Ancient Doom

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Expert Mode.png
Expert and Master Mode-Only Content: This information applies only to Expert Mode, Master Mode, and worlds with these modes.
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version
Desktop/Console/Mobile-Only Content: This information applies only to the Desktop, Console, and Mobile versions of Terraria.
Ancient DoomHardmode exclusiveExpert Mode exclusive
Ancient Doom.gif
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeAncient Doom AI
Damage45/67 (contact)
60180402 (Prophecy's End)
Max Life750/956
KB Resist100%
Immune toConfusedShimmering
Projectile created
Projectile created
Projectile created
  • Prophecy's End
    Prophecy's End

The Ancient Doom is one of the Lunatic Cultist's attacks in Expert Mode and Master Mode. It will only appear when the boss is at relatively low health (less than 50%). A short time after creation or upon death, the Ancient Doom will burst and send slow-moving "Prophecy's End" projectiles in all four cardinal directions. These projectiles pierce and cannot be destroyed by weapons, and they deal a very significant amount of damage, especially in Master Mode.


  • Despite having the hurt sound of a Zombie or any type of Slime, it has the kill sound of a Ghost or Wraith.
    • Another two enemies that follow this pattern, with a different hurt sound to the kill sound, are the Possessed Armor and Mimics.
