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Map Icon Golfer.png
Map Icon
AI TypePassive AI
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
Projectile created
  • Golf Ball
    Golf Ball

An early bird catches the worm, but an early hole catches the birdie.

Emote Town Golfer.gif The Golfer

The Golfer is an NPC vendor who sells golfing-related items. More items will be unlocked as the player's golf score increases, including clubs, trophies, and paintings. He will move in once the following criteria are met:

  • There is an available vacant house.
  • Rescuing him as the Golfer Rescue, who can be rarely encountered in the Underground Desert. Interacting with him in this state with Open / Activate will free him. If the stationary Golfer is killed, he will still be able to respawn afterwards; if the Golfer NPC is killed, he will move in again after some time as long as there are vacant houses.

The Golfer will attack nearby enemies with his golf balls to defend himself.

He is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades.

Items sold

Note: All item prices can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or Greedy Ring(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). Prices can also be higher or lower based on the NPC's happiness level.
Item Cost Availability

Worn Golf Club (Iron)Worn Golf Club (Iron) 10 SC Always available.
Worn Golf Club (Driver)Worn Golf Club (Driver) 10 SC Always available.
Worn Golf Club (Wedge)Worn Golf Club (Wedge) 10 SC Always available.
Worn Golf Club (Putter)Worn Golf Club (Putter) 10 SC Always available.
White Pin FlagWhite Pin Flag 20 SC Always available.
Red Pin FlagRed Pin Flag 20 SC Always available.
Green Pin FlagGreen Pin Flag 20 SC Always available.
Blue Pin FlagBlue Pin Flag 20 SC Always available.
Yellow Pin FlagYellow Pin Flag 20 SC Always available.
Purple Pin FlagPurple Pin Flag 20 SC Always available.
Golf TeeGolf Tee 1 GC Always available.
Golf BallGolf Ball 1 GC Always available.
Golf WhistleGolf Whistle 10 GC Always available.
Golf CupGolf Cup 1 GC Always available.
Arrow SignArrow Sign 20 SC Always available.
Painted Arrow SignPainted Arrow Sign 20 SC Always available.
Country Club CapCountry Club Cap 2 GC50 SC Always available.
Country Club VisorCountry Club Visor 2 GC50 SC Always available.
Country Club VestCountry Club Vest 2 GC50 SC Always available.
Country Club TrousersCountry Club Trousers 2 GC50 SC Always available.
Lawn MowerLawn Mower 1 GC Always available.
Golf Cart KeysGolf Cart Keys 50 GC Golf score over 2000, after Skeletron is defeated
The Rolling GreensThe Rolling Greens 1 GC Golf score over 2000, during the following moon phases: Moon phase 1 (Full Moon) Moon phase 2 (Waning Gibbous)
Study of a Ball at RestStudy of a Ball at Rest 1 GC Golf score over 2000, during the following moon phases: Moon phase 3 (Third Quarter) Moon phase 4 (Waning Crescent)
Fore!Fore! 1 GC Golf score over 2000, during the following moon phases: Moon phase 5 (New Moon) Moon phase 6 (Waxing Crescent)
The Duplicity of ReflectionsThe Duplicity of Reflections 1 GC Golf score over 2000, during the following moon phases: Moon phase 7 (First Quarter) Moon phase 8 (Waxing Gibbous)
Golf Club (Iron)Golf Club (Iron) 1 GC Golf score over 500
Golf Club (Driver)Golf Club (Driver) 1 GC Golf score over 500
Golf Club (Wedge)Golf Club (Wedge) 1 GC Golf score over 500
Golf Club (Putter)Golf Club (Putter) 1 GC Golf score over 500
Golf ChestGolf Chest 3 GC Golf score over 500
Bronze Golf TrophyBronze Golf Trophy 1 GC Golf score over 500
Fancy Golf Club (Iron)Fancy Golf Club (Iron) 10 GC Golf score over 1000
Fancy Golf Club (Driver)Fancy Golf Club (Driver) 10 GC Golf score over 1000
Fancy Golf Club (Wedge)Fancy Golf Club (Wedge) 10 GC Golf score over 1000
Fancy Golf Club (Putter)Fancy Golf Club (Putter) 10 GC Golf score over 1000
Silver Golf TrophySilver Golf Trophy 1 GC Golf score over 1000
Premium Golf Club (Iron)Premium Golf Club (Iron) 25 GC Golf score over 2000
Premium Golf Club (Driver)Premium Golf Club (Driver) 25 GC Golf score over 2000
Premium Golf Club (Wedge)Premium Golf Club (Wedge) 25 GC Golf score over 2000
Premium Golf Club (Putter)Premium Golf Club (Putter) 25 GC Golf score over 2000
Gold Golf TrophyGold Golf Trophy 1 GC Golf score over 2000
Any PylonAny Pylon 10 GC When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

Living preferences


For more information, see NPC happiness.

Shimmered form

Shimmered Golfer
Golfer (Shimmered).png Map Icon Golfer (Shimmered).png
NPC Map icon

When submerged in Shimmer, the Golfer will transform into his Shimmered form. This has no impact on gameplay or dialogue and is only a visual change. He can be returned to his classic look by submerging him in Shimmer again.


The Golfer may have any of the following names:

  • Arnie Palmfrond
  • Billy Bones
  • Gunner McLovin
  • Harry Madison
  • Jake Nicklelisp
  • Jim Mulligan
  • Lion Pines
  • William


Interaction quotes

    • "I'm not the type to scream and thrash around just because my ball lands in the water. I stay calm, and collected, and focus on the next shot."
    • "Huh? You eat WHAT for breakfast?"
    • "An early bird catches the worm, but an early hole catches the birdie."
    • "Lick your finger and hold it to the wind. Golf balls are lightweight and easily influenced by a breeze."
    • "If sand is causing you nightmares, your wedge is your dreamcatcher."
    • "To strike high, strike far, or to get unstuck? It's all about the club you use. Choose wisely!"
    • "When I offer you to go clubbing, I don't mean downtown. I mean like, with a five iron?"
    • "In this game, only losers go for that high score."
    • "Landscapers must make a lot of green off us golfers. Heh!"
    • "If you land on the green, use a putter! Don't let your balls go flying away when you're THAT close."
    • "Don't go chasing water hazards, please stick to the fairways and greens that you're used to."

    When first meeting:

    • "Thank you for the rescue. If I were trapped out here any longer, I could have come down with a heat stroke!"
    • "Why, thank you! I've been stuck in this sand pit for days. Good thing you can get water out of a cactus."

    When Arms Dealer is present:

    • "<name of Arms Dealer> has mistaken my golf balls as ammo for his musket on several occasions."

    When Dryad is present:

    • "According to <name of Dryad>, I'm murdering a lot of her friends when I mow the lawn. I gotta have a fairway for my course!"

    When Angler is present:

    • "Should I take up fishing? Bribing <name of Angler> to fetch my balls out of the water is emptying my wallet!"

    During a Blood Moon:

    • "The blood stains on my club? Have you seen the zombies outside?!"
    • "I don't know what's scarier, a Blood Moon or my sister during a Blood Moon!"

    During a Party:

    • "I'm having trouble concentrating on this swing because of the obnoxious party going on around me."
    • "I hit a hole in one! That's a good reason for us all to celebrate. Time to put my club down and have a margarita."

    During Rain:

    • "Golfing in THIS weather?! Only if you like swinging around a giant lightning rod!"
    • "Golfing in the rain is less fun. Everything is all slippery!"
    • "Water hazards are a lot larger when it rains, making it that much harder to reach the green!"

    During a Thunderstorm:

    • "I don't think so, <name of player>."
    • "The odds of being struck by lightning are the same as the lottery. Going outside swinging an iron is a winning ticket!"

    During a Windy Day:

    • "This wind makes for a very difficult course."
    • "A strong gale adds challenge to a game of golf, but this is rather excessive."

    When in a Graveyard:

    • "Graveyards creep me out. I don't like practicing my swings on top of my family and friends."
    • "Don't play golf in a cemetery. The grass grows too efficiently and makes the entire course rough."
  • Happiness quotes

  • When homeless:

    • "I need a place to hang up my clubs."

    When neutral:

    • "I'm doing fine!"

    When far from home:

    • "I think I've wandered off course. That is not a smart move."

    When in a sparse area:

    • "Nothing better than having all this space to yourself."

    When overcrowded:

    • "Golf is a sport best enjoyed solo. I dislike my life not being the same way."
    • "Hate to say it, but I rather hate all the foot traffic here."

    When in the Forest:

    • "I like the Forest. It has all the necessary features for golfing."

    When in the Caverns:

    • "Tell me something. How am I supposed to golf in a place like the Underground?"

    When in an Evil biome or the Dungeon:

    • "I especially think it's unwise to hang around a place like the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon."

    When near the Angler:

    • "Unpopular opinion: I quite love having <name of Angler> around. I get my water hazards returned to me!"

    When near the Painter:

    • "It's always fun to hang out with <name of Painter>. Good people."

    When near the Zoologist:

    • "It's always fun to hang out with <name of Zoologist>. Good people."

    When near the Pirate:

    • "I dislike being around <name of Pirate>. Makes me feel uneasy."

    When near the Merchant:

    • "I hate <name of Merchant>'s greedy attitude. It's pretty unnecessary in a world like this."

    When near the Princess:

    • "I tried to teach <name of Princess> a few slick golf tricks, but she schooled me instead! I like her."
  • Golf score quotes

  • When the player's golf score is less than 500:

    • "If you keep swinging like that, you'll end up hurting someone... or yourself!"
    • "You're going to need a lot of practice, I strongly recommend padding."
    • "That poor bird. Duck is tasty, however, so don't give up!"

    When the player's golf score is between 500 and 1000:

    • "You're getting better! I am not fearing for my life anymore."
    • "Those are rather mediocre swings. Almost par for the course, if I must say."
    • "Not quite champion level, but you'll do."

    When the player's golf score is between 1000 and 2000:

    • "I'm impressed. Statistically, you are a wedge above the rest!"
    • "You're doing a good job out there! Should I be worried?"
    • "Your courses are well below par. That's a good thing!"

    When the player's golf score is above 2000:

    • "You are a God walking among mere mortals! A spectacular golfer!"
    • "If I had a trophy to give for your amazing swings, I'd give you ten!"
    • "What a breathtaking golfer! You may be at the top, but never stop reaching for it!"
  • Notes

    • In multiplayer, the Golfer's shop unlocks are per player, so everyone must golf in order to purchase his full inventory.


    • Finding the Golfer in the Underground Desert can prove somewhat difficult if there is no proper cave system, even with the Lifeform Analyzer. A Hunter Potion may help locating him.
    • Due to the much more difficult enemies spawning in the Underground Desert in Hardmode, it is less dangerous to find the Golfer before entering Hardmode. This is also one of the few ways to easily get an Ocean Pylon early, as he loves the Angler.
    • The Golfer can be a lot harder to rescue in Expert and Master Mode, so his position should be reached as fast as possible if the hurt sound is heard or the damage indicator is seen.
    • It is possible for the Golfer to spawn in a world generated pre- by manually creating an Underground Desert. All it needs is to build a few blocks where enemies can spawn, then place 50 tiles high Sandstone Walls upwards, starting at behind the spawning blocks. The walls then have to be converted to their Corruption, Crimson, or Hallow variants (e.g. use the Clentaminator; converting them back to pure walls is not necessary). This causes the background walls to turn into "naturally generated" walls, which allow biome-specific enemies to spawn, including the Golfer.
    • A golf score of 2000 can be reached quickly by putting into a hellevator with a Golf Cup at the bottom and Cobweb at the top.


    • Several names of the Golfer are references to fictional and real-world professional golfers:
    • The name Harry Madison and Gunner McLovin (Replacement for Shooter McGavin) is a reference to Happy Madison Productions, an American film company which takes its name from the comedy films Happy Gilmore from 1996, and Billy Madison from 1995.
    • The name Jim Mulligan is a reference to the mulligan, a stroke that is replayed from the spot of the previous stroke without a penalty.
    • The surname McLovin as a replacement for McGavin may be a reference to the 2007 teen comedy movie Superbad.
    • The Golfer's quote "Huh? You eat WHAT for breakfast?" is a reference to the 1996 American sports comedy movie Happy Gilmore.
    • His quote "Don't go chasing water hazards, please stick to the fairways and greens that you're used to." is a reference to the song "Waterfalls" by TLC.
    • The quote "I'm not the type to scream and thrash around just because my ball lands in the water. I stay calm, and collected, and focus on the next shot." could be a reference to the fact that many golfers have suffered a brief bout of anger due to a misplaced shot.
    • Though the Golfer's quotes suggest that golf balls are influenced by wind speed, this is not the case in Terraria.
    • The Golfer is loosely inspired by the real-world professional golfer Tiger Woods and was introduced because there was a need for an NPC who sells golf-related items.[1]
    • The fact that he is found in the Underground Desert is likely a reference to a bunker or "sand trap", a common golf course hazard that also bears resemblance to sand pits made by antlions.
    • The Golfer was first shown off in the Town Night spoiler video released by Re-Logic on YouTube on October 1, 2018.
    • Once the player has a golf score of 2000 or higher, he will sell a total of 39 items at a time. If he is happy enough, he will also sell a pylon, rounding up his stock to 40 items. He is tied with the Tavernkeep for the most items sold by any NPC.
      • However, the NPC with the most items sold at any time, without certain pre-conditions, is Santa Claus at 39 items.
      • Any items sold to the Golfer cannot be bought back once his shop has 39 items or more.
    • According to Redigit, the Golfer is the Zoologist's older brother, referenced by some of his quotes.[2]
    • The Golfer's Shimmered form transforms him into an anthropomorphic dog. This is also a reference to the Zoologist, who is the Golfer's younger sister and is a werefox.
      • Unlike the Zoologist, the Shimmered Golfer continues to talk normally and is in his dog form regardless of the current time or moon phase. This makes it unclear if the Golfer is a lycanthrope in his Shimmered form.
      • Even though kinship between him and the Zoologist may be seen as the origin of this phenomenon, it is explained in his sister's Bestiary entry that her condition has been caused by a cursed bite. Thus, each of the siblings was cursed separately, that is if the Shimmered Golfer is cursed.
    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Golfer: "The Golfer is a wise, middle-aged man who sells all sorts of golfing equipment. He's got game and knows how to score."



    1. Terraria's 10th Anniversary: We are Re-Logic, Ask Us Anything! May 17, 2021
    2. Redigit's message in #journeys-end-chat on the official Terraria Discord server (link to message) May 19, 2020