Paintball Gun

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Paintball Gun
  • Paintball Gun item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage12 (Ranged)
Knockback1.25 (Extremely weak)
Critical chance11%
Use time24 (Fast)
RarityRarity level: 2
Sell50 SC
Research1 required
Projectile created
  • Paintball
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master

The Paintball Gun is a pre-Hardmode ranged weapon that fires a three-shot burst of slow-moving, arcing multicolored projectiles which consume no mana or ammunition, dissipating upon contact with an enemy or surface. The Paintball Gun has a 1/10 (10%) chance of being dropped by the Painter.

Its best modifier is Unreal.


The Paintball Gun being used on Skeletons.


  • Though it is somewhat inaccurate at longer ranges, the respectable damage output, increased critical strike chance, and lack of needing ammunition or mana make the Paintball Gun a potent and reliable early-game weapon.
  • It is comparable to the Minishark since it has an effective use time of 8 (3 shots per one use). While its base damage of 12 is lower than 13 of the Minishark with Musket Balls, it has a higher critical chance and is affected more by the weapon modifier. The Minishark is more accurate from longer distances and also has autofire, while the Paintball Gun has the benefit of consuming no ammunition.
    • Like the Minishark, its performance significantly drops against enemies with high defense. Armor penetration(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), e.g. via the Shark Tooth Necklace, can help alleviating this shortcoming.
