Trophies are decorative furniture items which usually have a 1/10 (10%) chance to be dropped from most bosses. While they can be considered the "boss version of banners", they are purely cosmetic and do not provide any bonuses. Some trophies can only be rewarded by the Angler for completing fishing quests. In total, there are (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 33 / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 24 trophies.
King Slime TrophyInternal Item ID: 2489
Eye of Cthulhu TrophyInternal Item ID: 1360
Eater of Worlds TrophyInternal Item ID: 1361
Brain of Cthulhu TrophyInternal Item ID: 1362
Queen Bee TrophyInternal Item ID: 1364
Deerclops Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5108
Skeletron TrophyInternal Item ID: 1363
Wall of Flesh TrophyInternal Item ID: 1365
Queen Slime Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4958
Retinazer TrophyInternal Item ID: 1368
Spazmatism TrophyInternal Item ID: 1369
Destroyer TrophyInternal Item ID: 1366
Skeletron Prime TrophyInternal Item ID: 1367
Plantera TrophyInternal Item ID: 1370
Golem TrophyInternal Item ID: 1371
Empress of Light Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4783
Duke Fishron TrophyInternal Item ID: 2589
Lunatic Cultist Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3357
Moon Lord Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3595
Ocram Trophy(Old-gen console and 3DS versions)Internal Item ID: 5036
Trophies from the Pumpkin Moon and Frost Moon can only be dropped in wave 15 or up, with increasing chances (see Pumpkin Moon § Loot and Frost Moon § Loot for details). In the Old-gen console version and Nintendo
version, trophies from the Pumpkin Moon can only be dropped in wave 15 and have a drop chance of 100%.
Old One's Army
Dark Mage Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3867
Ogre Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3868
Betsy Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3866
Pumpkin Moon
Mourning Wood TrophyInternal Item ID: 1855
Pumpking TrophyInternal Item ID: 1856
Frost Moon
Everscream TrophyInternal Item ID: 1962
Santa-NK1 TrophyInternal Item ID: 1961
Ice Queen TrophyInternal Item ID: 1960
Pirate Invasion
Flying Dutchman Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3359
Martian Madness
Martian Saucer Trophy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3358
Fishing trophies are rewarded randomly by the Angler NPC for completing quests.
Goldfish TrophyInternal Item ID: 2446
Bunnyfish TrophyInternal Item ID: 2447
Swordfish TrophyInternal Item ID: 2448
Sharkteeth TrophyInternal Item ID: 2449
- Some trophies can emit a faint light, but none are valid light sources for a house.
- Despite being generally considered as bosses, Turkor the Ungrateful(3DS version), Lepus(3DS version) and the Celestial Pillars(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) do not drop trophies.
- Dreadnautilus had a trophy made for it, but it was scrapped. The unused trophy resembles its cirri.
- The trophies are a reference to trophy hunting, where hunters put their prey's parts (usually heads) on a wooden rack to have bragging rights.
- All trophies represent a part of the boss on a Weapon Rack.
- King Slime's trophy is a Katana covered in slime, most likely from the ninja inside it.
- The Eye of Cthulhu's trophy is one of its teeth.
- The Eater of Worlds' trophy is one of its eyes.
- The Brain of Cthulhu's trophy is one of its lobes.
- The Queen Bee's trophy is one of her legs, possibly referencing the phrase the bee's knees.
- Deerclops' trophy is one of its antlers.
- Skeletron's trophy is one of its bones.
- The Wall of Flesh's trophy is its tongue, which is a likely reference to the unique death message "<Player name> was licked." and one of its exclusive debuffs, The Tongue.
- Queen Slime's trophy is one of her wing feathers covered in pink slime.
- The trophies of The Twins are Retinazer's laser cannon and Spazmatism's cursed flamethrower.
- The Destroyer's trophy is a Probe.
- Skeletron Prime's trophy is its jaw.
- Plantera's trophy is her bulb, referencing the object that summons her.
- Golem's trophy is its chestpiece depicting a Lihzahrd Brick-themed sun. It can also be seen on a Lihzahrd Door.
- The Empress of Light's trophy is the tiara on her head.
- Duke Fishron's trophy is his tail.
- The Lunatic Cultist's trophy is its mask.
- The Moon Lord's trophy is his heart.
- Ocram's trophy is the crystal on its forehead.
- The Mourning Wood's trophy is one of its branches/arms.
- The Pumpking's trophy is his cloak's buckle.
- The Everscream's trophy is its branch and one of its eyes.
- Santa-NK1's trophy is its head with the Santa mask torn off.
- The Ice Queen's trophy is her crown on top of her head.
- The Flying Dutchman's trophy is a Jolly Roger flag, a common archetype of pirates.
- The Martian Saucer's trophy is one of its turrets.
- The Dark Mage's trophy is its floating book.
- The Ogre's trophy is his head.
- Betsy's trophy is one of her claws.
- On the minimap, the Compass Rose, Wall Anchor and Ship's Wheel are also referred to as trophies, but the Life Preserver is not considered a trophy.
After updating to a
Desktop 1.3-equivalent, the Ocram Trophy became unobtainable.
Any Ocram Trophy already existing in character inventories or worlds was converted into Lunatic Cultist Trophy in 1.4.
Ocram's Trophy was removed entirely in the
Desktop 1.3-equivalent. Upon updating, all existing Ocram Trophies were replaced with 10 GC each.[2] Trophies placed in worlds were replaced with the Lunatic Cultist Trophy during the update.
- Desktop 1.4.4: Pumpkin Moon trophies now drop using Frost Moon drop rates, instead of dropping from 100% of Wave 15 kills.
- Desktop 1.4.3: Added Deerclops Trophy.
- Desktop 1.4.1: Sprites updated.
- Desktop
- Added two new trophies from Queen Slime and Empress of Light.
- Ancient Cultist Trophy renamed to Lunatic Cultist Trophy.
- Desktop 1.3.4: Added three new trophies from the Old One's Army event.
- Desktop 1.3.1: Sprites updated.
- Desktop
- Added four new trophies from Flying Dutchman, Martian Saucer, Lunatic Cultist, and Moon Lord.
- Angler quest reward sell price increased from 10 SC to 50 SC.
- Desktop 1.2.4: Added six new trophies, two from the King Slime and Duke Fishron bosses and four as Angler quest rewards.
- Desktop 1.2.2: Added three new trophies from the Frost Moon event.
- Desktop 1.2.1: Added two new trophies from the Pumpkin Moon event.
- Desktop 1.2: Introduced.
- Console 1.02: Introduced.
- Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.
- Mobile 1.2.6508: Introduced.
- 3DS-Release: Introduced.
- ↑ Leinfors' message in #terraria-chat on the official Terraria Discord server (link to message) Sep 17, 2021
- ↑ Mobile Terrarians Assemble! Mobile 1.3 Launches Today! August 27, 2019