Combat Accessories

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Main article: Accessories
Accessory Source Effect Obtainable
Visible on
Adhesive BandageAdhesive Bandage Bezoar ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
  • Angler Fish
  • Rusty Armored Bones
  • Werewolf
    Ankh CharmAnkh Charm Armor Bracing + Medicated Bandage + The Plan + Countercurse Mantra + Reflective Shades ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
    Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Armor Bracing + Medicated Bandage + The Plan + Countercurse Mantra + Blindfold ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
      Ankh ShieldAnkh Shield Obsidian Shield + Ankh Charm ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop ) Ankh Shield (equipped).png
      Armor BracingArmor Bracing Armor Polish + Vitamins ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
        Armor PolishArmor Polish Vitamins ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
        • Armored Skeleton
        • Blue Armored Bones
          Avenger EmblemAvenger Emblem Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Warrior Emblem + 5 Soul of Might + 5 Soul of Sight + 5 Soul of Fright ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
          Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Ranger Emblem + 5 Soul of Might + 5 Soul of Sight + 5 Soul of Fright ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
          Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Sorcerer Emblem + 5 Soul of Might + 5 Soul of Sight + 5 Soul of Fright ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
          Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Summoner Emblem + 5 Soul of Might + 5 Soul of Sight + 5 Soul of Fright ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
          Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Warrior Emblem + Ranger Emblem + Sorcerer Emblem ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
            • Increases damage by 12%
            Bee CloakBee Cloak Honey Comb + Star Cloak ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
              • Releases up to three bees that attack nearby enemies and grants the Honey buff for 5 seconds when the wearer takes damage
              • Causes three stars to fall when the wearer takes damage
              Bee Cloak (equipped).png
              Berserker's GloveBerserker's Glove(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Power Glove + Flesh Knuckles ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
              • Increases melee speed by 12%
              • Increases aggro by 400
              • Allows autoswinging all melee weapons and whips
              • Doubles melee knockback
              • Increases the size of all melee weapons by 10%
              Berserker's Glove (equipped).png
              BezoarBezoar Adhesive Bandage ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
              • Hornet
              • Moss Hornet
              • Toxic Sludge
                Black BeltBlack Belt
                • Bone Lee
                  • Grants a 10% chance to negate damage taken
                  Black Belt (equipped).png
                  BlindfoldBlindfold Pocket Mirror ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                  • Blood Mummy
                    (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                  • Corrupt Slime
                  • Crimslime
                  • Dark Mummy
                  • Shadow Slime
                    (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
                  • Slimeling
                  • Slimer
                    Blindfold (equipped).png
                    Celestial EmblemCelestial Emblem(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) Celestial Magnet + Avenger Emblem ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                      Moon CharmMoon Charm
                      • Werewolf
                        • Transforms the wearer into a werewolf at night, granting a wide array of stat bonuses
                        Werewolf male.png Werewolf female.png[1]
                        Moon ShellMoon Shell Moon Charm + Neptune's Shell ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                          • Transforms the wearer into a werewolf at night, granting a wide array of stat bonuses
                          • Transforms the wearer into a merfolk underwater, granting infinite breath and enhanced mobility

                          Werewolf male.png Werewolf female.png

                          Merfolk male.png Merfolk female.png

                          Celestial StoneCelestial Stone Sun Stone + Moon Stone ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                            • Grants a wide array of stat bonuses
                            Celestial ShellCelestial Shell(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Celestial Stone + Moon Shell ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                              • Transforms the wearer into a werewolf at night, granting a wide array of stat bonuses
                              • Grants a wide array of stat bonuses
                              • Transforms the wearer into a merfolk underwater, granting infinite breath and enhanced mobility

                              Werewolf male.png Werewolf female.png

                              Merfolk male.png Merfolk female.png

                              Cobalt ShieldCobalt Shield Dungeon Chests, Dungeon Crates/Stockade Crates (Golden Lock Box) ✔️ Cobalt Shield (equipped).png
                              Countercurse MantraCountercurse Mantra Megaphone + Nazar ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                Cross NecklaceCross Necklace
                                • Mimic
                                  • Doubles the duration of the wearer's invincibility after they take damage, from 0.67 to 1.33 seconds by default
                                  Cross Necklace (equipped).png
                                  Destroyer EmblemDestroyer Emblem Avenger Emblem + Eye of the Golem ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                    Eye of the GolemEye of the Golem
                                    • Golem
                                    • Treasure Bag (Golem)
                                      (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                      Fast ClockFast Clock Trifold Map ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                      • Mummy
                                      • Pixie
                                      • Wraith
                                        Feral ClawsFeral Claws
                                        • Bramble Crate
                                          (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                        • Ivy Chest
                                        • Jungle Crate
                                          (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                          • Allows autoswinging all melee weapons and whips
                                          • Increases melee speed by 12%
                                          ✔️ Feral Claws (equipped).png
                                          Fire GauntletFire Gauntlet Magma Stone + Mechanical Glove ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                            Fire Gauntlet (equipped).png
                                            Flesh KnucklesFlesh Knuckles(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                            • Crimson Mimic
                                            Frozen Turtle ShellFrozen Turtle Shell
                                            • Ice Tortoise
                                              • While health is below 50%, reduces damage taken by 25%
                                              Frozen Turtle Shell (equipped).gif[2]
                                              Frozen ShieldFrozen Shield(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Paladin's Shield + Frozen Turtle Shell ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                              • While health is above 25%, redirects 25% of the damage taken by nearby team members to the wearer
                                              • While health is below 50%, reduces damage taken by 25%
                                              • Grants immunity to knockback
                                              Frozen Shield (equipped).png
                                              Hand WarmerHand Warmer(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)
                                              • Present
                                                ✔️ Hand Warmer (equipped).png
                                                Hero ShieldHero Shield(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Paladin's Shield + Flesh Knuckles ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                • Increases aggro by 400
                                                • While health is above 25%, redirects 25% of the damage taken by nearby team members to the wearer
                                                • Grants immunity to knockback
                                                Hero Shield (equipped).png
                                                Honey CombHoney Comb
                                                • Queen Bee
                                                • Treasure Bag (Queen Bee)
                                                  (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                  • Releases up to three bees that attack nearby enemies and grants the Honey buff for 5 seconds when the wearer takes damage
                                                  Magic QuiverMagic Quiver
                                                  • Skeleton Archer
                                                    • Increases arrow damage additively by 10%
                                                    • Increases knockback and speed of arrows and Stakes by 10%, grants a 20% chance not to consume the ammo, and doubles the velocity of most arrows
                                                    Magic Quiver (equipped).png
                                                    Magma StoneMagma Stone Lava Charm ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                    • Hellbat
                                                    • Lava Bat
                                                      Mechanical GloveMechanical Glove Power Glove + Avenger Emblem ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                        • Increases melee speed by 12%
                                                        • Doubles melee knockback
                                                        • Allows autoswinging all melee weapons and whips
                                                        • Increases melee damage by 12%
                                                        • Increases the size of all melee weapons by 10%
                                                        Mechanical Glove (equipped).png
                                                        Medicated BandageMedicated Bandage Bezoar + Adhesive Bandage ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                          MegaphoneMegaphone Nazar ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                          • Blood Mummy
                                                            (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                          • Dark Mummy
                                                          • Green Jellyfish
                                                          • Pixie
                                                            Moon StoneMoon Stone
                                                            • Vampire
                                                              • Grants a wide array of stat bonuses during the night (or a Solar Eclipse)
                                                              Moon Stone (equipped).png
                                                              Molten QuiverMolten Quiver(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Magic Quiver + Magma Stone ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                • Converts Wooden Arrows to Flaming Arrows when firing them
                                                                • Increases knockback and speed of arrows and Stakes by 10%, grants a 20% chance not to consume the ammo, and doubles the velocity of most arrows
                                                                • Increases arrow damage additively by 10%
                                                                Molten Quiver (equipped).png
                                                                Molten Skull RoseMolten Skull Rose(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Obsidian Skull Rose + Lava Charm ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                Magma Skull + Obsidian Rose ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                Magma Skull + Obsidian Skull Rose ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                  • Grants immunity to the Burning debuff inflicted by contact with Meteorite and Hellstone
                                                                  • Decreases the damage taken from lava by 56.25%, from 80 to 35, and halves the duration of the On Fire! debuff inflicted by it, from 7 to 3.5 seconds
                                                                  • Grants immunity to lava for 7 seconds
                                                                  ✔️ Molten Skull Rose (equipped).png
                                                                  NazarNazar Megaphone ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                  • Crimson Axe
                                                                  • Cursed Hammer
                                                                  • Cursed Skull
                                                                  • Dragon Skull
                                                                    (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
                                                                  • Enchanted Sword
                                                                  • Giant Cursed Skull
                                                                    Obsidian RoseObsidian Rose
                                                                    • Fire Imp
                                                                      • Decreases the damage taken from lava by 56.25%, from 80 to 35, and halves the duration of the On Fire! debuff inflicted by it, from 7 to 3.5 seconds
                                                                      ✔️ Obsidian Rose (equipped).png[3]
                                                                      Obsidian ShieldObsidian Shield Cobalt Shield + Obsidian Skull ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop ) ✔️ Obsidian Shield (equipped).png
                                                                      Obsidian SkullObsidian Skull 20 Obsidian ( @ Furnace ) ✔️ Obsidian Skull (equipped).png
                                                                      Obsidian Skull RoseObsidian Skull Rose(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Obsidian Skull + Obsidian Rose ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                        ✔️ Obsidian Skull Rose (equipped).png
                                                                        Paladin's ShieldPaladin's Shield
                                                                        • Paladin
                                                                        • While health is above 25%, redirects 25% of the damage taken by nearby team members to the wearer
                                                                        • Grants immunity to knockback
                                                                        Paladin's Shield (equipped).png
                                                                        Panic NecklacePanic Necklace Band of Starpower + Life Crystal ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop & Ecto Mist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) )
                                                                        • Crimson Crate
                                                                          (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                        • Crimson Heart
                                                                        • Hematic Crate
                                                                          (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                          • Increases movement speed by 100% for five seconds after the wearer takes damage
                                                                          ✔️ Panic Necklace (equipped).png
                                                                          Pocket MirrorPocket Mirror(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Blindfold ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                          • Medusa
                                                                            • Provides immunity to the Stoned(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) debuff
                                                                            Power GlovePower Glove Titan Glove + Feral Claws ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                              • Doubles melee knockback
                                                                              • Allows autoswinging all melee weapons and whips
                                                                              • Increases the size of all melee weapons by 10%
                                                                              • Increases melee speed by 12%
                                                                              Power Glove (equipped).png
                                                                              Putrid ScentPutrid Scent(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                              • Corrupt Mimic
                                                                                Ranger EmblemRanger Emblem Warrior Emblem ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                                • Wall of Flesh
                                                                                • Treasure Bag (Wall of Flesh)
                                                                                  (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                  Recon ScopeRecon Scope(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sniper Scope + Putrid Scent ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                    Reflective ShadesReflective Shades(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Blindfold + Pocket Mirror ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                      Reflective Shades (equipped).png
                                                                                      Rifle ScopeRifle Scope
                                                                                      • Skeleton Sniper
                                                                                        • Grants the ability to increase view range while holding a bullet-firing gun
                                                                                        • Frozen Zombie
                                                                                        • Raincoat Zombie
                                                                                        • Zombie
                                                                                        ✔️ Shackle (equipped).png
                                                                                        Shark Tooth NecklaceShark Tooth Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                        • Blood Zombie
                                                                                        • Drippler
                                                                                          ✔️ Shark Tooth Necklace (equipped).png
                                                                                          Sniper ScopeSniper Scope Rifle Scope + Destroyer Emblem ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                            Sorcerer EmblemSorcerer Emblem Ranger Emblem ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                                            • Wall of Flesh
                                                                                            • Treasure Bag (Wall of Flesh)
                                                                                              (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                              Stalker's QuiverStalker's Quiver(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Magic Quiver + Putrid Scent ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                                • Decreases aggro by 400
                                                                                                • Increases knockback and speed of arrows and Stakes by 10%, grants a 20% chance not to consume the ammo, and doubles the velocity of most arrows
                                                                                                • Increases arrow damage additively by 10%
                                                                                                Stalker's Quiver (equipped).png
                                                                                                Star CloakStar Cloak
                                                                                                • Mimic
                                                                                                  • Causes three stars to fall when the wearer takes damage
                                                                                                  Star Cloak (equipped).png
                                                                                                  Star VeilStar Veil Star Cloak + Cross Necklace ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                                    • Causes three stars to fall when the wearer takes damage
                                                                                                    • Doubles the duration of the wearer's invincibility after they take damage, from 0.67 to 1.33 seconds by default
                                                                                                    Star Veil (equipped).png
                                                                                                    Stinger NecklaceStinger Necklace(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Shark Tooth Necklace + Honey Comb ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                                      • Increases armor penetration by 5
                                                                                                      • Releases up to three bees that attack nearby enemies and grants the Honey buff for 5 seconds when the wearer takes damage
                                                                                                      ✔️ Stinger Necklace (equipped).png
                                                                                                      Summoner EmblemSummoner Emblem(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Sorcerer Emblem ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                                                      • Wall of Flesh
                                                                                                      • Treasure Bag (Wall of Flesh)
                                                                                                        Sun StoneSun Stone
                                                                                                        • Golem
                                                                                                        • Treasure Bag (Golem)
                                                                                                          (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                                          • Grants a wide array of stat bonuses during the day
                                                                                                          Sun Stone (equipped).png
                                                                                                          Sweetheart NecklaceSweetheart Necklace Honey Comb + Panic Necklace ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                                            • Releases up to three bees that attack nearby enemies and grants the Honey buff for 5 seconds when the wearer takes damage
                                                                                                            • Increases movement speed by 100% for five seconds after the wearer takes damage
                                                                                                            ✔️ Sweetheart Necklace (equipped).png
                                                                                                            The PlanThe Plan Fast Clock + Trifold Map ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                                              Titan GloveTitan Glove
                                                                                                              • Mimic
                                                                                                                • Doubles melee knockback
                                                                                                                • Increases the size of all melee weapons by 10%
                                                                                                                Titan Glove (equipped).png
                                                                                                                Trifold MapTrifold Map Fast Clock ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                                                                • Clown
                                                                                                                • Giant Bat
                                                                                                                • Light Mummy
                                                                                                                • Spectral Mummy
                                                                                                                  (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
                                                                                                                  VitaminsVitamins Armor Polish ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                                                                  • Corruptor
                                                                                                                  • Floaty Gross
                                                                                                                    Warrior EmblemWarrior Emblem Summoner Emblem ( @ Shimmer Transmutation )
                                                                                                                    • Wall of Flesh
                                                                                                                    • Treasure Bag (Wall of Flesh)
                                                                                                                      (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                                                      Apprentice's ScarfApprentice's Scarf(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                                                      • Dark Mage
                                                                                                                        ✔️ Apprentice's Scarf (equipped).png
                                                                                                                        Squire's ShieldSquire's Shield(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                                                        • Dark Mage
                                                                                                                          ✔️ Squire's Shield (equipped).png
                                                                                                                          Huntress's BucklerHuntress's Buckler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                                                          • Ogre
                                                                                                                            Huntress's Buckler (equipped).png
                                                                                                                            Monk's BeltMonk's Belt(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
                                                                                                                            • Ogre
                                                                                                                              Monk's Belt (equipped).png
                                                                                                                              Hercules BeetleHercules Beetle
                                                                                                                                Necromantic ScrollNecromantic Scroll
                                                                                                                                • Mourning Wood
                                                                                                                                  Papyrus ScarabPapyrus Scarab Necromantic Scroll + Hercules Beetle ( @ Tinkerer's Workshop )
                                                                                                                                    Pygmy NecklacePygmy Necklace
                                                                                                                                      • Increases the maximum number of minions by 1
                                                                                                                                      ✔️ Pygmy Necklace (equipped).png

                                                                                                                                      1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Werewolf and Merfolk forms are buffs that affect character appearance. They are only active if the required conditions are met.
                                                                                                                                      2. The Frozen Turtle Shell provides a visual effect if the wearer is below 25% remaining health.
                                                                                                                                      3. Obsidian Rose is only visible when no helmet or vanity headpiece is equipped (unless it is one that does not hide the player's head, such as the Familiar Wig).