Desert Spirit

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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Desert SpiritHardmode exclusive
Desert Spirit.gif
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeCaster AI
Damage40/80/120 (contact)
6088132 (Desert Spirit's Curse)
Max Life220/440/660
KB Resist100%
BannerDesert Spirit BannerDesert Spirit Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Immune toOn Fire!Acid VenomFrostbiteShadowflameConfusedIchorCursed InfernoBetsy's CursePoisonedOiledDaybrokenFrostburnHellfire
Coins12 SC30 SC
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • Only one of the following 2 items can drop at a time
  • Desert Spirit LampDesert Spirit Lamp(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • Djinn's CurseDjinn's Curse(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Projectile created
Projectile created
Projectile created
  • Desert Spirit's Curse
    Desert Spirit's Curse

The Desert Spirit is a Hardmode enemy that can be found in Corrupted or Crimson Underground Desert biomes. The Desert Spirit has an attack pattern that is unique compared to most enemies. Upon appearing near a player, it will cast a single Desert Spirit's Curse, a colored projectile that attempts to home in on the nearest player, phasing through blocks and slowly gaining speed. After a certain amount of time, it will duplicate and explode. The projectiles themselves do not deal any damage, but their explosions do. Similar to other casters, the Desert Spirit will finally teleport to a different location and repeat the process.


  • Desert Spirits are references to jinns (anglicized as "genies"), mythical invisible spiritual creatures commonly associated with ancient and modern Arab Islamic mythology.
  • The Desert Spirit's association with the Desert Spirit Lamp is a reference to the original tale of Aladdin from the Middle Eastern folktale collection One Thousand and One Nights, where the titular protagonist summons a wish-granting genie by rubbing an oil lamp, who is bound to do the bidding of whoever is in possession of it.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Desert Spirit: "Ancient magicks corrupted the minds of the once friendly desert djinns, releasing them full of hostility from their lamps."


  • Console 1.17: Can now drop the Djinn's Curse and Desert Spirit Lamp.