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Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
  • Stinkbug item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Bait Power10%
Use time15 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 0
Sell10 SC
Research5 required
  • Internal Item ID: 5132 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Stinkbug (flying).gif
Flying state
AI TypeLadybug AI
Max Life5
KB Resist0%

The Stinkbug is a harmless critter which spawns on the surface. The Stinkbug has only 5 health and no defense, and can be damaged by other enemies and players.

The Stinkbug can be caught with any Bug Net to be carried around in the inventory and released later, or crafted into animated decorative furniture (Stinkbug Cage). Once crafted, the Stinkbug cannot be released again, unless the furniture item is de-crafted via Shimmer(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).

The Stinkbug can be used as bait for fishing, with 10% bait power.

Stinkbugs can also be used to craft the Flymeal and Stinkbug Blockers.


Used in

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Stinkbug CageStinkbug Cage(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)By Hand
FlymealFlymeal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)HoneyHoney
Stinkbug BlockerStinkbug Blocker(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • StinkbugStinkbug(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Work BenchWork Bench
Ghostly Stinkbug BlockerGhostly Stinkbug Blocker(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
  • StinkbugStinkbug(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Work BenchWork Bench and Ecto Mist(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)


  • At every dusk (7:30 PM), or each time the world is loaded, the spawn rate of Butterflies and Stinkbugs are set to a random value. Below is the detailed info:[1]
    • For Butterflies and Stinkbugs, there are two parameters: butterflyChance and stinkBugChance, the spawn rate of Butterflies and Stinkbugs, respectively.
These parameters are set in the following way:
  • First, 1/3 (33.33%) chance: butterflyChance = 999999 (effectively preventing them to spawn), and stinkBugChance = 1–13, then there is a 1/5 (20%) chance for the stinkBugChance to be set to 999999.
  • If the 1/3 (33.33%) chance failed, then: stinkBugChance = 999999, and butterflyChance = 1–20, then there is a 1/5 (20%) chance for the butterflyChance to be set to 999999.
  • This effectively means a day can only have Butterflies or Stinkbugs, not both of them. If the player sees Butterflies on surface, then no Stinkbug will spawn on that day.
After these parameters are set, they will be used in spawning. Note that the following chances are only related to the respective critter and for reference only, they do not account for other spawns:[2]
  • Stinkbugs will only spawn during daytime when not raining, the player is on surface, is not in a Graveyard, and the wind speed is lower than 20 mph.
  • There is a 1/stinkBugChance chance for a Stinkbug to spawn, then there are two individual 1/4 (25%) chances for an extra Stinkbug to spawn.
  • As a result, they can appear in groups of 1–3.


  • Stink bugs are a family of insects that get their name from their ability to release a defensive spray with a pungent aroma when threatened, disturbed, or crushed. Specific descriptions of the smell vary wildly, though some liken it to that of strong spices, such as cilantro.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Stinkbug: "These sneaky pests have a knack for invading even the most airtight of homes, projecting their cilantro-like stench everywhere if disturbed."


  • Desktop Stinkbugs are now more common on days where Stinkbugs can spawn (stinkBugChance changed from 1–20 to 1–13).


  1. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, methods setFireFlyChance() in Terraria.NPC.cs, UpdateTime_StartNight() in Terraria.Main.cs, and LoadWorld() in Terraria.IO.WorldFile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SpawnNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is