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Sword beats paper! Get one today.


Swords are the player's basic melee weapon. Most swords can be classified as either shortswords or broadswords. In the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, shortswords stab towards the cursor in any direction, while on Old-gen console version Old-gen console and 3DSNintendo 3DS version, they only stab horizontally in front of the player. Broadswords are swung over the player's head and generally have a longer range. Some swords also fire projectiles when swung, giving them a long-ranged attack.

New players spawn with the Copper Shortsword (Wooden Sword on the Nintendo 3DSNintendo 3DS version version; Iron Shortsword in Journey Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)).


There are 100 different types of swords, 41 of which are Hardmode-exclusive. In total, there are 12 shortswords (none of which Hardmode-exclusive) and 88 broadswords (41 of which Hardmode-exclusive).

Name Damage Use time Knockback Crit Autoswing HM Rarity Sell Source
Adamantite Sword Adamantite SwordInternal Item ID: 482 61 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
44 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
21 (Fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
27 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 2 GC76 SC Crafted: 12 Adamantite Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Ash Wood Sword Ash Wood Sword(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5284 13 17
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Ash Wood ( @ Work Bench )
Bat Bat Bat Bat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5097 36 45
(Very slow)
4% Rarity level: 2 25 SC Dropped by bats.
Beam Sword Beam SwordInternal Item ID: 723 52 20
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 3 GC Dropped by Armored Skeletons.
Bee Keeper Bee KeeperInternal Item ID: 1123 30 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
22 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 3 2 GC (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
54 SC (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
Dropped by Queen Bee.
Blade of Grass Blade of GrassInternal Item ID: 190 18 20
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 3 54 SC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 12 Stinger + 15 Jungle Spores + 3 Vine ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 12 Jungle Spores + 15 Stinger ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Bladed Glove Bladed GloveInternal Item ID: 1827 14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
12 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Insanely fast)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 2 1 GC Dropped by weak enemies during Halloween.
Bladetongue Bladetongue(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3211 55 28
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 5 4 GC Fished in The Crimson.
Blood Butcherer Blood ButchererInternal Item ID: 795 22 25
4% Rarity level: 1 27 SC Crafted: 10 Crimtane Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Blue Phaseblade Blue PhasebladeInternal Item ID: 198 26 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 54 SC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 15 Meteorite Bar + 10 Sapphire ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 20 Meteorite Bar + 10 Sapphire ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Blue Phasesaber Blue PhasesaberInternal Item ID: 3764 48 16
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Blue Phaseblade + 25 Crystal Shard ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Blue Phaseblade + 50 Crystal Shard ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Bone Sword Bone SwordInternal Item ID: 1166 19 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
16 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
5.5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 4.5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 3 18 SC Dropped by Skeletons.
Boreal Wood Sword Boreal Wood Sword(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2745 8 20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Boreal Wood ( @ Work Bench )
Brand of the Inferno Brand of the Inferno(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3823 95 20
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 5 1 GC Dropped by Ogre.
Breaker Blade Breaker BladeInternal Item ID: 426 70 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
39 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
35 (Slow) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
30 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very strong)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 4 3 GC Dropped by Wall of Flesh.
Breathing Reed Breathing ReedInternal Item ID: 186 10 27
4% Rarity level: 1 20 SC Found in Water Chests and Ocean Crate.png and Seaside Crate.png.
Cactus Sword Cactus SwordInternal Item ID: 881 10 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
9 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
30 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
25 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4.5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% Rarity level: 0 3 SC60 CC Crafted: 10 Cactus ( @ Work Bench )
Candy Cane Sword Candy Cane Sword(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 1909 19 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
16 (Old-gen console version)
4% Rarity level: 1 27 SC Found in Presents, obtained during Christmas.
Chlorophyte Claymore Chlorophyte ClaymoreInternal Item ID: 1226 95 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
65 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
26 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
28 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 7 5 GC52 SC Crafted: 12 Chlorophyte Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Chlorophyte Saber Chlorophyte SaberInternal Item ID: 1227 57 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
43 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
16 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
17 (Very fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 7 5 GC52 SC Crafted: 12 Chlorophyte Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Christmas Tree Sword Christmas Tree SwordInternal Item ID: 1928 86 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
73 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 10 GC Dropped by Everscream.
Classy Cane Classy Cane(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3351 16 15
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 2 50 SC Dropped by Tax Collector.
Cobalt Sword Cobalt SwordInternal Item ID: 483 40 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
34 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
19 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
3.85 (Weak) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC38 SC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 8 Cobalt Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 10 Cobalt Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Copper Broadsword Copper BroadswordInternal Item ID: 3508 9 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
8 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
21 (Fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 5.5
4% Rarity level: 0 90 CC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 6 Copper Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 8 Copper Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Copper Shortsword Copper ShortswordInternal Item ID: 3507 5 (Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions) /
7 (3DS version)
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 70 CC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 5 Copper Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 7 Copper Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Cutlass CutlassInternal Item ID: 672 53 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
51 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 3 GC60 SC Dropped by most pirates.
Death Sickle Death SickleInternal Item ID: 1327 57 25
5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
7 (Strong) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 6 7 GC50 SC Dropped by Reapers.
Ebonwood Sword Ebonwood SwordInternal Item ID: 653 11 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
10 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
19 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Ebonwood ( @ Work Bench )
Enchanted Sword Enchanted SwordInternal Item ID: 989 23 21
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 2 3 GC Found in Enchanted Sword Shrines and (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Golden and Titanium Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
Excalibur ExcaliburInternal Item ID: 368 72 20
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 5 4 GC60 SC Crafted: 12 Hallowed Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Exotic Scimitar Exotic Scimitar(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3349 20 18
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 2 50 SC Dropped by the Dye Trader.
Falcon Blade Falcon BladeInternal Item ID: 2608 25 20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 15 (Very fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 4 20 SC Found in Iron and Mythril Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
Fetid Baghnakhs Fetid Baghnakhs(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3013 60 8
(Insanely fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 5 8 GC Dropped by Crimson Mimics.
Flying Dragon Flying Dragon(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3827 180 20
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 5 GC Dropped by Betsy.
Flymeal Flymeal(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5129 15 17
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 2 35 SC Crafted:
Platinum Broadsword + 5 Stinkbug ( @ Honey )
Gold Broadsword + 5 Stinkbug ( @ Honey )
Frostbrand FrostbrandInternal Item ID: 676 49 23
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 5 5 GC Dropped by Ice Mimics.
Gladius Gladius(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4463 15 21
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 30 SC Dropped by Hoplites.
Gold Broadsword Gold BroadswordInternal Item ID: 3520 15 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
13 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
18 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 20 (Very fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6.5 (Strong) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 18 SC Crafted: 8 Gold Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Gold Shortsword Gold ShortswordInternal Item ID: 3519 12 11
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 14 SC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 6 Gold Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 7 Gold Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Green Phaseblade Green PhasebladeInternal Item ID: 200 26 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 54 SC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 15 Meteorite Bar + 10 Emerald ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 20 Meteorite Bar + 10 Emerald ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Green Phasesaber Green PhasesaberInternal Item ID: 3766 48 16
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Green Phaseblade + 25 Crystal Shard ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Green Phaseblade + 50 Crystal Shard ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Ham Bat Ham Bat(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5096 57 20
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Dropped by Pigrons.
Ice Blade Ice BladeInternal Item ID: 724 17 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
13 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
6% ✔️ Rarity level: 1 40 SC Found in Ice Chests and Frozen(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Boreal Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
Ice Sickle Ice SickleInternal Item ID: 1306 50 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
40 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 5 5 GC Dropped by enemies in the Snow biome.
Influx Waver Influx Waver(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2880 100 20
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 10 GC Dropped by Martian Saucer.
Iron Broadsword Iron BroadswordInternal Item ID: 4 12 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
10 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 22 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 5.5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 3 SC60 CC Crafted: 8 Iron Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Iron Shortsword Iron ShortswordInternal Item ID: 6 8 12
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 2 SC80 CC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 6 Iron Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 7 Iron Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Katana Katana(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2273 18 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
16 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
22 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
19% ✔️ Rarity level: 1 2 GC (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
50 SC (Old-gen console version)
Purchased from the Traveling Merchant (10 GC).
Keybrand KeybrandInternal Item ID: 671 105 20
(Very fast)
20% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 4 GC Dropped by Blue, Hell, and Rusty Armored Bones.
Lead Broadsword Lead BroadswordInternal Item ID: 3496 13 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
11 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 21 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 5.5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 5 SC40 CC Crafted: 8 Lead Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Lead Shortsword Lead ShortswordInternal Item ID: 3495 9 12
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 4 SC20 CC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 6 Lead Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 7 Lead Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Light's Bane Light's BaneInternal Item ID: 46 16 20
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 1 27 SC Crafted: 10 Demonite Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Mandible Blade Mandible Blade(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3772 16 18
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 2 10 SC Dropped by Antlion Chargers and (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Antlion Swarmers.
Meowmere Meowmere(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3063 200 14
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 10 20 GC Dropped by Moon Lord.
Muramasa MuramasaInternal Item ID: 155 24 18
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 2 1 GC75 SC Found in Locked Gold Chests and Golden Lock Boxes(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
Mythril Sword Mythril SwordInternal Item ID: 484 50 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
39 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 26 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 2 GC7 SC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 8 Mythril Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 10 Mythril Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Night's Edge Night's EdgeInternal Item ID: 273 40 25
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 3 4 GC Crafted:
Light's Bane + Muramasa + Blade of Grass + Fiery Greatsword ( @ Demon Altar / Crimson Altar )
Blood Butcherer + Muramasa + Blade of Grass + Fiery Greatsword ( @ Demon Altar / Crimson Altar )
Light's Bane + Muramasa + Blade of Grass + Volcano ( @ Demon Altar / Crimson Altar )
Blood Butcherer + Muramasa + Blade of Grass + Volcano ( @ Demon Altar / Crimson Altar )
Orange Phaseblade Orange Phaseblade(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4258 26 18
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 54 SC Crafted: 15 Meteorite Bar + 10 Amber ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Orange Phasesaber Orange Phasesaber(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4259 48 16
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Crafted: Orange Phaseblade + 25 Crystal Shard ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Orichalcum Sword Orichalcum SwordInternal Item ID: 1192 59 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
41 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
22 (Fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
26 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 2 GC53 SC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 10 Orichalcum Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 12 Orichalcum Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Palladium Sword Palladium SwordInternal Item ID: 1185 49 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
36 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
22 (Fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 25 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 5.5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 4.75 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC84 SC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 10 Palladium Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 12 Palladium Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Palm Wood Sword Palm Wood Sword(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 2517 8 19 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Palm Wood ( @ Work Bench )
Pearlwood Sword Pearlwood SwordInternal Item ID: 659 30 15
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Pearlwood ( @ Work Bench )
Platinum Broadsword Platinum BroadswordInternal Item ID: 3484 16 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
15 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
17 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 19 (Very fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6.5 (Strong) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 27 SC Crafted: 8 Platinum Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Platinum Shortsword Platinum ShortswordInternal Item ID: 3483 13 10
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 21 SC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 6 Platinum Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 7 Platinum Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Psycho Knife Psycho Knife(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3106 85 8
(Insanely fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 10 GC Dropped by Psychos.
Purple Clubberfish Purple ClubberfishInternal Item ID: 2330 35 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
24 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
8 (Very strong) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 7 (Strong) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% ✔️ Rarity level: 1 1 GC Fished in The Corruption.
Purple Phaseblade Purple PhasebladeInternal Item ID: 201 26 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 54 SC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 15 Meteorite Bar + 10 Amethyst ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 20 Meteorite Bar + 10 Amethyst ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Purple Phasesaber Purple PhasesaberInternal Item ID: 3767 48 16
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Purple Phaseblade + 25 Crystal Shard ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Purple Phaseblade + 50 Crystal Shard ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Red Phaseblade Red PhasebladeInternal Item ID: 199 26 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 54 SC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 15 Meteorite Bar + 10 Ruby ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 20 Meteorite Bar + 10 Ruby ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Red Phasesaber Red PhasesaberInternal Item ID: 3765 48 16
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Red Phaseblade + 25 Crystal Shard ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Red Phaseblade + 50 Crystal Shard ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Rich Mahogany Sword Rich Mahogany SwordInternal Item ID: 656 8 19 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Rich Mahogany ( @ Work Bench )
Ruler Ruler(Desktop, Console, Old-gen console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 486 12 20
(Very fast)
(Extremely weak)
4% ✔️ Rarity level: 1 2 SC Purchased from the Goblin Tinkerer.
Seedler Seedler(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3018 50 23
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 5 10 GC Dropped by Plantera.
Shadewood Sword Shadewood SwordInternal Item ID: 921 11 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
10 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
19 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Shadewood ( @ Work Bench )
Silver Broadsword Silver BroadswordInternal Item ID: 3514 14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
11 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 21 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 9 SC Crafted: 8 Silver Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Silver Shortsword Silver ShortswordInternal Item ID: 3513 9 12
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 7 SC Crafted: 6 Silver Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Slap Hand Slap Hand(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3258 55 20
(Very fast)
19% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 5 GC Purchased from the Skeleton Merchant (25 GC).
Star Wrath Star Wrath(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3065 170 16
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 10 20 GC Dropped by Moon Lord.
Starfury StarfuryInternal Item ID: 65 25 20
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 2 1 GC Found in Skyware Chests and Sky(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Azure Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
Stylish Scissors Stylish Scissors(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 3352 14 12
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 2 50 SC Dropped by the Stylist.
Tentacle Spike Tentacle Spike(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 5094 20 21
4% Rarity level: 2 50 SC Dropped by the Eater of Souls, Devourer, Crimera, Face Monster, and Blood Crawler.
Terra Blade Terra BladeInternal Item ID: 757 85 18
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 20 GC Crafted: True Night's Edge + True Excalibur + Broken Hero Sword ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
The Horseman's Blade The Horseman's BladeInternal Item ID: 1826 150 26
(Very strong)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 10 GC Dropped by Pumpking.
Tin Broadsword Tin BroadswordInternal Item ID: 3502 10 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
9 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 22 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 5.5
4% Rarity level: 0 1 SC35 CC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 6 Tin Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 8 Tin Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Tin Shortsword Tin ShortswordInternal Item ID: 3501 7 12
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 1 SC5 CC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 5 Tin Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 7 Tin Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Titanium Sword Titanium SwordInternal Item ID: 1199 61 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
46 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 26 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 3 GC22 SC Crafted: 13 Titanium Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Tragic Umbrella Tragic Umbrella(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)Internal Item ID: 4707 15 22
4% Rarity level: 2 2 GC Purchased from the Clothier in a Graveyard (10 GC).
True Excalibur True ExcaliburInternal Item ID: 674 72 18
(Very fast)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 10 GC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Excalibur + 24 Chlorophyte Bar ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Excalibur + Broken Hero Sword ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
True Night's Edge True Night's EdgeInternal Item ID: 675 70 32
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 8 10 GC Crafted:
Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Night's Edge + 20 Soul of Fright + 20 Soul of Might + 20 Soul of Sight ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Night's Edge + Broken Hero Sword ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Tungsten Broadsword Tungsten BroadswordInternal Item ID: 3490 14 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
12 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
19 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 20 (Very fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 6 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 5 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 13 SC50 CC Crafted: 8 Tungsten Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Tungsten Shortsword Tungsten ShortswordInternal Item ID: 3489 10 11
(Very fast)
4% Rarity level: 0 10 SC50 CC Crafted: 6 Tungsten Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Umbrella UmbrellaInternal Item ID: 946 10 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) 22
4% Rarity level: 1 20 SC Found in Chests and Wooden and Pearlwood Crates(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
Volcano VolcanoInternal Item ID: 121 40 40
(Very slow)
4% Rarity level: 3 54 SC Crafted: 20 Hellstone Bar ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
White Phaseblade White PhasebladeInternal Item ID: 202 26 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 54 SC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 15 Meteorite Bar + 10 Diamond ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 20 Meteorite Bar + 10 Diamond ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
White Phasesaber White PhasesaberInternal Item ID: 3768 48 16
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: White Phaseblade + 25 Crystal Shard ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: White Phaseblade + 50 Crystal Shard ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Wooden Sword Wooden SwordInternal Item ID: 24 7 Desktop versionConsole versionMobile versionOld-gen console version /
5 Nintendo 3DS version
20 (Very fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 25 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 4 (Weak) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 20 CC Crafted: 7 Wood ( @ Work Bench )
Yellow Phaseblade Yellow PhasebladeInternal Item ID: 203 26 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
21 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% Rarity level: 1 54 SC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: 15 Meteorite Bar + 10 Topaz ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: 20 Meteorite Bar + 10 Topaz ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Yellow Phasesaber Yellow PhasesaberInternal Item ID: 3769 48 16
(Very fast)
(Very weak)
4% ✔️ ✔️ Rarity level: 4 1 GC Crafted: Desktop versionConsole versionMobile version: Yellow Phaseblade + 25 Crystal Shard ( @ Mythril Anvil / Orichalcum Anvil )
Old-gen console versionNintendo 3DS version: Yellow Phaseblade + 50 Crystal Shard ( @ Iron Anvil / Lead Anvil )
Zombie Arm Zombie ArmInternal Item ID: 1304 15 (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) /
12 (Old-gen console and 3DS versions)
22 (Fast) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 23 (Fast) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 5.5 (Average) (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) / 4.25 (Average) (Old-gen console and 3DS versions) 4% Rarity level: 0 4 SC Dropped by Zombies.