Ghastly Glaive

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Ogre(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Ogre.gifOgre(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
The Ghastly Glaive used against a group of Target Dummies.

The Ghastly Glaive is a Hardmode spear, that, unlike most other spears, wobbles when swung, causing its head to "slash" across a semi-randomized width. Upon striking an enemy, a yellow dragon-shaped phantom appears next to a random nearby enemy and flies in a straight line through it, infinitely piercing all enemies it passes through before vanishing after one second. The Ghastly Glaive is dropped by Ogres during the Old One's Army event, with a 1/10 (10%) chance / 1/5 (20%) chance during Tier 2, and a 1/20 (5%) chance during Tier 3.

Its best modifier is Godly or Demonic. Both modifiers increase the average damage output by the same amount. However, Ruthless might be preferred if the player already has very high critical strike chance.


  • Ghast projectiles can target enemies up to 50 tiles away from the player.[1]
    • If no valid target is found within this range, the ghast instead targets the Ghastly Glaive's point of impact with the enemy.
  • Ghast projectiles apply -1 tick of local immunity frames upon hitting an enemy, meaning they cannot hit the same target more than once.[2]


  • Like other light-producing spears, the Ghastly Glaive is useful for finding ore deposits or other treasures underground by stabbing it into walls.


  • Unlike most other crossover weapons from Dungeon Defenders 2, the Ghastly Glaive is not directly named after a weapon from the original game. The closest weapon to the Ghastly Glaive in appearance and function would be the Wailing Glaive.
  • The Ghastly Glaive seems to be based on a naginata, a traditional Japanese polearm, that, although often used by samurai, is befitting of being usable by the Monk in Dungeon Defenders 2, as naginata were also commonly used by sōhei, highly skilled Buddhist warrior monks of classical and feudal Japan.
  • The Ghastly Glaive is a polearm, like the Sleepy Octopod, and both belong to the Monk class in Dungeon Defenders 2, making it the only class with two weapons dropped by the Ogre.

See also


  • Desktop 1.4.4: Reduced the immunity frames applied by the spear itself, allowing it to hit a single target more often when swung.


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SummonMonkGhast() in Terraria.Projectile.cs.
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SetDefaults() in Terraria.Projectile.cs.