The Destroyer

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The DestroyerHardmode exclusive
The Destroyer.png
Map Icon The Destroyer.png
Map Icon
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
AI TypeThe Destroyer AI
Max Life80000/120000/153000
KB Resist100%
Immune toAll debuffs except Whip debuffs
Coins12 GC30 GC
Projectile created
Projectile created
Projectile created
  • Death Laser
    Death Laser
Map Icon The Destroyer.pngYou feel vibrations from deep below...Map Icon The Destroyer.png
For the painting, see The Destroyer (item).

The Destroyer is a Hardmode mechanical boss which is essentially a more difficult version of the Eater of Worlds. Like the Eater of Worlds, it is a very large worm. Although it appears to be similarly made up of many segments, individual segments cannot die, and The Destroyer will not split apart into multiple entities; its segments share a singular health pool. Like other worms, The Destroyer takes increased damage from attacks that damage multiple segments at once.

Each of The Destroyer's segments fires lasers at the player. The red-lit segments contain a ProbeProbe, which is an independent flying enemy that is launched periodically as the boss takes damage and also fires lasers. Probes can be killed individually once detached, and never return to The Destroyer.

While The Destroyer is alive, the music Boss 3 will play. When Otherworldly music (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) is enabled, the track Boss 2 (Otherworldly) will play instead.


The Destroyer can be summoned manually using a Mechanical Worm at night (7:30 PM to 4:30 AM).

It also has a 1/10 (10%) chance to spawn naturally at dusk (7:30 PM) during Hardmode once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been destroyed, as long as it has not yet been defeated at least once in the current world. When spawning naturally, its arrival is announced by the status message "You feel vibrations from deep below...".

The Destroyer must be killed before dawn (4:30 AM), otherwise it flees and despawns.


See also: Probe
Classic Mode.png Classic
Expert Mode.png Expert
Master Mode.png Master
2 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode
3 values: Pre-Hardmode › Hardmode › Post-Plantera
NPC ID Type Damage Defense
134 The Destroyer Head.png The Destroyer Head 70/280/420 0
135 The Destroyer Body.png The Destroyer Body 55/93/140 (contact)
4472108 (Death Laser [1])
136 The Destroyer Tail.png The Destroyer Tail 40/68/102 35


The Destroyer spawns coiled up, like most worm enemies, and immediately uncoils and moves toward the player. It follows the player from any distance, and will only despawn if the player dies or if dawn comes (4:30 AM). It despawns by quickly traveling underground until off-screen.

The Destroyer leaps from the ground and attempts to ram the player. It has limited mobility when fully in the air, requiring blocks or platforms to "burrow" through. It also attempts to surround the player, and if the player is too close to the ground it can succeed.

In addition, The Destroyer performs the following attacks:

  • It fires red Death Lasers from its segments which deal 44 / 72 / 108 damage.[1]
  • It releases flying ProbeProbes from its body that fire Pink Lasers which deal 50 / 88 / 132 damage.[2]

A body segment has a 1/25 (4%) chance to release a Probe whenever it is damaged.[1] The red light on the segment goes out when it releases the Probe, and it will not release another Probe afterward. Probes will fly toward the player, attempting to maintain a distance while occasionally moving into melee range. They fire lasers with moderate accuracy and are able to reliably hit a stationary player. Probes never return to the main body, and despawn if the player gets too far away or dies, unlike The Destroyer, which follows the player until either one dies. Probes do not die when the boss dies, so they may have to be killed even after The Destroyer has been defeated.


This content is transcluded from Mechanical bosses § Notes.

  • When spawning naturally, a mechanical boss spawns exactly 81 in-game minutes (at 8:51 PM) after the status message has appeared. Being in a layer lower than the Surface at that moment, or, in singleplayer, exiting the world during that timespan, will prevent the boss from spawning naturally.
  • With the 1/10 (10%) chance of spawning naturally at dusk, the resulting chance for each mechanical boss is initially 1/30 (3.33%). Once one of them has been defeated, the remaining two have a resulting 1/20 (5%) chance of spawning naturally, and after defeating the second one, the last one has the full chance of 1/10 (10%).
  • An Eye of Cthulhu naturally spawning will take precedence over a mechanical boss naturally spawning.[3]
  • A Lantern Night(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) occurring will prevent a mechanical boss from naturally spawning. However, summoning a mechanical boss using one of the summon items will cancel out the Lantern Night, just like any other boss summon.
  • In a Get fixed boi(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) world, the player cannot summon the mechanical bosses separately, they have to summon the Mechdusa instead.
  • It is possible to summon a mechanical boss in pre-Hardmode if the summoning item is brought in from another world. However, if the Wall of Flesh has not been defeated, Plantera's Bulbs will not start spawning.
  • In Expert Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions), the Golden Shower can only deal 75% base damage to the Destroyer and its Probes.[4]
  • When The Destroyer is off-screen, it can move around freely, even without blocks, similarly to a Wyvern.
  • The Destroyer is extremely long, measuring 82 segments including head and tail, or 239 tiles in length.[5]
    • In For the worthy(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) worlds, The Destroyer has 100 body segments (102 in total), and each segment is bigger.
  • The Destroyer can move along platforms as if they were blocks.


Achievement Buckets of Bolts.png
Buckets of Bolts • “Defeat the three nocturnal mechanical menaces: the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime.”
Defeat all three mechanical bosses. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Slayer Slayer
Achievement Mecha Mayhem.png
Mecha Mayhem • “Do battle against the Twins, the Destroyer, and Skeletron Prime simultaneously and emerge victorious.”
Defeat all three mechanical bosses simultaneously in a single battle. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Challenger Challenger
Achievement Slayer of Worlds.png
Slayer of Worlds • “Defeat every boss in Terraria.”
Defeat every boss in the game. (Desktop, Console and Mobile versions)
Category: Challenger Challenger


For more elaborate strategies on defeating The Destroyer, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:The Destroyer strategies.
  • Unlike most bosses, The Destroyer does not despawn if players get too far away; it will simply follow them to their position.
    • This means that one can use any means of teleportation (Magic Mirrors, Teleporters, etc.) to easily avoid it during the fight, as it does not teleport either.
    • Keep in mind that The Destroyer can move freely without blocks while it is off-screen.
  • Any weapon that can hit enemies multiple times or damage multiple segments at once will have a much higher effectiveness against The Destroyer compared to single-target weapons.
  • Flasks or weapons that inflict debuffs, such as the Golden Shower, are to be avoided, as The Destroyer is immune to all debuffs.
  • The head of The Destroyer has 0 defense. Although it causes massive damage to the player (70/280/420) and it might be very difficult to damage only the head segment, focusing it can speed up the fight tremendously. If minions are used, they should be directed to target the head at all times.
  • Using a Gravitation Potion can help avoid contact with The Destroyer by hovering just above it.
  • Probes should be taken out as soon as possible, since they may greatly interfere with the fight and additionally serve as a steady source of Hearts (50% drop rate).
  • Using the minimap to see where The Destroyer will surface can greatly help with dodging.
  • Farming The Destroyer is a quick method for making money, as its drops can be used to craft multiple Light Discs, which sell for 15 GC each.


  • With 280 / 420 damage, The Destroyer's head has the third-highest damage of any boss in Expert(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) and Master Mode(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). It is second only to the Moon Lord's(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions) Phantasmal Deathray and the enraged Empress of Light(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions). In Master Mode, it can kill players who have no defense enhancements and no Life Fruit health increases in one hit.
  • Assuming that the player is at 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) in terms of height, The Destroyer would be about 152.47 yards (139.42 m) long.
  • The Destroyer has the most total health of any boss except the Moon Lord. It still has the largest single health bar, as the Moon Lord's total health is the combination of all its body parts, and the Moon Lord's parts all have lower individual health than The Destroyer.
    • This makes The Destroyer a useful target for testing DPS on higher-tier Hardmode weapons with secondary effects that do not work on Target Dummies, like the Phantasm(Desktop, Console and Mobile versions).
    • In Classic worlds, The Destroyer has 10 times as much health as the Wall of Flesh.
  • The Destroyer has many small metal devices jutting out of it that can resemble centipede-like legs or wheels, which might explain its ability to move freely within blocks.
  • Despite the status message saying "You feel vibrations from deep below...", it does not spawn when the player is underground. However, it seems to appear from underground.
  • Some teasers for the Mobile version Mobile version release included The Destroyer having blue-lit segments instead of red.
  • Terraria lore pages – According to the Terraria lore pages, The Destroyer was one of the three mechanical recreations of Cthulhu's missing organs. In the Bestiary, it is revealed to be a simulacrum of Cthulhu's spine. Despite being heavily influenced from in design, the Eater of Worlds has no connection to Cthulhu and is not mentioned to be a former body part.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for The Destroyer: "A mechanical simulacrum of Cthulhu's spine decorated in laser-armed probes, which detach from its body when damaged."

See also


For changes which affect all the mechanical bosses, see mechanical bosses history.
  • Desktop 1.2.3:
    • Health returned to 80,000 (from 60,000). Damage and defense increased:
      • Head damage increased from 50 to 70.
      • Body damage increased from 35 to 55. Defense returned to 30 (from 26).
      • Tail damage increased from 20 to 40. Defense returned to 35 (from 30).
    • Now has a chance to drop the Destroyer Mask.
    • Drops now appear at the location of the segment that was closest to the player on defeat, instead of at the head's location.
  • Desktop 1.2:
    • Health reduced from 80,000 to 60,000. Damage and defense reduced:
      • Head damage reduced from 60 to 50.
      • Body damage reduced from 40 to 35. Defense reduced from 30 to 26.
      • Tail defense reduced from 35 to 30.
    • Now has a chance to spawn naturally at dusk with the message: "You feel vibrations from deep below...".
    • Will now drop 25–40 Souls of Might instead of 20–30.
    • Now has a chance to drop the Destroyer Trophy.
  • Console 1.0.750.0: (PlayStation 4)
    • Sprite updated to match Desktop
    • Added Expert mode drop, Mechanical Wagon Piece.
    • Can no longer be seen beneath blocks.
  • Console 1.06:
    • Health returned to 80,000 (from 60,000). Damage and defense increased:
      • Head damage increased from 50 to 70.
      • Body damage increased from 35 to 55. Defense returned to 30 (from 26).
      • Tail damage increased from 20 to 40. Defense returned to 35 (from 30).
    • Now has a chance to drop the Destroyer Mask.
    • Drops now appear at the location of the segment that was closest to the player on defeat, instead of at the head's location.
  • Console 1.02:
    • Health reduced from 80,000 to 60,000. Damage and defense reduced:
      • Head damage reduced from 60 to 50.
      • Body damage reduced from 40 to 35. Defense reduced from 30 to 26.
      • Tail defense reduced from 35 to 30.
    • Now has a chance to spawn naturally at dusk.
    • Will now drop 25–40 Souls of Might instead of 20–30.
    • Now has a chance to drop the Destroyer Trophy.
    • Now immune to all debuffs.
  • Switch 1.0.732.3: Fixed a bug where Destroyer segments were desynced for non-host players after a respawn.
  • Mobile 1.2.6508:
    • Now has a chance to spawn naturally at dusk during Hardmode.
    • Will now drop 25–40 Souls of Might instead of 20–30.
    • Now has a chance to drop the Destroyer Trophy.
    • Now immune to all debuffs.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced with changes up to Desktop 1.2.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_037_Destroyer() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method AI_005_EaterOfSouls() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method UpdateTime() in Terraria.Main.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method Damage() in Terraria.Projectile.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  5. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method GetDestroyerSegmentsCount() in Terraria.NPC.cs.