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EyezorHardmode exclusive
Eyezor.gifOld-gen console version and Nintendo 3DS version
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeFighter AI
Damage50/100/150 (contact)
60120180 (Eye Laser)
Max Life1000/2000/3000
KB Resist70%/73%/76%
BannerEyezor BannerEyezor Banner(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Coins50 SC1 GC25 SC
Projectile created
Projectile created
Projectile created
  • Eye Laser
    Eye Laser

The Eyezor is an uncommon Hardmode enemy that spawns during the Solar Eclipse event, and primarily attacks by advancing toward the player while firing high-velocity purple laser beams at them. It also travels faster than normal Zombies and is highly resistant to knockback. As the Eyezor takes damage, its movement speed and the rate at which it fires lasers increase exponentially.

It is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or its upgrades.


  • Eyezors and Reapers are unique among Solar Eclipse enemies due to them not serving as references to any horror movie.
  • It resembles a regular Zombie in appearance but with a Demon Eye for a head.
  • "Eyezor" is a play on the word eyesore, a term for something largely considered to look unpleasant or ugly.
  • The Eyezor's ability to move and shoot lasers more rapidly the more damaged it gets could be a reference to the Wall of Flesh, which has the same ability.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Eyezor: "A powerful zombie-like creature whose eye can see for miles, and blow away opponents with powerful lasers."
