Lunar Portal Staff

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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Lunar Portal Staff
  • Lunar Portal Staff item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage100 (Summon)
Knockback7.5 (Very strong)
Use time30 (Average)
TooltipSummons a sentry
Summons a lunar portal to shoot lasers at your enemies
RarityRarity level: 10
Sell10 GC
Research1 required
Projectiles created
  • Lunar Portal
    Lunar Portal
  • Lunar Portal Laser
    Lunar Portal Laser
Obtained from Obtained from Obtained from
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
Moon Lord(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Moon Lord's Head.gifMoon Lord(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)122.2%
Treasure Bag(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
(Moon Lord)
Treasure Bag (Moon Lord)Treasure Bag
(Moon Lord)
(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
The Lunar Portal attacking Mimics and Target Dummies.

The Lunar Portal Staff is a Hardmode, post-Moon Lord sentry summon weapon. It can summon the Lunar Portal sentry, which lasts for 10 minutes, remains stationary, and does not count against the player's minion capacity. When summoned, the Lunar Portal continuously fires cyan beams that sweep across enemies within its 60-tile range, piercing through an unlimited number of enemies but unable to pass through tiles. The Lunar Portal Staff has a 2/9 (22.22%) chance of being dropped by the Moon Lord.

Its best modifier is Ruthless. The Mythical modifier provides the widest array of stat bonuses, but these primarily affect the initial summon rather than the resulting minion. Additionally, minions cannot deal critical hits. The only lasting advantage a Mythical Lunar Portal Staff has over a Ruthless one is knockback.


  • The Lunar Portal cannot target or attack enemies through blocks.
  • The portal gives off light and has no restrictions on where it can be placed, allowing the player to find caves easily.
  • By default, only one sentry can be placed at a time, and attempting to place another will remove the previous sentry unless the player is wearing an accessory or a piece of armor that increases sentry capacity.
  • The Lunar Portal starts firing a new beam every half a second. Considering its perfect tracking, this means two hits per second per portal is the lowest possible hit rate for a single target.
  • If a portal happens to be located very close to its target (preferably inside it) then both beams are consistently in contact with it. In such situations, the target suffers the listed portal damage ten times every second.


  • The portal fires a beam that will sweep across enemies in a wide arc, so it should be positioned in a way that allows it to sweep the beam across a large section of the ground. This facilitates hitting large numbers of enemies, inflicting high DPS to enemies and bosses made up of segments like The Destroyer. Generally, this means making sure to place it fairly high overhead, although it varies based on terrain.


See also


  • Desktop 1.4.4:
    • Damage increased from 50 to 100.
    • Cooldown between beams reduced from 90 to 30.
    • It now can fire two lasers instead of one.
    • Lasers swing faster and cover a wider arc.