Beetle Might
Increased melee damage and speed while in combat
Beetle Might is a buff granted to the player upon dealing damage with a full set of Beetle armor with the Scale Mail equipped. Damaging an enemy with the armor equipped will increase damage and melee speed by increments of 10%. This is increased to 20% and finally 30% if combat is continued for long enough. Each increase in strength causes an additional beetle to fly around the player. After the player stops doing damage, the beetles will disappear one by one, and their respective combat bonuses will be lost.
Beetle Might 10%
Increased melee damage and speed while in combat
Melee damage and speed increase by 10%
Internal name
Beetle Might 20%
Increased melee damage and speed while in combat
Melee damage and speed increase by 20%
Internal name
Beetle Might 30%
Increased melee damage and speed while in combat
Melee damage and speed increase by 30%
Internal name
The number of active beetles depends on a hidden value, beetleCounter
, that increases in proportion to damage dealt to enemies. Every time an enemy is hit, beetleCounter
is incremented by damage dealt * factor
, where factor
is 3 (if no beetles are active), 2 (if one beetle is active), or 1 (if two beetles are active).
The first beetle is earned when beetleCounter
reaches 400, the second is earned when it reaches 1600, and the third is earned when it reaches 6200.
decreases on every game tick[1] by 3 + ticks / 10
, where ticks
is the number of game ticks that passed since the wearer last dealt damage. This means that a minimum DPS of 180 is required to maintain beetleCounter
at its current level. Due to this decay rate, it may also take a very long time (or even be impossible) to earn another beetle while using weak weapons against enemies with high defense.
Desktop 1.4.4 : Beetle's Might charges last about 33% longer, and it now takes slightly less time/damage to charge up to Beetle's Might tier 3.
↑ A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria 's updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
A Nice Buff (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ammo Box (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Ammo Reservation
Ballista Panic! (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Beetle Might
Bewitched (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Damage Nebula (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Durendal's Blessing (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Harvest Time (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Jungle's Fury (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Leaf Crystal
Magic Power
Sharpened (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Solar Blaze (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Strategist (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Striking Moment (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Titan (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Alien Skater (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Dinosaur
Baby Eater
Baby Grinch
Baby Hornet
Baby Imp (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Ogre (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Penguin
Baby Red Panda (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Skeletron Head
Baby Snowman
Baby Truffle
Baby Werewolf (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bernie (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Black Cat
Caveling Gardener (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Chester (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Companion Cube (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Cursed Sapling
The Dirtiest Block (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Destroyer-Lite (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Dynamite Kitten (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Eater of Worms (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Estee (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Everscream Sapling (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Eyeball Spring
Fennec Fox (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Glittery Butterfly (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Glommer (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Hoardagron (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Honey Bee (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ice Queen
Itsy Betsy (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Junimo (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lil' Harpy (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Mini Minotaur
Mini Prime (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Moonling (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pet Bunny (Desktop and Mobile versions)
Pet Lizard
Pet Parrot
Pet Sapling
Pet Spider
Pet Turtle
Phantasmal Dragon (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pig (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Plantera Seedling (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Plantero (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Propeller Gato (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Puppy (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Rez and Spaz (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Shadow Mimic
Shark Pup (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Skeletron Jr. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Prince (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Princess (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime Royals (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Spider Brain (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Spiffo (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Suspicious Eye (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tiki Spirit
Tiny Deerclops (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tiny Fishron (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Volt Bunny (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Zephyr Fish
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Pets
Basilisk (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bee (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Blessing of the Moon (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Book (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bunny (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Cute Fishron (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Dark Horse (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Drill (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Flamingo (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Goat (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Golf Cart (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lava Shark (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Majestic Horse (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Painted Horse (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pigron (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Pirate Ship (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Pogo Stick (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tree (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Santank (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Scutlix (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Slime (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Turtle (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
UFO (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Unicorn (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Winged Slime (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Witch's Broom (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Finch (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Baby Slime
Deadly Sphere (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Desert Tiger (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Enchanted Daggers (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Sanguine Bat (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stardust Cell (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stardust Dragon (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Terraprisma (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
UFO (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Vampire Frog (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Lovestruck (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Sparkle Slime (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Wet (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
Dazed (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)