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For a comparison of the jump/flight heights of the mounts stacked with various movement accessories, see Jump Height Comparison § Combinations.

Mounts are creatures or objects that act as vehicles that a player can use for transportation or dealing damage. When a mount-summoning item is used, it applies an unlimited buff to the player, spawns the mount, and places the player on or in it. Mount movement can be controlled using the player's usual movement keys. Like pets and minions, mounts can be used limitlessly, and their summoning items are not consumed. Only one mount can be in effect at a time. Mounts will unequip automatically when the player dies.

Weapons and tools (as well as any other item, except hooks) can be used while riding a mount, except for the Drill Mount(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).

Grounded mounts will get extra jumps from accessories and float from Featherfall Potions. However, they will not benefit from jump speed or movement speed increases or be able to use Gravitation Potions.

All mount items can be placed in the mount slot and then summoned with Quick Mount, and can be dyed. Equipping a mount provides a short burst of light (except Bee and Scutlix).

There are currently 27 mounts, each with varying abilities and movement statistics. All mount-summoning items have the Rarity level: 8 rarity, except for the Shrimpy Truffle and Witch's Broom, which have the Rarity level: Rainbow rarity, and Master Mode-exclusive mounts, which have the Rarity level: Fiery red rarity.

Mounts that do contact damage (e.g. Slime Mount) will do summon damage, while mounts that shoot projectiles (e.g. Scutlix Mount) are unaffected by damage modifiers.

Mount-summoning items do not have modifiers and therefore cannot be reforged.


Mount Item Description Jump/Flight Height (ft) Speed (mph) Source
Slime MountSlime(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 3 Slimy SaddleSlimy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Jumps and falls twice as fast as normal
    • Same actual jump time
  • Low horizontal speed
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Deals summon damage to enemies that are jumped on
  • Floats in water
  • Halves fall damage
42 21
102 (Falling)
King SlimeKing Slime
Bee MountBee(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 5 Honeyed GogglesHoneyed Goggles(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Slow on land
  • Fast flight, limited flight time, auto-hover
  • Cancels fall damage
  • Dismounts in liquids
654 10 (walk)
31 (fly)
Queen BeeQueen Bee
Turtle MountTurtle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 4 Hardy SaddleHardy Saddle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Very slow on land
  • Fast in water
4 10 (walk)
36 (swim)
Golden CrateGolden Crates and Titanium CrateTitanium Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Bunny MountBunny(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 1 Fuzzy CarrotFuzzy Carrot(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Slow acceleration
  • Cancels fall damage
12 39 AnglerAngler(rewarded after 5th quest)
Pogo Stick MountPogo Stick(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 43 Pogo StickPogo Stick(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Higher jumps
  • Reduces fall damage
  • Significant fall speed increase
4 (normal)
20 (high)
29 Party GirlParty Girl(25 GC)
Golf CartGolf Cart(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 17 Golf Cart KeysGolf Cart Keys(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Deals summon damage to enemies at full speed
  • Emits a cone of light in the direction the player is facing
  • Reduces fall damage, higher jumps
28 41 GolferGolfer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(50 GC, after defeating Skeletron
and achieving a golf score of 2000)
FlamingoFlamingo(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 37 Mollusk WhistleMollusk Whistle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Floats in water
  • Swims in water
  • Reduced fall damage
  • High acceleration
  • Slight fishing boost when in water
15 31 ZoologistZoologist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(20 GC, 25%/135 entries filled of the Bestiary)
Painted Horse MountPainted Horse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 40 Dusty Rawhide SaddleDusty Rawhide Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Slow acceleration
  • Deals summon damage to enemies on full running speed
12 46 ZoologistZoologist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(25 GC, 30%/162 entries filled of the Bestiary)
Majestic Horse MountMajestic Horse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 41 Royal Gilded SaddleRoyal Gilded Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Slow acceleration
  • Deals summon damage to enemies on full running speed
12 46 ZoologistZoologist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(25 GC, 30%/162 entries filled of the Bestiary)
Dark Horse MountDark Horse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 42 Black Studded SaddleBlack Studded Saddle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Slow acceleration
  • Deals summon damage to enemies on full running speed
12 46 ZoologistZoologist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)(25 GC, 30%/162 entries filled of the Bestiary)
Lava Shark MountLava Shark(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 49 Superheated BloodSuperheated Blood(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Swims quickly in liquid
  • Lava immunity
  • Slows down when on land
  • Reduces fall damage to 1
  • Does not automatically climb blocks (needs jump)
2 10 (walk)
73 (swim)
Obsidian CrateObsidian Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Hellstone CrateHellstone Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


Mount Item Description Jump/Flight Height (ft) Speed (mph) Source
Basilisk MountBasilisk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 14 Ancient HornAncient Horn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Fast movement speed
  • Fast acceleration
  • Extra jump
  • Increased jump height
  • Charging through enemies inflicts summon damage
  • Reduces fall damage by 80%
28 (normal)
55 (Double-jump)
41 BasiliskBasilisk(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Wolf MountWolf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 52 Lilith's NecklaceLilith's Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Transforms the player into a wolf
  • Fast movement speed
  • Fast acceleration
  • Increased jump height
  • 3 tile height
30 49 WolfWolf
Journey Mode characters named "Wolfpet" or "Wolf Pet".
Unicorn MountUnicorn(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 10 Blessed AppleBlessed Apple(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Fast running speed
  • Double-jump
  • Deals summon damage to enemies on full running speed
  • Reduces fall damage by 80%
19 (normal)
48 (Double-jump)
61 UnicornUnicorn
Pigron MountPigron(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 2 Scaly TruffleScaly Truffle(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
  • Slow acceleration
  • Increased flight duration at higher speeds
  • High top speed
  • Cancels fall damage
218 46 Fishing in Underground Hallowed/Corrupt/Crimson Ice biome
Winged Slime MountWinged Slime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 50 Gelatinous PillionGelatinous Pillion(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Limited flight time
  • Higher jumps, faster movement
  • Horizontal hovering with ▼ Down+ ↷ Jump.
  • Deals summon damage to enemies that are jumped on
  • Cancels fall damage
  • Floats in water
146 33 (Ground)
56 (Ascent Vertical)
102 (Falling)
34 (Hovering vertical)
58 (Aerial Horizontal)
Queen SlimeQueen Slime(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
RudolphRudolphInternal Mount ID: 0 Reindeer BellsReindeer Bells
  • Limited flight time
  • Fast running and flight
  • Cancels fall damage
194~582 61 Ice QueenIce Queen
Scutlix MountScutlix(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 9 Brain Scrambler (item)Brain Scrambler (item)(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Fast movement speed
  • Fires lasers at enemies automatically
  • Reduce fall damage to 1
40 41 ScutlixScutlix Gunner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
UFO MountUFO(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 7 Cosmic Car KeyCosmic Car Key(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Infinite flight
  • Dismounts in liquids
41 (horizontal/vertical)
58 (diagonal)
Martian SaucerMartian Saucer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Witch's BroomWitch's Broom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 23 Witch's BroomWitch's Broom(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Infinite flight
  • 3 tile height
  • Unable to descend through certain platforms
46 (horizontal)
41 (vertical)

62 (diagonal)

Mourning WoodMourning Wood(Expert Mode only)
Cute Fishron MountCute Fishron(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 12 Shrimpy TruffleShrimpy Truffle(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Infinite flight
  • Damage/movement bonus in liquid
  • Slows down when on land
40 (horizontal)
53 (diagonal)
41 (vertical)
82 (submerged in liquid)
67 (if health <50%, or 6 sec after liquid)
5 (if touching blocks)
Duke FishronDuke Fishron(Expert Mode only)
Drill MountDrill(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 8 Drill Containment UnitDrill Containment Unit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
31 (horizontal)
41 (vertical)
51 (diagonal)

Master Mode only


Mount Item Description Jump/Flight Height (ft) Speed (mph) Source
Book MountBook(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 48 Dark Mage's TomeDark Mage's Tome(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Limited hover above solid blocks
  • Cancels fall damage
15 41 Dark MageDark Mage(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


Mount Item Description Jump/Flight Height (ft) Speed (mph) Source
Goat MountGoat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 47 Goat SkullGoat Skull(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Fast running speed
  • Double-jump
  • Deals summon damage to enemies on full running speed
  • Reduces fall damage by 80%

39 61 Wall of FleshWall of Flesh
Pirate Ship MountPirate Ship(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 44 The Black SpotThe Black Spot(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Infinite flight
  • Deals summon damage to enemies on full flight speed
  • 5 tiles high
36 (horizontal)

41 (vertical) 54 (diagonal)

Flying DutchmanFlying Dutchman(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Tree MountTree(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 45 Hexxed BranchHexxed Branch(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Extremely fast run speed
  • Deals summon damage to enemies on full running speed
81 Mourning WoodMourning Wood
Santank MountSantank(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Mount ID: 46 Toy TankToy Tank(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Shoots at enemies automatically
  • Extra jump
  • Reduces Fall Damage to 1
12 41 Santa-NK1Santa-NK1


  • While mounts will not change the player's width, riding a mount can increase the player's height. The Pirate Ship Mount and Unicorn Mount, for example, increase the player's height to 5 tiles, and most mounts, such as the Slimy Saddle and Ancient Horn will increase the player's height to 4 tiles.
  • Mounts are affected by the set bonus effects of armor sets. For example, if riding a Unicorn Mount with full Hallowed armor, the Unicorn will have a pulsing outline (however, some dyes such as the Hades Dyes can make this hard to spot).
  • Mounting while flying with the Spectre Boots or any of its upgrades may temporarily revert their particle effects to that of the Rocket Boots.


Achievement The Cavalry.png
The Cavalry • “Equip a mount.”
Equip your first mount. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Collector Collector




  • Desktop Fixed the "allow mounting" check not taking player's velocity into account, fixing the mounting into ceiling exploit.
  • Desktop Fixed bug where players would fall into tiles when walking into a ceiling with a mount. Fixed bug where capes did not show properly when mounted.
  • Console 1.07: Introduced Bunny Mount, Pigron Mount, Turtle Mount, and Rudolph Mount.