Golden Shower

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Golden Shower
  • Golden Shower item spriteold Golden Shower item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage30 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) (Magic)
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time18 (Very fast)
Velocity30 (effective)
TooltipSprays a shower of ichor
Decreases target's defense
RarityRarity level: 4
Sell4 GC
Research1 required
Inflicts Debuff
Debuff tooltipReduced defense
Duration10 seconds
Projectile created
  • Golden Shower (friendly)
    Golden Shower (friendly)
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Jungle MimicJungle Mimic2.pngJungle Mimic133%
The Golden Shower attacking Target Dummies.

The Golden Shower is a Hardmode magic weapon that fires arcing, piercing golden ichor stream projectiles, similar to the Aqua Scepter. The projectile can pierce up to 4 targets, hitting a total of 5 targets. The Golden Shower fires three projectiles per use, and the player can change the direction of aim between projectile fires. Enemies hit will be inflicted with the Ichor debuff, which (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) adds 15 armor penetration / (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) lowers their defense by 20, and causes them to glow gold even in complete darkness for a duration of 10 seconds. However, this attribute cannot be used to explore the map, as ichor-coated enemies do not actually emit light.

The Golden Shower is the Crimson counterpart to the Corruption's Cursed Flames and the Hallow's Crystal Storm, all of which require a Spell Tome and ingredients exclusive to their underground biome counterparts.

Crafting the Golden Shower requires ingredients found only in worlds containing the Crimson. In worlds originally generated with the Corruption, Crimson Seeds can be purchased from the Dryad while in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) in a Hardmode world in order to create the Underground Crimson biome in which Ichor can be obtained. On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, it also has a 1/3 (33.33%) chance to be dropped by Jungle Mimics, which spawn in Celebrationmk10 and Get fixed boi worlds.

Its best modifier is Mythical. For players who just want to benefit from the Ichor debuff, Manic may be preferable.



ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Golden ShowerGolden Shower
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Golden ShowerGolden Shower


  • With modifiers that increase 10% speed or more, the streams fired per use are increased to four.
  • In Expert Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), the Golden Shower can only deal 75% base damage to The Destroyer and its Probes.[1]
  • When fighting any worm-type enemy, the debuff only applies to segments that are hit by the stream.
  • While in-game testing may make it seem like this weapon can pierce more than four times, its individual streams cannot. This is a misconception caused by piercing damage mechanics. The invincibility frames granted to the first few enemies pierced by this weapon will allow the third stream to pass through and strike more enemies behind them, but no stream will damage more than 5 enemies.
  • Despite firing 3 projectiles per use, only up to 2 of them can hit a single enemy due to piercing damage mechanics, reducing the theoretical base DPS of this weapon from 233/339 to 154/227 without/with the defense reducing debuff, respectively.


  • The Golden Shower's fast speed and piercing ability make it a great item for fighting large groups of enemies (e.g. events).
  • Its ability to reduce defenses makes it effective against bosses, as one can attack with it and then equip a stronger weapon to deal even more damage. Alternatively, one can use a Flask of Ichor, Ichor Bullets, Ichor Arrows, or the Bladetongue, though the Golden Shower and Bladetongue retain the advantage of not being consumable.
    • However, crafting the Golden Shower requires farming 15 Souls of Night first, while the craftable alternatives only require some Ichor and resources that are easier to obtain.
  • It is one of the best magic weapons for taking out worm-type enemies before obtaining a Magical Harp.
  • The Ichor debuff vastly improves the DPS of weapons that deal many hits per second, such as the Crystal Storm, Cursed Flames, or the Magnet Sphere.
  • Enemies hit by the stream will glow even in complete darkness, and the glow is bright enough to match that of a Hunter Potion.
  • It is one of very few weapons acquirable in early Hardmode (or in the game at all) that remains valuable at the end of the game. Although its damage will be very minor, the debuff can be used to increase one's DPS.
  • Since it is easily obtained early on in Hardmode, and is very useful for surviving the increased difficulty, obtaining it should be a priority as soon as the Wall of Flesh is defeated in Crimson worlds.
  • Even though The Destroyer is immune to the Ichor debuff, the Golden Shower is effective against it because it can damage many segments at once.
    • However, the Golden Shower can only deal 75% base damage to it in Expert Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), reducing its effectiveness.
  • If used along with the Betsy's Wrath, the player can subtract a maximum of 55 defense from enemies, allowing for even more damage.


  • The Golden Shower's ichor streams, in terms of appearance, are completely identical to the ichor streams fired by Ichor Stickers.
  • In Greek mythology, Zeus approached Danaë in the form of golden showers, a union from which she begat the legendary hero Perseus.
  • "Golden shower" is a slang term for urolagnia, a sexual fetish. The name in Terraria is likely referring to the fact that the attack resembles a stream of urine.


  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Debuff duration decreased.
    • Penetration reduced from infinite to 5.
    • Damage reduced from 28 to 21.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is