Sandstone Chest

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Sandstone Chest
  • Sandstone Chest item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Placeable✔️ (2 wide × 2 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Sell1 SC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 4267 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Tile ID: 467 (10)
Not to be confused with Desert Chest.

The Sandstone Chest is a storage item found in the Underground Desert. They are usually found in Underground Cabins but may also uncommonly generate by themselves. Sandstone Chests can also be crafted.


Each naturally-generated Sandstone Chest will always contain one primary item, and may contain one or two secondary items. Besides one of the items listed here, they will also contain common items depending on the height they were found in: Underground or Caverns.

Primary items (only one)
Magic ConchMagic Conch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/4 (25%)
Snake Charmer's FluteSnake Charmer's Flute(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/4 (25%)
Ancient ChiselAncient Chisel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/4 (25%)
Dunerider BootsDunerider Boots(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/4 (25%)
Storm SpearStorm Spear(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/3 (33.33%)
Thunder ZapperThunder Zapper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/3 (33.33%)
Bast StatueBast Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/3 (33.33%)
Secondary items
Desert MinecartDesert Minecart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/15 (6.67%)
Encumbering StoneEncumbering Stone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)11/7 (14.29%)
  • Chests in the top 4/7ths of the Underground Desert use the first section of the primary loot table, while those in the bottom 3/7ths use the second section.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Sandstone ChestSandstone Chest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Work BenchWork Bench

Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Trapped Sandstone ChestTrapped Sandstone Chest(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Heavy Work BenchHeavy Work Bench(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)


  • Naturally-generated Sandstone Chests will never spawn low enough to generate the common drops of Shadow Chests.
  • Naturally-generated Sandstone Chests contain Scarab Bombs in place of Bombs, but contain regular torches instead of the biome-specific Desert Torches.
