Dizzy's Rare Gecko Chester

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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Dizzy's Rare Gecko Chester
  • Dizzy's Rare Gecko Chester item sprite
  • Dizzy's Rare Gecko Chester equipped
  • Dizzy's Rare Gecko Chester equipped (female)
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotSocial Helmet
Tooltip'The Blue Traktor is coming'
'Great for impersonating streamers!'
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell50 SC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 5385 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Armor ID: 280
Obtained from Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Deerclops(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Deerclops.pngDeerclops(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)17.14%
Treasure Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Treasure Bag (Deerclops)Treasure Bag
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

Dizzy's Rare Gecko Chester is a vanity item that has a 1/14 (7.14%) chance of being dropped by Deerclops.


  • This item is a reference to Terraria Twitch streamer DizzyDizaster, who streams with an upside-down yellow Chester on his head.

See also
