Shadow Orb (item)

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Shadow Orb
  • Shadow Orb item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Use time20 (Very fast)
TooltipCreates a magical shadow orb
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell1 GC50 SC (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 20 SC (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Research1 required
Grants Buff
BuffShadow OrbShadow Orb
Buff tooltipA magical orb that provides light
Summons Light Pet
  • Shadow Orb
    Shadow Orb
Obtained from Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Corrupt Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Corrupt CrateCorrupt Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)120%
Defiled Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Defiled CrateDefiled Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)120%
Shadow OrbShadow Orb (placed).pngShadow Orb120%
This article is about the light pet summon item. For the environment object, see Shadow Orb.
The Shadow Orb's behavior when moving. Its height can be controlled using ▲ Up and ▼ Down.

The Shadow Orb is a light pet-summoning item that spawns a slow-moving Shadow Orb which follows the player around and emits dim, purple light. The orb can move through solid objects and liquids unhindered, but moves very slowly, causing it to fall behind when the player is moving quickly. If it falls far enough behind, it will teleport to the player's location. The Shadow Orb has a 1/5 (20%) chance of dropping from destroyed Shadow Orbs, but it also has a 1/5 (20%) chance of being acquired from Corrupt Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Defiled Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), which are obtained by fishing in the Corruption.

The Crimson counterpart to the Shadow Orb is the Crimson Heart.


  • The orb's position can be somewhat controlled using the ▲ Up and ▼ Down keys, allowing the player to reorient the orb directly above or below them respectively.
    • This will cause the orb to catch up slightly faster, if it is lagging behind.
  • The orb will emit purple light even if dyed.


  • When paired with Acid Dye of any color, the orb will have stripes in the color but it will be buggy, as parts of, or even the whole orb itself, can disappear.
  • It can be paired with Reflective Gold Dye to make the Shadow Orb appear similarly to how it looked prior to 1.2.
  • Twilight Dye can render the orb almost completely invisible.


The Shadow Orb when it was still an Orb of Light.
  • Desktop Aligned sell value with all other Shadow Orb/Crimson Heart loot, increasing it from 20 SC to 1 GC50 SC.
  • Desktop 1.2:
    • Renamed from Orb of Light to Shadow Orb.
    • Item sprite updated from Orb of Light.png to Shadow Orb (item).png.
    • Buff sprite updated from Orb of Light (buff).png to Shadow Orb (buff).png.
    • Projectile sprite updated from Orb of Light (light pet).png to Shadow Orb (light pet).png.
    • No longer requires mana to use (previously needed 40).
    • Buff no longer expires.
  • Desktop 1.0.6:
    • Movement speed of Orb was reduced.
    • Light intensity was reduced from 100% to 65%.
    • Using the item now gives the player a buff instead of treating it like a spell.
      • Consequently, this causes the item to be automatically used when pressing the quick buff hotkey.