Ball O' Fuse Wire

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Ball O' Fuse Wire
  • Ball O' Fuse Wire item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Use time20 (Very fast)
TooltipSummons a dynamite kitten
'It's like yarn, but more exciting!'
RarityRarity level: 3
Buy50 GC
Sell10 GC
Research1 required
Grants Buff
BuffDynamite KittenDynamite Kitten(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Buff tooltipNot for use in cannons
Summons Pet
  • Dynamite Kitten
    Dynamite Kitten
  • Internal Item ID: 4735 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Buff ID: 266 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Projectile ID: 858
Dynamite Kitten (flying).gif
The Dynamite Kitten riding a stick of dynamite.

The Ball O' Fuse Wire is a Hardmode pet-summoning item that spawns a Dynamite Kitten, which resembles the Orange Tabby variant of the Town Cat, that follows the player. When the player is far enough away or in midair, the Kitten will ride towards them on a stick of Dynamite and immediately dismount when it is on solid ground. The Ball O' Fuse Wire can be purchased from the Zoologist for 50 GC after completing 70% (378 entries) of the Bestiary.


  • The Dynamite Kitten was added as a result of a petition.[1]
  • The buff's tooltip is in reference to the Explosive Bunny's tooltip, "For use with bunny cannon".
  • Despite wearing a miner's helmet, the Dynamite Kitten does not provide any light.

