Pixie Dust

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Pixie Dust
  • Pixie Dust item spriteold Pixie Dust item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
RarityRarity level: 1
Sell1 SC
Research25 required
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master

Pixie Dust is a common Hardmode crafting material that always drops from Pixies.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Holy WaterHoly Water10
By Hand
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Holy WaterHoly Water5
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Fairy BellFairy Bell
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Fairy BellFairy Bell
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Fairy WingsFairy Wings
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Fairy WingsFairy Wings
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Holy ArrowHoly Arrow200
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Holy ArrowHoly Arrow45
Meteor StaffMeteor Staff(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Rainbow RodRainbow Rod
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Rainbow RodRainbow Rod
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version only:
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing Potion3
Placed BottlePlaced Bottle
Alchemy TableAlchemy Table(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version only:
Greater Healing PotionGreater Healing Potion


  • The best way to monetize extra Pixie Dust is probably to make Greater Healing Potions. A stack of 99 Pixie Dust, 33 Crystal Shards, and 100 Sand / 50 Glass makes 3 GC63 SC (58%) profit over the sale price (mostly from the Crystal Shards) of the ingredients. Use of an Alchemy Table will increase the yield by 50% (about 5 GC of extra profit).
  • Making Fairy Wings are also profitable, but various other wings are more profitable, which provide competition for the Souls of Flight.
