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WizardHardmode exclusive
Map Icon Wizard.png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypePassive AI
Damage182731 (Ball of Fire) [1]
Max Life250
KB Resist50%
Projectile created
Projectile created
Projectile created
  • Ball of Fire
    Ball of Fire

Someone once told me friendship is magic. That's ridiculous. You can't turn people into frogs with friendship.

Emote Town Wizard.gif The Wizard

The Wizard is a Hardmode NPC vendor who sells magic-related items. He will move in once the following criteria have been met:

  • There is an available vacant house.
  • Rescuing him as the Bound Wizard, who can be rarely encountered in the Cavern layer once the Wall of Flesh has been defeated. Interacting with him in this state with Open / Activate will free him. If the Bound Wizard is killed, he will still be able to respawn afterwards; if the Wizard NPC is killed, he will move in again after some time as long as there are vacant houses.

The Wizard will defend himself against nearby enemies by casting fireballs similar to those of the Flower of Fire, which damage and inflict the On Fire! debuff on enemies for 5 seconds. He deals 18 / 27 / 31 damage at the start of the game, and gains various stat boosts as the player progresses.[1]

The Wizard occasionally replaces his regular quote with a comment about the player's luck, and this is the only way to estimate a player's luck value in the game.

The Bound Wizard is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) or its upgrades.

Items sold

Note: All item prices can be decreased by equipping a Discount Card or Greedy Ring(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, prices can also be higher or lower based on the NPC's happiness level.
Item Cost Availability

Crystal BallCrystal Ball 10 GC Always available.
Ice RodIce Rod 50 GC Always available.
Greater Mana PotionGreater Mana Potion 5 SC Always available.
BellBell 1 GC Always available.
HarpHarp 1 GC Always available.
Spell TomeSpell Tome 5 GC Always available.
BookBook 15 SC Always available.
Music BoxMusic Box(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) 10 GC Always available.
Empty DropperEmpty Dropper(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 1 SC Always available.
Wizard's HatWizard's Hat 3 GC During Halloween.
Any PylonAny Pylon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 10 GC When in a specific biome and is happy enough.

Living preferences (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

  • GolferGolfer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

For more information, see NPC happiness.

Shimmered form

Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This section's information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Shimmered Wizard
Wizard (Shimmered).png Map Icon Wizard (Shimmered).png
NPC Map icon

When submerged in Shimmer, the Wizard will transform into his Shimmered form. This has no impact on gameplay or dialogue and is only a visual change. He can be returned to his classic look by submerging him in Shimmer again.


The Wizard may have any of the following names:

  • Abram
  • Alasdair
  • Arddun
  • Arwyn
  • Berwyn
  • Dalamar
  • Dulais
  • Elric
  • Fizban
  • Gearroid
  • Greum
  • Gwentor
  • Hirael
  • Leomund
  • Maelor
  • Magius
  • Merlyn
  • Ningauble
  • Sargon
  • Seonag
  • Tagar
  • Xanadu


  • The Dungeon contains a large number of open areas that may provide the most frequent opportunities for the Wizard to spawn. Until defeating Plantera, no new Hardmode enemies spawn there, making it a safe and quick place to search for him.
  • A Hunter Potion can be used to locate the Wizard.


Interaction quotes

  • If the character is male and the respective NPC is present:

    • "Well, hi there, <name of Guide>! What can I do for you today?"
    • "Well, hi there, <name of Demolitionist>! What can I do for you today?"
    • "Well, hi there, <name of Goblin Tinkerer>! What can I do for you today?"

    If the character is female and the respective NPC is present:

    • "Well, hi there, <name of Nurse>! What can I do for you today?"
    • "Well, hi there, <name of Mechanic>! What can I do for you today?"
    • "Well, hi there, <name of Dryad>! What can I do for you today?"

    During night:

    • "Want me to pull a coin from behind your ear? No? Ok."
    • "Do you want some magic candy? No? Ok."
    • "I make a rather enchanting hot chocolate if you'd be inter...No? Ok."

    During day:

    • "Are you here for a peek at my crystal ball?"
    • "Ever wanted an enchanted ring that turns rocks into slimes? Well neither did I."
    • "Someone once told me friendship is magic. That's ridiculous. You can't turn people into frogs with friendship."
    • "I can see your future now... You will buy a lot of items from me!"
    • "I once tried to bring an Angel Statue to life. It didn't do anything."

    When homeless:

    • "Ohh, my hero!"
    • "Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young lady!" (if the character is female)
    • "Oh, how heroic! Thank you for saving me, young man!" (if the character is male)
    • "Now that we know each other, I can move in with you, right?"

    When rescued:

    • "Thanks for saving me, friend! This bondage was starting to chafe."

    During a Party(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "Clearly I throw the most magical of parties."

    During a Windy Day(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "This gale got you bothered? There's a spell for that."
    • "A blast of wind terrorizing our world? Did I do that?"

    During Rain:

    • "Yes, I can go out in the rain and not melt. I'm a wizard, dammit!"
    • "Raindrops falling on my... uh.. Where am I? Who are you? ... Who am I?"

    During a Thunderstorm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "You call this lightning!? Back in my day, I .. uh.. Hmm. Oh, did you need something?"
    • "Did somebody steal my spell book again!?"

    When in a Graveyard(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "I can't bring anyone back from the dead, so don't ask!"
    • "Funny, when I look far enough into the crystal ball, this is where every customer ends up!"

    After defeating Tier 1 of the Old One's Army(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions):

    • "You know, I think I've seen a portal like that before, but it was gold."
  • Happiness quotes (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

  • When homeless:

    • "Where is my house? Where am I? Who are you? Who am I?"

    When far from home:

    • "I could have sworn my house was here somewhere..."

    When in a sparse area:

    • "Reminds me of the old days, practicing magic up in a tower in the middle of nowhere!"

    When overcrowded:

    • "Can some of these noisy people move further away? No? Ok."
    • "This overcrowding is starting to dampen my magic! I think."

    When in the Hallow:

    • "What's not to like about the Hallow? It has unicorns and rainbows."

    When in the Ocean:

    • "I dislike the Ocean, magic does not flow well in a place like this."

    When in an Evil Biome or the Dungeon:

    • "The abominations in the Corruption/Crimson/Dungeon disturb me, like the darkest form of magic."

    When near the Golfer:

    • "I love that there's a lot to talk about with <Name of Golfer>."

    When near the Princess:

    • "<Name of Princess>? We have a princess? Fascinating, she seems nice."

    When near the Merchant:

    • "<Name of Merchant> and I share a very long history, I like the mutual wisdom."

    When near the Witch Doctor:

    • "<Name of Witch Doctor> dabbles in things that shouldn't be disturbed, and I don't like that."

    When near the Cyborg:

    • "That loathsome <Name of Cyborg> is a complete and total abomination to magic!"

    When neutral:

    • "I feel magical."
  • Wizard luck status quotes (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)

    Main article: Luck
  • If luck is ≥ 0.75
    • "You are overflowing with a blessing of stupendous prosperity!!"
    • "Excessive health and happiness gush from your very being! You are a Godsend!!"
    If luck is < 0.75 and ≥ 0.5
    • "Have you a garden of four-leaf clovers? You are bursting with essences of great fortune!"
    • "Serendipity smiles upon you! It is likely you shall find profit in all things!"
    If luck is < 0.5 and ≥ 0.25
    • "You are giving off a positive energy, like something grand could occur at any moment."
    • "There are vibes of good fortune emanating from you, as though your wishes could possibly come true."
    If luck is < 0.25 and > 0
    • "I sense a speck of good karma about you, but I could be mistaken."
    • "There's something unusually warm about you. I'm not sure how to place it, but keep walking in that direction."
    If luck is 0
    • (The Wizard does not use any of these quotes if luck is 0.)
    If luck is < 0 and ≥ −0.14
    • "The air feels dull and gloomy where you step. Be wary of ill feelings."
    • "Is something bothering you? Something doesn't feel quite right about you."
    If luck is < −0.14 and ≥ −0.28
    • "Negative energy is seeping from your pores. I wouldn't take any chances today."
    • "Unfortunate omens hang over your head. You DID forward that letter, right?"
    If luck is < −0.28 and ≥ −0.42
    • "I feel a terrible fate surrounding you! You should just stay in bed today!"
    • "What manner of salt did you spill to receive such misfortune!?"
    If luck is < −0.42 (impossible to access)
    • "Stay away! You are dragging a behemoth of woeful bad luck in your wake! I want nothing of it!!"
    • "Did you smash every mirror in WorldName!? You hapless fool, you are cursed beyond help!!"
  • Trivia

    • The Wizard may be slightly senile or have prosopagnosia, as he confuses the player with NPCs of the same gender that have moved in, and does not realize that there is a Princess in the current world when asked about happiness nearby to her.
      • His confusion also may just be poor eyesight due to old age.
    • Most of the Wizard's names refer to wizards from popular culture:
    • The quote "Ever wanted an enchanted ring that turns rocks into slimes? Well neither did I." is a reference to the first mod in Terraria which allowed turning blocks into enemies.
    • The quote "Someone once told me friendship is magic. [...]" is a reference to the Canadian-American animated fantasy television series My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
    • The quote "I once tried to bring an Angel Statue to life. It didn't do anything." might be a continuation of a running in-game joke about how the Angel Statue is utterly useless.
    • The quote "Are you here for a peek at my crystal ball?" refers to the Wizard selling a Crystal Ball. A crystal ball is furthermore very commonly associated with sorcery and clairvoyance.
    • The quote "You know, I think I've seen a portal like that before, but it was gold." is most likely a reference to Coin Portals(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
    • The quote "I can't bring anyone back from the dead, so don't ask!" might be a reference to the Genie in the 1992 American animated musical fantasy comedy film Aladdin.
    • The quote "Reminds me of the old days, practicing magic up in a tower in the middle of nowhere!" may be a reference to J. R. R Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
    • The quote "I feel a terrible fate surrounding you! You should just stay in bed today!" may be a reference to the action-adventure game The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
    • The quote "Yes, I can go out in the rain and not melt. I'm a wizard, dammit!" may be a reference to the American children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. It is also the only town NPC quote that contains a swear word.
    • The quote "Unfortunate omens hang over your head. You DID forward that letter, right?" may be a reference to the common Chain letters done to gather popularity or more people following said chain (e.g.: "Share this post with 5 friends or you will die in the next 7 days!").
    • The Wizard's Shimmered form may be a reference to the Black Mages from Final Fantasy.
    • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Wizard: "The Wizard is an absent-minded, demented old man who dabbles in the arcane arts. He sells magical trinkets to train new apprentices."


    • Desktop Fixed a bug where the condition for the quote mentioning the Guide was that a Demon Eye (rather than the Guide) is present.
    • Desktop
      • Now sells Empty Dropper.
      • Price of Ice Rod reduced from 1 PC to 50 GC.
      • Sprite updated.
    1. 1.0 1.1 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_007_TownEntities() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is