Djinn's Curse

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Djinn's Curse
  • Djinn's Curse item sprite
  • Djinn's Curse equipped
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotPants
TooltipGrants slow fall in exchange for your feet
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 3770 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Armor ID: 140
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Desert Spirit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Desert Spirit.gifDesert Spirit(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)13.25%

Djinn's Curse is a Hardmode armor item that can be equipped in the "pants" slot. It visually replaces the player's feet with a genie-like effect, similar to the Desert Spirit's appearance.

When equipped in the functional "pants" armor slot, it also provides a slow-fall effect which is exactly identical to the buff of the Featherfall Potion:[1] negates fall damage, and reduces the player's fall speed and gravity by 2/3 (66.67%).

Additionally, holding the ▼ Down key will revert fall speed and gravity back to normal; holding the ▲ Up key will change the fall speed and gravity reduction percentage to 90%. Due to the reduced gravity, the distance players are knocked back when hit by an attack will also be increased.

Djinn's Curse also works with mounts and minecarts (except the Bee Mount, Djinn's Curse has no effect on it), and works during reversed gravity.

Djinn's Curse has a 13/400 (3.25%) chance of being dropped by Desert Spirits.



Djinn's Curse Mannequin.png
The Mannequin's appearance with Djinn's Curse in pre-
  • Djinn, jinn, or genies are creatures from Arabian mythology that were the basis of stories about genies who grant wishes. As many genie stories involve the granting of a selfish wish at some horrible unforeseen expense, Djinn's Curse refers to the player being granted the ability to float, at the expense of having to sacrifice their feet (and potentially, defense from armor pieces), which is reflected in the tooltip.
  • Djinn's Curse is one of the three armor items which do not grant any defense. The other two are the Amethyst Robe and the Wood Greaves.
  • Prior to, Djinn's Curse did not appear on Mannequins like it did on players due to programming limitations; instead, it was shown as a pair of purple pants.
  • Despite the tooltip saying that it grants slow fall in exchange for the player's feet, it actually trades not just the player's feet for slow fall, but also the player's legs.
  • The Djinn's Curse has a drop rate of 13/400. 13 and 4 are considered unlucky numbers in Western and Chinese culture respectively.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Update() in Terraria.Player.cs.