Orichalcum armor

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Orichalcum armor
  • Orichalcum armor equipped (male)old Orichalcum armor item sprite
  • Orichalcum armor equipped (female)
Stack digit 1.png
DefenseOrichalcum Mask : 42 / Orichalcum Helmet : 30 / Orichalcum Headgear : 27 (set)
Set BonusFlower petals will fall on your target for extra damage
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell5 GC40 SC (set)
Projectile created
  • Flower Petal
    Flower Petal
The set bonus of Orichalcum armor.

Orichalcum armor is a Hardmode armor set and is the counterpart to Mythril armor. Like all Hardmode ore armors, Orichalcum armor has three different headwear options, allowing players to focus on magical, melee, or ranged combat, and each with a corresponding set bonus. Crafting a one-helmet set requires 54 Orichalcum Bars or 216 Orichalcum Ore. Crafting all five pieces requires 78 Orichalcum Bars or 312 Orichalcum Ore.

Whenever the player strikes an enemy while wearing a full set, a flower petal is summoned at the edge of the screen and shoots horizontally to the other end of the screen. The flower petal will always be aimed at the enemy that triggered it, but it will damage any other enemy that it goes through. The flower petal deals 36 base damage[1] and can pierce, causing damage to multiple foes in a line with a single attack. Petals travel very fast (123 mph[1]) and pass through solid blocks and liquids with ease. There is a cooldown of 0.33 seconds before another flower petal can be summoned,[1] meaning that this set bonus adds roughly 100 DPS.


Orichalcum Breastplate
  • Orichalcum Breastplate item spriteold Orichalcum Breastplate item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotShirt
Tooltip6% increased critical strike chance
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC80 SC
Research1 required
Orichalcum Leggings
  • Orichalcum Leggings item spriteold Orichalcum Leggings item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotPants
Tooltip8% increased damage and 11% increased movement speed
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell1 GC35 SC
Research1 required

Helmet variants

Orichalcum Headgear
  • Orichalcum Headgear item spriteold Orichalcum Headgear item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip18% increased magic critical strike chance
Increases maximum mana by 80
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell2 GC25 SC
Research1 required
Orichalcum Mask
  • Orichalcum Mask item spriteold Orichalcum Mask item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip11% increased melee damage and melee speed
7% increased movement speed
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell2 GC25 SC
Research1 required
Orichalcum Helmet
  • Orichalcum Helmet item spriteold Orichalcum Helmet item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Body slotHelmet
Tooltip15% increased ranged critical strike chance
8% increased movement speed
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell2 GC25 SC
Research1 required



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Orichalcum BreastplateOrichalcum BreastplateMythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Orichalcum HeadgearOrichalcum Headgear
Orichalcum HelmetOrichalcum Helmet
Orichalcum LeggingsOrichalcum Leggings
Orichalcum MaskOrichalcum Mask



Dyed accessories with Orichalcum armor
  • To color-match items to Orichalcum armor, use Violet Dye instead of Pink Dye.
  • Orichalcum armor's set bonus is powerful against worm-type enemies like Wyverns or The Destroyer, as the petals will hit all of the worm's segments if they enter at a lucky angle.
  • This armor is effective with high fire-rate weapons such as the Clockwork Assault Rifle, which can trigger the set bonus constantly.


  • Orichalcum is a metal mentioned in ancient writings, but its nature and means of creation is lost to history, leaving it known only by name. It is frequently used in fantasy works as a material more valuable than real-world metals, but there is little consistency between its properties in popular culture.


  • Desktop 1.4.1: Orichalcum Mask melee damage bonus increased from 7% to 11%.
  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Required bars increased from 10 to 12 for each of the headpieces.
    • Required bars increased from 20 to 24 for the Orichalcum Breastplate.
    • Required bars increased from 15 to 18 for the Orichalcum Leggings.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method OnHit() in Terraria.Player.cs.