The control scheme to use. Modifying bindings will automatically set it to Custom.
    Swap Shoulders with Triggers
    On or Off
    Off Swaps the function of the shoulder buttons with triggers.
    Auto Stash
    On or Off
    On Automatically sends crafted, purchased items, etc. to the player's inventory instead of their hands.
    Controller Cursor Color
    n/a The primary and border color of the player's cursor while using a controller.
    Advanced sub-menu
    Controls Banner
    On or Off
    On When enabled, a banner will be displayed on the bottom of the screen that shows the game's controls with a controller.
    Nav. Repeat Delay
    0.4s The initial delay before the cursor continues movement to another UI element.
    Nav. Repeat Rate
    0.1s The delay before moving to another UI element.
    Aim Sensitivity
    Grid Snap
    On or Off
    Aim Mode Toggle
    By Item Type, For All Items, Always Aim Only, or Always Aim & Use
    For All Items
    Smart Cursor Toggle
    Always Off, Always On, By Item Type, or For All Items
    By Item Type

    Keyboard & Mouse

    This menu is not accessible on Nintendo Switch version Switch since it lacks keyboard and mouse support.

    Setting Default Description
    On or Off
    On Opens a menu that allows players to adjust bindings for keyboard and mouse inputs.
    Esc. Key
    Inventory or Menu
    Inventory Determines the function of the escape key.
    Quick Trash
    Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click
    Ctrl + Click The key combination used to quick-trash items.
    Double Click Gestures
    On or Off
    On Enables the ability to double click on an item in the inventory to perform actions (which are normally assigned to Open / Activate) such as splitting stacks and equipping items.
    Mouse Cursor Color
    n/a The primary and border color of the player's cursor while using a mouse.
    Advanced sub-menu
    Smart Cursor Toggle
    By Item Type, For All Itrems, Always Off, or Always On
    By Item Type
  • Old-gen console version Old-gen console version

  • Controls

    Setting Default Description
    Use quick shortcuts
    On or Off
    Off When enabled, an item can be bound to each direction on the D-Pad (replacing the tile grid snap).
    Alternate grappling mode
    On or Off
    Off Swaps Jump with Grapple.
    Alternate controller layout
    On or Off
    Off Swaps Grapple/Jump with Previous Item and Action with Next Item.


    Setting Default Description
    On or Off
    • On: Saves world and character data every 10 minutes in the background during gameplay.[1]
    • Off: Only saves when using the "save and quit" option.
    Note that the game will always autosave the character upon death regardless of whether this setting is enabled or not.
    Turning Autosave on (default) has the benefit of keeping the player's progress saved in case of a crash or power outage, without having to worry about saving manually. Some players may prefer to leave this option off, in case a potentially world-altering glitch occurs, or if they would like to experiment in a world without altering it, and be able to go back to its previous state later.
    Pickup Text
    On or Off
    On Determines whether or not to show pop-up text describing the items the player picks up. This can be useful so that the player does not need to constantly check their inventory to see what was picked up, although the text annoys some players as it covers up parts of the graphics above their character during gameplay. The Sonar Potion is effectively useless when this setting is set to off.
    Gravitation Flips
    World or Character
    World Determines if the entire world or only the character should flip when in reversed gravity.
    Volume sub-menu
    20 Controls the volume of sound effects like those from using items/weapons, splashing from liquids, using the interface, killing enemies/players, etc.
    15 Controls the volume of all music tracks.
  • Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version

  • Sound options

    Setting Default Description
    Sound Effects
    On or Off
    On Toggles game sounds.
    On or Off
    On Toggles music.

    Multiplayer options

    This sub-menu is only accessible while in a Multiplayer game.

    Setting Default Description
    Broadcast status
    On or Off
    Off Allows the game to be discovered by other 3DS systems. Can only be changed by the session host.
    On or Off
    Off Toggles the player's PvP status.
    None, Red, Green, Blue, or Yellow
    None Controls which team the player is on.

    Gameplay options

    Setting Default Description
    Save reminder
    On or Off
    On Displays an SD card icon in the top right of the bottom screen if the game has not been saved in the last 15 minutes. Tapping on the icon will automatically save the game and cause it to disappear.
    Pickup texts
    On or Off
    On Determines whether or not to show pop-up text describing the items the player picks up.
    n/a Displays the game credits.
  • Notes

    Miner's Wobble effect
    Miner's Wobble (on).gif
    Miner's Wobble (off).gif

    Note the wobbling effect when the Blue Brick is mined.
    • Desktop version The Frame Skip setting can alter the output from the DPS Meter.


    • Desktop version Prior to 1.2.3, going into the inventory with autopause on while using a weapon or tool and clicking an item would get it stuck and make it drop when exiting the inventory (unless the player right-clicked outside of their inventory to drop the item). If this was tried with a consumable item, it would be used as such. Healing items acted uniquely to this bug; they would still heal the player, but would not inflict Potion Sickness. Update 1.2 had somewhat tried to fix it, but could still be circumvented by using a tool or weapon with continuous use.

    See also

    Other forms of settings include:


    • Desktop 1.4.4:
      • Added an option to show health/mana display numbers on Health/Mana UI settings.
      • Added an option to display numbers on boss health bars.
      • Added an option to disable quick trash in the main menu.
      • Added an option to enable autoswing for all weapons.
    • Desktop
      • Removed Multicore Lighting.
      • Animated accessories now no longer animate when paused.
      • Autopause no longer activates when talking to an NPC.
    • Desktop 1.3.3:
      • Fixed sliders in the Gamepad settings not being "locked on" when dragged around.
      • Added Miner's Wobble.
    • Desktop Fixed being unable to leave settings menu under rare and unfortunate circumstances. Fixed parallax not loading correctly.
    • Desktop
      • Made Smart Cursor smarter when placing Minecart Tracks.
      • Fixed a bug where Smart Cursor wall would not ignore doors pillar when open.
      • Fixed bug where pressing "Reset to default" in controls would reset the quick mana key to M rather than J.
      • Fixed bug where glowsticks will not be selected when the mouse is near the player in a dry area (Auto Select).
    • Desktop 1.2.4:
      • Added Smart Cursor. This can be toggled using control and has an interface option. Smart Cursor makes digging, chopping, placing, and breaking much faster and easier.
      • Changed the Quick Heal to use the best fit healing item instead of the first.
    • Desktop
      • Fixed bug where Autopause played bad with Chest renaming (and sign editing a bit).
      • Fixed bug where in-game options Map Control section wasn't blocking input like the regular controls.
    • Desktop 1.2.3:
      • Added in-game settings menu.
      • There's now options for the ambient sound. Save and Exit is now in the settings menu.
      • Added sliders for parallax & volume settings.
      • Game now loads at saved resolution and even remembers if you use maximized window.
      • Multicore Lighting added to options menu.
      • When you hover over text in the interface menu the text now turns yellow.
      • Fixed bug where Dust would grow massive when you paused the game.
      • Fixed bug where guide will tell you to press Escape to open inventory even if you changed your keys.
      • Fixed bug where special armor visuals don't apply with auto-pause on (robes / werewolf / merform).
      • Fixed exploit with moving items around in auto-pause.
    • Desktop Configuration settings will be set to default to fix problems with loading incorrect configurations from previous versions.
    • Desktop 1.2:
      • Map added - "M" has been remapped for the map feature.
      • "J" is now the default button for mana use.
    • Desktop 1.1.2:
      • Terraria has been translated to German, Italian, French, and Spanish.
      • Terraria now has support for accented letters and multiple keyboard layouts.
      • When first run, Terraria will ask which language to use. This can be changed in the options menu.
    • Desktop 1.0.1:
      • Leaving the settings menu via the back button should no longer crash.
      • Added a toggle for Frame Skip, which can correct some slowdown issues on higher-end computers.


    1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method DoUpdate_AutoSave() in Terraria.Main.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Only available in main menu.
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Only available in-game.
    4. "Zooming out" the view? January 23, 2014
    5. RomTerraria, image
    6. PC Hotfix May 31, 2016
    7. The lighting setting merely defines the type of lighting, this quality setting determines actual rendering quality.
    8. New Water Physics, Coming Soon!, reply by Skiphs October 11, 2016