0x33's Aviators

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Master Mode.png
Master Mode-Only Content: This information applies only to Master Mode and Master Mode worlds.
0x33's Aviators
  • 0x33's Aviators item sprite
  • 0x33's Aviators equipped
  • 0x33's Aviators equipped (female)
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotSocial Helmet
TooltipEnables your inner wingman
'Great for impersonating streamers!'
RarityRarity level: 9
Sell1 GC
Research1 required
  • Internal Item ID: 3763 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Internal Armor ID: 198
Obtained from Obtained from
Master Mode.png Master
Eye of CthulhuEye of Cthulhu (Phase 1).gifEye of Cthulhu1100%

0x33's Aviators are a vanity item obtained by defeating the Eye of Cthulhu in Master Mode.


  • In multiplayer, only one 0x33's Aviators will be dropped from each Eye of Cthulhu, regardless of the number of players involved in the fight.


  • This item is a reference to Terraria streamer 0x33 who killed the Moon Lord in Expert Mode with a Hardcore character.
  • Its tooltip, "'Great for impersonating streamers!'", is both a reference to 0x33 and to developer items, whose tooltips are similar ("'Great for impersonating devs!'").
  • 0x33's Aviators, Chippy's Couch, and Pedguin's set are the only pre-Hardmode items to have the Rarity level: 9 base rarity. These items are also all references to Terraria streamers.
  • 0x33's Aviators are the only Master Mode-exclusive item without the Rarity level: Fiery red rarity.
    • This is likely due to its status as a streamer item, which all have the Rarity level: 9 rarity.


  • Desktop
    • Item sprite updated. Old sprite: 0x33's Aviators (pre-
    • Now obtainable from defeating Eye of Cthulhu in Master Mode, instead of from opening its Treasure Bag in Expert Mode with a Hardcore character.