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For a full list of items, see Item IDs.

Items are entities that are among the most basic components of Terraria. The player can interact with most items by using, consuming, or placing them. Items are always in one of two forms: "dropped", i.e. being part of the world, or in an inventory pertaining to a player, NPC vendor, or storage item. Dropped items can usually be picked up by the player to move them into their inventory, and they can usually be dropped out of the inventory again.

Most items can be grouped based on certain shared characteristics, e.g. armor items, blocks, or weapons. See Category:Items for the complete categorization.


Items can be obtained in numerous ways in Terraria. They can be

  • picked up after an entity has dropped them (e.g. defeated enemies, or mined blocks or furniture);
  • transferred from another inventory (e.g. an NPC vendor's or a Chest's); or
  • placed directly in the player's inventory as part of other processes (e.g. crafting or being rewarded by NPCs like the Angler).


When an item is in its "dropped" form, any player making contact with the item will pick it up, automatically placing it in their inventory (if there is sufficient space and no Encumbering Stone(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is in the inventory). In addition, all players draw ("pull") all items within a certain range towards them in order to make contact with them. This range is referred to as pickup range. It consists of a rectangular area of, by default, 5.25×5.25 tiles, centered on the player (i.e. 2.625 tiles in all directions). Certain effects increase the pickup range for certain items:[1]

Effect / Equipped item Affected items Pickup range increase
n/a All items and pickups 0
total: 2.625 tiles
n/a Etherian ManaEtherian Mana +3.125 tiles
total: 5.75 tiles

Life BoosterLife Booster

Damage BoosterDamage Booster

Mana BoosterMana Booster

+6.25 tiles
total: 8.875 tiles

Gold RingGold Ring

Coin RingCoin Ring

Greedy RingGreedy Ring

Copper CoinCopper Coin

Silver CoinSilver Coin

Gold CoinGold Coin

Platinum CoinPlatinum Coin

+21.875 tiles
total: 24.5 tiles

Celestial MagnetCelestial Magnet

Celestial EmblemCelestial Emblem

Celestial CuffsCelestial Cuffs

Magnet FlowerMagnet Flower


Soul CakeSoul Cake

Sugar PlumSugar Plum

+18.75 tiles
total: 21.375 tiles


Candy AppleCandy Apple

Candy CaneCandy Cane

+15.625 tiles
total: 18.25 tiles

Treasure MagnetTreasure Magnet

Hand Of CreationHand Of Creation

All items and pickups +9.375 tiles
total: 12 tiles

Effects/equipped items in the same row do not stack.

"Pulled" items have an acceleration and maximum speed, hence it is possible that an item is not pulled in completely, e.g. if the player is moving very fast and causes it to be out of pickup range before they could make contact with it.


In an inventory, items can be stacked in a single slot to a certain limit. Virtually all stackable items can stack up to 9999. The only exceptions are Copper, Silver, and Gold Coins, which cannot be stacked past 100. Items like equipment (weapons, accessories, armor, etc.) and quest fish cannot stack at all; their stack limit is 1.


Items that are in the "dropped" state will disappear ("despawn") upon exiting the world.

If there are more than 400 "dropped" items existing on the world, items will also start despawning. In this instance, the items that have remained dropped for the longest amount of time may vanish as new items are dropped into the world.

It is impossible to reacquire despawned items.

See also


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method GetItemGrabRange() in Terraria.Player.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is