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  • Heart Statue.png   Skeleton Statue.png   Boomerang Statue.png   'H' Statue.png  '1' Statue.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Placeable✔️ (2 wide × 3 high)
Use time10 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Sell60 CC
Research1 required
  • Internal Tile ID: 105 (Normal), 337 (Text), 349 (Mushroom), 531 (Boulder)

Angel Statue you say? I'm sorry, I'm not a junk dealer.

Emote Town Merchant.gif The Merchant

Statues are furniture items. There are a total of 117 different statues: 25 decoration statues, 36 text and numerical statues and 56 functional mechanisms that have an effect when connected to wires and activated (26 hostile, 22 passive and 9 miscellaneous). Depending on the statue, upon activation it may spawn enemies, drop items, or teleport an NPC to the statue's location. Most statues can be found already placed in any area underground (most frequently in the Dungeon, Underground Cabins, and Cavern level), though Angel Statues also appear in chests. Like all furniture, a pickaxe is used to collect them.

Functional statues

See also: Guide:Wiring

The 56 functional statues can be further categorised into 3 subtypes: 26 enemy statues, 22 critter statues and 9 other statues. These statues can be wired and activated to spawn enemies, drop items, or teleport a random NPC to their location. Statue-spawned enemies do not drop coins but can drop their other usual items (except food items, these cannot drop from statue-spawned enemies) with the drop chance being multiplied by a set factor. However, they do count towards the banner counter, granting the player their respective banner per 50 kills, and can also drop Hearts and Stars, potentially granting an alternative source of health and mana. Statues found in Underground Cabins may be connected to Pressure Plates and can easily spawn enemies that may kill early game players.

On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, most statue-spawned enemies will only drop loot if the player has dealt damage to them. They will not drop any loot if they are killed with traps, NPCs, and/or lava damage only.

Enemy statues

See Spawn limits below for limitations that apply to these functional statues.

On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, certain types of enemy statues can be generated wired to a Pressure Plate, forming a statue trap.[1] Other statues can be accidentally wired to Pressure Plates if they happen to overlap with other traps.

Spawn enemies
Statue Enemy Factor[2] Notes
Armed Zombie Statue placed Armed Zombie StatueArmed Zombie Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3719 Armed ZombieArmed Zombie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.2
Bat Statue placed Bat StatueBat StatueInternal Item ID: 443 Cave BatCave Bat (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.2
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) n/a
Blood Zombie Statue placed Blood Zombie StatueBlood Zombie Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3720 Blood ZombieBlood Zombie(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.05
Bone Skeleton Statue placed Bone Skeleton StatueBone Skeleton Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3712 SkeletonSkeleton(Expert Mode variant) 0.2
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Can appear in statue traps.
  • Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Chest Statue placed Chest StatueChest StatueInternal Item ID: 463 MimicMimic 0
  • Does not drop loot.
  • Spawned Mimics resemble the appropriate Chest type for the current biome.
  • Chest Statues can still spawn Mimics in pre-Hardmode.
Corrupt Statue placed Corrupt StatueCorrupt StatueInternal Item ID: 466 ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Eater of SoulsEater of Souls 0.05
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Crab Statue placed Crab StatueCrab StatueInternal Item ID: 454 CrabCrab 0
Drippler Statue placed Drippler StatueDrippler Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3710 DripplerDrippler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.05
Eyeball Statue placed Eyeball StatueEyeball StatueInternal Item ID: 471 ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Demon EyeDemon Eye 0.05
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Goblin Statue placed Goblin StatueGoblin StatueInternal Item ID: 441 ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Goblin ScoutGoblin Scout 0.01
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Granite Golem Statue placed Granite Golem StatueGranite Golem Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3718 Granite GolemGranite Golem(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.2
Harpy Statue placed Harpy StatueHarpy Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3715 HarpyHarpy 0.05
Hoplite Statue placed Hoplite StatueHoplite Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3717 HopliteHoplite(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.05
Hornet Statue placed Hornet StatueHornet StatueInternal Item ID: 452 ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) HornetHornet 0.05
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Imp Statue placed Imp StatueImp StatueInternal Item ID: 449 ((Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)) Fire ImpFire Imp 0.05
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Jellyfish Statue placed Jellyfish StatueJellyfish StatueInternal Item ID: 459 Blue JellyfishBlue Jellyfish (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.2
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) n/a
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Medusa Statue placed Medusa StatueMedusa Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3714 MedusaMedusa(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.05
Pigron Statue placed Pigron StatuePigron Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3716 PigronPigron(Any) 0.05
  • Does not drop Bacon.
  • Spawnable in pre-Hardmode but will not drop loot.
  • Needs an area 6 tiles wide and 3 tiles high to spawn (otherwise produces merely a puff of smoke).
  • Spawns in a random color.
  • Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Piranha Statue placed Piranha StatuePiranha StatueInternal Item ID: 478 PiranhaPiranha (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.2
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) n/a
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Shark Statue placed Shark StatueShark StatueInternal Item ID: 2672 SharkShark (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.2
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) n/a
  • Needs an area 7 tiles wide and 3 tiles high to spawn (otherwise produces merely a puff of smoke).
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Skeleton Statue placed Skeleton StatueSkeleton StatueInternal Item ID: 446 SkeletonSkeleton (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 0.2
(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) n/a
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Slime Statue placed Slime StatueSlime StatueInternal Item ID: 440 Blue SlimeBlue Slime n/a
Undead Viking Statue placed Undead Viking StatueUndead Viking Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3713 Undead VikingUndead Viking 0.25
Unicorn Statue placed Unicorn StatueUnicorn Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3709 UnicornUnicorn 0.05
  • Spawnable in pre-Hardmode but will not drop loot.
  • Needs an area 6 tiles wide and 3 tiles high to spawn (otherwise produces merely a puff of smoke).
  • Does not drop items when killed by traps, NPCs, and/or lava.
Wall Creeper Statue placed Wall Creeper StatueWall Creeper Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3708 Wall CreeperWall Creeper n/a
  • Does not have items to drop.
Wraith Statue placed Wraith StatueWraith Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3711 WraithWraith 0.05

Critter statues

See Spawn limits below for limitations that apply to these functional statues.
Spawn critters
Statue Critter Recipe Notes
Bird Statue placed Bird StatueBird StatueInternal Item ID: 464 BirdBird
Blue JayBlue Jay
  • Produces BirdBird when decrafted via Shimmer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
Buggy Statue placed Buggy StatueBuggy Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3662 GrubbyGrubby
  • Produces BuggyBuggy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) when decrafted via Shimmer.
Bunny Statue placed Bunny StatueBunny StatueInternal Item ID: 445 BunnyBunny
Butterfly Statue placed Butterfly StatueButterfly Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3652 Any ButterflyButterfly(Any)
Cockatiel Statue placed Cockatiel StatueCockatiel Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5319 Yellow CockatielYellow Cockatiel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Gray CockatielGray Cockatiel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Produces Yellow CockatielYellow Cockatiel(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) when decrafted via Shimmer.
Dragonfly Statue placed Dragonfly StatueDragonfly Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4342 Any DragonflyDragonfly(Any)
  • Produces Black DragonflyBlack Dragonfly(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) when decrafted via Shimmer.
Duck Statue placed Duck StatueDuck Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3659 DuckDuck
Mallard DuckMallard Duck
  • Produces DuckDuck when decrafted via Shimmer.
Firefly Statue placed Firefly StatueFirefly Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3654 FireflyFirefly
Lightning BugLightning Bug
  • Produces FireflyFirefly when decrafted via Shimmer.
Fish Statue placed Fish StatueFish StatueInternal Item ID: 444 GoldfishGoldfish
Frog Statue placed Frog StatueFrog Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3661 FrogFrog
Grasshopper Statue placed Grasshopper StatueGrasshopper Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3657 GrasshopperGrasshopper
Macaw Statue placed Macaw StatueMacaw Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5317 Scarlet MacawScarlet Macaw(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Blue MacawBlue Macaw(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Produces Scarlet MacawScarlet Macaw(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) when decrafted via Shimmer.
Mouse Statue placed Mouse StatueMouse Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3658 MouseMouse
Owl Statue placed Owl StatueOwl Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4397 OwlOwl
Penguin Statue placed Penguin StatuePenguin Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3660 PenguinPenguin
PenguinBlue Penguin
Scorpion Statue placed Scorpion StatueScorpion Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3655 ScorpionScorpion
Black ScorpionBlack Scorpion
  • Produces ScorpionScorpion when decrafted via Shimmer.
Seagull Statue placed Seagull StatueSeagull Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4360 SeagullSeagull
Snail Statue placed Snail StatueSnail Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3656 SnailSnail(80%)
Glowing SnailGlowing Snail(20%)
  • Produces SnailSnail when decrafted via Shimmer.
Squirrel Statue placed Squirrel StatueSquirrel Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3651 SquirrelSquirrel
  • Produces SquirrelSquirrel when decrafted via Shimmer.
Toucan Statue placed Toucan StatueToucan Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5318 ToucanToucan(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Turtle Statue placed Turtle StatueTurtle Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4466 TurtleTurtle
Jungle TurtleJungle Turtle
  • Produces TurtleTurtle when decrafted via Shimmer.
Worm Statue placed Worm StatueWorm Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3653 WormWorm

Other statues

See Spawn limits below for limitations that apply to these functional statues.

King and Queen Statues can only teleport NPCs that are currently alive and have been rescued.

Teleport NPC
Statue Effect
King Statue placed King StatueKing StatueInternal Item ID: 476 Teleports a random male
NPC to the statue's location
Queen Statue placed Queen StatueQueen StatueInternal Item ID: 477 Teleports a random female
NPC to the statue's location
Drop items
Statue Drops
Bomb Statue placed Bomb StatueBomb StatueInternal Item ID: 453 BombBomb
Heart Statue placed Heart StatueHeart StatueInternal Item ID: 473 HeartHeart
Star Statue placed Star StatueStar StatueInternal Item ID: 438 StarStar
Other effects
Statue Effect
Activation and deactivation animation of the Mushroom Statue Mushroom Statue placed Mushroom StatueMushroom StatueInternal Item ID: 470 Emits blue glow similar to Mushroom grass on the Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile versions.
(not a valid light source for NPC houses)
Boulder Statue placed Boulder StatueBoulder Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4355 Spawns a moving Boulder, identical to the one a player can place, and only placeable on the underside of blocks.
Can be crafted: 50 Stone Block + 5 Boulder ( @ Heavy Work Bench & Ecto Mist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) )
Bast Statue placed Bast StatueBast Statue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4276 Provides The Bast Defense buff to players in its vicinity, which grants +5 defense.
Angel Statue placed Angel StatueAngel StatueInternal Item ID: 52 Sometimes found in chests.
On the Desktop version Desktop, Console version Console, and Mobile version Mobile versions, turns into an Aether Monolith when thrown into Shimmer, and can be dropped from the Jungle Mimic which only spawns in Celebrationmk10 and Get fixed boi worlds.

Decorative statues

Decorative statues have no function and only serve as decoration. They are generally found placed underground. The three Lihzahrd statues are only found in the Jungle Temple, and are the only statues that do not appear to be made of stone. The Armor Statue can also be crafted with 50 Stone Block at a Work BenchWork Bench.

  • Anvil Statue placed Anvil StatueAnvil StatueInternal Item ID: 468
  • Armor Statue placed Armor StatueArmor StatueInternal Item ID: 360
  • Axe Statue placed Axe StatueAxe StatueInternal Item ID: 465
  • Boomerang Statue placed Boomerang StatueBoomerang StatueInternal Item ID: 461
  • Boot Statue placed Boot StatueBoot StatueInternal Item ID: 462
  • Bow Statue placed Bow StatueBow StatueInternal Item ID: 460
  • Cross Statue placed Cross StatueCross StatueInternal Item ID: 458
  • Gargoyle Statue placed Gargoyle StatueGargoyle StatueInternal Item ID: 450
  • Gloom Statue placed Gloom StatueGloom StatueInternal Item ID: 451
  • Hammer Statue placed Hammer StatueHammer StatueInternal Item ID: 455
  • Pickaxe Statue placed Pickaxe StatuePickaxe StatueInternal Item ID: 469
  • Pillar Statue placed Pillar StatuePillar StatueInternal Item ID: 472
  • Pot Statue placed Pot StatuePot StatueInternal Item ID: 474
  • Potion Statue placed Potion StatuePotion StatueInternal Item ID: 456
  • Reaper Statue placed Reaper StatueReaper StatueInternal Item ID: 447
  • Shield Statue placed Shield StatueShield StatueInternal Item ID: 442
  • Spear Statue placed Spear StatueSpear StatueInternal Item ID: 457
  • Sunflower Statue placed Sunflower StatueSunflower StatueInternal Item ID: 475
  • Sword Statue placed Sword StatueSword StatueInternal Item ID: 439
  • Tree Statue placed Tree StatueTree StatueInternal Item ID: 467
  • Woman Statue placed Woman StatueWoman StatueInternal Item ID: 448
  • Lihzahrd Statue placed Lihzahrd StatueLihzahrd StatueInternal Item ID: 1152
  • Lihzahrd Guardian Statue placed Lihzahrd Guardian StatueLihzahrd Guardian
    Internal Item ID: 1154
  • Lihzahrd Watcher Statue placed Lihzahrd Watcher StatueLihzahrd Watcher
    Internal Item ID: 1153

Text statues

These are crafted at the Heavy Work BenchHeavy Work Bench(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) with 50 Stone Block each.

Spawn limits

Entities within range count towards spawn limit.

Functional statues have two kinds of spawn limits: input cooldown and number limit.

The 6 tiles (2×3) a statue occupies can all be used as wire inputs, and the statue will enter a cooldown period upon activating. During this cooldown, activations from any trigger devices (Switches, Timers, Pressure Plates) will be ignored.

Activation of a spawning statue will not produce an item/character if a certain quantity of that entity already exists within a certain range. The range boundary is a circle, centered on the statue's spawning point.

Statue type Spawn limits
Input cooldown[3] Number limit[4] Distance (D) to Range Boundary
Enemy and critter statues 0.5 seconds 3 12.5 tiles (200 pixels)
6 37.5 tiles (600 pixels)
10 Anywhere in the world
Bomb, Heart, and Star Statue 10 seconds 3 18.75 tiles (300 pixels)
6 50 tiles (800 pixels)
10 Anywhere in the world
King and Queen Statue 5 seconds n/a n/a
Boulder Statue 15 seconds n/a n/a
  • Example: A new Bunny will not be spawned by an activated Bunny Statue if 3 or more Bunnies already exist within a 200-pixel radius.

Creatures spawned by Bunny, Fish, and Penguin Statues during a Blood Moon will immediately turn into their evil form. Corrupt Bunny, Corrupt Goldfish, and Corrupt Penguin (and their crimson counterpart) enemies do not count against the spawn limits. The same is true of Goldfish which start walking during rain, and Explosive Bunnies from Bunny Statues in For the worthy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) worlds. Another exception is the Bomb Statue, since Bombs may group together into stacks of up to 9999(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 99(Old-gen console and 3DS versions) and each stack counts as a single entity.

Bunny and Squirrel statues will spawn their usual critters in a Cavern town, not Gem Critters.


  • All functional and decorative statues (except Turtle Statues, Owl Statues, Boulder Statues, Bast Statues and Lihzahrd Statues) have a chance to be found already placed underground and inside Underground Cabins.
  • Worlds contain up to 2, 3 or 4 of each type of pre-placed statues, depending on the world size. Underground Cabins can contain additional ones.
  • Already placed Slime Statues, Bat Statues, Skeleton Statues and Crab Statues are always trapped.
  • Despite its name, the Armor Statue cannot be used to display armor. Instead, armor is displayed using Mannequins and Womannequins.
  • Spawned enemies will not drop items that are specific to a particular biome or event.
  • Bunnies and Goldfish spawned during the Blood Moon have some special characteristics:
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) With a single wire color, up to three independent 1 Second Timers can be wired per statue, for three spawns per second each. With all three wire colors, all six tiles of a statue can be connected to separate timers, for a possible six spawns per second. Enemy spawn limits apply, though if the enemies are instantly killed upon spawning (eg. if lava or a continually activated trap is used), each activation will successfully spawn an enemy. Verify
  • Old-gen console versionVerify Nintendo 3DS version Connecting two or three 1 Second Timers to the same tile using multiple wire colors results in more spawns, though timing for the activation of the timer is required. The timers can override each other if their intervals are too close together. However, it is possible to activate all six tiles of a statue for six spawns per second with only two one-second timers if all three colors of wire are used.


  • Some statues can be used to create useful mechanisms due to the stats or AI of the spawned entity:
    • Statues that spawn weak enemies (e.g. Slime Statue) can be used to create invulnerability mechanism to shield against heavy damage attacks.
    • Bird Statue and Crab Statue can be used to make Bird Engine and Crab Engine, respectively.
  • When spawning weak enemies into lava, it is most efficient to use a 1/2 second timer. This is just the amount of time it takes for them to be killed by the lava, meaning they will be killed as fast as they can be spawned.
  • The Metal Detector can help find statues, indirectly, by detecting the chest within Underground Cabins, which sometimes contain statues. Note that Hardmode ores, Life Crystals, and Life Fruits have priority over chests making this more difficult in hardmode.
    • Spelunker potions can also be used to the same effect.
  • Slimes spawned by the Slime Statue during the Slime Rain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) event can help add to the number required to summon the King Slime.
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Bunnies can be caught from the Bunny Statue and be crafted into Explosive Bunnies (which would otherwise cost 35 SC if purchased from the Pirate NPC).
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) Ectoplasm, and subsequently money, can be farmed by placing a Chest Statue or Shark Statue in the Dungeon after Plantera has been defeated. These are the only statues that will work as the Dungeon Spirits that drop Ectoplasm will only spawn from killing enemies with above 100 health.
  • Spawned enemies from some statues will drop Hearts and/or Mana Stars when killed, if the player is currently not at maximum health or mana respectively. If the statues are set up with a timer and lava near a player arena, this can provide a fairly steady supply of mana and hearts. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, many statue-spawned enemies do not drop Hearts/Stars, but the Crab, Wall Creeper, and Slime statues still do, and are quick kills.
    • On the one hand, this bypasses the Heart and Star Statues' tight limits on nearby spawns; on the other, the hearts and stars do not spawn in advance, only when the player is below their respective maximums.
  • Boulder Statues can be used to create hovering objects. This can be done by placing down the Boulder Statue and use Block Swap to swap the blocks the statue is hanging from to gravity-affected blocks (Sand, Silt, Slush, etc.), then place down the desired object (e.g. furniture) on those blocks, and remove the Boulder Statue. This will make the gravity-affected blocks fall and leave the object placed on them suspended in midair.
  • Since the effects of the Life Drain(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) work on statue-spawned enemies, the player can build a pit with any timer spawning weak enemies to recover health during a boss fight.


  • The Pillar Statue is the only statue that does not have a base. In addition, pillars are already commonly made of stone making the name a bit redundant: any statue of a pillar would just be a regular pillar.
  • The Shield Statue, when placed, has a design similar to the Cobalt Shield.
  • The Corrupt Statue does not have a Crimson counterpart.
Unimplemented Statues.png
The two unimplemented statues introduced in the 1.3.2 update.
  • (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Tile sprites for the Seagull and Owl Statues were added to the game files in 1.3.2, but the items that place them were not implemented until
  • (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) The spawn limit of Duck Statues can be bypassed by placing the statue in water, as swimming ducks do not count towards the cap. This could be used to max out the NPC count, meaning no new NPCs could spawn. This could be used to make the fights with some bosses much easier.
  • Trivia about the Angel Statue:
    • Before the 1.1 update, the Angel Statue could be neither placed nor sold, and had no apparent use in the game. It is the subject of a running in-game joke, whereby NPCs will make reference to its useless nature, though after 1.4.4 it was finally given a purpose.
      • Redigit confirmed that it was originally intended to function as the double jump item, however it was later replaced with the Cloud in a Bottle further in the game's development.[5]
    • The Angel Statue is listed to have five separate item IDs, but all five different statues will stack upon one another in the player's inventory.


  • Desktop Heart and Star Statues are now twice as likely to be found in worldgen compared to other statues.
  • Desktop 1.4.1: All statues can now spawn in any world, regardless of difficulty, removing the Expert/Master Mode exclusivity of the Armed Zombie Statue and the Bone Skeleton Statue.
  • Desktop
    • Statue-spawned enemies now require some form of player damage to drop their drops (even if the killing blow is done with lava, traps, etc.).
    • The two unused statue textures are now obtainable, and are called the Seagull Statue and the Owl Statue.
    • Jellyfish and Granite Golems spawned from statues now drop their items even less frequently.
    • Pigrons spawned from statues no longer drop Bacon.
    • Corrupt Statue, Eyeball Statue, Goblin Statue, Hornet Statue, Imp Statue now spawn their respective enemies.
    • Critter statues now spawn during world generation.
    • Critter statues now also require Ecto Mist to be present near in order to craft.
  • Desktop 1.3.2:
    • Added two new unused statue textures.
    • Walking Goldfish spawned from statues can no longer be captured in bug nets.
  • Desktop 1.3.1:
    • Critter statues added: Buggy, Butterfly, Duck, Firefly, Frog, Grasshopper, Mouse, Penguin, Scorpion, Snail, Squirrel, and Worm.
    • All critter statues can now be crafted.
    • Enemy statues added: Armed Zombie, Blood Zombie, Bone Skeleton, Drippler, Granite Golem, Harpy, Hoplite, Medusa, Pigron, Undead Viking, Unicorn, Wall Creeper, and Wraith.
    • Critters generated by statues can no longer be captured in bug nets (except walking Goldfish).
    • Drop rates for enemies spawned by new statues are divided by 4.
    • Some Enemies spawned by new statues drop nothing when killed by traps/environment.
    • Some enemies spawned by new statues are non-aggressive during the daytime.
    • Old statue sprites updated.
  • Functional
    • Bat StatueBat StatueBat Statue
    • Bird StatueBird StatueBird Statue
    • Bomb StatueBomb StatueBomb Statue
    • Bunny StatueBunny StatueBunny Statue
    • Chest StatueChest StatueChest Statue
    • Crab StatueCrab StatueCrab Statue
    • Fish StatueFish StatueFish Statue
    • Heart StatueHeart StatueHeart Statue
    • Jellyfish StatueJellyfish StatueJellyfish Statue
    • King StatueKing StatueKing Statue
    • Piranha StatuePiranha StatuePiranha Statue
    • Queen StatueQueen StatueQueen Statue
    • Shark StatueShark StatueShark Statue
    • Skeleton StatueSkeleton StatueSkeleton Statue
    • Slime StatueSlime StatueSlime Statue
    • Star StatueStar StatueStar Statue
    • Angel StatueAngel StatueAngel Statue
    • Anvil StatueAnvil StatueAnvil Statue
    • Armor StatueArmor StatueArmor Statue
    • Axe StatueAxe StatueAxe Statue
    • Boomerang StatueBoomerang StatueBoomerang Statue
    • Boot StatueBoot StatueBoot Statue
    • Bow StatueBow StatueBow Statue
    • Corrupt StatueCorrupt StatueCorrupt Statue
    • Cross StatueCross StatueCross Statue
    • Eyeball StatueEyeball StatueEyeball Statue
    • Gargoyle StatueGargoyle StatueGargoyle Statue
    • Gloom StatueGloom StatueGloom Statue
    • Goblin StatueGoblin StatueGoblin Statue
    • Hammer StatueHammer StatueHammer Statue
    • Hornet StatueHornet StatueHornet Statue
    • Imp StatueImp StatueImp Statue
    • Mushroom StatueMushroom StatueMushroom Statue
    • Pickaxe StatuePickaxe StatuePickaxe Statue
    • Pillar StatuePillar StatuePillar Statue
    • Pot StatuePot StatuePot Statue
    • Potion StatuePotion StatuePotion Statue
    • Reaper StatueReaper StatueReaper Statue
    • Shield StatueShield StatueShield Statue
    • Spear StatueSpear StatueSpear Statue
    • Sunflower StatueSunflower StatueSunflower Statue
    • Sword StatueSword StatueSword Statue
    • Tree StatueTree StatueTree Statue
    • Woman StatueWoman StatueWoman Statue
    • 'A' Statue'A' Statue'A' Statue
    • 'B' Statue'B' Statue'B' Statue
    • 'C' Statue'C' Statue'C' Statue
    • 'D' Statue'D' Statue'D' Statue
    • 'E' Statue'E' Statue'E' Statue
    • 'F' Statue'F' Statue'F' Statue
    • 'G' Statue'G' Statue'G' Statue
    • 'H' Statue'H' Statue'H' Statue
    • 'I' Statue'I' Statue'I' Statue
    • 'J' Statue'J' Statue'J' Statue
    • 'K' Statue'K' Statue'K' Statue
    • 'L' Statue'L' Statue'L' Statue
    • 'M' Statue'M' Statue'M' Statue
    • 'N' Statue'N' Statue'N' Statue
    • 'O' Statue'O' Statue'O' Statue
    • 'P' Statue'P' Statue'P' Statue
    • 'Q' Statue'Q' Statue'Q' Statue
    • 'R' Statue'R' Statue'R' Statue
    • 'S' Statue'S' Statue'S' Statue
    • 'T' Statue'T' Statue'T' Statue
    • 'U' Statue'U' Statue'U' Statue
    • 'V' Statue'V' Statue'V' Statue
    • 'W' Statue'W' Statue'W' Statue
    • 'X' Statue'X' Statue'X' Statue
    • 'Y' Statue'Y' Statue'Y' Statue
    • 'Z' Statue'Z' Statue'Z' Statue
    • '0' Statue'0' Statue'0' Statue
    • '1' Statue'1' Statue'1' Statue
    • '2' Statue'2' Statue'2' Statue
    • '3' Statue'3' Statue'3' Statue
    • '4' Statue'4' Statue'4' Statue
    • '5' Statue'5' Statue'5' Statue
    • '6' Statue'6' Statue'6' Statue
    • '7' Statue'7' Statue'7' Statue
    • '8' Statue'8' Statue'8' Statue
    • '9' Statue'9' Statue'9' Statue
    • Desktop
      • Skeleton Statues can generate as part of statue traps.
      • Chest Statues can now be found in generated houses in Underground Deserts.
      • Each of the 6 tiles of a functional Statue now share the same cooldown, preventing the use of multiple Timers to spawn six times as many enemies or items.
      • Mimics and Sharks spawned by Statues placed in the post-Plantera Dungeon no longer have a chance to spawn Dungeon Spirits.
      • Fixed bug where KO Cannon could drop from Statue-spawned enemies.
      • Fixed a bug where heart/enemy can be spawned from a statue using wires faster than intended.
      • Fixed a bug where Piranha Statues were not spawning properly when a world was created.
      • Mushroom Statue will now light up when wired.
    • Desktop 1.2.4:
      • Armor Statue recipe changed, now requires 50 Stone Block instead of 100 (still crafted  @  Work Bench).
      • Added the Shark Statue (found generated Underground) and craftable Letter and Number Statues (crafted from 50 Stone Block  @  Heavy Work Bench).
    • Desktop
      • The Lucky Coin no longer causes Statue-spawned enemies to drop Coins.
      • The King Statue and Queen Statue now correctly summon new NPCs.
    • Desktop
      • Hardmode summon items no longer drop from Statue-spawned enemies.
      • Statues will no longer spawn on Thin Ice.
    • Desktop 1.2:
      • All Statues are now freed with a Pickaxe instead of a Hammer.
      • Corrupt Goldfish and Bunnies spawned from Statues no longer drop Coins.
      • Added Lihzahrd, Lihzahrd Guardian, and Lihzahrd Watcher Statues, found in the Jungle Temple.
    • Desktop 1.1.1: Statues no longer turn into Armor Statues when they are smashed from the top.
    • Desktop 1.1:
      • Angel Statue is now placeable and stackable (max 99), sell value increased from 1 CC to 60 CC, and removed tooltip ('It does not do anything.').
      • Angel Statue sprite updated. Old sprite was Angel Statue (1.0).png.
      • Renamed Statue to Armor Statue.
      • Added Bomb, Heart, Star, Bird, Bunny, Fish, Bat, Chest, Crab, Jellyfish, Piranha, Skeleton, Slime, King, Queen, Anvil, Axe, Boomerang, Boot, Bow, Corrupt, Cross, Eyeball, Gargoyle, Gloom, Goblin, Hammer, Hornet, Imp, Mushroom, Pickaxe, Pillar, Pot, Potion, Reaper, Shield, Spear, Sunflower, Sword, Tree, and Woman Statues.
    • Desktop-Release: Introduced Angel Statue, however cannot be held, placed, nor equipped.
    • Console 1.0.750.0: (PlayStation 4)
      • Skeleton Statues can generate as part of statue traps.
      • Chest Statues can now be found in generated houses in Underground Deserts.
      • Each of the 6 tiles of a functional Statue now share the same cooldown, preventing the use of multiple Timers to spawn six times as many enemies or items.
      • Mimics and Sharks spawned by Statues placed in the post-Plantera Dungeon no longer have a chance to spawn Dungeon Spirits.
      • The Mushroom Statue will now light up when wired.
      • Updated sprites to match Desktop 1.3.1.
    • Console 1.07:
      • Armor Statue recipe changed, now requires 50 Stone Block instead of 100 (still crafted  @  Work Bench).
      • Added the Shark Statue (found generated Underground) and craftable Letter and Number Statues (crafted from 50 Stone Block  @  Heavy Work Bench).
    • Console 1.02:
      • All Statues are now freed with a Pickaxe instead of a Hammer.
      • Corrupt Goldfish and Bunnies spawned from Statues no longer drop Coins.
      • Added Lihzahrd, Lihzahrd Guardian, and Lihzahrd Watcher Statues, found in the Jungle Temple.
      • Statues no longer generate on Thin Ice.
      • The Lucky Coin no longer causes Statue-spawned enemies to drop Coins.
      • Hardmode summon items no longer drop from Statue-spawned enemies.
    • Console-Release: Introduced with mechanics, recipes, and variants of Desktop 1.1.1.
    • Mobile 1.2.11212:
      • Armor Statue recipe changed, now requires 50 Stone Block instead of 100 (still crafted  @  Work Bench).
      • Added the Shark Statue (found generated Underground) and craftable Letter and Number Statues (crafted from 50 Stone Block  @  Heavy Work Bench).
    • Mobile 1.2.6508:
      • All Statues are now freed with a Pickaxe instead of a Hammer.
      • Corrupt Goldfish and Bunnies spawned from Statues no longer drop Coins.
      • Added Lihzahrd, Lihzahrd Guardian, and Lihzahrd Watcher Statues, found in the Jungle Temple.
      • Statues no longer generate on Thin Ice.
      • The Lucky Coin no longer causes Statue-spawned enemies to drop Coins.
      • Hardmode summon items no longer drop from Statue-spawned enemies.
    • Mobile 1.1.5536:
      • Angel Statue is now placeable and stackable (max 99), sell value increased from 1 CC to 60 CC, and removed tooltip ('It does not do anything.').
      • Updated sprite to match Desktop 1.1.
      • Renamed Statue to Armor Statue.
      • Added Bomb, Heart, Star, Bird, Bunny, Fish, Bat, Chest, Crab, Jellyfish, Piranha, Skeleton, Slime, King, Queen, Anvil, Axe, Boomerang, Boot, Bow, Corrupt, Cross, Eyeball, Gargoyle, Gloom, Goblin, Hammer, Hornet, Imp, Mushroom, Pickaxe, Pillar, Pot, Potion, Reaper, Shield, Spear, Sunflower, Sword, Tree, and Woman Statues.
    • Mobile-Release: Introduced with mechanics, recipes, and variants of Desktop 1.0.6.
    • 3DS-Release: Introduced with mechanics, recipes, and variants of Desktop 1.2.4.


    1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field StatuesWithTraps in Terraria.WorldBuilding.GenVars.cs.
    2. Drop chance reduction factor. The actual item drop chance can be calculated via multiplying the original chance by this factor. If there is no factor, then the drop chance is unchanged. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field Sets.StatueSpawnedDropRarity in Terraria.ID.NPCID.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
    3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method HitWireSingle() in Terraria.Wiring.cs.
    4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods MechSpawn() in Terraria.NPC.cs and MechSpawn() in Terraria.Item.cs.
    5. Fun fact: The Angel Statue was originally going to be the jump item before cloud in a bottle. Took me hours to sprite so I left it in.