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  • Candelabra item spriteold Candelabra item sprite
  • Candelabra placed
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Placeable✔️ (2 wide × 2 high)
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Sell3 SC
2 GC (Golden Candelabra)
Research1 required
  • Internal Tile ID: 100, 173 (Platinum Candelabra)
All placed Candelabras (in their on and off states). Click the image to view a summary of each row.

Candelabras are a type of furniture and light source that emits light when placed on a flat surface such as blocks, platforms, and flat furniture items. It is not destroyed by water.

There are (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 39 / (Old-gen console version) 23 / Nintendo 3DS version 12 craftable and 5 looted variations of the Candelabra.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Nebula CandelabraNebula Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4191Ancient ManipulatorAncient Manipulator(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Solar CandelabraSolar Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4149
Stardust CandelabraStardust Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4212
Vortex CandelabraVortex Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4170
Bone CandelabraBone Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2152Bone WelderBone Welder(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Lesion CandelabraLesion Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3961Decay ChamberDecay Chamber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Flesh CandelabraFlesh CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2094Flesh Cloning VatFlesh Cloning Vat(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Glass CandelabraGlass Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2097Glass KilnGlass Kiln(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Honey CandelabraHoney CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2095Honey DispenserHoney Dispenser(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Frozen CandelabraFrozen Candelabra(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2100Ice MachineIce Machine(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Lihzahrd CandelabraLihzahrd Candelabra(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2101Lihzahrd FurnaceLihzahrd Furnace(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Living Wood CandelabraLiving Wood CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2149Living LoomLiving Loom(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Skyware CandelabraSkyware Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2102Sky MillSky Mill(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Slime CandelabraSlime CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2570SolidifierSolidifier
Steampunk CandelabraSteampunk Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2096Steampunk BoilerSteampunk Boiler(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Ash Wood CandelabraAsh Wood Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5194Work BenchWork Bench
Balloon CandelabraBalloon Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5173
Bamboo CandelabraBamboo Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4570
Boreal Wood CandelabraBoreal Wood Candelabra(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2555
Cactus CandelabraCactus CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2092
CandelabraCandelabraInternal Item ID: 349
Crystal CandelabraCrystal Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3893
Ebonwood CandelabraEbonwood CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2093
Granite CandelabraGranite Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3170
Large Dynasty CandleLarge Dynasty Candle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2227
Marble CandelabraMarble Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3169
Martian Table LampMartian Table Lamp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2825
Meteorite CandelabraMeteorite Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3168
Mushroom CandelabraMushroom CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2541
Palm Wood CandelabraPalm Wood Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2522
  • Palm WoodPalm Wood(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)5
  • TorchTorch3
Pearlwood CandelabraPearlwood CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2099
Platinum CandelabraPlatinum CandelabraInternal Item ID: 714
Pumpkin CandelabraPumpkin Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2668
Reef CandelabraReef Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5152
Rich Mahogany CandelabraRich Mahogany CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2098
Sandstone CandelabraSandstone Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4302
Shadewood CandelabraShadewood CandelabraInternal Item ID: 2150
Spider CandelabraSpider Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3935
Spooky CandelabraSpooky Candelabra(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2103

Noncraftable Candelabras

Candelabra Notes
Blue Dungeon Candelabra Blue Dungeon Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2664 Found in the Dungeon.
Green Dungeon Candelabra Green Dungeon Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2665 Found in the Dungeon.
Pink Dungeon Candelabra Pink Dungeon Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2666 Found in the Dungeon.
Obsidian Candelabra Obsidian Candelabra(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2667 Found in Ruined houses, does not break from lava.
Golden Candelabra Golden Candelabra(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2151 Dropped by pirates.


  • The word candelabra originated from Latin, where candēlābrum is the singular form and candēlābra is the plural. Over time, English usage changed so that candelabra as the singular and candelabras as the plural is now the more common usage.
  • Crafting and selling Candelabras is an excellent avenue of monetizing surplus blocks by combining them with torches, and remains profitable even if the torches required are bought from the Merchant. For more information, see Guide:Making Money.
  • The Bamboo and Granite Candelabras look more like desk lamps with lampshades rather than actual candelabras.
  • The Large Dynasty Candle appears to be two separate objects when placed; wiring one of them would affect the other, however.
  • The Lesion Candelabra appears to be a Clinger, and even closes its eye when switched off.


  • Desktop
    • Spider, Lesion, Sandstone, Bamboo, Nebula, Solar, Stardust, and Vortex Candelabras added.
    • Skyware Candelabra item and placed sprites updated.
  • Desktop Granite, Marble, Martian, and Meteorite Candelabras added.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Blue Dungeon, Green Dungeon, Pink Dungeon, Boreal Wood, Palm Wood, Mushroom, Obsidian, Pumpkin, and Slime Candelabras added.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Ebonwood, Pearlwood, Shadewood, Bone, Cactus, Flesh, Frozen, Glass, Golden, Honey, Large Dynasty Candle, Lihzahrd, Living Wood, Rich Mahogany, Skyware, Spooky, and Steampunk Candelabras added.