Guide (Guide/ja)

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Guide.pngOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Map Icon Guide.png
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Surface Valid house 森林
AIPassive AI
ダメージ81214 (arrows) [1]
  • アイテム (数)レート
  • Green CapGreen Cap
    Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionNintendo 3DS version (Only if name is Andrew)
    Old-gen console version (Always drops on every console except Xbox 360)
This article is about the NPC/ja. For Guide articles, see Terraria Wiki:Projects/Guides.

ガイド 通常、プレイヤーが遭遇する最初のプレイヤーです NPC/ja 。 彼は、世界が作成されたときにプレイヤーの近くに生成されます。 彼は主に新しいプレーヤーのためのヒントを提供し、彼に見せるために使用されるすべてのアイテムを表示することができます 駅を作る/ja (必要なものを含める 駅を作る/ja)。

他のほとんどのNPCとは異なります, the Guide spawns upon world creation, before a house/ja is available. He will, however, move into the first house built. If he is killed, a proper house will need to be built before he can respawn, but has no additional requirements.

On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, the Guide will defend himself against nearby enemies using a Wooden Bow/ja and arrow, firing Wooden Arrow/jas initially and then upgrading to Flaming Arrow/jas in Hardmode/ja. He deals 8 / 12 / 14 damage at the start of the game, and as players progress, he will gain various stat increases/ja.[1]

Living preferences

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
デスクトップ/家庭用ゲーム機/モバイル 専用コンテンツ:このセクションの情報は、TerrariaDesktop, Console, and Mobile バージョンにのみ適用されています。
  • OceanOcean
  • SteampunkerSteampunker
  • PainterPainter

For more information, see NPC happiness.


  • On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, considering there are no downsides to having the Guide unhappy, the player could simply put the Guide anywhere in the world without any consequences. The best place for the Guide is the Glowing Mushroom Biome/ja with the Truffle/ja, as he loves the Guide.
  • The Guide's crafting tips for weapons/ja show adjusted damage based on any bonuses the player currently has equipped, such as the Molten armor/ja's set bonus. Unequip damage-adjusting items while speaking to the Guide to see base damage. This also applies to critical strike chance/ja.
  • While NPCs cannot usually be attacked directly by players, the Guide Voodoo Doll/ja will allow players to attack the Guide.
  • The Guide, like any other friendly NPC, will not respawn unless it is day/ja.
  • Killing the Guide in the Underworld/ja via use of a Guide Voodoo Doll/ja, or (on Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version) allowing the Guide to die in the Underworld while he is in contact with LavaLava[2], will summon the Wall of Flesh/ja.
    • If using a Guide Voodoo Doll, the Guide must be alive to summon the Wall of Flesh, otherwise the boss doesn't appear.
  • Killing the Guide will also give the player "good ladybug luck". This provides a small boost to luck for 4 minutes. This will not occur if the player has "bad ladybug luck" and will not stack with the "good ladybug luck" obtained from touching a ladybug.
  • Unless on the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, the Guide will not have many useful tips after unlocking Hardmode, except hinting about destroying Altars/ja and finding Souls of Light/ja and Night/ja underground.
    • On Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, the Guide was updated to include advice about many post-Hardmode events and NPCs.
    • Due to no longer being supported, the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version and Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version will have the pre- Guide hints indefinitely, making him not useful for most of Hardmode aside from crafting recipes and farming the Wall of Flesh.
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) The Guide is replaced by various NPCs in secret world seeds/ja:
    • The Demolitionist/ja will be the starting NPC in the secret seed "For the worthy/ja".
    • The Party Girl/ja will be the starting NPC in the secret seeds "5162020/ja" and "05162020/ja", affectionately referred to as "Drunk World".
    • The Merchant/ja will be the starting NPC in the secret seeds "not the bees/ja" and "not the bees!/ja".
  • For those who do use help from other sources rather than the Guide, his role is usually minimal. Otherwise, he lives up to his name, as a primary source of in-game hints and information.
  • The Guide drops the Green Cap item when killed by monsters, or anything that isn't throwing him into lava in the underworld if he is named Andrew, except in the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version.


Achievement Real Estate Agent.png
Real Estate Agent • 「Have all possible town NPCs living in your world.」
All town NPCs are housed in your world. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Challenger Challenger
Achievement No Hobo.png
No Hobo • 「Build a house suitable enough for your first town NPC, such as the guide, to move into.」
Successfully get an NPC to move into your first House. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Explorer Explorer
Achievement Home Sweet Home.png
Home Sweet Home • 「The Guide has moved into your house」
Have the Guide move into a house. (Old-gen console version)
Achievement Appease the Volcano Gods.png
Appease the Volcano Gods • 「You sacrificed The Guide in boiling hot magma!」
Let your Guide die in lava. (Old-gen console version)
Achievement Homicidal.png
Homicidal • 「You killed The Guide, you maniac!」
Equip the Guide Voodoo Doll and kill the guide. (Old-gen console version)


The Guide may have any of the following names:

  • Andrew
  • Asher
  • Bradley
  • Brandon
  • Brett
  • Brian
  • Cody
  • Cole
  • Colin
  • Connor
  • Daniel
  • Dylan
  • Garrett
  • Harley
  • Jack
  • Jacob
  • Jake
  • Jan
  • Jeff
  • Jeffrey
  • Joe
  • Kevin
  • Kyle
  • Levi
  • Logan
  • Luke
  • Marty
  • Maxwell
  • Ryan
  • Scott
  • Seth
  • Steve
  • Tanner
  • Trent
  • Wyatt
  • Zach


Some quotes may vary depending on what version of Terraria/ja is being played.

  • If there are no tools[4] in the player's inventory:

    • "You can use your pickaxe to dig through dirt, and your axe to chop down trees. Just place your cursor over the tile and click!"
    • "If you want to survive, you will need to create weapons and shelter. Start by chopping down trees and gathering wood."
    • "Press Esc to access your crafting menu. When you have enough wood, create a workbench. This will allow you to create more complicated things, as long as you are standing close to it."
    • "You can build a shelter by placing wood or other blocks in the world. Don't forget to create and place walls."
    • "Once you have a wooden sword, you might try to gather some gel from the slimes. Combine wood and gel to make a torch!"
    • "To interact with backgrounds, use a hammer!"

    If there are no tools[4], no ore[5], and no bars/ja[6] in the player's inventory:

    • "You should do some mining to find metal ore. You can craft very useful things with it."

    If there are no tools[4], at least one ore[5], and no bars[6] in the player's inventory:

    • "Now that you have some ore, you will need to turn it into a bar in order to make items with it. This requires a furnace!"
    • "You can create a furnace out of torches, wood, and stone. Make sure you are standing near a work bench."

    If there are no tools[4] and at least one bar[6] in the player's inventory:

    • "You will need an anvil to make most things out of metal bars."
    • "Anvils can be crafted out of iron or lead, or purchased from a merchant."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) At all times:

    • "When the moon goes red, the water becomes like blood. Creatures submerged within may become grotesque and malicious."

    If the player has no more than 100 maximum health/ja:

    • "Underground are crystal hearts which can be used to increase your max life. You can smash them with a pickaxe."

    If the player has (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) no more than 20 / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 0 maximum mana/ja:

    • "If you gather 5 fallen stars, they can be combined to create an item that will increase your magic capacity."

    If the player has (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) no more than 20 / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 0 maximum mana and no Fallen Star/jas in their inventory:

    • "Stars fall all over the world at night. They can be used for all sorts of useful things. If you see one, be sure to grab it because they disappear after sunrise."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Tavernkeep/ja is present:

    • "Normally I'd try to teach you all about the Old One's Army, but you should probably ask <name of Tavernkeep> about that."

    If neither Merchant/ja nor Nurse/ja are present:

    • "There are many different ways you can attract people to move in to our town. They will of course need a home to live in."
    • "In order for a room to be considered a home, it needs to have a door, a chair, a table, and a light source. Make sure the house has walls as well."
    • "Two people will not live in the same home. Also, if their home is destroyed, they will look for a new place to live."
    • "You can use the housing interface to assign and view housing. Open your inventory and click the house icon."

    If the Merchant is not present:

    • "If you want a merchant to move in, you will need to gather plenty of money. 50 silver coins should do the trick!"

    If the Nurse is not present:

    • "For a nurse to move in, you might want to increase your maximum life."

    If the Arms Dealer/ja is not present:

    • "If you had a gun, I bet an arms dealer might show up to sell you some ammo!"

    If the Dryad/ja is not present:

    • "You should prove yourself by defeating a strong monster. That will get the attention of a dryad."

    If the Mechanic/ja is not present and Skeletron/ja has been defeated:

    • "Make sure to explore the dungeon thoroughly. There may be prisoners held deep within."

    If the Clothier/ja is not present and Skeletron has been defeated:

    • "Perhaps the old man by the dungeon would like to join us now that his curse has been lifted."

    If the Demolitionist/ja is not present:

    • "Hang on to any bombs you might find. A demolitionist may want to have a look at them."

    If the Goblin Tinkerer/ja is not present and the Eater of Worlds/ja/Brain of Cthulhu/ja has been defeated:

    • "Are goblins really so different from us that we couldn't live together peacefully?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Witch Doctor/ja is not present and the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated:

    • "I hear a race of lizardmen live in the jungle. Maybe you can get the attention of one by felling a giant beast of the jungle?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Stylist/ja is not present:

    • "I once met a stylist in this region. She went off adventuring underground and that was the last I saw of her. Wonder what became of her?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Angler/ja is not present:

    • "Ever caught a strange fish and you aren't sure what to do with it? I hear a fishing master lives near the ocean who might have a use for those..."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Dye Trader/ja is not present:

    • "There are some special plants and other ingredients that can be used to dye things. Maybe if you keep some with you, you'll find someone to show you how."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Golfer/ja is not present:

    • "They say sand is terrible for golfing. No self-respecting golfer would ever be caught in a desert...right?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Painter/ja is not present and at least 5 town NPCs are present:

    • "Artists like to practice their craft, and painters like to paint. If enough people move in, we'll have enough homes that a painter might show up to spruce up the place!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Party Girl/ja is not present and at least 11 town NPCs are present:

    • "A lot of people have moved in lately, haven't they? If it gets much more busy around here, a party girl will surely move in!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Tavernkeep/ja is not present and the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated:

    • "Always keep an eye out for strangers in need! You never know when you might meet someone new who is in need of help."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Traveling Merchant/ja is not present and the Merchant is present:

    • "If <name of Merchant>'s wares don't interest you, a wandering merchant often visits with exotic merchandise you might prefer."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Skeleton Merchant/ja is not present and the world is in pre-Hardmode/ja:

    • "Not all of the undead monsters are hostile. I hear one even sells merchandise deep underground."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Zoologist/ja is not present and the world is in pre-Hardmode:

    • "This world is full of many exciting and dangerous creatures to discover. There are some experts who might reward you for sharing that knowledge with them!"

    If there is at least one Lens/ja in the player's inventory:

    • "If you combine lenses at a demon altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though." ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) only in Corrupt/ja worlds)
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) "If you combine lenses at a crimson altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though." (only in Crimson/ja worlds)

    If there is at least one Rotten Chunk/ja, Worm Food/ja, or Vertebra/ja (or, on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile, Bloody Spine/ja, Vile Powder/ja, or Vicious Powder/ja) in the player's inventory:

    • "You can create worm bait with rotten chunks and vile powder. Make sure you are in a corrupt area before using it." (only in Corrupt worlds)
    • "You can create a bloody spine with vertebrae. Make sure you are in a crimson area before using it." (only in Crimson worlds)

    If there is at least one Lens, Rotten Chunk, Worm Food, or Vertebra (or, on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile, Bloody Spine, Vile Powder, or Vicious Powder) in the player's inventory:

    • "Demonic altars can usually be found in the corruption. You will need to be near them to craft some items." (only in Corrupt worlds)
    • "Crimson altars can usually be found in the crimson. You will need to be near them to craft some items." (only in Crimson worlds)

    If there is no Grappling Hook/ja[7] in the player's inventory (and, on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile, the player's hook slot in their equipment menu/ja is empty), the world is in pre-Hardmode/ja, and neither the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu nor Skeletron has been defeated:

    • "You can make a grappling hook from a hook and 3 chains. Skeletons found deep underground usually carry hooks, and chains can be made from iron bars or lead bars."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the player has at least 140 maximum health/ja and the world is in pre-Hardmode:

    • "If you thought rainy days were a drag, wait till you see it raining slime!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Goblin Army/ja has not been defeated, the player has at least 200 maximum health, and at least one Shadow Orb/ja/Crimson Heart/ja has been destroyed:

    • "Ever seen the Goblin Scouts in the outer regions of the world? I wonder if an invasion is imminent..."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Eye of Cthulhu/ja, Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu, or Skeletron has been defeated:

    • "Have you ever seen beautiful lanterns floating across the night sky? The people of this world celebrate your victories, wishing you good fortune."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in pre-Hardmode:

    • "If you place an empty bottle on a table, you can use it to craft all sorts of neat potions!"
    • "Hang up any banners you earn from defeating foes, as they will help you in future combat with that creature."
    • "It's pretty cold in the snow biome, but there are some unique treasures there as well. I'd check it out!"
    • "There are antlion tunnels deep beneath the desert, full of rare fossils and many hazards!"
    • "If you find a marble biome, be careful! They say that those locations are inhabited by some very dangerous creatures!"
    • "In granite biomes, the very stone itself is a threat, frequently coming to life and attacking intruders!"
    • "While you explore the underground, you may occasionally encounter helpful fairies. If you follow them, maybe they will lead you to treasure!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If there is any ore[5] and/or bars[6] in the player's inventory, and the world is in pre-Hardmode:

    • "Need to craft something with ores you can't find on <name of world>? Try fishing for crates, or placing silt and slush into the Extractinator!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the player has not completed any quests for the Angler:

    • "If you ever need a break from all this adventuring, there's always time for some good old fashioned fishing."

    If neither the Eye of Cthulhu nor the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated:

    • "If you see a pot, be sure to smash it open. They contain all sorts of useful supplies."
    • "There is treasure hidden all over the world. Some amazing things can be found deep underground!"

    If the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has not been defeated:

    • "Shadow orbs can usually be found in the chasms around corrupt areas. Smashing too many will unleash the Eater of Worlds. Defeating this foe may cause meteors to fall out of the sky!" (only in Corrupt worlds)
    • "Crimson hearts can usually be found in the chasms around crimson areas. Smashing too many will unleash the Brain of Cthulhu. Defeating this foe may cause meteors to fall out of the sky!" (only in Crimson worlds)

    If the Eye of Cthulhu has not been defeated and the player has less than 200 maximum health:

    • "You should focus on gathering more life crystals to increase your maximum life."

    If the Eye of Cthulhu has not been defeated and the player has at most 10 defense/ja:

    • "Your current equipment simply won't do. You need to make better armor."

    If the Eye of Cthulhu has not been defeated and the player has at least 200 maximum health and more than 10 defense:

    • "I think you are ready for your first major battle. Gather some lenses from the eyeballs at night and take them to a demon altar." ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) only in Corrupt worlds)
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) "I think you are ready for your first major battle. Gather some lenses from the eyeballs at night and take them to a crimson altar." (only in Crimson worlds)

    If the Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated, the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has not been defeated, and the player has less than 300 health:

    • "You will want to increase your life before facing your next challenge. Fifteen hearts should be enough."

    If the Eye of Cthulhu has been defeated, the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has not been defeated, and the player at least 300 health:

    • "The ebonstone in the corruption can be purified using some powder from a dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives." ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) only in Corrupt worlds)
    • "Your next step should be to explore the corrupt chasms. Destroy any shadow orb you find." ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) only in Corrupt worlds)
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) "Your next step should be to explore the caverns of the Crimson. Find and destroy any Crimson Hearts that you come across." (only in Crimson worlds)
    • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) "The Crimstone in the Crimson can be purified using some powder from a Dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives." (only in Crimson worlds)

    If the Eye of Cthulhu and the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu have been defeated, but Skeletron has not been defeated:

    • "There is an old dungeon not far from here. Now would be a good time to go check it out."

    If the Eye of Cthulhu, the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu, and Skeletron have been defeated, the world is in pre-Hardmode, and the player has less than 400 maximum health:

    • "You should make an attempt to max out your available life. Try to gather twenty hearts."

    If the Eye of Cthulhu, the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu, and Skeletron have been defeated, the world is in pre-Hardmode, and the player has at least 400 maximum health:

    • "There are many treasures to be discovered in the jungle, if you are willing to dig deep enough."
    • "The underworld is made of a material called hellstone. It's perfect for making weapons and armor."
    • "When you are ready to challenge the keeper of the underworld, you will have to make a living sacrifice. Everything you need for it can be found in the underworld."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated and the world is in pre-Hardmode:

    • "Try to gather some obsidian, formed when water and lava meet. It can be used to protect against intense heat."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated, Queen Bee/ja has not been defeated, and the player at least 300 health:

    • "Some say there are giant bee hives buried underground in the jungle. I could do with some honey myself."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Eater of Worlds/Brain of Cthulhu has been defeated and Deerclops/ja has not been defeated:

    • "In the middle of the night on snowy evenings, a terrifying roaring sound comes from the wilderness! Something is out there!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If there is at least one Desert Fossil/ja in the player's inventory:

    • "You found some old fossils in the desert? I wonder if there is a way to extract them from the rock."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If there is at least one Hellstone/ja in the player's inventory and the world is in pre-Hardmode:

    • "It's time to upgrade that old Furnace! Look for a Hellforge in the Underworld, it's the only way to craft Hellstone bars."

    If the world is in Hardmode/ja (and, on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile, Plantera/ja has not been defeated):

    • "Make sure to smash any demon altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do!" (only in Corrupt worlds)
    • "Make sure to smash any crimson altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do!" (only in Crimson worlds)
    • "Souls can sometimes be gathered from fallen creatures in places of extreme light or dark."

    If the Wizard/ja is not present and the world is in Hardmode/ja:

    • "I heard there was a powerful wizard who lives in these parts. Make sure to keep an eye out for him next time you go underground."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Steampunker/ja is not present and the world is in Hardmode/ja:

    • "I hear there's a woman out there well-versed in fighting back the forces you just unleashed. Maybe if you prove yourself, you can get her attention."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Cyborg/ja is not present and all three Mechanical bosses/ja have been defeated:

    • "Machines aren't so bad. Maybe we can build one of our own, if we can just get some explosive weaponry from the jungle..."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Tax Collector/ja is not present and the world is in Hardmode/ja:

    • "The Tortured Soul down in the Underworld sure looks familiar...have you tried using Purification Powder on him?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Pirate/ja is not present and the world is in Hardmode/ja:

    • "There have been some pirates sighted around lately. If we befriend one, you think he might show us where he buried his treasure?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the Truffle/ja is not present and the world is in Hardmode/ja:

    • "I've heard of glowing mushrooms growing big enough on the surface to gain sentience. Wonder if there's any truth to that..."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, the Pirate Invasion/ja has not been defeated, and the player has at least 200 maximum health:

    • "I think I saw a treasure map floating around in the ocean once, but a shark ate it. Maybe you should go try and find one?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, the player has no Wings/ja equipped and is not currently riding a mount[8], and Plantera has not been defeated:

    • "Have you seen the Wyverns soaring high up in the clouds? If only I could fly like that..."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, at least three Altars/ja have been destroyed[9], and no mechanical boss has been defeated:

    • "Try combining a Hellforge with some adamantite ore. I bet you could make some really powerful stuff with that!" (only in Adamantite/ja worlds)
    • "Try combining a Hellforge with some titanium ore. I bet you could make some really powerful stuff with that!" (only in Titanium/ja worlds)

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode and any Mechanical boss has been defeated:

    • "On rare occasions, the moon will blot out the sun, bringing out lots of scary monsters!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, any Mechanical boss has been defeated, and the player has less than 500 maximum health:

    • "Run into any rare fruit growing in the jungle lately? If you eat it, it will increase your max life!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, all three Mechanical bosses have been defeated, and Plantera has not been defeated:

    • "I've heard of glowing pink bulbs growing around the jungle recently. Be ready for anything if you decide to harvest one."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, Plantera has been defeated, Golem/ja has not been defeated, and there is at least one Temple Key/ja in the player's inventory:

    • "That key you have can be used to unlock the Temple hidden in the jungle. Have you found it yet?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, Plantera has been defeated, Golem has not been defeated, and there are no Temple Keys in the player's inventory:

    • "They say that there is a sealed Temple, hidden away in the jungle. I wonder how you could open it?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode and there is at least one Biome Key of any kind in the player's inventory:

    • "Wow, that key you have is pretty nifty! I heard keys like that can be used to get rare treasure in the Dungeon!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, Golem has been defeated, and Martian Madness/ja has not been defeated:

    • "I saw some flashing lights, high up in the sky and far away. The truth is out there, I'm telling you."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode and Duke Fishron/ja has not been defeated:

    • "I've heard reports of a very strange worm in the underground mushroom fields. I wonder if it would be any good as bait?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, Golem has been defeated, and neither Mourning Wood/ja nor the Pumpking/ja have been defeated:

    • "Ancient prophecies speak of a way to summon the monstrous hordes of Halloween through medallions crafted with pumpkins."

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, Golem has been defeated, and neither Everscream/ja nor Santa-NK1/ja nor the Ice Queen/ja have been defeated:

    • "Legends tell of a cursed gift that can turn the most festive of nights into an invasion of horrors!"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, Golem has been defeated, the Mysterious Tablet/ja is present, and the Moon Lord/ja has not been defeated:

    • "There are some strange people in hoods loitering outside of the Dungeon. Maybe you should check it out?"

    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) If the world is in Hardmode, the Lunar Events/ja are active, and the Moon Lord has not been defeated:

    • "Where the heck did those Pillars come from?! You should clear out some of the monsters around them!"
  • Quotes

    Interaction quotes

  • In addition to tips, the Guide also has various quotes:

    • "Greetings, <name of player>. Is there something I can help you with?"
    • "I am here to give you advice on what to do next. It is recommended that you talk with me anytime you get stuck."
    • "They say there is a person who will tell you how to survive in this land... oh wait. That's me."

    At night/ja:

    • "You should stay indoors at night. It is very dangerous to be wandering around in the dark."

    During Rain/ja:

    • "Be advised that certain creatures only come out during rain."
    • "Don't be alarmed, it is just water. I hear certain species of fish can fly when it rains!"

    During a Windy Day(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Don't get blown away by the strong gusts going on, and be wary of monsters which take advantage of them!"
    • "It's windy out there! Now is the best time to fly a kite."

    During a Thunderstorm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "It's dangerous to be out in a thunderstorm. Take cover, kid."
    • "Lightning is no joke, very powerful fiends come out in this weather."

    During a Blood Moon/ja:

    • "Hey, buddy, do you know where any deathweed is? Oh, no reason; just wondering, is all."
    • "If you were to look up, you'd see that the moon is red right now."
    • "You can tell a Blood Moon is out when the sky turns red. There is something about it that causes monsters to swarm."

    During a Party(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Never been to a party before? You might want to check around with the others. People sometimes bring out special party favors."

    During a Lantern Night(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "What a beautiful night! With your recent victory, the world seems more at peace, and these lanterns are in celebration of that." (if the Moon Lord/ja has not been defeated)
    • "Do you see the lanterns? Now that you've saved our world, there are regular celebrations of your victory. Always such a beautiful sight!" (if the Moon Lord has been defeated)

    During a Solar Eclipse/ja:

    • "Huh?! Where is the sun? Why is it so dark? It must be a Solar Eclipse!"

    During a スライムの雨(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "If you defeat enough of these slimes, you might invoke the wrath of their king. Be careful!"

    If the Tavernkeep(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is present:

    • "Normally I'd try to teach you all about the Old One's Army, but you should probably ask <name of Tavernkeep> about that."

    If the Wall of Flesh/ja has been defeated:

    • "I wonder why my predecessor spontaneously burst into flames. Hopefully it doesn't happen to me..."

    If the Tax Collector(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is present, in Hardmode:

    • "I thought you said you purified <name of Tax Collector>? He's just as greedy as ever!"

    When in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) biome:

    • "Graveyards are spooky and very dangerous. I'd watch your step, kid."
    • "It's cold and ominous around here. I feel something very evil calling out to me."
  • Happiness quotes (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

  • When homeless:

    • "I'm quite used to not having a home, but I wouldn't mind one."

    When neutral:

    • "I'm feeling quite alright."

    When far from home:

    • "I'm far from my home, it seems."

    When in a sparse area:

    • "Getting this place to myself... I greatly appreciate it."

    When overcrowded:

    • "I'm a free spirit. I dislike so many people being close to me."
    • "I hate overcrowding. I prefer the open world!"

    When in a Forest/ja:

    • "I'm quite fond of wandering through the Forest. I like it here."

    When in an Ocean/ja:

    • "I don't really like the Ocean. There's little to accomplish."

    When in an Evil Biome/ja or the Dungeon/ja:

    • "I hate the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon, the terrors here can tear a person apart in moments."

    When near the Clothier/ja:

    • "I'm quite fond of <name of Clothier>, we have a lot in common."

    When near the Zoologist/ja:

    • "I'm quite fond of <name of Zoologist>, we have a lot in common."

    When near the Steampunker/ja:

    • "<name of Steampunker> rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the weird clothing?"

    When near the Painter/ja:

    • "I hate that <name of Painter> is around. The world is fine the way it was made!"

    When near the Princess/ja:

    • "Having <name of Princess> around makes me feel at ease, as though a curse was finally lifted from me."
  • Trivia

    • One of the Guide's names is Andrew, named for Andrew Spinks (aka Redigit/ja), the lead developer of Terraria. The Green Cap/ja is dropped if a Guide with that name (Old-gen console version or any name) is killed.
      • A world with the seed terraria (case-sensitive) always has the Guide named Andrew, making it easier to get the Green Cap/ja.
    • Redigit said during an AMA on Reddit that he created the Guide Voodoo Doll/ja so players could get revenge on him for always opening the door.[10]
    • The Guide is depicted in two paintings/ja, "Guide Picasso" and "The Creation of the Guide".
    • Terraria lore pages – According to the Terraria lore pages, there is an organization called "Order of the Guide", whose purpose is to preserve old legends and knowledge. It is likely that the Guide is a member of this order.
      • This is referenced in-game after beating the Wall of Flesh, with any new Guides that spawn in afterward referencing their predecessor suddenly bursting into flames.
    • In the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version, the Guide mentions the St. Patrick's Day/ja event, even though it is not implemented there.
    • According to Redigit, the Guide is the Wall of Flesh[11], the brother of the ninja inside King Slime/ja[12], the great-grandson of the Nymph/ja[13], and the son of the Moon Lord/ja[14]. It is unknown whether these statements are jokes, though the first relation is more credible than the rest, even if it conflicts with the official lore.
    • The Guide says that he has much in common with the Zoologist and the Clothier. This may be referring to the fact that they are all cursed with some sort of transformation that is out of their control (if the Guide is indeed the Wall of Flesh).
    • According to the Voodoo Demon's Bestiary entry/ja, the Guide is said to be the "chosen one whose soul is linked with the world's guardian himself", most likely referring to the Wall of Flesh.
    • In Not the bees(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) worlds, the Guide can hint to the player about finding the Stylist/ja even though Spider Cave/jas cannot generate in those worlds.
    • The いきものずかんいきものずかん entry for the Guide: "The Guide always offers useful advice and crafting recipes. His origins and unusual connections to this world remain a mystery."


    • Desktop
      • Massively overhauled the Guide's help dialogue, adding hints and tips for content all the way up to the Lunar Events/ja, addressing all new NPCs since 1.1, replacing outdated information, and bringing some previously bugged lines back into circulation.
      • Fixed a typo in the quote help text on Fallen Stars ("usefull" to "useful").
      • The Wall of Flesh/ja can now also be summoned if the Guide dies in the Underworld/ja while in contact with lava/ja.
    • Desktop Fixed the Guide's help tips not detecting the Demolitionist/ja nor the Goblin Tinkerer/ja properly.
    • Desktop
      • Now shoots Arrow/jas at nearby enemies.
      • Sprite updated.
    • Desktop 1.2.4: Improved readability of two of the Guide's tips as per complaints.
    • Desktop 1.2.3:
      • Fixed bug where guide will tell the player to press Escape to open inventory even if the key mapping was changed.
      • Fixed bug where Guide would talk about crafting Lens/jaes when the player does not have any.
      • Fixed bug where Guide would talk about Shadow Orb/jas and Corruption/ja in a Crimson/ja world.
      • Fixed bug where Guide would keep talking about Shadow Orb/jas until the player beats Skeletron/ja rather than Eater of Worlds/ja / Brain of Cthulhu/ja.
    • Desktop
      • The Guide will no longer say the player needs a hammer/ja to break Life Crystal/jas.
      • The Guide will no longer say the player needs 10 Fallen Star/jas to make a Mana Crystal/ja.
    • Desktop 1.2: Drops the Green Cap/ja upon death if named Andrew.
    • Desktop 1.1: Now has random name given to him on spawn. His death will be reported with this name, and other NPCs will use it in their quotes.
    • Desktop 1.0.5:
      • When shown an item/ja, the Guide can tell the player what can be craft/jaed with it.
      • Players can now attack the Guide when they have a Guide Voodoo Doll/ja equipped.
    • Desktop 1.0.3: Like all other NPC/jas, he can now be killed by enemies/ja.
    • Desktop 1.0.1: Guide now explains the use of a hammer/ja and its interactions with wall/jas and placed objects.
    • Desktop-Release: Introduced.
    Nintendo Switch version Nintendo Switch version
    • Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced with changes up to Desktop
    • Console 1.0.933.1: Made changes from PS4's 1.0.750.0 update. (Xbox One)
    • Console 1.0.750.0: (PlayStation 4)
      • Now shoots Arrows at nearby enemies.
      • Now only Guides named Andrew will drop the Green Cap.
    • Console 1.07: Improved readability of two of the Guide's tips as per complaints.
    • Console 1.02:
      • Drops the Green Cap upon death.
      • The Guide will no longer say the player needs a hammer to break Life Crystals.
      • The Guide will no longer say the player needs 10 Fallen Stars to make a Mana Crystal.
    • Console-Release: Introduced with changes up to Desktop 1.1.
    Mobile version Mobile version
    • Mobile Now shoots Arrows at nearby enemies.
    • Mobile 1.2.11212: Improved readability of two of the Guide's tips as per complaints.
    • Mobile 1.2.6508:
      • Drops the Green Cap upon death if named Andrew.
      • The Guide will no longer say the player needs a hammer to break Life Crystals.
      • The Guide will no longer say the player needs 10 Fallen Stars to make a Mana Crystal.
    • Mobile 1.1.5536: The Guide's name will be reported on death, and other NPCs will reference it.
    • Mobile-Release: Introduced with changes up to Desktop 1.0.5 and a random name on spawnVerify.
    Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version
    • 3DS-Release: Introduced with changes up to Desktop 1.2Verify.


    1. 1.0 1.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_007_TownEntities() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method DoDeathEvents() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method HelpText() in Terraria.Main.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Any item with a pickaxe/ja, axe/ja, or hammer/ja power greater than 0 (except for the Copper PickaxeCopper Pickaxe and Copper AxeCopper Axe).[3]
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Copper/ja, Iron/ja, Silver/ja, or Gold Ore/ja, or (on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile), Tin/ja, Lead/ja, Tungsten/ja, or Platinum Ore/ja.[3]
    6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Copper/ja, Iron/ja, Silver/ja, or Gold Bar/jas, or (on Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile), Tin/ja, Lead/ja, Tungsten/ja, or Platinum Bar/jas.[3]
    7. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Any hook obtainable in pre-Hardmode/ja (except for the Squirrel Hook/ja and Amber Hook/ja) counts.
      (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Only the actual Grappling Hook/ja item counts – other hooks are disregarded.[3]
    8. Only actively riding a mount is checked for; the player can have a mount anywhere in their inventory (including in their mount slot in their equipment menu/ja), as long as they are not actively riding it.[3]
    9. This condition can only be met once the type of third-tier Hardmode ore has been determined for the world – which happens once the third (or, in drunk world(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), the first) altar/ja is destroyed. Opening Hardmode crates/ja to obtain Adamantite/ja or Titanium Ore/ja does not set the world's Hardmode ore type flag(s), and thus does not satisfy this condition.[3] Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SmashAltar() in Terraria.WorldGen.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    10. I am Redigit - Creator of Terraria. Ask Me Anything! 9月 27, 2013
    11. Redigit's message in #journeys-end-chat on the official Terraria Discord server (link to message)
    12. Redigit's message on the official Terraria Discord server
    13. Redigit's message on the official Terraria Discord server (link to message)
    14. Redigit's message in #journeys-end-chat on the official Terraria Discord server (link to message) May 08, 2020