Lavaproof Fishing Hook

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Lavaproof Fishing Hook
  • Lavaproof Fishing Hook item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipAllows fishing in lava
RarityRarity level: 7
Sell2 GC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 4881 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Hellstone Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Hellstone CrateHellstone Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)119/100 (19%)
Obsidian Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Obsidian CrateObsidian Crate(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)119/100 (19%)

The Lavaproof Fishing Hook is an accessory that can be found in Obsidian Crates and Hellstone Crates, both of which can be obtained from fishing in lava. When equipped, it allows the player to catch fish in lava with any bait and any fishing pole.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Lavaproof Tackle BagLavaproof Tackle Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Tinkerer's WorkshopTinkerer's Workshop


  • As the Lavaproof Fishing Hook needs lava-fishing ability to obtain, using lava critters as bait or a Hotline Fishing Hook is required to acquire it.


  • The Lavaproof Fishing Hook can be used together with a Golden Fishing Rod to essentially convert it to an improved version of the Hotline Fishing Hook with 5% more fishing power, while also allowing a single fishing pole to be used everywhere.
    • However, using both the Hotline Fishing Hook and this item increases catch frequency in lava by more than 50%, which may be preferable to the slight fishing power bonus.
