Martian Saucer

Type | |
Environment | |
AI Type | Rider AI |
Damage | 50/100/150 (contact) 100200300 (Martian Deathray) |
Max Life | 170005400081000 (all parts) |
Defense | 100 |
KB Resist | 100% |
Immune to | All debuffs |
- Item (Quantity)Rate
- One of the following 6 items will always be dropped
Xenopopper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
16.66%Xeno Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
16.66%Laser Machinegun(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
16.66%Electrosphere Launcher(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
16.66%Influx Waver(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
16.66%Cosmic Car Key(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
16.66%Greater Healing Potion (5–15)
100%Martian Saucer Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
10%Martian Saucer Relic(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Cosmic Skateboard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
- UFO Ray
- Martian Deathray
- Saucer Scrap
Hurt | |
Killed |
- Internal NPC ID: 392
- Internal Projectile ID: 433, 447, 450
The Martian Saucer is a large flying Hardmode, post-Golem mini-boss that spawns during the Martian Madness event. It can only spawn if the Martian Madness event is 30% completed or higher. The Martian Saucer can pass through blocks and has four turrets with independent health meters that each must be destroyed, which include two rocket launchers and two laser machine guns. In addition, the Martian Saucer itself fires a "Martian Deathray", a large yellow beam that can only be fired directly downwards and cannot be destroyed independently.
Upon spawning, the Martian Saucer cycles through three different attacks that are performed in the following order. In between attacks, the Martian Saucer will move a short distance toward the player.
- If at least one Martian Saucer Turret is still active, the Martian Saucer remains stationary while its turrets rapidly fire a volley of yellow
lasers at whatever location the player was before the attack was initiated for about 2.5 seconds.
- If at least one Martian Saucer Cannon is still active, the Martian Saucer remains stationary while its cannons fire seven homing
missiles that explode upon contact with the player or solid blocks.
- The Martian Saucer positions itself above the player before unleashing a
Martian Deathray from underneath it while traveling in the direction the player is currently moving for 4 seconds.
All four weapons must be destroyed in order to defeat the Martian Saucer. However, upon destroying each of the Martian Saucer's turrets, destroyed sections are replaced by unprotected gaps of exposed wiring. The usual projectile attacks of any destroyed turrets will be replaced by those sections releasing sparkling Saucer Scraps, which fall to the ground, linger on solid tiles for several seconds, and damage the player upon contact.
In Expert Mode and Master Mode, instead of being defeated immediately after the destruction of its four turrets, the Martian Saucer enters its second phase, which exposes its core component and causes it to jostle violently for several seconds before continuing to pursue and attack the player. During the second phase, the Martian Saucer attempts to position itself above the player to their left or right before sweeping towards them while firing Martian Deathrays, which pass through solid blocks and deal significantly large amounts of damage. The Martian Saucer alternates between positioning itself to the player's left and right between deathray attacks while its four exposed sections continuously release Saucer Scrap projectiles. Upon depleting the health of its core, the Martian Saucer will be defeated.

Type | |
Environment | |
AI Type | Rider AI |
Damage | 60/120/180 (contact) 70120180 (Saucer Laser) |
Max Life | 5000/10000/15000 |
Defense | 20 |
KB Resist | 100% |
Immune to | All debuffs except Whip debuffs |
- Saucer Laser
Hurt | |
Killed | |
Saucer Laser |
- Internal NPC ID: 393
- Internal Projectile ID: 449

Type | |
Environment | |
AI Type | Rider AI |
Damage | 60/120/180 (contact) 100148222 (Martian Rocket) |
Max Life | 3500/7000/10500 |
Defense | 20 |
KB Resist | 100% |
Immune to | All debuffs except Whip debuffs |
- Martian Rocket
Hurt | |
Killed | |
Martian Rocket | |
Martian Rocket impact |
- Internal NPC ID: 394
- Internal Projectile ID: 448

Type | |
Environment | |
AI Type | Martian Saucer AI |
Damage | 160/240 (contact) 160320480 (Martian Deathray) 60100150 (Saucer Scrap) |
Max Life | 20000/30000 |
Defense | 0 |
KB Resist | 100% |
Immune to | All debuffs except Whip debuffs |
- UFO Ray
- Martian Deathray
- Saucer Scrap
Hurt | |
Killed | |
Martian Deathray | |
Saucer Scrap |
- Internal NPC ID: 395
- Internal Projectile ID: 433, 447, 450
- If the Martian Saucer is transitioning into its second phase during its deathray attack, the deathray will stay in one place until the transition is complete.
- Killing a Martian Saucer adds 5 percent completion to the event in single player.
- The Radar and its upgrades counts the Martian Saucer as 6 enemies total: one for each turret/cannon, one for the Martian Saucer Core, and one for the large invulnerable piece.
- The Martian Deathray may appear to be unable to pass through solid blocks (the ground, for example), but it can shoot through solid blocks to reach the player. This functions similarly to the Moon Lord's Phantasmal Deathray.
- To dodge the Martian Saucer's laser machineguns, hover above or below its lasers. To dodge its missiles, run away from it as it shoots so that most of the missiles hit the ground in front of the player.
- To avoid getting caught in its deathray, a recommended strategy is to position oneself above the Martian Saucer, either by flying above it with wings or by teleporting with the Rod of Discord or Hook of Dissonance. During the second phase, move as far away from the Martian Saucer as possible during its brief phase transition, and, when the Martian Saucer is firing deathrays, the player should move in the same direction as it if they cannot get above it, which can be supplemented by equipment that provides dashing such as the Tabi and its upgrades. With well-timed dashes, the deathray can be completely avoided.
- When the Cute Fishron's "wet" bonus is activated, the player can fly slightly faster than the Martian Saucer.
- The Martian Saucer is a unique mini-boss in several ways:
- It is the only mini-boss that has a status message that appears in the chat when defeated.
- It is the only mini-boss to drop recovery potions.
- It is categorized in the Bestiary as a boss.
- The Martian Saucer is one of three bosses with a corresponding minion (Xeno Staff), the others being The Twins (Optic Staff) and Duke Fishron (Tempest Staff).
- The Martian Saucer was once named "Mothership" during development, according to an unimplemented achievement.
- The
Bestiary entry for the Martian Saucer: "An advanced flying saucer from somewhere well beyond this world. The destruction from its weaponry is unimaginable."
A Martian Saucer flying in the background as an ambient entity.
- Desktop 1.4.4: Increased the hitbox of the core during the second phase.
- Desktop
- Added two Master Mode drops, Cosmic Skateboard and Martian Saucer Relic.
- No longer drops the Laser Drill, Anti-Gravity Hook, and Charged Blaster Cannon.
- Spawns less often, no longer has a second phase in Classic Mode, and its deathray now goes through blocks.
- No longer considered a boss internally.
- Desktop Fixed invisible, invincible pieces in Multiplayer.
- Desktop Introduced.
- Console 1.0.933.1: Introduced. (
- Console 1.0.750.0: Introduced. (
- Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.
- Mobile Introduced.